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From petrol station to multifuel energy

station: Changes in fire and explosion safety
Ragni Fjellgaard Mikalsen, Andreas Sæter Bøe,
Christoph Meraner, Reidar Stølen
RISE-report 2021:26
From petrol station to multifuel energy
station: Changes in fire and explosion safety
Ragni Fjellgaard Mikalsen, Andreas Sæter Bøe,
Christoph Meraner, Reidar Stølen

© RISE Research Institutes of Sweden


From petrol station to multifuel energy station: Changes in
fire and explosion safety
A multifuel energy station is a publicly available station which offers refueling of traditional fossil
fuels in combination with one or more alternative energy carriers, such as hydrogen or electric
power to electric vehicles. The goal of this study is to survey how the transition from traditional
petrol stations to multifuel energy stations affects the fire and explosion risk.

Relevant research publications, regulations and guidelines have been studied. Four interviews
with relevant stakeholders have been conducted, in addition to correspondence with other
stakeholders. The collected information has been used to evaluate and provide a general overview
of fire and explosion risk at multifuel energy stations. The scope of the project is limited, and
some types of fueling facilities (in conjunction with supermarkets, bus- and industrial facilities),
some types of safety challenges (intended acts of sabotage and/or terror), as well as transport of
fuel to and from the station, are not included.

Availability of different types of fuel in Norway was investigated and three types were selected
to be in focus: power for electric vehicles, gaseous hydrogen, as well as hydrogen and methane
in liquid form. The selection was based on expected future use, as well as compatibility with the
goal of the National Transport Plan that all new vehicles sold from 2025 should be zero emission
vehicles. Currently, the category zero emission vehicle includes only electric- and hydrogen

In facilities that handle flammable, self-reactive, pressurized and explosive substances there is a
risk of unwanted incidents. When facilities with hazardous substances comply with current
regulations, the risk associated with handling hazardous substances is considered not to be
significant compared to other risks in society. When new energy carriers are added, it is central
to understand how the transition from a traditional petrol station to a multifuel energy station will
change the fire and explosion risk. Factors that will have an impact include: number and type of
ignition sources, number of passenger vehicles and heavy transport vehicles at the station, amount
of flammable substances, duration of stay for visitors, complexity of the facility, size of the safety
distances, fire service’s extinguishing efforts, environmental impact, maintenance need etc. In
addition, each energy carrier entails unique scenarios.

By introducing charging stations at multifuel energy stations, additional ignition sources are
introduced compared to a traditional petrol station, since the charger itself can be considered as a
potential ignition source. The charger and connected car must be placed outside the Ex-zone in
accordance with NEK400 (processed Norwegian edition of IEC 60364 series, the CENELEC HD
60364 series and some complementary national standards), in such a way that ignition of potential
leaks from fossil fuels or other fuels under normal operation conditions is considered unlikely to
occur. A potential danger in the use of rapid charging is electric arcing, which can arise due to
poor connections and high electric effect. Electric arcs produce local hot spots, which in turn can
contribute to fire ignition. The danger of electric arcs is reduced by, among others, communication
between the vehicle and charger, which assures that no charging is taking place before
establishing good contact between the two. The communication also assures that it is not possible
to drive off with the charger still connected. There are requirements for weekly inspections of the
charger and the charging cable, which will contribute to quick discovery and subsequent repair of

© RISE Research Institutes of Sweden


faults and mechanical wear. Other safety measures to reduce risk include collision protection of
the charger, and emergency stop switches that cut the power delivery to all chargers. There is a
potential danger of personal injury by electric shock, but this is considered most relevant during
installation of the charger and can be reduced to an acceptable level by utilizing certified
personnel and limited access for unauthorized personnel. For risk assessments and risk
evaluations of each individual facility with charging stations, it is important to take into account
the added ignition sources, as well as the other mentioned factors, in addition to facility specific

Gaseous hydrogen has different characteristics than conventional fuels at a petrol station, which
affect the risk (frequency and consequence). Gaseous hydrogen is flammable, burns quickly and
may explode given the right conditions. Furthermore, the gas is stored in high pressure tanks,
producing high mechanical rupture energy, and the transport capacity of gaseous hydrogen leads
to an increased number of trucks delivering hydrogen, compared with fossil fuels. On the other
hand, gaseous hydrogen is light weight and easily rises upwards and dilute. In the case of a fire
the flame has low radiant heat and heating outside the flame itself is limited. Important safety
measures are open facilities, safe connections for high pressure fueling, and facilitate for pressure
relief in a safe direction by the use of valves and sectioning, so that the gas is led upwards in a
safe direction in case of a leakage. For risk assessments and risk evaluations of each individual
facility with gaseous hydrogen, it is important to take into account the explosion hazard, as well
as the other mentioned factors, in addition to facility specific factors.

Liquid hydrogen (LH2) and liquid methane (LNG, LBG) are stored at very low temperatures and
at a relatively low pressure. Leakages may result in cryogenic (very cold) leakages which may
lead to personal injuries and embrittlement of materials such as steels. Critical installations which
may be exposed to cryogenic leakages must be able to withstand these temperatures. In addition,
physical boundaries to limit uncontrolled spreading of leakages should be established.
Evaporation from tanks must be ventilated through safety valves. During a fire, the safety valves
must not be drenched in extinguishing water, as they may freeze and seal. Leakages of liquid
methane and liquid hydrogen will evaporate and form flammable and explosive gas clouds. Liquid
hydrogen is kept at such a low temperature that uninsulated surfaces may cause air to condense
and form liquid oxygen, which may give an intense fire or explosion when reacting with organic
material. For risk assessments and risk evaluations of each individual facility with liquid hydrogen
and liquid methane, it is important to take into account the cryogenic temperatures during storage
and that it must be possible to ventilate off any gas formed by evaporation from a liquid leakage,
as well as the other mentioned factors, in addition to facility specific factors.

For the combination of more than one alternative energy carrier combined with fuels of a
conventional petrol station, two areas of challenges have been identified: area challenges and
cascading effects. Area challenges are due to the fact that risks to the surroundings must be
evaluated based on all activity in the facility. When increasing the number of fueling systems
within an area, the frequency of unwanted incidents at a given point in the facility is summarized
(simply put). If two energy carriers are placed in too close proximity to each other, the risk can
be disproportionately high. During construction, the fueling systems must be placed with
sufficient space between them. In densely populated areas, shortage of space may limit the
development. Cascading effects is a chain of events which starts small and grows larger, here due
to an incident involving one energy carrier spreading to another. This may occur due to ignited
liquid leakages which may flow to below a gas tank, or by explosion- or fire related damages to
nearby installations due to shock waves, flying debris or flames. Good technical and

© RISE Research Institutes of Sweden


organizational measures are important, such as sufficient training of personnel, follow-up and
facility inspections, especially during start-up after installing a new energy carrier. The transition
from a traditional petrol station to a multifuel energy station could not only give negative
cascading effects, since sectionalizing of energy carriers, with lower storage volume per energy
carrier, as well as physical separation between these, may give a reduction in the potential extent
of damage of each facility. Apart from area challenges and cascading effects no other
combination challenges, such a chemical interaction challenges, have been identified to
potentially affect the fire and explosion risk.

For future work it will be important to keep an eye on the development, nationally and
internationally, since it is still too early to predict which energy carriers that will be most utilized
in the future. If electric heavy transport (larger batteries and the need for fast charging with higher
effect) become more common, it will be necessary to develop a plan and evaluate the risks of
charging these at multifuel energy stations. For hydrogen there is a need for more knowledge on
how the heat of a jet fire (ignited, pressurized leakage) affects impinged objects. There is also a
general need for experimental and numerical research on liquid hydrogen and methane due to
many knowledge gaps on the topic. During operation of the facilities and through potential
unwanted incidents, new knowledge will be gained, and this knowledge must be utilized in order
to update recommendations linked to the risk of fire and explosion in multifuel energy stations.

Key words:
Multi fuel energy station, energy station, safety, fuel, DC fast charging, quick charging, rapid
charging, hydrogen, new energy carriers.

RISE Research Institutes of Sweden AB

RISE-report 2021:26
ISBN: 978-91-89385-11-5
Project number: 20415
Quality assurance: Karolina Storesund
Funded by: The Norwegian Directorate for Civil Protection (DSB)
Front page photo: Example of a multifuel energy station. Photo: Eight Inc (contacted for
permission to use)
Trondheim 2021

© RISE Research Institutes of Sweden


Abstract ........................................................................................................................................ 1
Content ......................................................................................................................................... 4
Foreword ...................................................................................................................................... 6
1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 7
1.1 Background ................................................................................................................... 7
1.2 Objectives and research questions................................................................................. 7
1.3 Limitations .................................................................................................................... 7
1.4 Method description........................................................................................................ 8
1.5 Ethical reviews .............................................................................................................. 9
1.6 Funding ......................................................................................................................... 9
1.7 Dictionary ...................................................................................................................... 9
2 System description............................................................................................................. 12
2.1 Definition energy station ............................................................................................. 12
2.2 Market participants today ............................................................................................ 13
2.3 Development and energy stations of the future ........................................................... 13
2.4 Risk acceptance criteria at facilities handling hazardous substances .......................... 16
3 Regulations and guidelines ............................................................................................... 18
3.1 Regulations .................................................................................................................. 18
3.2 Theme guides .............................................................................................................. 19
3.2.1 Theme guide on re-filling of hazardous substance .............................................. 19
3.2.2 Draft theme guide on safety distances ................................................................. 20
3.2.3 Theme guide for the use of hazardous substances part 1 – Consumer facility for
liquid and gaseous fuels ...................................................................................................... 20
4 Energy carriers one-by-one .............................................................................................. 21
4.1 Diesel and petrol.......................................................................................................... 21
4.1.1 Background information and existing facilities .................................................. 21
4.1.2 Properties and risks associated with the energy carrier ....................................... 21
4.1.3 Incidents .............................................................................................................. 22
4.1.4 Existing recommendations .................................................................................. 22
4.1.5 Measures and barriers.......................................................................................... 23
4.2 Power for electric vehicles .......................................................................................... 24
4.2.1 Background information and existing facilities .................................................. 24
4.2.2 Properties and risk associated with the energy carrier: ....................................... 24
4.2.3 Incidents .............................................................................................................. 26
4.2.4 Existing recommendations .................................................................................. 27

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4.2.5 Factors that change when changing from petrol station to energy station with
power for electric vehicles .................................................................................................. 27
4.2.6 Measures and barriers.......................................................................................... 29
4.3 Hydrogen in gaseous form .......................................................................................... 30
4.3.1 Background information and existing facilities .................................................. 30
4.3.2 Properties and risks associated with the energy carrier ....................................... 31
4.3.3 Incidents .............................................................................................................. 33
4.3.4 Existing recommendations .................................................................................. 35
4.3.5 Factors that change when changing from petrol station to energy station with
hydrogen in gaseous form ................................................................................................... 35
4.3.6 Measures and barriers.......................................................................................... 37
4.4 Liquid hydrogen, liquid methane (LNG, LBG) .......................................................... 38
4.4.1 Background information and existing facilities .................................................. 38
4.4.2 Properties and risks associated with the energy carrier:...................................... 38
4.4.3 Incidents .............................................................................................................. 39
4.4.4 Existing recommendations .................................................................................. 39
4.4.5 Factors that change when changing from petrol station to energy station with liquid
hydrogen or liquefied natural gas ........................................................................................ 39
4.4.6 Measures and barriers.......................................................................................... 41
4.5 Other energy carriers: ethanol, CNG, CBG, LPG ....................................................... 42
5 Risks of change from traditional petrol station to energy station................................. 43
6 Energy carriers in combination ....................................................................................... 51
6.1 Existing research literature on energy carriers in combination at energy stations ...... 51
6.2 Interactions between several energy carriers: assessment of total risk ....................... 52
7 Summary and recommended further work .................................................................... 55
8 References .......................................................................................................................... 57
Appendix A: Information sent out in advance of interviews................................................... 1

© RISE Research Institutes of Sweden


RISE Fire Research has since 2015 studied fire safety challenges related to alternative energy
carriers in vehicles. This project is funded by the Norwegian Directorate for Civil Protection
(DSB) as part of the project portfolio under the research agreement between DSB and RISE Fire

We would like to thank representatives from the industry, fire service, research institutes and
authorities who have participated in interviews and provided input for the project.

Cristina Sanfeliu Meliá has been working on her master's thesis Study and Analysis of Fire Safety
in Energy Stations in comparison with Traditional Petrol Stations at NTNU
( in parallel with the project. We would like to thank
Cristina for important input and background information.

This report is a translation of the Norwegian version of the report (RISE report 2020:11). If there
are conflicting phrasing or uncertainties, the phrasing in the Norwegian version has priority. The
scientific content of the report is updated per early 2020, as the majority of the report is prepared
in 2019 and early 2020.

Trondheim, July 2021

Dr. Ragni Fjellgaard Mikalsen

Researcher and Project Manager

© RISE Research Institutes of Sweden


1 Introduction
1.1 Background
In connection with an increasing share of the car fleet being operated by energy carriers other
than fossil fuels, a restructuring of the traditional petrol stations to become multifuel energy
stations is expected. Here, other energy carriers than petrol are also offered, such as electricity,
hydrogen in gaseous and liquid form (LH2), liquefied and compressed natural gas (LNG and
CNG). The EU Directive 2014/94/EU [1] on the establishment of infrastructure for alternative
energy carriers is helping to drive this development. In the long term, fossil fuels are expected to
be phased out.

The Norwegian Directorate for Civil Protection (DSB) has asked RISE Fire Research to study
how petrol stations need to be changed to meet future fuel demand, as well as the risks this
represents with regard to fire and explosion.

1.2 Objectives and research questions

The objective of this study is to highlight the risks that a change from petrol stations to multifuel
energy stations entails with regard to fire and explosion hazards, and which risks must be taken
into account when establishing energy stations.

1.3 Limitations
The project does not include standalone stations (not connected to petrol stations), stations that
are not publicly available (e.g. stations for fuel supply for buses or inside industrial facilities),
stations connected to facilities other than petrol stations (such as supermarkets, restaurants or the
like), or offshore/maritime facilities. However, some learning points from such facilities are
included, in cases where risk factors relevant to energy stations have been found.

Facilities with potential for major accidents 1 are not the focus of this study.

Will-created hazards (by individuals or terror) is beyond the scope of the study.

Transport of energy carriers to and from energy stations is beyond the scope of the study.

The assessment of the explosion hazard is limited to evaluating the possibility of build-up and
late ignition of a gas cloud. The explosion pressure and the consequences of an explosion have
not been assessed in detail.

These facilities are as defined in the Regulation on major accidents, Storulykkeforskriften [2]

© RISE Research Institutes of Sweden


Due to the number of energy carriers studied and the following large scope of relevant standards
and guidelines, content in each standard is not presented in detail, but an overview of relevant
standards is provided.

1.4 Method description

Literature review:

Relevant research in the field was identified through searches for publications in scientific
databases. It has also been searched for reports and other publications in other databases and
search engines on the internet that may contain relevant information.

Relevant, Norwegian regulations have been studied to provide a summary of regulations that
govern energy stations. Guidelines and standards that can be used for the design of energy stations
have also been studied.

Requests were sent out to the industry to provide access to risk assessments, either for standalone
facilities or for integrated multifuel energy stations. A total of four risk assessments were received
and reviewed, of which one was of a standalone hydrogen filling stations, and three were existing
petrol stations that were expanded to also include fast charging, or filling of hydrogen or propane.

Contact with stakeholders

The following interviews were-conducted (see Appendix A for details on the information that
was sent in advance of the interviews):

- Lloyds Register Norway: Chief Engineer, Risk Analysis of Hydrogen Stations, Interview
07.11. 2019.
- Asker and Bærum fire and rescue service: On-site chief (beredskapssjef og innsatsleder)
at the Kjørbo incident, interview 15. 11,2019.
- Drivkraft Norway: Head of Trade (fagsjef), interview 28.11. 2019.
- Circle K, senior manager for fast charging, senior specialist HSE and senior engineer,
interview 13.01. 2020

In addition, the following have provided input:

- Oslo Municipality: Mobility Advisor

- Trondheim Municipality: Advisor department climate and society
- Bergen Municipality: Advisor mobility
- ASKO Midt-Norway AS: Technical responsible, vehicles
- RISE Research Institutes of Sweden: researchers in the Scandria®2Act project
- DSB: contact persons in the project
- Trøndelag Fire and Rescue Service (TBRT)
- Norwegian Electrical Engineering Committee: Head of Trade (fagsjef).
- NELFO: Director, technical section.

© RISE Research Institutes of Sweden


Risk overview:

Based on information obtained above, the project team conducted a brainstorming around which
aspects are changed when changing from the base case of a petrol station and adding energy
carriers one at the time. This laid the foundation for a what-if analysis of risk, where it was looked
at what could go wrong in various scenarios, possible causes and possible consequences were
identified, and a qualitative assessment of the risk picture was made, where also possible risk-
reducing measures were identified. During this work, knowledge gaps were continuously
identified, where additional expertise was needed, which laid the foundation for detailed questions
in the interviews. These again gave input to the overall assessment of the risk picture.

1.5 Ethical reviews

Interviews have been conducted where different professional stakeholders have participated. The
informants are anonymized in the report, but the job title or position in the relevant organization
is stated.

1.6 Funding
The project is funded by the DSB.

1.7 Dictionary
An overview of the terms and definitions used in this report is provided in Table 1-1.

Table 1-1 Concepts and definitions used in the report

Idea Definition

Energy sources to partially replace fossil fuels and contribute to improved

Alternative environmental impact in the transport sector. Examples of alternative energy
energy carriers carriers: Electricity, hydrogen, natural gas (including CNG and LNG) and Liquid
Petroleum Gas (LPG).

Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapor Explosion. A sudden release of a large mass of

pressurized superheated liquid to the atmosphere. [3]

One or more charging points with installation for charging chargeable cars. A
Charging station charging point is a parking space or place with a connection to a charging installation
(charging post or charging box). [4] (direct translation from Norwegian)

Combustible Capable of being ignited and burned [5]

Combustion (exothermic reaction of a substance with an oxidizing agent) wave

propagating at subsonic velocity [5]

© RISE Research Institutes of Sweden


Reaction characterized by a shock wave propagating at a velocity greater than the

local speed of sound [5]

Explosion Here used about deflagration.

Area where explosive atmosphere may form in normal operation, as defined in

Ex-range/ Ex-zone
ATEX User Regulation §3.

Charging a chargeable car using a type of fast charge connector (power over 22 kW).
Fast charge connector is a collective term for various connectors specifically
Fast charge
designed for fast charging (Charging mode 4), e.g. Tesla Supercharger, CHAdeMO
and Combo. [4] (direct translation from Norwegian)

A solid, liquid or gaseous substance, mixture of substances and a substance that

occurs in combinations of such states, which, due to its flash point, contact with other
Flammable substance
substances, pressure, temperature or other chemical properties, represent a fire
(Brannfarlig stoff)
hazard. (from DSB’s unofficial translation of the Regulation on handling of
flammable, reactive and pressurized substances [6] per 16th March 2017)

Multifuel energy station/ Publicly available station where filling of traditional fossil fuels is offered in
energy station combination with one or more alternative energy carriers.

A calculated line around a facility where a defined risk is constant. This term is used
in this report about the points around a facility where the frequency is constant for a
Risk contour
person standing in the same place, around the clock for one year, to perish as a result
of an unwanted incident at the facility. [7,8] (direct translation from Norwegian)

Distance from a facility that presents a given risk based on a defined acceptance
criterion. General safety distances do not take into account factors in the
Safety distance environment that could affect the consequences of an event [7]. (direct translation
from Norwegian)
The term is used for distances on and around small and medium-sized facilities.

Person who does not visit the energy station, but who is staying nearby and may be
indirectly affected by the activity. Differs from the first person (directly involved in
activity by working at the station) and the second person (using the station). [9]
(direct translation from Norwegian)

Zone The term is used for explosive atmosphere at facilities in normal operation.

There are many different types of zones requiring special consideration (cf. §11-8 in
Zones requiring special
[10]), the one relevant here are safety, noise and hazard zones (cf. §11-8a in [10]).
The term is used for area restrictions around facilities with potential for major

© RISE Research Institutes of Sweden


Table 1-1 Abbreviations for different types of fuel mentioned in the report, based on [4].
Abbreviation Importance

"ATmosphere EXplosible". EU directives regulating the hazards

associated with explosive atmosphere.
Compressed BioGas. Methane produced from the decomposition of organic
CBG waste.

Compressed Natural Gas. Methane produced from fossil gas.


Liquified BioGas. Methane produced from the decomposition of organic waste.


LH2 - Liquid Hydrogen (H2).

LNG Liquified Natural Gas.

Liquid Petroleum Gas. Either pure propane or pure butane or a mixture of these.
LPG In Norway, LPG is essentially propane, since it has properties that are well suited
for the climate.

© RISE Research Institutes of Sweden


2 System description
2.1 Definition energy station
In this project, the term multifuel energy station is defined as follows:

Multifuel energy station: Publicly available station where filling of traditional fossil fuels is
offered in combination with one or more alternative energy carriers.

In this report, the terms multifuel energy station, and energy station (in Norwegian -
“Energistasjon”) is used interchangeably. There is no consensus on an unambiguous definition of
this term in Northern-Europa, according to Wiberg and Bremer [11]. This is because this type of
station is relatively new. In Norway there are currently few or no examples of stations with more
than one alternative energy carrier in addition to fossil fuels. In this context alternative energy
carriers are defined as energy sources or fuels to partially replace fossil fuels and contribute to
improved environmental impact in the transport sector - such as electricity, hydrogen, natural gas
(CNG and LNG) and liquid petroleum gas (LPG).

This project studies the change from a traditional petrol station (in Figure 2-1 illustrated with a
station that has a kiosk and three filling pumps) to an energy station (in Figure 2-1 one of the
filling pumps is replaced with an alternative energy carrier). There are also other areas where
alternative energy carriers are offered, such as outside restaurants and shopping centers, but this
is not in focus in this project.

Figure 2-1 Example of a petrol station, with a kiosk and some pumps for petrol or diesel. When a
petrol station is changed to be an energy station, one or more alternative energy
carriers are offered, such as fast chargers, hydrogen in gas or liquid form, liquefied
natural gas, liquefied propane or other form for energy carrier. Photo: Nora Tamba via
Pixabay, used with permission.

Here the term public available refers to publicly available stations that anyone can use. These are
typical stations along public roads or in a city center. It is not focused on areas inside industrial
areas or other restricted areas, such as bus stations or individual filling points for heavy goods

© RISE Research Institutes of Sweden


2.2 Market participants today

The different stakeholders in the market involved in various parts of the value chain of an
energy carrier is illustrated in Figure 2-2.

Figure 2-2 Stakeholders in the supply chain of energy carriers. Based on the city of Oslo’s
declarations of intent for biogas and hydrogen, made available for the project.

Examples of stakeholders within the different parts of the market for a given energy carrier:
- Suppliers/ Manufacturers: Statkraft, Uno X, VEAS, municipalities
- Energy stations: Circle K, Uno X, HyNiOn, AirLiquide, AGA
- Vehicle producers: Toyota, Hyundai, Tesla,
- Users: General population, goods transport, taxis, municipalities, municipalities, car
hire companies
- Merchandise owners and service buyers: Municipalities, VEAS, shopping centers
- Other stakeholders: Authorities, municipalities, trade organizations such as Nelfo,
Energigass Norway and Drivkraft Norway, Elbilforeningen, The Norwegian
Automobile Industry Association.

2.3 Development and energy stations of the

This section presents the distribution of different types of fuel today and how this may develop
in the future, as well as national and regional guidance that influence this. Based on this, some
energy carriers are selected as the focus in chapters 4 and 5.

Today, petrol and diesel still make up the vast majority of fuel used for road transport,
according to Statistics Norway [12]. Figure 2-3 shows the development in consumption of
conventional fuel and alternative fuel for road transport until 2018. The increase in biodiesel use
represents the largest change in the use of alternative fuels. Biogas accounted for about 2% of
the energy used for land transport in 2018 and natural gas amounted to less than 1%. Electricity
accounted for just over 1% of the energy consumption of road transport, but it must be seen in
the context of an electric car being over three times more energy efficient than a diesel car. The
use of Hydrogen as fuel is still so low that it is not included in these statistics. [12]

© RISE Research Institutes of Sweden


Figure 2-3 Consumption of fuel for road transport from 1990 to 2018, specified in 1000 tons (left
graph, English legends: Bio gas, bio ethanol, bio diesel, bio gasoline, auto diesel).
Consumption of alternative fuels for road transport from 2004 to 2018, specified in
GWh (right graph, English legends: electricity, bio gas, bio ethanol, bio diesel). Notice
different y-axis on the two graphs. The figures are taken from Statistics Norway [12].

According to the National Transport Plan 2018 - 2029, there is a goal that all new vehicles from
2025 will be zero emission vehicles [13]. This will help to change the transport sector to ensure
that a larger share in the future will be zero emission vehicles. This will in turn affect the
operation of energy stations, for example will a lower petrol/diesel consumption mean less
frequent refilling of on-site fuel storage tanks. At the same time, will the filling of zero emission
vehicles increase. Currently, only electric cars and hydrogen vehicles are defined as zero
emission vehicles, while according to the trade organization Drivkraft Norge [14] also other
energy carriers will be relevant in the future, such as LPG extracted from biomass.

The Norwegian government's action plan for alternative fuel infrastructure in the transport
sector from July 2019 [4] presents the current status of alternative energy carriers in Norway,
and the Government's planned future investments in the area. It is focused on electricity,
hydrogen, biogas and liquid biofuels. It is pointed out that the developments should be market
driven, that the state should not contribute to solutions that undermine the market, but that
Enova 2 can provide support for the establishment of projects that would not otherwise have

been realized. This is consistent with the desire of Drivkraft Norge, that political guidelines
should be technology-neutral 3 1F.

In municipalities across Norway, work is also being conducted to understand how the
development of alternative energy carriers in each region will be, so that the municipality can
facilitate increased use of renewable energy. Oslo municipality is working on declarations of
intent for biogas and for hydrogen, with the goal of facilitating "simultaneousness in the value
chain" 4. In this way, the municipality will be able to facilitate the different players in the value

chain to move to a given energy carrier at the same time, and this will ease the transition and
introduction of new technologies. In Trondheim, the engineering, design and consultancy
company Rambøll has mapped out the types of fuel, filling technology and business models that
will be relevant in the municipality in the future, based on the status as of 2018 [15]. They have

Enova shall contribute to the restructuring of energy use and energy production and is owned by the
Ministry of Climate and Environment (
According to an interview with the Head of Trade (fagsjef) at Drivkraft Norge, 28 November 2019.
Email correspondence with m1999: Oslo Municipality

© RISE Research Institutes of Sweden


looked at electricity/ fast chargers, compressed and liquid biogas, hydrogen, biodiesel,
bioethanol and a fossil reference. Their forecast shows that a strong growth in the share of
electric cars can be expected and that charging capacity should therefore be developed. Biogas
and hydrogen are the most widely used in the private sector as of 2018, such as bus companies
and the grocery wholesale company ASKO. From the consumer's perspective (emissions, noise,
fuel prices and energy use), electricity and hydrogen come out best. From the owner of the
energy station's perspective (investment and operating costs, market risk and expected vehicles)
biodiesel and fast chargers for light vehicles come out well, while hydrogen comes out worse
due to market risk compared to electric vehicles, as well as high investment and operating costs
and market risk. Bergen municipality has received a similar survey conducted by the
consultancy company Flowchange, focusing on fossil-free freight transport and fossil-free
construction operation [16].

The trade organization Drivkraft Norge organizes companies that sell liquid fuel and energy,
and they point out that it is difficult to predict the future, but believes that a variety of fuels will
be relevant for different parts of the market 5. There is a clear trend towards the renewables,

which is, for example, reflected in the fact that Drivkraft Norge changed its name from the
Norwegian Petroleum Institute in 2017 and the fact that it is now being considered to
permanently move from using the phrase petrol station to using the phrase energy station
instead. Today, the industry in Norway supplies biofuels, hydrogen, gas, charging electric cars
in addition to petrol and diesel. The use of biofuel in petrol and diesel accounted for 12% of the
total amount sold in 2018 [17]. Hydrogen technology is in development and the industry
believes that similar conditions are needed as electric cars have had in an introductory phase and
support schemes to establish filling stations. Electric car charging stations is one of the areas
where the industry sees a large and growing need, and it is desirable that energy stations can
offer charging also in the future. LPG consists of propane and butane and can be used as fuel for
vehicles. This is relatively little widespread in Norway, but is the third most widely used fuel in
the world. The industry believes that this is a fuel that is important in the transition to low
emission society and which in the long term can be mixed in biocomponents. [18]

In neighboring countries to Norway, the forecasts are similar, according to a report from the
project Scandria®2Act, where different aspects of energy stations with several different fuel types
are reviewed [19]. The main focus is on the situation in Sweden, but information is also collected
from Norway, Denmark, Finland and Germany. The report deals with hydrogen, methane,
ethanol, diesel, petrol and charging of electric vehicles. According to the report, different types
of vehicles will use different types of fuel, and energy stations will be divided into three different
categories with different types of fuel:

• Cars and small trucks will use compressed hydrogen, compressed methane or fast
• Buses will use compressed hydrogen, compressed methane, fast charging or overnight
• Heavy transport vehicles will use liquid hydrogen or methane.

According to interview with the Head of Trade (fagsjef) at Drivkraft Norge, 28 November 2019, and

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Since these three types of vehicles will not normally refuel at the same energy station, it will not
be necessary to combine all these energy carriers in the same place. Buses have available space
on the roof for storing the volume required for fuel such as compressed gas, and it is therefore
expected that buses will be able to use fuel in gaseous form. Trucks need a large amount of energy
placed in a small volume to avoid reducing load capacity. As hydrogen in liquid form has a greater
energy density per volume than hydrogen in gaseous form, heavy transport is expected to use
more liquid hydrogen than hydrogen in gaseous form, according to the study. Thus, fuel in the
form of liquid hydrogen or methane is applicable despite the fact that this probably has a higher
cost than compressed gas. [19]

Much research is now underway on the use of hydrogen in liquefied and gaseous form, for
example in the projects SH2IFT [20] and PRESLHY [21], where the aim is to study and find
documentation that could be used for safety assessments of hydrogen in liquefied and gaseous
form. Based on experience through these and other projects, our assessment is that there is still
quite some work that remains before liquid hydrogen is distributed as fuel at energy stations, but
that this is necessary in order to use hydrogen as an energy carrier with sufficient energy density
for use in heavy vehicles heavy transport.

What energy carriers will be used in the future will depend on technical and safety aspects, such
as energy density, local emissions when used, the possibility of storage under pressure, etc. It
will also largely depend on policy changes, which in turn may be guided by preferences on, for
example, CO2 emissions from fossil fuels. An example of policy changes is the reduction of
taxes and tolls, which resulted in a strong market growth for electric vehicles in Norway.
Similarly, political policies and economic incentives could influence the introduction of the
distribution of other energy carriers.

2.4 Risk acceptance criteria at facilities

handling hazardous substances
In facilities that handle flammable, self-reactive, pressurized and explosive substances there is a
risk of unwanted incidents. DSB has prepared a theme guide on acceptable risk at these types of
facilities [7]. This explains how to define what is an acceptable risk for an energy station. As a
general rule, persons should not be exposed to a significant risk from energy stations compared
with the general risk of perishing in an accident in a person's everyday life. For all accidents in
total, the number of fatalities per year is 3.72 x 10-4 and for fire this is 1.23 x 10-5, in the period
1992 – 2008 compared with the population of Norway. This gives a picture of what is the
background risk of perishing in an accident within a year and means that one person statistically
will die in an accident within 2688 years or in a fire within 81301 years.

When handling hazardous substances, there will always be a certain risk that people in the area
may perish. For this type of facility, three different zones requiring special consideration
(hensynssone) are defined. These zones are calculated from a risk contour at the outer edge of
each zone where the frequency at which someone perishes as a result of an accident at the energy
station is constant. Figure 2-4 illustrates the different zones requiring special consideration and
what may be located within each zone. The inner zone (indre hensynssone) is the facility’s area,
in which short term passing-by may occur. In the middle zone (midtre hensynssone), public roads

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and permanent work locations may be located. There should be no accommodation or housing in
this zone. In the outer zone (ytre hensynssone), dwellings, shops, small-scale accomodations may
be located. Schools, kindergartens, nursing homes, hospitals, shopping centers, hotels and large
public venues shall be located outside the outer zone. The figure also indicates the risk contours
around each zone requiring special consideration (hensynssone) [7].

Figure 2-4 Illustration of the zones requiring special consideration (hensynssone) around an
energy station and what may be located within each zones. Risk contours surround
each zone. The figure is based on Fig 1 in DSB’s theme guide [7].

In other words, these zones mean that for persons staying around the clock, all year round, on the
boundary between the inner and middle zone at the outer edge of the energy station (the risk
contour in Figure 2-4 marked as 10-5) statistically, one person will die as a result of an accident
at the station within 100 000 years.

As a starting point for quantitative risk analysis, an identification of hazards, often called HAZID,
must be carried out. This should identify the events that may occur at the facility. The various
events will be determined by the types of hazardous substances that are at the facility, the
quantities of the hazardous substances, the size of the potential emission rate that can occur and
the emission point locations at the facility. These events are further analyzed in terms of
probability and consequence to identify the overall risk to the facility. [8]

Calculation of risk contours requires detailed knowledge of the facility and error rates as well as
software for modeling the consequences of accidental incidents. The risk contours are up to the
above acceptance criteria. Calculating risk contours for energy stations is not part of the work in
this report. Furthermore, the focus will be on qualitative assessments of the risks that a change
from petrol stations to energy stations represents.

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3 Regulations and guidelines

The regulations and guidelines in this chapter are given in Norwegian, if there are conflicting
phrasing or uncertainties, the phrasing in the Norwegian version of this report has priority.

3.1 Regulations
Different parts of the regulations regulate various processes and systems related to energy
stations, and only what is found to be most relevant to this report is presented here.

Hazardous substance:

In the area of hazardous substances, these regulations are relevant for energy stations:

- Regulation on handling of flammable, reactive and pressurized substances including

requisite equipment and installations hazardous substances [6]
o Equipment, facilities and expertise shall comply with recognized norms (see
details for each energy carrier in chapter 4 of this report).
o Theme guide on re-filling of hazardous substances
- Internal Control Regulation [22]
o Responsibility distribution risk-reducing measures
- Regulation on health and safety in explosive atmospheres 6 [23]
- Regulation on pressurized equipment6 [24]

The Regulation on major accidents6 [2] is not relevant to these facilities, as the energy carrier
quantities relevant for multifuel energy stations are normally lower than the point of entry for this

For the transporters who supply fuel, the regulation for land transport of dangerous goods [25]
apply, including directive for road transport (ADR- Accord Dangereux Routier) and transport by
train (RID - International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Rail), but this is beyond the scope of
this report.


The fire service is responsible for inspections according to the Regulation on handling of
flammable, reactive and pressurized substances [6] and inspection in cases where the energy
station is defined as a specific type of fire object (særskilt brannobjekt) 7 according to § 13 of the

Fire and Explosion Protection Act [26]. According to DSB 8 there is a large variation in whether
or not this type of facility is registered as a “særskilt brannobjekt”. Registration may depend,
among other things, on whether the facility is connected with other objects, for example if they
are located near other facilities. In addition, DSB can perform inspections at energy stations, under
the Fire and Explosion Protection Act, but for this type of facility this does not occur as often as
the fire service’s inspections.

Direct translation from Norwegian
Særskilt brannobjekt: Buildings, storages, areas, tunnels, facilities etc. where a fire can result in the loss
of many lives or major damage to health, the environment or valuables.
E-mail with contact person in DSB, 05.12.2019.

© RISE Research Institutes of Sweden


Electrical installations

The Regulation on electrical companies [27] require that persons who install and maintain
electrical equipment have the right expertise. In the Regulation on low-voltage electrical systems
[28] it is described how electrical installations should be carried out. Here it is also referred to the

- NEK 400 Electric low-voltage installations 9 [29] – which describe how to install the
electrical system.
- NEK 420 Electrical installations in explosive areas9 [30] – which has detailed
requirements for the selection of equipment and installation in Ex-areas.

Explosive atmosphere

The EU has two directives regulating the hazards associated with explosive atmosphere
("ATmosphere EXplosible", ATEX): ATEX User Directive (Workplace Directive) and ATEX
Equipment Directive [31]. These deal with requirements for equipment and protection systems to
be used in potentially explosive areas. The directives have been implemented in Norwegian law,
by the Regulation on health and safety in explosive atmospheres9 [23] (which include area
classification), and the Regulation on equipment and safety system for use in explosive areas9
[32] (which is, among other things, relevant for requirements for equipment in Ex areas).

3.2 Theme guides

3.2.1 Theme guide on re-filling of hazardous substance
The theme guide on re-filling of hazardous substance9 [33] elaborates and explains regulations on
the handling of hazardous substances, and deals with, among other things, preventive safety
measures and installation requirements.

The purpose of the theme guide is: "First and foremost to provide instructions on how regulations
on handling hazardous substances can be met when it comes to requirements for engineering,
construction, production, installation, modification, repair and control of fuel facilities,
refrigeration facilities for propane bottles and bunkering of LNG." 9 [33]

The theme guide points out that controls should be carried out to ensure that the facility is suitable
for the purpose and safe. Controls should be carried out both during and after installation. The
risk at the facility shall be reduced to a level that can reasonably be achieved, and a risk assessment
shall include internal and external risks as well as unwanted intended actions. Based on the
assessment, plans shall be drawn up and measures shall be taken to reduce the risk to an acceptable
level. In addition to preparing a risk assessment, the owner is responsible for the performance of
an area classification, where explosive areas are divided into zones depending on the likelihood
of the presence of explosive atmosphere and duration. Electrical low voltage installations must
be carried out in accordance with the regulation on electric low voltage systems. By following the

Direct translation from Norwegian

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norm NEK 400, this is fulfilled. For electrical installations in explosive areas, the norm NEK 420
must be used. Building or rooms where hazardous substances are handled shall have sufficient
natural or mechanical ventilation, and rooms classified as explosive areas shall have pressure
relief surfaces. For more detailed information, please refer to the theme guide.

3.2.2 Draft theme guide on safety distances

There is now a hearing on the proposed theme guidance on safety distances for small and medium-
sized facilities where hazardous substances are handled [34]. It is based on a report by DNV GL
that has calculated risk contours for some selected types of small and medium-sized facilities [35].
The background for the theme guidance is that it can be resource-intensive for small and medium-
sized facilities to perform quantitative risk assessments (QRA) for each facility. The purpose of
the theme guide is to establish pre-accepted distances for the inner, middle and outer zones
requiring special consideration (hensynssone) that may be used. The use of pre-accepted distances
will typically be applicable where there is a relatively long distance to surrounding buildings and
other relevant objects. If a facility can not fit the pre-acceptance distances, detailed analyses will
have to be carried out for the facility in question and possibly put in place measures that
adequately reduce the risk and distances.

3.2.3 Theme guide for the use of hazardous substances

part 1 – Consumer facility for liquid and gaseous fuels
Part 1 of the Theme guide on the use of hazardous substance [36] aims to "elaborate on the
requirements of the regulation and propose technical solutions when designing consumer
facilities for liquid and gaseous fuels (...)" 10.

This will be relevant for both new installations, operation, modifications and maintenance, so that
one may "maintain a safe workmanship to protect life, health, the environment and material
values from incidents and accidents".

The parts of the theme guide relevant to this project overlap somewhat with the already mentioned
theme guides.

Direct translation from Norwegian

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4 Energy carriers one-by-one

In this chapter, various energy carriers will be presented, a brief overview is given of their
properties relevant to fire and explosion safety, of risks associated with the energy carrier, and
relevant, existing recommendations for measures and barriers. It is focused on the changed risk
when changing from a traditional petrol station to an energy station with one additional energy

4.1 Diesel and petrol

4.1.1 Background information and existing facilities
Ever since the arrival of cars in Norway petrol stations has been where fuel is distributed -and
petrol stations have been built evenly across the country so that you don't have to risk running out
of petrol or diesel when you're out driving. According to statistics from the trade organization
Drivkraft Norge, there are about 1,800 petrol stations in Norway [37].

The consumption of fuel for road transport in Norway is mainly petrol and diesel. Biodiesel and
bioethanol are mixed into diesel and gasoline and accounted for 12% of total volume in 2018,
most of the meddling is biodiesel (89%) [12]. Liquid biofuels are considered climate neutral [4].

4.1.2 Properties and risks associated with the energy

According to Circle K, there is extensive experience in handling petrol and diesel over the years,
and there are now good routines and procedures for operating a petrol station. This includes all
processes taking place at a petrol station, including refueling for ordinary vehicles and re-fueling
tanks underground. The good procedures have contributed to the fact that there have only been
minor incidents at petrol stations in Norway (see chapter 4.1.3).

Risks associated with gasoline and diesel are linked to their properties as flammable liquids. Petrol
has a lower flash point than diesel, and is thus both easier to ignite and evaporates more easily.
Under normal outdoor temperatures, petrol may evaporate and the vapor may form a flammable
cloud, while this will not be the case for diesel. The petrol vapor is heavier than air and will be
able to spread along the ground and accumulate in recesses in the terrain [19].

Another danger of petrol and diesel is related to spills, which allows a fire to initiate some distance
away from the leak point. In 2012, 3,000 liters of petrol were spilled from a tanker vehicle in
connection with filling [38], without the petrol being ignited. Such a scenario, of course, has a
huge damage potential. Here it is worth noting that whether a station or an area is Ex-safe says
nothing about the possibility that fuel could flow away and end up outside the zone classified

According to Circle K, the greatest risk is associated with soil contamination due to minor spills
that occur in connection with filling.

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4.1.3 Incidents
Through news searches in Norway, as well as conversation with a fire service employee, we have
not come across examples of serious fire incidents at petrol stations. Most of the news stories
about a fire at a petrol station are less serious incidents that have been dealt with quickly by the
fire service. There are examples of small [39] and large [38] loss of containment of petrol and
diesel but without fire ignition, and examples where a fire is deliberately started [40], a fire in a
car wash [41] and a fire in a residential home above a petrol station [42].

It has also occurred that cars have driven off with the filling hose connected, but without this
leading to serious incidents 11

4.1.4 Existing recommendations

Regulations and guidelines presented in Chapter 3, including the Health and Safety Regulation in
explosive atmospheres [23] apply.

An example of area classification for a petrol station with gas return, and sizes of different zones
are given in Figure 4-1. A more detailed description of the different zones is given in Table 4-1.
A similar figure is shown in appendix to theme guidance on re-filling of hazardous substances
[33]. More information on existing recommendations for petrol stations based on relevant laws
and regulations is detailed in themed guides from DSB, as described in chapter 3.

Figure 4-1 The principle of area classification for a petrol station with gas return. Key terms
translated from Norwegian: zone explanation (soneforklaring), gas group (gassgruppe),
ignition temperature (tenntemp), vent duct gasoline tanks (lufterør bensintanker), tank

Interview with the on-site chief (beredskapssjef og innsatsleder) at the incident from Asker and Bærum
fire and rescue service, 15.11.2019

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refill (tankpåfylling), alternative 2: vent duct opening (alternativ 2: lufterøråpning). Made

available by the DSB [43].

Table 4-1 Zone description for zones specified in Figure 4-1, translated from Norwegian. Made
available by the DSB [43].

Zone 0 Area where explosive atmosphere occurs continuously or for long periods of time.

Areas where there occasionally must be presumed to be an explosive atmosphere

Zone 1
during normal operating conditions.

Areas where explosive atmosphere may occur under normal operating conditions, but
Zone 2
then only exceptionally and short-lived.

Safety zone 12: Min. distance to neighboring border, public transport line, ignition source,
combustible building/storage, opening in walls as window/door etc..

4.1.5 Measures and barriers

One of the most important measures to reduce the risk of fire and explosion in the storage of petrol
and diesel is that the storage tanks are place underground, and the risk of damage to the tank and
large leaks is thus significantly reduced.

Any electric low voltage installations on the site should be carried out in accordance with the
Regulation on low-voltage electrical systems [28]. To meet the safety requirements, the regulation
refer to recognized norms. In general, this is the norm NEK 400 Electric low-voltage
installations [29], and for facilities in zone-classified areas: the norm NEK 420 - Electrical
installations in explosive areas [30]. Electrical equipment must meet the requirements of the
Regulation on electrical equipment [44].

The Regulation on handling of flammable, reactive and pressurized substances [6] is elaborated
in theme guide about the re-filling of hazardous substances [33] and sets a number of premises to
safeguard values and personal safety at existing petrol stations. Among other things, area
restrictions and safety of third-parties shall be determined through a risk assessment. Examples
of area restrictions is that property development nearby the facility, such as dwellings, communal
halls, hospitals, schools etc., may be forbidden. All tanks and piping systems at the facility should
be tested and checked through pressure and leakage testing after they are installed and before they
are covered/buried. Such a functional test shall take place in normal operating conditions and
verify that the facility is satisfactory for all relevant conditions. Functional testing will also ensure
that the facility has no leaks, and that all associated components such as valves, regulators etc.

The term safety zone (sikkerhetssone) is a term that the DSB has stopped using today. The term “zone
requiring special consideration” (hensynssone) is used on area restrictions around facilities with potential
of major accidents; "safety distances" (sikkerhetsavstander) are used for distances at and around small and
medium-sized facilities; "zones" (soner) are used for explosive atmospheres at facilities in normal
operation. This is according to email correspondence with the contact person in the DSB.

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Another safety measure is the emergency stop switch 13 which closes the power supply to all fuel

pumps. This measure is designed to stop a leak from a fuel pump.

Measures such as detection, alarms, automatic shutdown due to alarm or error message, closing
valves with short closing time and thorough testing of safety mechanisms are all relevant for
petrol stations with diesel and gasoline, and also for energy stations with one or more additional
energy carriers. These measures are described in the following sections.

4.2 Power for electric vehicles

4.2.1 Background information and existing facilities
At the end of June 2019, 231 000 electric passenger cars and 6 500 electric vans were registered
in Norway [45], and the number is expected to increase in the years to come. This is due to a
number of favorable incentives and broad political consensus to facilitate an increased share of
electric cars. In the National Transport Plan 2018-2029 [13] the following aims are established:

• New passenger cars and light vans should be zero-emission vehicles in 2025.
• New city buses should be zero-emission vehicles or use biogas in 2025.
• By 2030, new heavier vans, 75% of new long-haul buses and 50% of new trucks
should be zero-emission vehicles.

With an increased share of electric cars, there is also an increased need for fast chargers along the
road network.

The Norwegian electric car association (Elbilforeningen) estimates a need for 1200 new fast
chargers each year until 2025. To date, a charging power of 50 kW has been the standard for DC
fast charging, but more and more fast charge operators are establishing even faster chargers
(charging power of 150 kW or more). The mean power at fast charging in 2017 was 30.5 kW. Of
the fast charging stations registered in the NOBIL charging station database, approximately 35%
are located at shops/shopping centers, 30% located along the street, 20% at the petrol station and
15% other [45]. Fast charging differs from normal charging 14 (typically used for home charging)

which has a maximum power of 22 kW [4].

4.2.2 Properties and risk associated with the energy

The greatest risk of high-power charging is the risk of electric arcs. An arc occurs when the
electrical voltage between two points is higher than the breakdown voltage of the intermediate
material (normally air) [46]. An arc will create a local very hot point and can lead to fire. In

Interview with senior head of fast charging, senior specialist HSE and senior engineer from Circle K,
Normal charging: Charging a chargeable car using an electric car socket (power up to 22 kW). Electric
car connector (type 2 connector) is a standard connector for charging a chargeable car (charging mode
3/English: Mode-3). [4]

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general, the risk increases with higher charging current and power 15. By introducing fast charging,

a new arc source is simultaneously introduced. The probability of an arc occurring is therefore
considered to be higher relative to if the fast charger was not present. At the same time, it can be
argued that the probability of emissions of petrol and diesel is reduced by fewer people filling up
their cars, and there will be fewer deliveries of petrol/diesel to the station.

Improper installation, poor maintenance or improper use may cause a fire in connection with a
charging station. As there is communication between the charger and the electric car, charging
will not be initiated until the charging plug is properly inserted into the socket, or if it detects
faults on either the car or charger. In addition, it should not be possible to drive off with the
charging cable connected. These measures help to reduce the risk of an arc occurring, wear and
tear of cable, and prevent improper charging.

In another project for DSB [47] the risk of charging electric cars has been investigated, and the
conclusion is that as long as the electrical system attached to the charger is dimensioned and
installed correctly, there is no basis for claiming that the fire hazard increases during charging.

An important element that distinguishes the risk of fast charging from the other energy carriers is
their role in the fire triangle. In the case of liquid or gas, an incident is caused by a leakage or a
spill of flammable liquid or gas, and an ignition source is required. For a fast charger, it is not
flammable substances that is astray, but on the other hand the ignition source (arc). Whether a fire
occurs, and how large the fire becomes, will then depend on whether there is combustible
materials or flammable substances near where the arc occurs, and the amount of it. The
development of a fire that occurs as a result of an arc will vary depending on what combustible
materials that are present nearby. However, it is likely that such a fire will not develop as quickly
as if it starts to burn in a flammable liquid such as petrol and diesel.

If an arc occurs that causes a fire in the electric car that is charging, this does not mean that the
battery in the car has started to burn. If the battery is not involved in the fire, the fire can be
extinguished in the same way as a petrol or diesel car. If the battery starts to burn, it must be
expected to take longer time and more water before the fire is completely extinguished, and there
may be a need to monitor battery temperatures a while after the fire is considered extinguished.

The most serious incident is considered to be a fire in a large stationary lithium-ion battery (if
there is such a devise associated with the fast charger), as this battery will contain much more
energy than one single electrical vehicle, and it can be challenging to put out a fire in lithium-ion
batteries [48]. It will likely require large amounts of extinguishing water, and firefighters will
potentially be exposed to hydrofluoric acid gas. It is uncertain to what extent a sprinkler
extinguishing system will be able to put out such a fire. When testing at FM Global [49] the
sprinkler system dampened the fire, but as the water did not enter where it was needed the most,
the fire was not extinguished.

Table 4-2 shows a selection of events that may occur in connection with the establishment of a
fast charging station at the existing petrol station as well as the probability and consequence of
these events. The information is based on input from Circle K 16 10F.

E-mail correspondence with contact person in DSB, 25.10.2019
Interview with senior manager for fast charging, senior specialist HSE and senior engineer at
Circle K, 13.01.2020.

© RISE Research Institutes of Sweden


Table 4-2 A selection of potential incidents related to the establishment of a fast charger at the
existing petrol station. The probability is: 1 (imaginable), 2 (has happened), 3 (has
occurred several times). The consequence is: 1 (transient injury), 2 (permanent injury),
3 (death). 17
Probability (P) and
Event Risk-reducing measure 18
consequence (C)

The installer shall be certified

Personal injury to the user or electrician P:1
and the area shall be limited to
in connection with installation C:3 certified personnel

Personal injury or damage to a car due P:2 Secure position of charger in

to other traffic C:2 relation to entrance of cars

Fire in electric car during charging, or P:2 The fire service will deal with
when it is parked C:1 such an incident

Damage to charger as a result of car P:1 Should in principle not happen

driving off with the charging cable due to communication between
connected C:1 car and charger

Collision protection in front of

P:2 chargers. Chargers are equipped
Damage to charger due to collision
C:2 with fuses that cut the power
when a short circuit occur.

Fire or explosion in charger due to P: 1 Good contract on the service of

technical fault or use of not authorized the chargers as well as spare
components and spare parts. S:3 parts.

Circle K 19 also believes that there is less risk at their stations because they are used to assessing

and managing risk, as opposed to the situation at, for example, charging stations adjacent to
shopping centers etc.

4.2.3 Incidents
Despite the fact that a large proportion of all vehicles in Norway are electric cars, there have not
been many fires in electric cars, and only one fire is recorded where an electric car was rapidly
charged [47]. Among a review of fires in electric cars internationally, only 2 incidents have been
reported where they were connected to a fast charger [50].

The information in the table is based on input from Circle K.
RISE has made the text more general. For more detailed information please refer to Circle K.
Interview with senior manager for fast charging, senior specialist HSE and senior engineer at
Circle K, 13.01.2020.

© RISE Research Institutes of Sweden


One case where a fire started while charging was in 2016 when a Tesla started burning while it
was connected to a 120 kW fast charger. During charging, a component of the charging circuit in
the car broke down, causing an arc (~3000 °C) to cut into the battery, initiating an uncontrolled
heat development, a so-called thermal runaway, in the battery. In the aftermath of this fire, Tesla
has made improvements to avoid similar failures in the future 20 13F.

According to Tesla [51], a Tesla vehicle has burned for every 274 million drove km, while regular
vehicles burn for every 31 million drove km. This comparison does not take into account that the
average age of a Tesla is significantly lower than the average age of ordinary vehicles.
Nevertheless, it gives an indication that it is not to expect that a fire will occur more frequently
than in another vehicle.

4.2.4 Existing recommendations

DSB has issued a guide on safe charging of an electric vehicle [52], accompanied by a technical
guide on planning and engineering of charging installations for charging of electric cars [53].
The technical guide was made jointly by the DSB, Elbilforeningen, NELFO and the Norwegian
Electrical Committee.

In the latest release (4th edition 2015) the following reads: "A charging station must be at least
10 meters from all Ex zones". According to the editor 21 this distance was chosen so that the car

+ charging cable should not be able to be within an Ex zone. The guide has not been updated after
the new edition of NEK 400 (2018) [29], but the next edition will be in agreement with NEK 400,
which sets the following premises for distance between the charging station and the Ex zone:

NEK 400 (2018)

722.55.305.2 «Charging stations must be located at a distance from any Ex zone so that
vehicles being charged are not in an Ex zone.» (direct translation from Norwegian)

4.2.5 Factors that change when changing from petrol

station to energy station with power for electric vehicles
Ignition sources: The charger with its electrical equipment will in itself constitute a potential
source of ignition. The charging station should be located outside the Ex zone, according to NEK
400 [29]. The Ex zones deal with any leaks that are part of normal operation. If an emission result
in a large cloud of or flammable gas, this will extend outside the defined Ex zone, thus the
charging station will be a potential source of ignition.

Number of passenger vehicles: The number of cars visiting the station depends mainly on two
things; the range of the car, and what other options for charging there are. For an electric car, the

E-mail correspondence with contact person in DSB, 25.10.2019
Email correspondence with editor of NEK 400 – 16.09.2019.

© RISE Research Institutes of Sweden


range per charging is generally less than for a fully refueled petrol/diesel car. At the same time,
there are many electric vehicles being charged at home, and there are many separate fast-charging
stations. Given that a petrol/diesel car is replaced by an electric car, it is therefore expected that
the number of passenger vehicles visiting a station is most likely to decrease. If the need for
charging is greater than the capacity of the station, a charging queue may occur, which could lead
to an increase in the number of vehicles and people present at the station.

The number of heavy goods vehicles for the delivery of the energy carrier: A fast charging
station does not depend on refills from a tanker, unlike a petrol/diesel pump. It is therefore
estimated that there will be fewer tankers stopping at the station.

The number of heavy goods vehicles for the purchase of the energy carrier: If electric trucks
become common, these will probably have very large batteries. These will likely have their own
fast chargers with greater effect than today's fast chargers for passenger cars. In addition, todays
charging stations are adapted to the physical size of private cars. An electric truck will require
greater physical space, and parts of the truck may then appear within the defined Ex zone (see
ignition sources above). This means that today's charging stations for fast chargers are not
necessarily adapted to the electric trucks of the future.

Quantity of flammable substance: The amount of flammable substance present is likely to be

unchanged, as the fast charging station itself does not provide much extra fuel load. The stock of
petrol/diesel is likely to be the same at any given time, but the filling interval of the tanks is likely
to be increased. The battery in the electric car itself can burn, but the amount of energy is no
greater than the amount of energy contained in a petrol/diesel tank.

However, if there is a large buffer battery in connection with the fast charging station, this may
increase the amount of fuel load.

Retention period of visitors: Charging an electric car takes longer time than filling a petrol/diesel
car, and a queue formation at the chargers is more likely. These two effects contribute to that
visitors will tend to stay longer at the station.

Unique scenarios for the energy carrier: With high power fast chargers, an arc may potentially
occur. This is a scenario not expected by the other energy carriers. In the case of diesel/petrol etc.,
there is a risk that the fire will move many meters away from its original position e.g. in case of
leakage. This will not happen with electricity as an energy carrier. An explosion is also not
expected as the fast charger is located outdoors, and any non-ignited or flammable gases will have
little possibility of accumulating.

Complexity of the facility (joints, couplings etc.): The electrical power system must be
dimensioned according to the power of the fast chargers. Beyond this, there are no changes.

Number of third-parties/ size of safety distances: The number of third parties or the size of
safety distances is not expected to change.

Other additional installations that may affect safety: Adding a buffer battery may alter the risk
image somewhat, as a fire in it may take a long time to extinguish, but also produce large amounts
of smoke. It may also be appropriate to install a solar system that charges the buffer battery. In
this case, fire risk associated with the solar installations, and any interactions with extinguishing
systems, must be considered in addition.

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Fire department’s extinguishing effort: A battery fire can be challenging to extinguish, and in
the past, it has been questions 22 about whether conventional fire clothing is sufficient to protect

against all types of gases that may occur in the event of a battery fire.

External fire – possibility of escalation: It is not expected that an external fire will be heavily
escalated due to the presence of a fast charging station. This is partly due to the fact that there is
no liquid or gas that has the ability to move. If a buffer battery has been established in connection
with the facility, this should have sufficient distance from flammable substances, such as vehicles,
to prevent an external fire from spreading to the buffer battery.

Environmental impact: A battery fire may require large amounts of water. Having a plan for
where this water will end up makes sense. However, this is something that is recommended for
all types of fires and is therefore considered no change.

Increased maintenance (risk of installation errors): There will be a need for weekly inspection
of the connection line etc. Unlike with a diesel/petrol hose, it should not be possible to drive off
with a charging cable still connected to the electric car. This can help reduce wear and
maintenance at the charging station.

Other (not fire related, economy, health etc.) that is affected: Need for increased power
capacity, this may require an infrastructure upgrade. Electricity does not cause evaporation during
filling as opposed to petrol/diesel, and fewer cars will idle in the area. This can provide marginally
better conditions regarding health/working environment.

4.2.6 Measures and barriers

The standards under which the facilities are built provide details of measures and barriers found
at the facilities, see section 4.2.4.

For fast chargers, weekly visual inspection of the charging station and plug should be carried out,
and an annually expert inspection 23. This should reveal wear, weaknesses and the need for

replacements. In addition, there are safety features built into the charging station that should check
that everything is in order. The DSB 24 is aware of some incidents where motorists have attempted
to pull the charging cable over the roof to reach the charging socket of the car. Such behavior
naturally creates wear and tear on wire and should be avoided.

Fast chargers follow a communication protocol with the car, and if faults are registered in either
the car's system to receive charging, or the fast charger system to give up power, charging will
not be initiated or stopped. This is a barrier that helps protect the battery from improper charging,
reduces the risk of arc, and helps reduce fire risk. In addition, it is not possible to drive off with
the car as long as the charging cable is connected. This eliminates the risk of running off with the

In normal operation, there should be no risk that a fast charger may act as a source of ignition to
flammable liquid or gas, as there is a requirement that "Charging stations should be located at a

Dialogue with the employee in Trøndelag Fire and Rescue Service (TBRT) – 28.11.2019
E-mail correspondence with contact person in DSB, 25.10.2019
E-mail correspondence with contact person in DSB, 25.10.2019

© RISE Research Institutes of Sweden


distance from any Ex zone so that vehicles charging are not in an Ex zone.» 25 [29]. In the event
of an accident (leak), however, there may be a risk of this.

Below are measures and barriers that Circle K 18F

has established in connection with its charging

• Circle K has, on its own initiative, established a manual emergency stop switch that shuts
down the power on all the charging stations. Such a switch will create predictability for
firefighters in the event of a fire of an electric vehicle being charged. Such a switch is not
currently available at all stations but will be in the future.
• A physical collision protection has also been installed around their charging stations to
make them less vulnerable to direct collision. There has also been established a snow
clearing instructions that provides instructions on how to drive near charging stations, to
reduce the risk of the charger being hit by the plow truck, and to avoid splashing water,
gravel and snow on the chargers.
• Employees have been trained to use fire extinguishers, but in case of fire in a charger or
an electric car, the employees are instructed to call the fire brigade without attempting to
put out the fire themselves.
• Circle K has routines for visual checking, cleaning chargers, logging and reporting error

If a large stationary buffer battery is established in connection with the fast charger, our
assessment is that this should be at a distance from flammable substances so that an external fire
(fire in a vehicle) cannot spread to the buffer battery. The battery should have been checked in a
variety of safety tests, and have a design that prevents the escalation of a fire occurring in a battery
cell. Automatic extinguishing systems that both reduce the risk of spread from the inner and outer
sources of fire should be considered.

4.3 Hydrogen in gaseous form

4.3.1 Background information and existing facilities
A station with gaseous hydrogen can either have deliveries of hydrogen transported to the site, or
have on-site hydrogen production. The cars use the hydrogen gas to produce electricity in a fuel-
cell. The power is stored in a battery and operates an electric motor in the same way as an electric
battery car. The battery in a hydrogen car is only used for intermediate storage of power from the
fuel-cell and from regenerative braking.

Publicly available filling stations shall be built and checked in accordance with the requirements
of the Regulation on handling of flammable, reactive and pressurized substances [6] and the
Regulation on pressurized equipment [24]. In cases where this has not been documented, the DSB
may issue closures.

Direct translation from Norwegian
Interview with senior head of fast charging, senior specialist HSE and senior head of Circle K,13.01.2020.

© RISE Research Institutes of Sweden


There are a few publicly available filling stations for hydrogen, see an overview in Table 4-3. Not
all are open, publicly available filling stations. In addition, there is a filling station in operation
for the transport company Ruter's hydrogen buses in Oslo.

Table 4-3 Overview of hydrogen filling stations in Norway as of February 2020 [54–57].
Place Company Available for*

Høvik, Oslo Hynion The public

Hynion The public

Uno-X The public

Gardermoen Hynion The public

Uno-X The public

Air Liquide The transport company Ruter’s 5 hydrogen buses

Rosten, The grocery wholesale company ASKO’s forklifts and trucks, as

Trondheim well as passenger cars. Not publicly available.

Ife Test station

Uno-X The public

* Not all are open as of 2020

4.3.2 Properties and risks associated with the energy

Hydrogen has some unique properties compared with other flammable gases. One of the most
important properties in terms of fire and explosion hazard is the ignition energy of 0.017 mJ and
the wide flammability range 27, with the lower flammability limit 28 of 4 volume% and the upper

flammability limit of 75 volume%, making hydrogen easy 29 to ignite. Flammability limits will
also affect the proportion of a gas cloud that can burn and thereby also affect the overpressure of
an explosion. The pressure and intensity of a hydrogen explosion or -fire will also be affected by
hydrogen's high energy density (heat of combustion 119.9 MJ/kg) and flame speed (laminar flame

Flammability range: The range between the lower and upper flammability limit.
Lower/ upper flammability limit: lowest/highest concentration of fuel vapor in air above and below which
propagation of a flame will not occur in the presence of an ignition source [5].
After ISO/TR 15916 at 20°C and under atmospheric pressure.

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spread rate of 2.91 m/s [58]) leading to a more intense combustion process and thus also greater
hazard of a so-called deflagration detonation transition (DDT).

Both thermal and mass diffusion of hydrogen is much higher than that of other gases. Hydrogen
is also the lightest of all gases, with a density of 0.08 kg/m3, which causes hydrogen to rise rapidly
upwards. Indoors, the gas will therefore be collected under the roof. Outdoor leaks will quickly
dilute, due to high diffusivity, and for small leaks this can reduce the risk of ignition.

A pure hydrogen-air flame burns without forming soot, which leads to low thermal radiation and
thus reduced risk of radiation damage, compared with other flames. Since, among other things,
the energy is not "drained" via radiation, the flame temperature is higher than for other gas flames.
A pure hydrogen-air flame can additionally be difficult to detect visually. However, in a realistic
scenario, other materials will most likely also contribute to the flame and likely increase the
radiation and make the flame visible.

In a report that DNV GL has prepared for DSB, leak rates for different types of fuel systems are
estimated [35]. The total leak rate depends, among other things, on facility design, such as the
number of connectors and components. Figure 4-2 shows leakage frequencies for a gaseous
hydrogen facility compared to leakage frequencies for an over-ground filling facility for gasoline
and diesel, as well as a liquefied natural gas (LNG) facility, to provide a rough overview of the
difference in the order of magnitude for leakage frequencies. Please note that this is based on a
selection of representative facilities and that underground facilities for petrol and diesel are not
presented. We expect overground facilities to have at least as high leakage frequencies as a typical
underground system. In other words, there is a significantly higher leak rate for hydrogen in
gaseous form, compared to petrol and diesel.

Leakage frequency (leakages per facility per yr)










Hydrogen gas Gasoline/ Diesel LNG

Large Medium Small

Figure 4-2 Leakage frequencies for filling facilities with hydrogen in gaseous form, liquefied
natural gas (LNG) compared with an overground filling facility for gasoline and diesel.
The leakage frequencies is set to Large, Medium, and Small. Data is taken from DNV
GL's report; data for hydrogen from table 3-1 in their Appendix 6, data for petrol and
diesel from Table 3-1 in their Appendix 7 and data for LNG from Table 3-1 in their
Appendix 4 [35].

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A risk analysis done for one of Circle K's filling stations with both petrol/diesel, hydrogen and
fast charging has been made available for the project [59]. Please note that this is from 2012, so
specific distances and assessments are for information and not for use in new risk assessments. It
is also noted that the use of hydrogen at the station is currently discontinued due to market
economic considerations. Some points from the risk assessment will still be presented here, as
this is one of the few stations where a risk assessment has been made based on petrol/diesel in
combination with more than one alternative energy carrier. The risk assessment concludes that
the risk to the facility is acceptable with a distance of 6 meters between the fast charger and the
hydrogen facility. The fast charger must be considered a potential ignition source of hydrogen gas
in the event of a leak, but it has been considered that the leak scenarios for this hydrogen facility
cannot reach the fast charger. Other ignition sources, such as passing cars and road lighting, are
considered to be more likely than the fast charger. An ignited large leak of 1 kg/s from the
hydrogen facility has been stipulated to provide over 13 kW/m2 heat radiation at the fast charger
and give 23 meters as the distance of danger for outdoor personnel. However, the risk of this
incident is considered to be low. If an electric car is to catch fire while charging or another car
outside the hydrogen facility, it is not considered realistic that this should cause the hydrogen
pressure bottles to heat up sufficiently to burst. All in all, the risk analysis concludes that there is
little interaction between the fast charger and the hydrogen facility when there is 6 meters distance
between these. None of the unwanted incidents from the fast charger are considered to be able to
escalate into the hydrogen facility. The potential for unwanted events at the hydrogen facility can
give hazardous pressure waves and high heat radiation in the area where the fast charger is located.
The fast charger will increase the retention period of visitors in this area, but the overall risk is
not considered to be significantly affected by this.

4.3.3 Incidents
Hydrogen explosion at Uno-X station in Sandvika

On June 10th 2019, a hydrogen leak from a high-pressure hydrogen tank at a hydrogen station
belonging to Uno-X in Sandvika (Kjørboveien 1) occurred, which led to an explosion and a
subsequent fire (Figure 4-3). An evaluation after the incident concluded that two bolts had been
tightened to too loosely, which led to hydrogen leak 30. However, the source of the ignition is not

yet publicly known. The explosion led, among other things, to parts of the wall around the facility
being thrown over a walk- and cycle way and into a roundabout, according to drone images from
NRK [60].

An interview has been conducted 31 with the on-site chief (beredskapssjef og innsatsleder) from
Asker and Bærum fire and rescue service on the fire service’s experiences from the incident.
When the fire service arrived at the scene, after a while it became clear that this was not caused
by an intentional act and that there were no injured people in the area. After this was established,
an exclusion area of 200 meters from the explosion was established for emergency personnel and
a safety distance of 500 meters for others. A 100 meters recommended safety distance was listed

Based on the press conference from Nel, 28.06.2019, Oslo and
regarding-the-kjorbo-incident/ (04.10.2019).
Interview with the on-site chief (beredskapssjef og innsatsleder) from Asker and Bærum fire and rescue
service, 15.11.2019

© RISE Research Institutes of Sweden


in the database for hazardous substances, but due to several unsolved conditions this was
increased to 500 meters. This distance meant that the E18 road had to be closed. The hydrogen
gas was allowed to burn out, and an extinguishing robot and water cannon were used from a ladder
truck to cool surrounding objects. The fire service received good support from both the owners
and the contractor of the station during the extinguishing effort which lasted about 3 hours. After
it was verified that the tanks had been emptied of hydrogen, the safety distance was lifted, and
traffic resumed. Two people were sent to check at the emergency room, but the incident did not
result in any injury.

In a report on safety distances at facilities with hazardous substances [35], a given prerequisite is
that hydrogen filling stations are encircled by a 4 m high fence intended to limit the extent of a
horizontal jet fire (ignited leakage of pressurized, flammable liquid or gas [61]) from the facility.
Another prerequisite is that the wall remains intact and does not form projectiles in the event of
an explosion. The incident at Kjørbo shows that it is important that such a wall around the facility
is built in a way that it can withstand the stresses it can be exposed to in the event of an explosion
and that no loose parts of the wall can be blown away and hit people outside the facility.

Figure 4-3 Uno-X hydrogen filling facility after the explosion on June 10th 2019. The fire
department's drone images show temperature profiles inside the facility during
extinguishing efforts. Photos: Asker and Bærum fire and rescue service, with

© RISE Research Institutes of Sweden


4.3.4 Existing recommendations

Regulations and guidelines presented in chapter 3 apply, and there are some special factors that
need to be taken into account when using hydrogen at an energy station.

Some standards that apply to hydrogen stations specifically are:

- ISO/TS 19880 Gaseous hydrogen – Fueling stations [62] (a series of standards)

- SAE J2601_201612 Fueling Protocols for Light Duty Gaseous Hydrogen Surface
Vehicles [62]
- ISO/TR 15916:2015, Basic considerations for the safety of hydrogen systems [63]

According to the Regulation on handling of flammable, reactive and pressurized substances [6],
facilities shall be built according to a recognized norm. For facilities built in Norway the
recognized norm is in practice ISO/TS 19880, according to DSB 32.

As an example of the fact that there are many different regulations that can come into play for
hydrogen (and other types of gas facilities for fuel sale), hydrogen stations from Nel 33 are third-
party certified and meet the requirements of the following international standards and EU
Directives 34 (most of which are implemented in Norwegian law via Norwegian regulations):

- Mechanical and Safety Instrumented System IEC61511

- DIRECTIVE 2014/68/EU Safety of pressure vessel equipment and material
- DIRECTIVE 2014/34/EU Equipment used in potentially explosive atmospheres (ATEX)
- DIRECTIVE 2014/30/EU Electromagnetic compatibility
- DIRECTIVE 2014/35/EU Low-voltage electrical equipment
- DIRECTIVE 2006/42/EC Machinery Directive

Several of the directives may also be relevant to a facility with conventional fuel.

4.3.5 Factors that change when changing from petrol

station to energy station with hydrogen in gaseous form
Ignition sources: Due to the fact that hydrogen ignites much easier than petrol/diesel, weaker
energy sources will be able to act as ignition sources if exposed to a flammable cloud of hydrogen.

Number of passenger vehicles: No significant change.

The number of heavy goods vehicles for the delivery of the energy carrier: More transports
to the station will be required to deliver hydrogen in gaseous form compared to petrol and diesel
in order to deliver fuel for a given total mileage for the station's customers. The capacity of a truck
with hydrogen in gaseous form is between 5 and 17 times 35 lower than that of a truck with liquid

E-mail correspondence with contact person in DSB, 10.02.2020
Based on press conference from Nel, 28.06.2019, Oslo, in connection with the Kjørbo incident.
Detailed information about each of these can be found in «Official Journal of the European Communities»
available on
Hydrogen gaseous form: 250 kg (steel tanks, 190 bar) or 800 kg (composite tanks, 350 bar). Liquid
hydrogen: 4300 kg per truck. [65]

© RISE Research Institutes of Sweden


hydrogen [65]. In section 4.4.5, it is shown that the capacity of petrol and diesel approximately
equals the capacity of liquid hydrogen. That is, each truck with petrol or diesel correspond to
approximately 5 to 17 trucks when delivering hydrogen in gaseous form.

The number of heavy goods vehicles for the purchase of the energy carrier: Hydrogen in
gaseous form is not thought to be very relevant as fuel for heavier trucks due to the large volume
required to store a sufficient amount of energy. Today, there are some examples of heavy goods
vehicles using hydrogen in gaseous form, such as ASKO in Trondheim. Nevertheless, our
assessment is that due to volume constraints, a significant increase is not expected in the number
of trucks coming to refuel hydrogen in gaseous form.

Quantity of flammable substance: No significant change. Here it is chosen to compare the

amount of energy required to drive a given number of kilometers with different types of fuel. This
can be calculated as MJ/100km based on estimated consumption of comparable vehicles and the
calorific value of the fuel. Although a fire in hydrogen gas differs from a fire in gasoline or diesel,
this provides a comparable size for the fire energy that must be stored and distributed to deliver a
given mileage to the energy station's customers. How much needs to be stored at the energy station
will depend on how fuel tanks are filled and how many vehicles are stopped to fill in a certain
amount of time.

The calorific value of the amount of hydrogen needed to drive a passenger car at a given distance
is similar to the calorific value of petrol/diesel needed to drive the same distance. With a
consumption of 1,1 kg/100 km [65–67] and a calorific value of hydrogen of 158.9 MJ/kg [69],
the total amount of flammable fuel is 184 MJ/100 km. In comparison, this corresponds to a
consumption of about 5 l/100 km for petrol and diesel which is considered to be roughly realistic
for comparable modern cars.

Retention period of visitors: For passenger cars it is assumed that it will take about the same
time to fill hydrogen as it currently takes to refuel petrol/diesel. At the same time, a hydrogen car
will have to fill a little more frequent than a petrol/diesel car because they are assumed to have
slightly shorter range than a petrol or diesel car.

Unique scenarios for the energy carrier: Low ignition energy, wide flammability range, rapid
combustion and storage under high pressure mean that the probability of explosion or detonation
is significantly greater than that of other relevant energy carriers.

Complexity of the facility (joints, couplings etc.): For facilities producing hydrogen with
electrolysis, the complexity of the facility will be significantly higher than a petrol/diesel facility.
If the hydrogen gas is delivered, the complexity will be less than when producing hydrogen at the
facility. Either way, the facility will operate under very high pressure in order to deliver to vehicles
that can be filled with up to 700 bar.

Number of third-parties/ size of safety distances: The size of safety distance and the number
of third-parties who will be located in different zones will be necessary to consider for each
facility. In some cases, larger safety distances may be required for gaseous hydrogen facilities
than for petrol and diesel facilities.

Other additional installations that may affect safety: If it is appropriate to install, for example,
solar cells to produce electricity for electrolysis of hydrogen, this must be placed so that it does
not increase the risk of collecting or enclosing any hydrogen gas leakage.

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Fire department’s extinguishing effort: One of our contacts in the fire service 36 believes that
the work tasks of future energy stations will not be too different from the risks and challenges
they already have to deal with, such as transportation of hazardous substances (hydrogen, oxygen,
propane etc.) on roads and railways. Fire services in larger cities are well prepared for the
challenges the future energy stations can entail. In rural areas, it can be somewhat worse as a large
part of the fire service is based on part-time employees.

External fire – possibility of escalation: The hydrogen facility is placed above the ground. Thus,
it will be more prone to heat stress from an external fire than a buried tank with gasoline or diesel.

Environmental impact: An emissions of hydrogen gas is not considered to have any significant
negative environmental impact if it is spread and thinned out without igniting.

Increased maintenance (risk of installation errors): The facility will be relatively complex and
must be maintained and inspected by qualified professionals. This is especially true for facilities
with self-production of hydrogen by electrolysis.

Other (not fire related, economy, health etc.) that is affected: Establishment and maintenance
may affect facility economy.

4.3.6 Measures and barriers

The facilities are built based on relevant standards, and these standards provide details on
measures and barriers at the facilities, see sections 4.4.4 and 4.3.4.

The density and diffusivity of hydrogen gives an efficient ventilation of hydrogen gas upwards
for dilution of the gas. This can be exploited in the design of hydrogen energy stations so that any
leak is quickly directed away from the rest of the facility. In order for this to work optimally, there
should be no roof over the parts of the hydrogen facility where large leaks may occur.

Since the direction from leakage points is difficult to predict, installation of vertical plates around
accumulations of leak points will enable sending gas from a horizontal leakage point efficiently
upwards to prevent the gas from spreading laterally and thus exposing it to ignition sources. A
vertical emission direction without too many obstacles, like a half-roof and the like will also
provide faster dilution of the gas. In total, this will limit the risk of explosion. Tight, robust fences
around the installations are also important to reduce the impact of an incident for people nearby.

Smaller leaks will rise and quickly dilute, as opposed to leaks of heavier substances that can
accumulate in recesses in the terrain. It is therefore important to reduce the potential for large
leaks rates that can create larger clouds of flammable gas before they are diluted to a safe
concentration. This is important in those segments of the facility that contain large amounts of
hydrogen. Where the leak occurs through thin supply pipes, the potential leakage rate will be
limited by this. 37

Interview with the on-site chief (beredskapssjef og innsatsleder) from Asker and Bærum fire and rescue
service, 15.11.2019
Interview and email correspondence with chief engineer at Lloyds Register Norway

© RISE Research Institutes of Sweden


4.4 Liquid hydrogen, liquid methane (LNG,

4.4.1 Background information and existing facilities
Liquid methane is produced by fossil gas or by the degradation of organic matter. If the gas
originates from fossil sources it is called Liquified Natural Gas (LNG), and if it originates from
organic matter it is called Liquified BioGas, LBG. Liquid methane is purified to varying degrees
and made liquid by cooling it to below -160°C which is the boiling point for methane. Hydrogen
can also be made liquid by cooling below the boiling point at about -250 °C. The main advantage
of making the gas liquid is to increase the energy density without having to compress the gas to a
very high pressures. [70–72].

There are no facilities for the filling or production of liquid hydrogen in Norway today (per 2020).

There are 2 filling stations for LNG/LBG in Norway as of December 2019, according to the
Natural & Bio Gas Vehicle Association (NGVA Europe). One is located in Stokke outside
Tønsberg and the other is located at Furuset in Oslo. They are operated by Air Liquide and AGA.

4.4.2 Properties and risks associated with the energy

Since liquid hydrogen and methane are stored under very low temperatures, the potential for
severe cooling will occur if a leak occurs. This may pose a hazard for people being exposed, or
other materials that change their properties at low temperatures. For example, steel becomes
brittle and lose some of its ductile properties by heavy cooling. [73]

Liquid methane keeps a temperature of -161°C, and liquid hydrogen keeps a temperature of
-250°C. The boiling point of oxygen is -183 °C [74]. This results in that if air comes into contact
with temperatures lower than -183 °C, the oxygen in the air can condense. This can also occur if
air comes into contact with surfaces that hold temperatures down towards the boiling point of
hydrogen. Liquid oxygen can react strongly with organic matter and might cause a very large fire
or explosion.

The leakage frequency for an LNG filling facility is estimated to be between about 1 to 4 times
greater than the leakage frequency of a petrol and diesel filling facility for small, medium and
large leaks as shown in Figure 4-2 on page 32 [35]. This analysis is based on frequency analyses
of a representative filling facility for LNG for heavy vehicles and a representative overground
fuel facility for gasoline and diesel. This gives a picture of the magnitude of leakage frequencies,
while the total leakage frequency depends, among other things, on the facility design, such as the
number of joints, components etc.

Since liquid hydrogen is stored at similar facilities, it is also believed that the leakage frequency
of liquid hydrogen are in the same order of magnitude. However, it is important to note that the
properties of liquid hydrogen today are not fully understood, and several projects are underway
for the purpose of improving the knowledge in the field, such as the projects SH2IFT [20] and

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Although hydrogen is a very light gas that quickly rises if a leak occurs, both liquid hydrogen and
the cold hydrogen gas that evaporates will be heavier than air. This means that the flammable gas
will stay close to the ground and may form larger flammable clouds than it would if the leak
occurred from the gas phase at ambient temperature. Both liquid and cold methane are also
heavier than air so the same risk is also relevant here.

RPT, or Rapid Phase Transition, is a phenomenon that can occur when liquefied natural gas
suddenly transitions to gas phase as an explosion. This can typically happen if LNG is released
onto a water surface. [75] The theory says that RPT is unlikely for hydrogen, but there are no
known experiments that show this phenomenon of liquid hydrogen. [76]

4.4.3 Incidents
An example of materials being affected by the low temperature associated with LNG is an event
at Esso Langford LNG-terminal Australia 1998. A heating circuit that was supposed to keep
important components warm, failed and caused a heat exchanger for LNG to cool to around
-48°C, which made the metal brittle. When the heat circuit was restarted, a rupture occurred which
led to a large discharge that ignited and eventually led to an explosion. Two people were killed
and several were injured in the incident. [77]

4.4.4 Existing recommendations

In addition to regulations and guidelines presented in Chapter 3, the following standards are
among the standards relevant for filling stations with liquid hydrogen or liquid methane:

- NS-EN ISO 16924:2016 Natural gas filling stations - LNG stations for filling vehicles
- EN 13645:2001 Liquefied natural gas facility and equipment - Construction of onshore
facilities with storage capacity between 5 h and 200 h [79]
- NFPA 55 Compressed Gases and Cryogenic Fluids Code. [80]

For liquid hydrogen, the following standards are among the standards that are relevant:

- ISO 13984:1999 Liquid hydrogen - Land vehicle fueling system interface [81]
- ISO 13985:2006, Liquid hydrogen - Land vehicle fuel tanks [82]

4.4.5 Factors that change when changing from petrol

station to energy station with liquid hydrogen or liquefied
natural gas
Ignition sources: The number of ignition sources is not expected to increase significantly. In
terms of ignition, the same applies here as is described for hydrogen in gaseous form in section
4.3.5 - it can be ignited by smaller ignition sources than other types of fuel, since hydrogen ignites
much easier. Methane has about the same ignition energy as gasoline. Liquid hydrogen and
methane are heavier than air so that the gas cloud from a leak could to a greater extent spread
outward along the ground than a leak from compressed gas. As a result, the gas cloud is more
likely to find a source of ignition than compressed gas.

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Number of passenger vehicles: Liquid methane and hydrogen are probably most applicable for
heavier vehicles. A larger number of passenger cars are therefore not expected.

The number of heavy goods vehicles for the delivery of the energy carrier: A tanker with
LNG can load almost 18 000 kg in a tank of 48 m3 [83]. Diesel has about twice the density of
LNG so that an equally large tanker can get about twice as many kg of diesel. In a comparison
test of trucks with diesel and LNG, consumption measured in kg/100 km was approximately the
same [84]. This means that the number of tankers needed to supply LNG is about double of that
needed for the delivery of diesel to cover the same mileage for customers at the energy station.

Tankers for the transport of liquid hydrogen have a capacity of up to 4300 kg according to Air
Liquide [65]. For a passenger car, consumption is approximately 1.1 kg hydrogen per 100 km
[65–67]. This is admittedly consumption for cars running on compressed hydrogen gas, but it is
assumed that the consumption of a similar car with liquid hydrogen on the tank will be similar.
This gives a total mileage of 390 000 km for a passenger car per tanker with liquid hydrogen. In
order to drive the same distance with a petrol or diesel car, 27 000 liters of fuel are needed if you
assume a consumption of 7 l diesel per 100 km. This amount of diesel is thought to fit on a
relatively large tanker. In other words, there will be no significant change in the number of tankers
needed to deliver fuel in the form of liquid hydrogen compared to diesel or gasoline.

The number of heavy goods vehicles for the purchase of the energy carrier: It is expected
that it is mainly large trucks that will fill liquid methane or hydrogen. Where this type of fuel is
available, it will therefore most likely be a predominance of heavier vehicles.

Quantity of flammable substance: As shown in section 4.3.5, the calorific value of the amount
of hydrogen in gaseous form needed to drive a car a given distance measured in MJ/100km is
similar to that of a petrol or diesel car. It is assumed that the consumption of a car running on
liquid hydrogen is equivalent to the consumption of a car that runs on hydrogen in gaseous form.
Thus, liquid hydrogen will also not require a significantly greater amount of flammable substance
in order to be able to drive a given distance, compared with petrol or diesel.

A test of an LNG truck and a diesel truck that was driven through Europe three times showed that
the average consumption was 23,6 kg/100 km for LNG and 27.1 liters/100 km for diesel [84]. If
converted, this will be approximately 1147 MJ/100 km for LNG and 984 MJ/100 km for diesel.
Thus, the total amount of flammable substance needed to drive these trucks a given distance is
about 17% higher for LNG than for diesel 38 28F.

Retention period of visitors: The filling time for liquid hydrogen and methane will not be
significantly different compared with filling time for other liquid fuels such as gasoline and diesel.
Thus, the retention time of visitors will not increase.

Unique scenarios for the energy carrier: Liquid hydrogen and liquid methane are stored at very
low temperatures. Severe cooling in the event of a spill is unique to this type of fuel. This can
cause frost damages for people exposed to the leak or for construction materials, such as steel,
that become brittle and crack.

The specific weight of diesel is estimated to approximately 0.83 kg/L. Lower calorific fuel value for LNG
is set to 48.6 MJ/kg and 42.8 MJ/kg for diesel (

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Complexity of the facility (joints, couplings etc.): Liquid hydrogen and methane are stored at
relatively low pressures in insulated tanks. The design of the facility is relatively simple, but it
requires the right safety equipment and staff. Evaporation from storage tanks must be regularly
ventilated to avoid pressure build-up. The need for ventilation depends on the consumption and
temperature of the gas supplied. Liquid hydrogen and methane facilities must also be designed so
that there are no enclosed areas without the possibility of ventilating gas.

Number of third-parties/ size of safety distances: Size of safety distances, and the number of
third-parties who will be staying in different zones will required facility-specific considerations.
In some cases, greater safety distances may be required for facilities with liquid hydrogen and
liquid methane than facilities with gasoline and diesel.

Fire department’s extinguishing effort: In the event of a fire, it will be important for the fire
service to ensure that storage tanks are not exposed to excessive heat from the fire without
reducing the pressure through the safety valves. There may also be a risk when using water on the
tank to cool it that the safety valve will be sealed by ice formation.

For liquid hydrogen, the risk of very large fires or explosions comes as a result of reactions
between liquid oxygen and organic matter. This phenomenon occurs due to the fact that liquid
hydrogen has a boiling point that is lower than air. If air comes into contact with the surfaces of
liquid hydrogen or equipment that is not insulated and that keeps temperatures down to the boiling
point of hydrogen, then the oxygen in the air can condense into liquid oxygen.

External fire – possibility of escalation: Heat exposure to insulated tanks with liquid hydrogen
or methane can as a worst case lead to BLEVE (Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapor Explosion).
However, the fact that these tanks are insulated, protects against a BLEVE. This is unlike, for
example, LPG, which is stored on uninsulated tanks.

Environmental impact: Tanks with liquid hydrogen or LNG will release the gas as it is formed
if there is too little consumption from the tank. The evaporation rate depends on how well the
tank is insulated and how large the surface area is. Methane from LNG is a powerful greenhouse
gas. It is therefore important to minimize the amount of methane gas emitted throughout the chain
of LNG distribution and use. [85]

Increased maintenance (risk of installation errors): As for hydrogen in gaseous form, the
facility will be relatively complex and must be maintained and inspected by qualified

Other (not fire related, economy, health etc.) that is affected: Establishment and maintenance
may affect the facility’s economy.

4.4.6 Measures and barriers

The facilities are built based on relevant standards, and these standards provide details on
measures and barriers at the facilities, see section 4.4.4.

For the storage of liquid hydrogen and methane, it is important that the tanks are well insulated
to reduce the evaporation in the tank in case of low consumption. Insulation will also protect the
tank in case of external heat exposure in case of a fire. Despite good insulation, gas will always

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evaporate from these cryogenic liquids (cryogenic gases), this must be ventilated safely to avoid
pressure increase. It is also important to use materials and steel qualities that can withstand the
low temperatures to which they are exposed during normal operation and possibly during an
accidental leak.

Important barriers to prevent external heat from causing an escalation to BLEVE include that the
tank is well insulated from external heat impact and that the safety valves work and release gas
to prevent the pressure from getting too high inside the tank. However, it is worth mentioning that
a safety valve function to prevent BLEVE is disputed, as there are many factors that effects this.
It does not have to be one-sided positive with a safety valve in this context. There is little
documented knowledge of BLEVE in tanks with liquid hydrogen. This is one thing that, among
other things, the SH2IFT research project is currently studying [20]

A collection pool under liquid methane or hydrogen storage tanks will prevent the liquid phase
from spreading outward in the event of a leak. The size of this collection pool will determine how
large leaks can be prevented from flowing outwards. As shown in Figure 4-2 on page 32, small
leaks are thought to have significantly greater frequency for LNG filling facilities compared with
petrol/diesel [35]. In addition, detectors that respond to gas concentrations and low temperatures
can be installed. These detectors can activate shut-off valves that may isolate the different parts
of the facility and reduce the potential amount that leaks as much as possible. [35]

4.5 Other energy carriers: ethanol, CNG,

In addition to fast chargers, hydrogen in gaseous and liquid form and liquid methane, there are
several other energy carriers that may be applicable to a greater extent than what is the case today.
This includes ethanol, compressed natural gas (Compressed Natural Gas, CNG), compressed
biogas (Compressed BioGas, CBG) and liquid propane or butane (Liquid Petroleum Gas, LPG).

Liquid propane and liquid methane have beneficial properties as fuel, with high energy density,
low local emissions and low pressure storage. In comparison, compressed methane and hydrogen
have lower energy density and must be stored under significantly higher pressure. Such aspects
may affect the risk picture for these energy carriers, but this has not been reviewed in detail here,
since these currently has a very low market share in Norway, and it is considered that in the near
future they will not be widespread in the private market in Norway.

In Norway there was one energy station with a combination of traditional fossil fuels and LPG,
but for market reasons, the LPG-part of this was discontinued a few years ago 39. In addition, there

are stations that offer LPG only. Ethanol as fuel is more common in Sweden than in Norway, and
it will be possible to learn lessons from there if the use of ethanol is increased. Similarly, one
should look to other countries in Europa and internationally when introducing other energy

Interview with senior head of fast charging, senior specialist HSE and senior head of Circle K,

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5 Risks of change from traditional

petrol station to energy station
In this chapter, an overview will be given of the risks involved when changing from a traditional
petrol station to an energy station with one additional energy carrier. This is based on the
presentation of each energy carrier given in chapter 4.

Scenarios used to study the change in risk from traditional petrol station to energy station are
illustrated in Figure 5-1. In general, an increase in the total energy content in one place will lead
to an increased risk, regardless of whether it is petrol, hydrogen or other energy carriers. In order
to study the contribution of new types of energy carriers, it is therefore based on the assumption
that the energy content of the total amount of energy carriers is unchanged.

Figure 5-1 Five different scenarios: Traditional petrol station with kiosk and filling pumps
(scenario A), fast charger energy station (scenario B), energy station with gaseous
hydrogen transported to the site (scenario C), energy station with hydrogen produced
on-site (scenario D), energy station with liquefied hydrogen or liquefied natural gas
transported to the site (scenario E). Distances and sizes are only illustrative.

A simplified overview of possible event chains and outcomes that can lead to injury or unwanted
events at an energy station is shown in Figure 5-2. For energy carriers in gaseous or liquid form,
loss of containment means gas release or fuel spills to the surrounding area. For electricity as an
energy carrier, this means that the electrical energy goes somewhere it should not (e.g. arc or
creep current).

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There are many different factors that can affect fire and explosion safety when a traditional petrol
station changes to an energy station. An assessment of these is summarized in Table 5-1, detailed
information can be found in paragraphs 4.2.5, 4.3.5 and 4.4.5.

Figure 5-2 Event tree showing what may happen and which consequences it may have. The
highlighted fields are reviewed in detail in Table 5-2 and Table 5-3.

In Table 5-2 and Table 5-3, a what-if-analysis is presented for two events: loss of containment
and ignition of emissions. Note that content in the table is a qualitative simplification, intended
to give the reader a general overview of the topic as presented in paragraphs 4.2, 4.3 and 4.4. The
measures highlighted are those highlighted through interviews and input from stakeholders, as
well as by reviewed literature, which are particularly relevant to that scenario (beyond measures
already in place at the petrol station). For a more detailed approach, a more comprehensive
quantitative risk assessment is needed for each facility type and energy carrier.

Responsible for the various measures is usually the facility itself, normally the owner of the
energy station. The fire service is responsible for supervision for some facilities with hazardous
substances and for a specific type of fire object (særskilt brannobjekt, see section 3.1). There is a
general need to increase the knowledge and expertise at fire services with regard to new energy
carriers. According to Drivkraft Norge 40 the fire services requests knowledge and training,

especially on hydrogen and other gases. Competence raising is highlighted in Table 5-3 as a risk-
reducing measure that could reduce the impact of a fire. Here, follow-up studies/ education and
courses held at Norges Brannskole is relevant, both for fire service’s emergency preparedness and
preventive departments. Topics that will be particularly relevant to address are knowledge of fire
and explosion properties for flammable gas in general and especially for hydrogen, difference
between the behavior of LPG and natural gas, safety distances with regard to evacuation/wind
direction, how fires in lithium batteries behave etc. Fear and uncertainty concerning unknown
factors may be on obstacle, while knowledge will facilitate proper handling, early and effective
extinguishing efforts.

Another general risk-reducing measure that applies to all energy carriers is correct installation in
accordance with regulations and installation instructions, as well as regular and good maintenance
and inspection of the facility. This should go without saying , as this is required by the Regulation

Interview with Head of Trade (fagsjef) at Drivkraft Norge, 28.11.2019.

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on handling of flammable, reactive and pressurized substances [6], but it is pointed out
nonetheless, since human failure can make a difference between theory and practice, if the system
is not simple, unambiguous and robust.

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Table 5-1 Assessment of factors that may be affected by change from traditional petrol station (scenario A) to energy station with various energy carriers
(scenario B-E) see Figure 5-1. More detailed information about each anergy carrier is provided in sections 4.2.5 4.3.5and 4.4.4.
Scenario D: H2 (g) produced on- Scenario E: H2 (L), LNG (L)
Factor Scenario B: Fast Charger Scenario C: H2 (g) delivered
site delivered

Charger and associated electrical Small ignition sources can ignite Small ignition sources can ignite Small ignition sources can ignite
Ignition sources:
equipment are ignition sources hydrogen. hydrogen. hydrogen. LNG no change.
Increases when charging queue.
Number of passenger vehicles: Unchanged Unchanged Unchanged
Decreases due to home charging.
The number of heavy goods vehicles
LH2: Unchanged.
for the delivery of the energy Reduced 5 – 17 times increase Reduced
LNG: Doubled
The number of heavy goods vehicles
for the purchase of the energy Currently not very relevant Not very relevant Not very relevant Yes, relevant
Quantity of flammable substance If battery bank: increases Unchanged Unchanged Unchanged to slightly higher
Retention period of visitors: Increases Unchanged Unchanged Unchanged
Unique scenarios for the energy Electric car fire, battery fire, arc, Low ignition energy, wide Low ignition energy, wide
Cryogenic temperatures
carrier: transformer flammability range flammability range
Complexity of the facility (joints,
Unchanged Increases Increases Increases
couplings etc.):
Number of third-parties/ size of
Unchanged May increase May increase May increase
safety distances:
Other additional installations that Solar cells in connection with
Solar cells and buffer battery
may affect safety: power supply
If battery fire: increased effort BLEVE, icing of safety valves.
Fire department’s extinguishing Flame with low radiation and not Flame with low radiation and not
time, possible more toxic fire LH2: risk of liquid oxygen, large
effort: easy to see easy to see
smoke fire
External fire – possibility of Several pressurized pipes, tanks Several pressurized pipes, tanks
Unchanged BLEVE
escalation: exposed to heat exposed to heat
Evaporation of methane should be
Environmental impact: Unchanged Unchanged Unchanged
Maintenance by external: Maintenance by external: Maintenance by external:
Increased maintenance (risk of General maintenance of charging Competence important. Some local Competence important. Some local Competence important. Some local
installation errors): cable etc. support in case of connection errors support in case of connection errors support in case of connection errors
etc. etc. etc.
Economy: Establishing power-
Other (not fire related, economy, supply. Can utilize residual Economy: establishment and Economy: establishment and Economy: establishment and
health etc.) that is affected: current. Health/ working maintenance maintenance maintenance
environment: less fumes/odor

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Table 5-2 What-if analysis of the event loss of containment of an energy carrier. Description of the cause of the incident, with a change in probability of the incident
compared with a traditional petrol station. Description of consequences of the event, with the change of severity to consequences compared to a
traditional petrol station. Scenarios are described in Figure 5-1 . The table is qualitative and intended to provide a quick overview of the more detailed
information on the characteristics and risks associated with each energy carrier, as well as on possible risk-reducing measures, which are provided in
sections 4.2, 4.3 and 4.4.

Description of
Possible risk-reducing
Description of possible consequence (Health Change of Responsible
Incident Scenario Change in probability* measures (cause and
cause and safety, consequence* for measures
environment, economy)

Avoid user errors:

info about equipment,
simple, unambiguous
User error, sloppiness,
and robust system.
car crash into
Avoid equipment
equipment, component
All failures: follow The facility
failure, installation
error, error/failure of
standards for
facilities, inspection,
maintenance, third-
party control
Loss of
Loss of containment is Properly dimensioned
here power astray: arc, electrical equipment,
creep current and An arc can give locally and regular inspection
ground faults. very high temperatures, of equipment.
and lead to fire. Communication
An arc may occur in Given in Table between car and
B: Fast Charger The facility
case of fault or wear on
Power astray: electric 5-3 charger helps reduce
the facility, improper shock/personal injury incorrect charging and
installation/ prevent the car from
maintenance. driving with charging
cable connected.

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Description of
Possible risk-reducing
Description of possible consequence (Health Change of Responsible
Incident Scenario Change in probability* measures (cause and
cause and safety, consequence* for measures
environment, economy)

Sectioning for vertical

dispersion and
C: H2 (g)
2 1 dilution. The facility
delivered Overpressure- anything
Limit potential
that doesn't shut down
leakage rate.
will leak out. Rises and
Compared with dilutes quickly.
Petrol/Diesel, these are Sectioning for vertical
pressurized and filled in dispersion and
D: H2 (g) prod. a closed system. This 2 1 dilution. The facility
reduces the possibility Limit potential
of activating filling leakage rate.
without the hose being
properly connected to Overpressure- anything
the vehicle. Physical separation
that doesn't shut down
and thermal
will leak out.
E: H2 (l), LNG insulation: avoid that
1 Cold: personal injury, 2 The facility
delivered fire nearby gives
material failure.
Liquid and cold gas will
spread along the ground

* Probability of event loss of containment, compared to scenario A (traditional petrol station):

Much smaller (-2), less (-1), equal (0), increased (1), much increased (2).

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Table 5-3 What-if analysis of the event ignition. Description of the cause of the incident, with a change in probability of the event compared to a traditional petrol
station. Description of the consequences of the event, with a change of severity to the consequence compared to a traditional petrol station. What-if
analysis of what can happen if there is ignition. Scenarios are described in Figure 5-1. The table is qualitative, and intended to provide a quick overview
of the more detailed information about the characteristics and risks associated with each energy carrier, as well as about possible risk-reducing
measures, which are given in sections 4.2, 4.3 and 4.4.

Description of the Description of Possible risk-reducing

Change in Responsible for
Incident Scenario reason for the cause/ Change of probability* consequence (health, measures (cause and
consequence * measures
probability environment, economy) consequence)

If uncertainty about Facilitate for effective

handling/ extinguishing extinguishing efforts:
the energy carrier: competence and Fire service,
All 1
prolonged time to training of fire authority
extinguishing: increased service: early and
consequences. proper handling

Escalation due to Physical distance,

systems over ground, physical barrier to
All 1 The facility
more exposed to potential external fire
external fire exposures

Most of the materials
are less reactive than Cause: Equipment
petrol and diesel and a maintenance and
The arc leads to locally fire is expected to proper installation
very high temperatures develop slower
and can start a fire if 1 Increased probability Consequence: Good
B: Fast Charger The facility
there is combustible of ignition given an arc Fire can be spread to design of stationary
materials or flammable electric cars that are battery to prevent
substances nearby. charging, battery not escalation. Good
included in fire. distance from
(cont. next page)

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Description of the Description of Possible risk-reducing

Change in Responsible for
Incident Scenario reason for the cause/ Change of probability* consequence (health, measures (cause and
consequence * measures
probability environment, economy) consequence)

Fire can be spread to 1

electric cars that are
charging, battery
included in fire.

Fire can spread to a 2

large, stationary battery.
Very high ignition
C: H2 (g) probability. Late
delivered ignition can cause a
powerful explosion/
Very low ignition
2 detonation. Heat Solid walls can stop
energy. This provides
many potential sources radiation from the flame 1 exposure from a jet The facility
is less than from fire
D: H2 (g) prod. of ignition.

Cold, heavy methane

and hydrogen gas, and
liquids can be spread
The gas cloud that
along the ground. LNG: 0
E: H2 (L), LNG forms can catch fire. Limit the potential
Methane has about the 0 The facility
delivered This can cause an leakage rate.
same ignition energy as LH2: 2
explosion or a flash fire.
gasoline vapor,
hydrogen gas much

* Probability of event ignition, compared to scenario A (traditional petrol station):

Much smaller (-2), less (-1), equal (0), increased (1), much increased (2)

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6 Energy carriers in combination

It may be of interest to have many energy carriers located in the same physical area, in cases
where the company wants to collect everything in one place for a complete offer. It is currently
difficult to predict which energy carriers this will apply to, and to what extent this will be

It has not been possible to finding industry guidelines or standards that address energy carriers in
combination at energy stations, and which are available in Scandinavian or English language.

The following is therefore based on research literature found on the topic, as well as input from

6.1 Existing research literature on energy

carriers in combination at energy stations
Scandria®2Act is an Interreg Baltic Sea Region project that has studied the possibilities of
transport based on several renewable types of fuel in the region around the Baltic Sea. The report
concludes that there are no significant safety barriers in establishing energy stations with different
types of renewable and conventional fuels. Charging stations for electric vehicles should be
considered a potential source of ignition and must be kept away from the surroundings where
explosive atmospheres are expected. In addition all equipment that are to be used for the different
types of fuels must be dimensioned for the most conservative type of fuel. Gases and vapors from
different substances are classified into three different groups, based on how low ignition energy
is needed to ignite a mixture with air. Equipment to be used where it may be an explosive
atmosphere from these substances must take into account the substance that has the lowest
ignition energy. If equipment is to be used in an area with both methane and hydrogen must satisfy
the equipment class IIC (hydrogen), while methane, gasoline and LPG comes under equipment
class IIA, and ethanol under IIB. The temperature class is classified in the same manner as the
equipment class but according to the auto ignition temperature (AIT) of the substance. Hydrogen
and methane belong to the lowest temperature class (T1), then comes ethanol and LPG (T3) and
then gasoline and diesel (T3).

In a 2017 study, the national renewable energy laboratory in the United States, NREL, has
compiled an overview of regulations and standards covering filling stations for different types of
fuel [86]. According to the overview, the U.S. Department of Energy has defined six types of fuel
as alternatives to gasoline and diesel:

• Biodiesel
• Electricity
• Ethanol
• Hydrogen
• Natural gas
• Propane

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Of these, electricity is by far the most prevalent, followed by ethanol, LPG and CNG [87]. The
study from NREL summarizes that there is a set of standards and regulations that make it possible
to build and operate an energy station with all these types of fuels (note that these are probably
not as relevant in Norway, as we mainly use ISO and EN standards) There are specific
requirements for safety distances for different types of fuel installations. For example, NFPA
requires that the venting point for hydrogen storage shall be placed at least 32 feet (approx. 10 m)
from the property border. Natural gas storage tanks must be placed at least 10 feet (approx. 3 m)
from the property border and from buildings according to NFPA 52. The various regulations and
standards covering these fuel types are not coordinated. The systems for the different types of fuel
are therefore not fully coordinated, so that an emergency stop switch of, for example, hydrogen
does not necessarily stop the filling of diesel from another pump. Old petrol stations that are not
built according to today's requirements must be upgraded to the current requirements if a new
type of fuel is to be installed. It is also pointed out that maintenance requiring a shutdown on one
of the fuel systems must also take into account the other fuel systems at the facility. [86]

6.2 Interactions between several energy

carriers: assessment of total risk
Change from traditional petrol station to energy station with many energy carriers collected is
illustrated in Figure 6-1.

Figure 6-1 Traditional petrol station (scenario A), energy station with a combination of scenarios
from Figure 5-1: fast charger, gaseous hydrogen transported to the site, hydrogen
produced on site, liquefied hydrogen or liquefied natural gas transported to the site,
and/or other energy carriers (scenario F). Distances and sizes are only illustrative.

Challenges have been identified concerning interactions between the different energy carriers that
can contribute to the risk of fire and explosion within two areas:

- Areal challenges
- Cascading effects

No chemical interactions between the energy carriers that could provide challenges have been
identified, beyond that which apply to the energy carriers individually.

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Areal challenge: Risks for the surroundings should be assessed based on the overall activity at
the facility [8]. When increasing the number of filling systems within a given area, the frequency
of unwanted events at a given location will be summarized (put simply), as illustrated in Figure
6-2. As shown in the figure, the close proximity of several risk objects will affect risk contours,
and consequently the size of the zones requiring special consideration (or, when it comes to small
and medium-sized facilities, safety distances) will change. An example of changed risk is that by
an increase in the number of filling systems for different types of fuels within an area, the
frequency of leaks from each system will be summed up, and the total leak rate is expected to
increase. In some cases, the implementation of one energy carrier will affect the use of other
energy carriers at the energy station (as described in chapters 4 and 5), and in this case, the
frequency of incidents in one facility cannot simply be summarized directly with the frequency
of incidents at the other facility.

In the event of business or property development, however, there must be sufficiently available
space in order for two energy carriers to be physically closer together than what is specified in
their risk assessments separately, and a joint risk assessment must be made that addresses this
issue. Unless risk-reducing measures are taken, the total risk from the facility will increase. In
densely populated areas, lack of land could prevent a development.

Figure 6-2 Illustration of interactions that effect the risk: The risk for a person (*) located in one
area of an energy station with one type of energy carrier (1) and how this risk increases
by the sum when adding more energy carriers (1+2).

Cascading effects: This is defined as "An event chain that starts as a minor event and grows into
a larger event» [61], illustrated in Figure 6-3.

Some examples of relevant chains of events that have been identified:

- Pool fires that spread outwards, or flow downwards and end up under a gas tank
- Explosion or fire that damages surrounding installations (pressure wave that is spreading,
flying fragments, flames, etc.).
- Fire in a small amount of fuel that ignites more fuel which in turn ignites more fuel.

For the latter, the risk will not necessarily be greater for an energy station compared to a traditional
petrol station. The consequences in the event of an internal escalation in one energy carrier may
be as large as in the event of a spread to other energy carriers, but the changed properties between
the energy carriers may give a change in the expected sequence of events.

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On the other hand, division into several energy carriers and physical separation between these
could have a positive interaction, in that the separate facilities individually may have less extent
of damage in the event of an incident. For energy carriers in liquid and gaseous form, facilities
with many smaller tanks with energy carriers will have less potential total emissions than at a
facility with fewer, larger tanks.

In addition, cascading effects due to willful action (individual or terror) can initiate a chain of
events and/or destroy barriers, but this is beyond the scope of this project.

The risk (frequency and consequence) of negative cascading effects can be reduced by good
technical and organizational measures and barriers. When an energy carrier is new and relatively
unknown, good training and follow-up will be central to avoiding increased frequency of errors.
Events that are normally considered highly unlikely may be more likely in an introductory period
if this is not taken care of.

Figure 6-3 Illustration of interactions that affect the risk: An event in one area of an energy
station may affect other areas, if there are no barriers in place (illustrated by dotted
line) to deal with cascading effects.

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7 Summary and recommended

further work
In facilities that handle flammable, self-reactive, pressurized and explosive substances there is a
risk of unwanted incidents. When facilities with hazardous substances comply with current
regulations, the risk associated with handling hazardous substances is considered not to be
significant compared to other risks in society.

In the transition from a petrol station to a multifuel energy station with one or more alternative
energy carriers, the risk of fire and explosion may be affected, in a positive or negative direction.
For example, when introducing fast chargers for electric vehicles, there will be an additional
potential source of ignition, but there will also be fewer fuel deliveries from heavy goods vehicles.
When introducing gaseous energy carriers, the complexity of the facility will increase due to
higher pressure, compared to simpler facilities (without or with low pressure). In risk assessments
of each facility, a number of general factors for each energy carrier will be important to take into
account, in addition to facility specific factors. Good, technical and organizational measures
adapted to each facility and each type of energy carrier are important.

For the combination of more than one alternative energy carrier combined with fuels of a
conventional petrol station, two challenges have been identified that could affect the fire and
explosion risk: Area challenges and Cascading effects. When changing or developing the facility,
area challenges will need to be taken into account and be included in the assessment of the station
area's overall suitability for combination of energy carriers. When increasing the number of filling
systems within an area, the frequency of unwanted incidents at a given location will often be
summed up, and physical distance or barriers between systems must be prioritized to reduce the
risk. Cascading effects are event chains that start as a minor event and grow into a larger event,
such as a pool fire or pressure wave from an explosion that damage surrounding installations. No
chemical interactions have been found that could affect the risk of fire and explosion.

A specific recommendation from the industry to the authorities is that if new recommendations
or guidelines are needed, it is beneficial that this is coordinated with or included in existing theme
guides, rather than preparing new ones.

Recommended for further work:

If there are to be many electrical trucks in the future, a plan and a separate risk assessment of how
charging of these at an energy station will have to be developed, as these are physically larger,
and they are likely to have larger batteries and need for their own fast chargers with greater power
compared to today's fast chargers for passenger cars. For pressurized hydrogen in gaseous form,
tank breakage is an important scenario to avoid, and thus important focus area for further studies.
There is a lack of information about the heat impact on an object that is exposed to a hydrogen jet
fire when this occurs in the direction of this object. When it comes to liquid hydrogen there is
little research and experiments. A relevant question is whether BLEVE (Boiling Liquid
Expanding Vapor Explosion) is a relevant scenario for liquid hydrogen, and how a hydrogen tank
may behave compared to a methane tank. In general, as this is an ever-evolving market, it is still
too early to determine which energy carrier is going to be most used in the future, and it is

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important that governments and other associated stakeholders keep up to date on what is
happening internationally, and that recommendations are continuously updated as new knowledge
is acquired through operations and potential unwanted incidents.

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8 References
[1] The European Parliament and the Council of the European Union, “Directive 2014/94/EU
of the European Parliament and of the council of 22 October 2014 on the deployment of
alternative fuels infrastructure,” Official Journal of the European Union, 2014.
[2] Justis og beredskapsdepartementet, Forskrift 17. juni 2005 nr. 672 om tiltak for å forebygge
og begrense konsekvensene av storulykker i virksomheter der farlige kjemikalier
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© RISE Research Institutes of Sweden


Appendix A: Information sent out in

advance of interviews
The following information was sent to all interviewees prior to the interview. The information
was sent in Norwegian and is here translated to English.


The Norwegian Directorate for Civil Protection (DSB) has asked RISE Fire Research (RISE) to
map how petrol stations need to be changed to meet future fuel demand, as well as the risks this
represents with regard to fire and explosion.

The objective of the project is to highlight the risks of a change from petrol stations to energy
stations with regard to fire and explosion hazards, and what risks must be taken into account
when establishing energy stations. By energy stations we mean stations where there are
different energy carriers such as traditional petrol/diesel, hydrogen, fast charge etc.

Interview information:

One of the methods for commencement of knowledge in the project is to conduct in-depth
interviews with stakeholders who are connected to this issue in some way, for example through
engineering, operation, maintenance, safety etc.

Interview is conducted via Skype/phone, and we want to take notes from what is being
discussed, as well as take audio recordings of the call. Audio recordings will only be saved
temporarily and will be deleted at the project's conclusion. If you don't want audio recordings,
let us know. The notes will be stored, and you will have the opportunity to read through these
after the interview. You will not be directly quoted in the report without consent.

We have set up some topics and questions/keywords below that we would like you to think
through in advance of the interview. We take these into account, and if other things appear in
the conversation that are of interest, or if you thinks that there are other aspects that are
important to include, then we would like to hear your views.

Theme 1: Energy Stations of the Future:

Thoughts on the energy stations of the future: what will these look like, what will the future
energy demand be like, what political policies will be able to influence this, how will various
community functions have to adapt, thoughts on fire safety and the role of the fire service for the
future energy stations.

Topic 2: Events that have occurred (if applicable)

Summarize the course of events, possible causes of the incident, consequences, severity of the
consequences, how likely this particular incident was to occur, measures that were put in place,
measures that should have been taken/ what should have been done differently, who is
responsible for action.

Fire brigade's efforts: How did the actual effort take place, what assessments were made along
the way, what do you have from experience with these types of incidents?

© RISE Research Institutes of Sweden


Learning points: What have you learned from the incident? Would you do anything differently
in a similar accident in the future? How could the station, and the stations of the future, be
designed differently for better fire and explosion safety, even in terms of facilitating the fire
department's efforts?

Preparation/training: How to prepare for such events?

Theme 3: What can happen if...

What could go wrong in the future? Possible causes, consequences, severity of the
consequences, how likely are it that various events occur (preferably a number here, but
thoughts are most important), measures that can be put in place, measures that should be put in
place (recommended measures), what can/should be done differently than today, who is
responsible for measures?

- What could happen if... there will be a leak of an energy carrier?

- What could happen if... this leak ignites?

- What could happen if...

For example, the energy carrier can be hydrogen, LNG, LPG, i.e. liquid or gaseous fuel, or it
can be arc, creep current, short circuit in conjunction with fast charging.

Do routines/training/exercises or other changes in relation to current practice when

establishing energy stations?

Theme 4: Other aspect

New energy stations will be able to have both petrol/diesels, as well as hydrogen and fast
charging. What do you think about this? How can the combination of many energy carriers in
one place affect the risk (enhanced or worsened), compared to individually? Is there any other
aspect than what we've been talking about so far that could affect fire and explosion safety?

What should the government focus on in guidance to the energy stations of the future?

© RISE Research Institutes of Sweden

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sector, we ensure the competitiveness of the Swedish business community on an international
level and contribute to a sustainable society. Our 2,200 employees support and promote all
manner of innovative processes, and our roughly 100 testbeds and demonstration facilities are
instrumental in developing the future-proofing of products, technologies, and services. RISE
Research Institutes of Sweden is fully owned by the Swedish state.

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RISE Research Institutes of Sweden AB RISE Fire Research

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