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 22   The Office vs. Parks and Rec. What's the better show?  Close

Posted by u/Qtip533 4 years ago

22 The Office vs. Parks and Rec. What's the better show?
Need to hear some opinions to settle an argument with a friend. My vote personally goes towards The
Office. I love Parks and Rec, but it just doesn't compare to The Office. I feel like Parks and Rec wouldn't be
the show that it was if it wasn't for The Office.
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 Created Jan 25, 2008

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gohomepat · 4y

In my opinion, The Office (in the later seasons) seemed to stray away from what made it great in the
earlier episodes and went on for far too long. Parks and Rec was consistent throughout it's entire run
(past season 1) and to me, had a much more satisfying ending. I regularly re-watch Parks and Rec, but
need to power through The Office past season 5.

Huge fan of both though!

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PlayOnPlayer · 4y · edited 4y

While season 1 of Parks is an incredibly close facsimile to The Office, it later really branched off into its TOP POSTS MAY 28TH 2017
own more feel good style of comedy and away from The Office's more purposefully awkward sensibilities.

I think the early seasons of The Office are near perfect comedy, but I think Parks really evolved and TOP POSTS OF MAY, 2017
honed its craft more as it went along. I'd also say Parks stuck the landing much more than the Office,
which sort of meandered its way to the finish line.
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TheDude2099 · 4y Help About

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but I think Parks really evolved and honed its craft more as it went along. I'd also say Parks stuck
the landing much more than the Office, Reddit Premium Press
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Totally agree. The Office had very few and very meh story lines compared to Parks, so Parks is the Blog
overall better series. Terms
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Qtip533 OP · 4y

Very true. I love both shows but The Office just holds a special place in my heart that I got offended Reddit Inc © 2021 . All rights reserved
when he pitted Parks and Rec against it.

I'm very grateful having to have seen both and any time that I'm down I'm glad I can watch either one. Back to Top

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im_so_woah · 4y

Absolutely adore both shows but I gotta go with Parks. The cast is spectacular but it feels like all the
characters grow and just something about it makes me connect with them a lot more. Honestly though its
like giving Parks a 10/10 and the Office 9.5/10 for me. There's no wrong opinion since both are so great.

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Damn_Dog_Inappropes · 4y

all the characters grow

This is a huge part of why I like the show. All the characters grow and change, which makes them
realistic, and the writers did such a great job that it didn't wreck the dynamic, it made it better.

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[deleted] · 4y

The Office started incredibly, but by season 7,8, and 9 it had gone downhill. I'd say it's the funnier show.

Parks is quirkier, but it does a much better job developing lovable characters with defined arcs. Look at
April for example. She starts off hating everything, but by the end of the show she turns into a thoughtful
and kind woman who really cares about the people she loves.

I love them both.

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MeatTornado25 · 4y

Started in S6 imo

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 [deleted] · 4y

AlexandrShow · 4y

Parks and rec for me. After rewatching it, i think that it feels more like a whole and complete show.

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Jaywearspants · 4y

Neither. They're both fantastic. Why does one need to be better than the other?

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LostInStatic · 4y

Because they're made by the same people, are similar in style, and because it's just a discussion bro

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 tylerhockey12 · 4y

Daiteach · 4y

Parks and Rec is a better show, although The Office is still one of my top ten faves, maybe even top five.

Parks and Recreation has more complete, nuanced, interesting characters. One of the biggest
weaknesses of The Office, in my opinion, is that Jim and Pam aren't actually very deep characters.
Jim wants basically one thing (Pam), and Pam doesn't really want anything. There are "big payoff"
moments whenever their relationship moves forward a step, but they're otherwise holes in the
center of the show.
Parks and Recreation has more stories. While there's nothing at all wrong with a show being
episodic (Seinfeld is 98% episodic, and is amazing), it's easier to get invested in a show that has
more throughlines. One of the subtle differences between the shows is that PnR was written in a
world where re-watching and binge watching were "things" to a significantly greater extend than the
Office. The characters in PnR routinely strive for things, while characters in The Office are mostly
PnR has an extremely strong extended cast.

The Office does have some points in its favor. Its worst season is near the end, rather than at the
beginning, for one.

There's also some mileage-may-vary elements. The Office commits much more strongly to it's "this is a
documentary" setup, while PnR is mostly just a regular sitcom that takes advantage of audience
familiarity with the "sitcoms can have confessionals" trope in order to have characters deliver exposition
or jokes. Characters in the Office are much more grounded (at least until late season 7), while
characters in PnR are much more heightened. PnR is fundamentally more optimistic than The Office.

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Arbys_Fisted · 2d

It’s not what they want it’s also the reason behind it. Don’t be basic. you’ll hurt my feelings

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rocker2014 · 4y

Parks and Rec. Yes, The Office (UK then US) started the style but Parks perfected it.

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lost_in_trepidation · 4y

I think The Office (UK) and the first 2 seasons of the Office (US) are pretty different from later office
and parks and rec.

The former were pretty dry and most of the humor comes from how uncomfortable and relatable they
were. While Parks and Rec and later office were more about eccentric characters and more obviously
comedic bits.

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QuackFan · 4y

I agree that it wouldn't be the show it was without the office but I prefer Parks and Rec. I mean it has Ron
Swanson that alone makes it better.

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Notapseudoliberal · 4y

Parks and recreation

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its_called_life_dib · 4y

I love both shows. I binge them every year, sometimes twice in the same year.

Here's the thing, though: they are very different shows. To compare them is unfair. They each have
very different characters, and very different stories.

The Office offers me something unique that Parks and Rec does not: the characters are satisfying to
study. Every binge watch reveals something new about a character I might've missed on the last binge

That being said, my favorite is Parks and Rec. Instead of making a spectacle of the weirdness each
character possesses as they do in The Office, Parks and Rec celebrates that weirdness. The characters'
oddities drive them forward and help them achieve fantastic things. More importantly, the characters
make me happy. Leslie Knope makes me feel like I can do anything I put my mind to. Andy's unending
optimism takes him on some wonderful adventures and experiences. Even Tom manages turn his ideas
into tangible things.

And there is an impressive amount of world-building in Pawnee, so much so that Pawnee is a character.
It has a connection to each of the other characters. It grows just as they grow.

So, for me, Parks and Rec. It's got a special place in my heart.

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Damn_Dog_Inappropes · 4y

the characters make me happy.

Right?? How can I not be overjoyed to hear Chris Traeger say, "Ann Perkins!" or Leslie Knope say,
"You beautiful land mermaid."

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1033149 · 4y
Person of Interest

The office is better in my opinion. Its peaks showcase some of the best comedy in television ever. But its
later years really struggle and it becomes really average. The office's earlier seasons ranked around a
9.5 but its later seasons reached down in the 7s. Parks and Rec for me is consistently good after season
1. Always hitting that solid 8.5 for me.

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CedarCabPark · 4y

Have you seen Review on CC? I think you should watch it if you liked the cringe and absurd comedy
of the earlier Office seasons. It's such a crazy good show. I always feel like people that liked the Office
would like that as well. Shame it ended it's last season this year. Over way too soon.

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BlinkingWlkr23 · 4y

For me The Office is the better show.

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CedarCabPark · 4y

It's a better show by a landslide to me, but Parks did make me laugh some. It just never reached that
hilarious level of seasons 2-4 of the office.

Also, I didn't love the ending of Parks. Besides the Robert California shit, which was goofy, I really
liked how Office ended. I like the last few episodes of the last season a lot. It's really heartfelt.

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tdlyon · 4y

When The Office is at its best it's near untouchable. However, once Parks gets good it absolutely never
lets up and stays consistently great for its entire run.

So, Parks.

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Standbehindthesheild · 4y

Id say The office is the better T.V show, but Parks and rec has better characters.

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[deleted] · 4y

While I think The Office is the better show, I just enjoyed Parks and Recs more because of its undying
optimism. 2 favorite comedies of all time.

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TheCurtain512 · 4y

Parks and Rec remained better more consistently, once it figured out what it wanted to be, it started to
peak when Lowe/Scott joined the cast. But the Office S2-3-4 (still pretty good in S5, too) are pretty much
top notch greatest network comedy show you're going to see in the last 15 years. Plenty of laughs,
simple stories, and awesome human moments. But it tarnished itself a bit by not ending when Carrell left,
that should have been the finale. By that point, the show was running on fumes as well. So even if he
didn't leave, it still needed to wrap up soon, yet they milked the fuck out of it since NBC had no hits at the

Overall, Parks and Rec was the better show as it maintained a steady consistency of great stuff until the
finale. But the Office is unbeatable at its peak.

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chrisjc · 4y

Office S1-3 > a lot of sitcoms, Parks included.

But Parks and Rec takes it overall as it was the most consistent. Office was near unwatchable toward the

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Milo_BOK · 4y
Twin Peaks

Parks and Rec for me for sure. I feel like I haven't watched enough of the Office to properly compare the
two though.

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s4BrittadCommunity · 4y

Parks and rec.

The office went down hill after s5, P&R was still great when it ended. I was more invested in Andy & April
then Jim & Pam

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Sweet_Tangerine50 · 4y

Parks and Rec, hands down.

"I have no idea what I'm doing, but I know that I'm doing it really, really well." - Andy Dwyer

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ADWeasley · 4y

Parks and Recreation by a landslide. The Office had more poignant moments in seasons 2-3, but it took
such a severe nosedive in quality in terms of character and story. Parks and Rec was incredibly
consistent, and had more well-developed and loveable characters.

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little_ginger1216 · 4y

I think both are great shows, but I prefer the Office :)

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RadBadTad · 4y

I prefer The Office. I really enjoy Parks and Rec as well, but it seems less "realistic" to me, and the
characters seem more two dimensional, so I don't love it quite as much. I still binge through both
regularly though.

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proddy · 4y

I prefer Parks and Rec. I've seen both.

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MiamiFootball · 4y

The Office has a much higher peak but I think it suffered from some decisions they made for their later
seasons. I wasn't big into Sabre and Robert California and Clark Duke et al. and generally post-Michael.
The Office is one of my favorite shows though and I constantly re-watch those early seasons.

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[deleted] · 4y

My friend made a neat point that The Office (Season 2 and 3) have some of the most strongest and
realistic characters, but as the show goes on the characters almost become caricatures of there former

Parks and Rec on the other hand, has characters that for the first two seasons only have 1 or 2 traits. As
the show goes on the characters grow and become more realistic.

Parks and Rec ends with some very strong and well written characters, while The Office ends on the
opposite side of the spectrum.

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MeatTornado25 · 4y

The Office thru season 3 actually felt like a show about an office full of workers. After that it turned
into a sitcom with tv characters on the set of an office.

Compare the season 2 fire episode where everyone has to kill time and mingle in the parking lot after
an accident in the kitchen (something i've been thru at my office) with the season 5 episode where an
employee purposely sets a fire and isn't terminated.

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[deleted] · 4y

As the comments show, it's really a very subjective question - more so than any question about art and
media will naturally be. They're very close in quality, but diverge in style for the bulk of their runs.

Personally, I'm a Parks and Rec guy. It's just heartwarming.

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bkos55 · 4y

Parks was more consistent. The Office fell of a cliff and should have bowed gracefully when Michael left.

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[deleted] · 4y

Don't want to be a downer but what's the point in having this debate with strangers? They are both very
similar shows in terms of the type of humour and ensemble cast. And there'll be a lot of people in both
corners, but what's most important is what YOU feel. Neither you nor your friend is right and this
argument wouldn't be one if 80% of people here said the Office is a better show!

I would put the Office over Parks and Rec personally - I love the characters and their interactions a lot

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Andrado · 4y

I think The Office had more memorable moments and funnier gags, but as a complete package, I think
Parks and Rec was a better show.

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HardcoreKaraoke · 4y

P&R started alright, became amazing and finished strong. The Office started really great, became
amazing and finished pretty poorly.

So take that for what you will. Personally P&R is one of my favorite comedies of all time. I've watched
both shows numerous times though.

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[deleted] · 4y

office hands down.

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DrMantis_T · 4y

office uk
parcs and rec
office us

US office tailed off pretty hard in the last 2 seasons.

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[deleted] · 4y

The rewatch value of The Office is infinitely higher than that of Parks and Recreation.

In retrospect I might question why I finished Parks.

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The_Thick_Six · 4y

The Office. To me, it's not even close. The Office is funnier, the characters are more likable, the story is
more interesting. It's just not even close but that's just my opinion.

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happysunbear · 4y

The Office. Had more nuance and multidimensional characters.

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JStaunton · 4y

The Office easily.

However, Parks started off very badly (though only for one season) whereas The Office had a few very
bad seasons at the end.

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MrMagistrate · 4y

The Office

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jrose6717 · 4y

The office is like an NFL about who at his prime was put up way better numbers but wasn't consistently
elite at the end of their career. Where parks and rec is a qb who puts up great numbers all throughout
their career. I personally enjoy the office more. But both are good.

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MeatTornado25 · 4y

I see your football analogy and raise you mine:

The Office was a veteran qb and coaching staff that won a super bowl together. But then the coaches
get a new job and start over fresh with a rookie qb, giving them even more time for success and they
start a dynasty. The old qb remains solid on his old squad, but never recaptures the magic he had in
his original offense, leading to a bunch of playoff disappointments.

The coaches of course being Greg Daniels and Michael Schur, and the qb being the cast of The

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TheTKz · 4y

I think the highest highs of The Office are higher than Parks, whilst the lowest lows are way below Parks.
Parks maintained a better overall score. If The Office jumped between a 4 and a 10, Parks was always
more 7-9.

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MeatTornado25 · 4y

Overall I think Parks was the better show. But I don't think it ever quite reached the heights of The Office
S2-3 for me.

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jedwards77 · 4y

Are you trying to start WWIII with this question? I like The Office but I much prefer Parks and Rec. I
connected with the characters more and I appreciate that they created an entire universe with Pawnee.

I've never bought into the "The Office came first therefore it's better" argument. First of all, P&R is very
much its own show. Secondly, by that logic you have to like the UK Office more than the US Office, and I
know that's not the case with many who use that argument.

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EatGarbageDip · 4y

What? Thats like asking whats better, Cheers or Frasier? Both are good shows to me and also there are
many people that dont like either The Office and Parks. Dwight is great, Ron is great

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tylerhockey12 · 4y

I try not to compare them they are both amazing.

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antizeus · 4y

Each is better than the other.

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aak_056 · 4y

Parks and recreation

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Melesani · 4y

just enjoy watching both there is no need for ranking, besides comedy is hugely subjective

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helljoe · 4y

The Office will always be my favorite show of all time. However, I have a suspicion that if P&R had come
first than I would like it more. But The Office is my first TV love.

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amigro · 4y

The Office!

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[deleted] · 4y

The Office without a doubt.

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SiriuslyLupin · 4y

By far its the Office

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 Comment deleted by user · 4y

isaacz321 · 4y

parks is more consistent and ended better partially because it went only 7 seasons instead of 9 but I
liked The Office more. My criteria for comedy is pretty simple which is rewatchability and The Office has
so many great clips.

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Swankdelphia · 4y

I like the office more because the people they interact with outside of the office seem like real people. It
seems like EVERYONE that lives in Pawnee (and Eagleton) is cartoonishly over the top.

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Rcmacc · 4y

I'd say The Office is better than Parks and Rec, but Scrubs was better than both.

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