MPH 2nd Year 2019

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\ @ Roll No. S-4101 Master of Public Health II"* Year, Examination-2019 Paper — I* [Epidemiology] Paper Code-MPH — 201 Time : 02 Hours] [Maximum Marks : 60 Wrote: Q.1 is Compulsory. Each questions carry equal marks. 1, What is Epidemiology? Write in detail basic principles of epidemiology and its uses with necessary examples. _(15marks) 2. Short notes: (Attempt any 3) (15marks) (1) | STD (Sexually transmitted disease) (2) | Worm infestations 3) Case control study (4) Multifactorial causation of disease (5) Substance Abuse 3. There is a saying “Apple a day keeps a doctor away” suggest your views in support of specific preventive measure to be used in disease prevention and control. (15mark) OR You are an epidemiologist in Refugee camp and there is a suspected outbreak of Cholera. Describe the procedure you would use to investigate the outbreak of disease and recommend feasible interventions. S-4101/MPH-201 1 P.T.O. x Write a detailed note on National mental health programmes (NMHP) 1982, and also explain strategies involved in it.(1Smark) OR Explain the role of descriptive epidemiology in studying the disease problem in the community. Roll No. S-4102 Master of Public Health [1"¢ Year, Examination-2019 Paper — II" [Social and Behavioural Aspects Public Health ] Paper Code-MPH — 202 @rime : 02 Hours] [Maximum Marks : 60 Note: Q.1 is Compulsory, Each questions carry equal marks. ee we “Define Vulnerable population? What is conceptual framework behind it? (15marks) Short notes: (Attempt any 3) (15marks) (1) Vulnerable groups (2) Sex education (3) Human rights of vulnerable groups (4) Disability Write a detailed note on “Upliftment of vulnerable groups in India”. (1Smark) OR How to prevent the “Violation of Right to health of vulnerable populations” & Role of Government of India in it, Discuss about “Race, Ethinicity & Gender” as major factors in vulnerability. (15mark) OR Address the issues related to “Child Abuse & girl trafficking in India. S-4102/MPH-202 1 Roll No. $-4103 Master of Public Health I1"@ Year, Examination-2019 Paper — II? [Environmental Health & Sustainable Development] Paper Code-MPH — 203 @ Tin )2 Hours] [Maximum Marks : 60 Note: Q.1 is Compulsory. Each questions carry equal marks. 1. What do you understand by the term “environment”? What are the various components of environment? (1Smarks) 2. Short notes: (Attempt any 3) (1Smarks) (1) Global warming (2) Bio-medical waste (3) Population growth (4) Solar energy 3. Write a detailed note on “Eco-friendly environmental practices” (1Smark) OR & Define “Environment pollution”. What are the various types of pollution & their controlling measures? 4. Define “Sustainable Development” & what are the various development theories? (15mark) OR Explain the important Role of “Community participation” in environment health & sustainable development. S-4103/MPH-203 1 " Roll No. S-4104 Master of Public Health [1°* Year, Examination-2019 Paper — Iv® {Healthcare Policy Planning and Economics] Paper Code-MPH — 204 Time : 02 Hours] [Maximum Marks : 60 Note: Q.1 is Compulsory. Each questions carry equal marks. L ny Write a detailed note on Ayushman Bharat National Health Protection scheme. (15marks) Short notes: (Attempt any 3) (15marks) (1) Public private partnership (2) Determinants of supply in healthcare (3) Commercialization & globalization of healthcare. (4) Primary healthcare (5) MTP Act (6) Law of remand in healthcare Briefly explain the effects of primilization of healthcare in India. (15mark) OR Write a note on health plans and outlays in India. Explain the Bio-medical waste management rule 1998 and its importance in healthcare. (1Smark) OR What are the determinants of demand in healthcare? What is the Present scenario of demand and supply in medical care in government hospitals?

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