Future Probable

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Predicciones de Ray Kurzweil & resumen

1. Ray Kurzweil predicted that people may interact with their machines; keyboards will disappear
and verbal conversation will be fluid between 2020 and 2030.
2. Ray Kurweil predicted that people will definitely use brain implants to connect the brain directly
to the network before 2050.
3. Ray Kurweil predicted that artificial intelligences will certainly perhaps possess self-awareness
before 2050.
4. Ray Kurweil predicted that we will definitely be able to transform all kinds of physical objects by
nanotechnology before 2070.
5. Ray Kurweil predicted the possibility that humans may have merged with artificial intelligences
before the end of this century.
6. Ray Kurweil predicted that computers will certainly be able to jump from current devices to any
element of our homes in the 2020s.
7. Ray Kurweil predicted the probability that perhaps hunger and disease might have almost totally
disappeared by the year 2050.

Source: https://pandorafms.com/blog/es/predicciones-ray-kurzweil/

It is very interesting to know some of the ideas that Kurzweil has about how technology will change
our lives in the coming years. Some of them are described in the 1998 work "The Age of Spiritual

During the 20s of this century (between 2020 and 2030) people will relate to our machines in a way
that is increasingly similar to how we would interact with another human being. Keyboards will
disappear and verbal communication will be fluid. Personal virtual assistants will be widely used.

In the following decades, before 2050, Artificial Intelligence will have developed in such a way that
the computational capacity of computers will far exceed (more than 1,000 times) that of a human
brain.Brain implants will allow us to connect our brains directly to the network, which will allow us,
among other things, to enter virtual worlds indistinguishable from the real world.

Most of life and intelligence will develop in a virtual substratum. Human beings will have definitively
merged with artificial intelligences, living without a usual physical form of their own.

One of Kurzweil's premises for making these bold predictions is a theory created by himself known as
the Law of Accelerating Returns, which, in short, states that technology progresses at an ever-
increasing rate, faster than indicated by developed in just a few decades.

Predicciones de John Elfreth Watkins & resumen

1. John Elfreth Watkins predicted that photographs may possibly be taken from any distance and
will be reproduced in all colors of nature.
2. John Elfreth Watkins predicted the probability that normal trains will be able to run at a speed of
two miles per minute.
3. John Elfreth Watkins certainly predicted that future generations will be able to eat strawberries
as large as apples (larger fruits).
4. John Elfreth Watkins predicted that man might definitely see around the world, people and
things of all types will bring attention from cameras.
5. John Elfreth Watkins definitely predicted that there will be wireless telephones and telephone
circuits will extend communication throughout the world.}
6. John Elfreth Watkins predicted that pre-cooked food might certainly be bought directly from the
7. John Elfreth Watkins predicted the probability that there may be between 350,000,000 and
500,000,000,000 people in the United States.

Source: https://www.elconfidencial.com/alma-corazon-vida/2012-02-06/las-predicciones-

In December 1900, at the turn of the 20th century, Watkins wrote an article about a series of
predictions about what the world would be like in the year 2000 published on page eight of the
American magazine Ladies Home Journal titled What May Happen in the Next Hundred Years.

Some of the ones he mentioned are the following: "The photographs will be taken from any distance.
If there is a battle in China in a hundred years, the snapshots of its most striking events will be
published in the press an hour later.... The photographs will reproduce in all the colors of nature";
"Wireless telephones and telephone circuits will expand communication in the world. A husband who
is in the middle of the Atlantic will be able to talk to his wife sitting in her cabinet in Chicago. We will
be able to telephone China as easily as we now speak. from Manhattan to Brooklyn." International
phone calls were unknown in 1900. Watkins predicted this even 15 years before the first call made by
Alexander Bell. The idea of mobile telephony was truly revolutionary; “Man will see around the
world. People and things of all kinds will bring the attention of cameras, electrically connected to
screens at opposite ends of the circuit, thousands of miles away.” Watkins predicted the existence of
cameras and screens connected to electrical circuits. A vision that was practically not fulfilled until
the 20th century through live television and later webcams.

Predicciones de Alvin Toffler & resumen

1. Alvin Toffler predicted that there may possibly be an expansion of interactive media and chat
sites on the Internet.
2. Alvin Toffler predicted that man might indeed be able to create exact biological copies of
3. Alvin Toffler predicted that there could probably be a dissolution of the nuclear family.
4. Alvin Toffler predicted that there might be an increase in divorce rates and the rise of the lgbt+
5. Alvin Toffler predicted the likely consumerism that may have been referenced in internet sales.
6. Alvin Toffler predicted that cities may become less important with the shift of work from the
office to the home.
7. Alvin Toffler predicted that space will be the perfect place for colony placement and the sea will
be ideal for underwater cities.

Source: https://www.bbc.com/mundo/noticias-36692709
Futurologist Alvin Toffler captivated millions of people around the world with his insightful
forecasts/productions on everything from the creation of the internet to a new wave of drug use and

Toffler predicted that one symptom of rapid social change would be the dissolution of the family
unit. The author noted that these would lead to an increase in divorce rates and society becoming
more welcoming of the LGBT community.

He wrote: "...we will also see many more 'family' units consisting of a single single adult and one or
more children. Not all of these adults will be women...As homosexuality becomes more socially
acceptable, we will even begin to find families based on same-sex marriage.

He also recognized a change in society to delay the decision to have children. “Why not wait and buy
your embryos later, after your professional career is over? sexagenarians raise infants"

In the age of Amazon and the proliferation of internet sales and sharing economies, Toffler's
observations about consumerism as a global trend ring true.

"Future people may suffer not from a lack of choice but from a crippling glut of choice. They could
become victims of that particular dilemma of the super-industrial: glut of choice."

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