F1-P8-J©zyk Angielski

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Poziom zarządzania

14 – Język angielski
Pytania: Poprawna
O/T – oznacza charakter pytania (obowiązkowe, wymagające więcej czasu) odpowiedź
Lp. O/T Moduł 1– Język angielski
1. O I will act as On-……..Coordinator. C
a) stage
b) board
c) scene
2. O MV … is -------- track number …. A
a) allocated
b) resumed
c) abandoned
3. O I require oil ----- assistance – danger of pollution. B
a) rescue
b) tainting
c) spilling
4. O MV… is dangerous source of -------- A
a) radiation
b) frequency
c) direction
5. O Navigation in area around …. is only for high-powered vessels of ----- C
a) moulded breadth
b) registered breadth
c) strong construction
6. O Boarding arrangements do not ----- with SOLAS Regulations. B
a) a/advise
b) comply
c) use
7. O Ice-breaker assistance is ----- until favourable weather conditions. B
a) resume
b) suspended
c) require
8. O Is extra power ----- in an emergency? C
a) accessible
b) approved
c) available

9. O What are the maximum ----- ahead? B
a) resolutions
b) revolutions
c) recommendations
10. O Inform vessels in ----- about number of persons remaining on board. A
a) vicinity
b) visibility
c) variety
11. O ----- signal for firefighting team. A
a) retreat
b) return
c) recover
12. O Have the lookouts ----- and report. B
a) equip
b) manned
c) maintain
13. O What was the total number of persons on board the vessel in ----- ? C
a) dangerous
b) emergency
c) distress
14. O These slings do not permit safe cargo ----- A
a) handling
b) handle
c) stow
15. O Are safety ----- in the hold operational? B
a) agreements
b) arrangements
c) preparations
16. O Check the correct interlock of the ----- C
a) stowplan
b) stowage
c) stowpieces
17. O These goods are liable to ----- heating and combustion. A
a) spontaneous
b) sporadic
c) surprising

18. O The ----- recorders in the hold will be operational in 5 minutes. B
a) precipitation
b) humidity
c) dampness
19. O Please ----- the instructions given by the officers and the crew. C
a) avoid
b) listen
c) follow
20. O Are fork-lift ----- for the cargo holds available? B
a) tracks
b) trucks
c) trails
21. O What is the ----- load of hold no.4. A
a) safety
b) security
c) working
22. O Is ----- control material available? A
a) damage
b) destroy
c) dunnage
23. O Additional emergency generator remains on ----- C
a) standing by
b) ready
c) stand by
24. O Large vessel is leaving the fairway – keep clear of the fairway ----- B
a) arrival
b) approach
c) enter
25. O Do twin propellers ----- inward or outward when going ahead? C
a) operate
b) work
c) turn

26. O How long does it take to change the engine from ahead to ----- C
a) aft
b) stern
c) astern

27. O You are ----- from pilotage. C
a) excused
b) extended
c) exempted
28. O Your course is ----- from the radar reference line. B
a) differed
b) deviating
c) differing
29. O Is the turning ----- of propeller very strong? C
a) result
b) purpose
c) effect
30. O How is the cable ----- ? B
a) leaning
b) leading
c) leaving
31. O The leak at the manifold connection (został zauważony) too late. A
a) was located
b) was locating
c) located
32. O The vessel (wejdzie) the fairway in 7 minutes. C
a) will arrive at
b) will call at
c) will enter
33. O The ice-breaker assistance for convoy (skończy się) when (będzie) open water ahead. A
a) will finish/there is
b) will finish/there will be
c) finishes/ there is
34. O The helicopter informed the landing party (żeby nie mocować) the hoist cable. C
a) not fix
b) do not fix
c) not to fix
35. O A fishing gear (nigdy nie zaplątało się) my propeller. B
a) has not never fouled
b) has never fouled
c) has never foulen

36. O The derelict platform (była usuwana) from its position when suddenly the wind force B
(zwiększyła się).
a) was removing/increased
b) was being removed/ increased
c) had been removed/was increasing
37. O This buoy (musiała zostać ponownie wystawiona) in position not a long time ago. A
a) must have been re-established
b) must be re-established
c) had to re-established
38. O We (moglibyśmy) proceed if the visibility ( nie była) so poor: C
a) could/have been
b) can/ is not
c) could/was not
39. O The chief officer (próbuje uzyskać) any information from survivors for a quarter of an hour. B
a) is trying to obtain
b) has been trying to obtain
c) tries to obtain
40. O Who (wznowił) search in this position? A
a) has resumed
b) had resume
c) have resumed
41. O What signals (będą pokazywane)? C
a) will show
b) will be showed
c) will be shown
42. O What ETA (podał samolot) to assist in search? A
a) did the aircraft report
b) has the aircraft repot
c) reported the aircraft
43. O We expect to refloat when draft (zmniejszy się). C
a) decrease
b) will decrease
c) decreases
44. O The OSC wanted to know if the Russian tanker (może) proceed only at slow speed. B
a) can
b) could
c) may

45. O The officer ordered the passengers (używać) a lifeline to each other. C
a) having
b) to has
c) to have
46. O The damage control watch (wystawiono) at 24.00 UTC: C
a) posted
b) were post
c) was posted
47. O A drill (zostanie przeprowadzony) to familiarize passengers with their assembly stations. A
a) will be held
b) will be holding
c) will hold
48. O All regulations concerning vessel’s routine (muszą być przestrzegane). C
a) must obey
b) must obeyed
c) have to be obeyed
49. O (Aby wejść) use lock X. C
a) for leaving
b) to entering
c) for entering
50. O How (osoba będzie przekazana) to my vessel? B
a) will the person transfer
b) will the person be transferred
c) will be transfer

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