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The Discovery Call Set Up

Ensure you change the script!

You can use to quickly change and paraphrase things.

No matter what clients say, (even if they ask for sample posts/a free audit) I always
send them this message directly after they respond to my initial proposal:


Thanks for the message back and for providing me with that information. - I have
taken a look at the social links and I’m more than confident that I can be of help.

That being said, I think it would be a great idea if we could jump on a quick call to
discuss your project and your EXACT needs as I would like to clarify a few things first.

To book a meeting with me, please use my calendar link below. - This saves us going
back and forth because as a fellow business owner, I understand your time is SUPER
valuable. (Please remember to select your time zone)

Looking forward to our call.

Warm regards,

Make sure you change the script as all the students in the program get this same
template and it will look terrible if you do not change it!!

Side notes:

- I do not do the audit ever… unless they are adamant about it and they are a
10/10 looking client

- I've only ever done 2 audits in the last 2 years

- Send your responses back within 15 minutes to half an hour for optimal results!
(Have the Upwork app installed on your phone and desktop notifications
enabled so you get prospects notifications)

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