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2/2/23, 20:18 INTERCHANGE 2 - RQUIZ UNITS 1 & 2: Revisión del intento

Área personal / Mis cursos / Pce ing A2 / Repetition Quiz 1 & 2 / INTERCHANGE 2 - RQUIZ UNITS 1 & 2

Comenzado el jueves, 23 de junio de 2022, 07:43

Estado Finalizado
Finalizado en jueves, 23 de junio de 2022, 08:42
Tiempo 58 minutos 12 segundos
Puntos 46.00/50.00
Calificación 4.60 de 5.00 (92%)

Pregunta 1 Listen to the conversations. Check the correct answers.

Se puntúa 1.00
sobre 1.00

Tom grew up in

Seleccione una:
A. San Francisco 

B. San Diego

C. Japan

Respuesta correcta

Pregunta 2 Carol used to


Se puntúa 1.00 Seleccione una:

sobre 1.00
A. watch mysteries

B. collect old photos

C. read comic books 

Respuesta correcta

Pregunta 3 According to Helen, there ________________


Se puntúa 0.00 Seleccione una:

sobre 1.00
A. isn’t enough parking downtown

B. is too much traffic

C. aren’t enough buses 

Respuesta incorrecta. 1/5
2/2/23, 20:18 INTERCHANGE 2 - RQUIZ UNITS 1 & 2: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 4 Anna can join a car pool by


Se puntúa 1.00 Seleccione una:

sobre 1.00
A. asking a neighbor for a ride

B. riding to work with Steve

C. calling a phone number 

Respuesta correcta

Pregunta 5

Correcta Complete the conversations. Use the past tense.

Se puntúa 3.00
1. A: Where were you born ?
sobre 3.00

    B: I was born in Mexico City.

2. A: Did he study French in high school?

    B: No, he didn’t study French in high school. He studied Spanish.

3. A: When did they graduate from college?

   B: They graduated from college in 2002.

Pregunta 6
Select the correct word or phrase.

Se puntúa 3.00
sobre 3.00 1. Every summer, Sam used to go to the beach  with her friends.

2. I really enjoyed playing chess  when I was a teenager.

3. Ed had some unusual pets, including a fish and a snake 

Respuesta correcta

Pregunta 7
Correcta Complete the conversation. Use the correct form of used to and the given verbs.
Se puntúa 4.00
A: Did you use to play (play) soccer when you were a child?
sobre 4.00

B: Yes, I used to play soccer every day after school.

A: And what things did you use to collect  (collect)?

B: Oh, I never used to collect anything, but now I collect postcards.

Pregunta 8
Parcialmente Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. (More than one option is possible in sentences 1 and 2)
1. (fewer / should / noise / There / less / be / cars / and) -- There should be fewer cars and less noise
Se puntúa 2.00
sobre 3.00
2. (pollution / is / and / much / There / traffic / too / air) -- There is too much traffic and air pollution

3. (lanes / should / more / We / bicycle / have) -- We should have more lanes bicycle

Respuesta parcialmente correcta. 2/5
2/2/23, 20:18 INTERCHANGE 2 - RQUIZ UNITS 1 & 2: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 9
Correcta Write indirect questions. Use these Wh-questions and the given words.
Se puntúa 4.00
1. Where is the nearest restaurant? (Do) > Do you know where the nearest restaurant is ?
sobre 4.00

2. How much do newspapers cost? (Could) > Could you tell me how much newspapers cost ?

3. Where is the best bookstore in town (Do) > Do you know where the best bookstore in town is ?

4. What time do the banks close? (Can) > Can you tell me what time the banks close ?

Pregunta 10 Read the article. Then, check the correct answers.


Se puntúa 1.00 (Para visualizar mejor la imagen, da click derecho sobre la misma y ábrela en una nueva pestaña)
sobre 1.00

 Dean Kamen

Seleccione una:
A. invented the Segway HT 

B. doesn’t think the Segway HT is energy efficient

C. wants to own a Segway HT

Respuesta correcta

Pregunta 11 The Segway HT


Se puntúa 1.00 Seleccione una:

sobre 1.00
A. is harder than riding a motorcycle

B. has four wheels and runs on electricity

C. is cheaper than buying a car 

Respuesta correcta

Pregunta 12 The Segway HT


Se puntúa 1.00 Seleccione una:

sobre 1.00
A. weighs 100-200 pounds

B. goes 16 miles per hour

C. recharges in four to six hours 

Respuesta correcta 3/5
2/2/23, 20:18 INTERCHANGE 2 - RQUIZ UNITS 1 & 2: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 13 The Segway HT


Se puntúa 0.00 Seleccione una:

sobre 1.00
A. can go wherever people drive cars 

B. could replace a bicycle

C. can be used only on ice

Respuesta incorrecta.

Pregunta 14
Paso 1. Escribe tu nombre completo y código de estudiante. 
Paso 2. Da click en finalizar intento. 
Se puntúa 24.00
sobre 25.00 Paso 3. El docente a cargo del espacio de examen te evaluará la producción oral y procederá a finalizar la calificación de
tu examen.

Paso 4. Puedes revisar tu calificación total en la plataforma.


CODIGO 10170620


Speaking test
Criterion Grade from 1-5

Grammar  4

Vocabulary  5

Fluency  5

Pronunciation  5

Comprehension/Task Completion  5

at my grandmother´s house 

my neighborhood 


in the past it wasn´t too noisy 

to get transportation 

Johanna Zea - Virtual Itagüí 4/5
2/2/23, 20:18 INTERCHANGE 2 - RQUIZ UNITS 1 & 2: Revisión del intento


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