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oe & Regublic othe Doiipines Bepartment of Education Wak D2 10 DepEd ORDER No. 907: *. 2023 GUIDELINES ON RECRUITMENT, SELECTION, AND APPOINTMENT IN THE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION To: Underseeretaries Assistant Secretaries Bureau and Service Directors Regional Directors Schools Division Superintendents Assistant Schools Division Superintendents All Others Concerned 1. The Department of Sducation (DepEd) issues the enclosed Guidelines on Recruitment, Selection, and Appointment in the Department of Education (Enclosure 1) which upholds the principles of merit, fitness, competence, equal opportunity, tansparency, and accountability pursuant to the Depiid Merit Selection Plan. The issuance of the specific guidelines is necessary to ensure the placement of the right people for the right job at the right hime. Its aimed at ensuring that the organization and its human resources are able to respond to challenges and opportunities of the 21st century with focus on the delivery of quality, accessible, relevant, and liberating basic education, 2. ‘This policy shall guide personnel and stakcholiers toward a systematic and competency-based process the recruitment, selection, and appointment of personnel to positions in the First and Second levels, including, Second level ‘executive/managerial pontions, in the Central Office (CO), regional offices (ROs), ‘Schools division afices (SOx), and schools. 3. In support ofthe basic principles, and general policies, enclosed in this Order are ‘the specific guidelines, procedures, and criteria, as follows: 44, Criteria and Point System for Hiring to Teacher I (Kindergarten to Grade 12) Positions (Enclosure 2) b, CHiteria and Point System for Hiring and Promotion to School Administration (SA) Positions (Enclosure 3h . Criteria and Point System for Hiring and Promotion to Related Teaching (RT) Positions (Bnclosure 4; 4, Criteria and Point System for Hiring and Promotion to Non-Teaching (NT) Positions (Bnelasure 5} and ©. Annexes A-P (as indicated in the enclosures) 4, All Orders, rules and regulations, and other related issuances, to include but not limited to the following, and/or provisions therein, which are inconsistent with this Order and its provisions, are repealed, rescinded, or amended accordingly: Dep Compe, Merce arn, Pn cy 1600 A a x3 2089633726 46021301 A cas serena 620s A wegen DepEd Order (DO) No. 2, 5. 2002, Guidelines on the Hiring of Public ‘School Teachers; DO 50, s. 2003, Adoptive Measures in Filling-Up Vacant Teaching Position DO 85, . 2003, Guidelines on the Selection, Promotion, and Designation of School Heads; DO 16, s. 2005, Guidelines on Recruitment, Evaluation, Selection, and Appointment of Teachers in Public Schoo's; DO 17, s. 2006, Revised Hiring Guidelires for Teacher I Positions in Public Blementary and Secondary Schools; DO 4, s. 2007, Revisions to the Hiring Guidelines for Teacher I Positions; DO 42, #, 2007, The Revised Guidelines on Selection, Promotion and Designation of School Heads; D0 66, s. 2007, Revised Guidelines on the Appointment and Promotion ‘of Other Teaching, Related Teaching, and Non-Teaching Positions; DO 36, s 2009, Strict Compliance with Passing the Qualifying Examination for Principalship for Appointment to Principal! Postion; DO 12, s. 2012, Revised Guidelines on the Hiring of Teacher I Positions Based on the Reform Actions in Basic Education Sector Reform Agenda (BESRA); DO 97, & 2011, Revised Guidelines on the Allocation and Reclassification of School Head Positions DO 25, s, 2012, Addendum to DepFd Order No. 12, s. 2012 (Revised Guidelines on the Hiring of Teacher I Pesitions Based on the Reform [Actions in Basie Education Sector Reform Agenda); DO 37, s. 2012, Addendum to DepEd Order Nos. 12 and 25, s. 2012 (Revised Guidelines on the Hiring of Teacher I Positions Based on the Reform Actions in Basic Education Sector Reform Agenda); DO 81, s. 2012, Additional Policy Guidelines on Hiring and Deployment of Kindergarten Teachers; DO 50, s. 2014, Guidelines on the Recruitment, Selection, and Placement of Personnel Pursuant to the DepEd Rationalization Program under Bxecutive Order 366, 8. 2004; DO 7, s. 2015, Hiring Guidelines for Teacher I Positions Effective School Year (Sy) 2015-2016; Office Order (00) dated April 21, 2015, Procedures Guidelines on the Recruitment, Selection and Placement of the First and Second Levels Non-Teaching and Related Teaching Positions in the Department of Education Central Office; nels References: DO 22, s. 2015, Hiring Guidelines for the Remaining Teaching Positions Bective Sehool Year (SY) 2015-2016; 8. DO3,. 2016, Hiring Guidelines for Senior High School (SHS) Teaching Positions Effective Sehool Year (SY) 2016-2017; DO, s. 2016, Reinforcement of Depid Order Nos. 7 and 22, s. 2015 fas the Hiring Guidelines for Kindergarten to Grade 10 Teaching Positions; 1a. DO 32, s. 2016, Addendum to DepEd Order No. 3, 8. 2016 (Hiring Guidelines for Senior High Schoo! [SHS] Teaching Positions Blfective ‘School Year SY} 2016-2017}; ¥. D049, 8.2016, Guidelines on the Hiring of Contractual (Full-Time and Part-Time) Teachers in Senior High School; . DO 50, s. 2017, Amendment and Additional Information to Depkd Order Nos. 58 and 59, «2012 (Revised Implementing Guidelines on the Provision of Teaching Aid and Transportation Allowances (o ALS Mobile ‘Teachers and District Alternative Learning System Coordinators: [DALSCs}, and Revised Implementing Guidelines on the Selection and Hiring of Alternative Learning System [ALS] Literacy Volunteers); and x DO 51, s. 2017, Amended Qualification Standars for Senior Hight ‘School Teaching Positions in the Technical: Vocational-Livelihood Track land Other Clarifications on the Hiring Guidelines. ‘This Order and its subsequent amendments, if any, shall take effect 15 ealencar days upon its approval, issuance, and publication on the DepEd website. Centifed copies of this Order shall be registered with the University of the Philippines Law Center-Office of the National Administrative Register (UP LC: ‘ONAR), UP Diliman, Quezon City. For more information, please contact the Bureau of Human Resource and Organizational Development (BHROD}, 4th Floor, Mabini Building, Department of Education Central Office, DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City, ‘through email at or telephone number (02) 8470. 6630. Immediate dissemination of and strict compliance with this Order is directed. Prasad Vice President ofthe Republic ofthe Philipines ‘Secretary of the Department of Pducation ‘As stated ‘as stated ‘To be indiceted in the Perpetual Index ‘under the following subjects: APPCINTMENT EMPLOYMENT HIRING. POLICY RECRUITMENT RULES AND REGULATIONS SELECTION (Enclosure No. 1 to DepEd Order No.0. s. 2023) (GUIDELINES ON RECRUITMENT, SELECTION, AND APPOINTMENT IN THE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 1 Rationale 1. Section 212), Article IXB) of the 1987 Constitution of the Republe of the Philipines provides that “appointments i the Ciel Serae shall be made only according fo ment and Finess.* Moreover, Section 2, Subti A, Tite I, Book V of Executive Order (20) No. 22, ‘thervise known se the Administrative Code of 1987, provdes under Reanutment and Selection of Bmployees that "opporturty for government employment shall be open to all ‘qualified ctizens and postive efforts shail be exerted to attract the best qualified (0 enter the Service Employees shall be Selected on the basts af fless to perform the duties and assume the responstoltes ofthe postions.” 2. The Cit Servce Commission (CSC), asthe central personnel agency of the Philippine ‘covernment, sued Memorandum Creu (MC) Ne. I, 2018 ted, 2017 Ombus Rules (on Appowiments and Other Honan Resourte Actions; Revised July 2018, governing. the preparation, aubslesion of, and actions t9 be taken on apprintments and other human Fesource movements in the Philippine government 3, The Department of Bdueation (Dep@2d) recently issued the CSC-approved Mert ‘Selection lan ofthe Department of Eduodtion a Depa Order {D0} No. O19, =, 2022 which tligns the Departments internal system on recruitment, selecson, and placement with the Provisions of the 2017 Omnibus Rules on Appoiaument and Oter Human Resource Actions [ORAOHRA, Revised July 2018 per CSC MC No. 13, =, 2018, sn reinforces the Department’ Commitment with the Program to insututionaize Meritocrac) and Excellence in Human [Resource Management (PRIME HRM) per CSC MC No, 3, s. 2012 It is grounded onthe policy of the Department to atrictly adhere to the principles of Mert, Competence, Funes, ‘Accountability, Transparency, and Equal Opportunty in the process of recruitment, selection, ‘and placement of personnel to positions inthe organization. 4. Faithful to the merit and fitness principle of the Civil Service Doctrine of the Constitution, and the Depld's thrust to better serve its Iexmere and stakenolders by continuously improving itself and maintaining organizational performarice and health, the Department hen istics the Guidelines on Recruitment, Selection, and Appointment in the Department of Education. This policy provides for a systematic process of ‘ecrullment, selection, and appeintment of persounel to positons in the First and Second Ievels based on their relative qualifications and competence to perform the duties end ‘esponsibiiies of the positions. It upholds the Department’ policy on the Promotion of Professionaliem inthe Implementation and Delivery of Baste Edveauon Programs and Services ‘a stipulated in DO O47, = 2022, as amended, which mandates tat all Depa programs and Services, including ts recruitment, selection, and placement precesss, shall be fe rom any form of partisan activites, Ultimately, this policy is simed st exsuring that the organization land ite workforce are able to reapand to challenges and opportunities ofthe 21% century With fecua on the delivery of quality, accessible, reiewant, and Mberning bee education, Scope 5. This policy provides guidance to Human Resource Management Officers (HRMOs), Human Resource” Merit Promotion and” Selection Boerd. (IRMPSB), Appointing Athorties/ Officers, applicants, and other stakeholders at the Central Office (CO), Regional Offices (RO), Schools Division Offices [SDOs), and schools and community learning centers [CLC in the hiring snd promotion of personel to postions in the Fist and Second levee, Including Second level executive/managena positions. It stipulates the basic principles, Selection, and appointment of personnel tothe fllowing posticns in the Department: Pages of22 ‘Teacher postions in the Kindergarten, Blementary, Junior High School (1S) and Senior High Schoo (S18) levels 1 Schoot Adsuinistration (8A) positions Related Teaching (ET) postions: and 4. Non-Teaching (M7) positions. “The complete litt of positions covered by these guidelines is Hated in Annee A. All new positon tities in the First and Second level that may be created after the issuance of Ui Order shall be governed by these guidelines, unless otherwise spedified in a subsequent 6. This policy shall exclude the process and criteria for selection and promotion to the following positions 4 hgher teaching positions inthe Kindergarten, Elementary, JHS, and SHS; and 5) Career Executive Service (CES) positions ‘The existing guidelines forthe stl positions shall stil apply, uniss otherwise modified ‘or amended! by subsequent osuanees, 7. The selection criteria and point system stipulated in this Order may be used in the ‘assessment of splicants to non-career service positions inthe Deparment such as those to be appointed under coterminous, contracts, and temporary status, subject to applicable SC rales and regulations ML Definition of Terms and Acronyms For purposes ofthe Hiring and Promotion Guidelines, the following terms are defined and understood ae flows: 4. Aecountability refers to the obligation of DepEd officals and employees to accept ‘eponaiiliy for the selsction of employees in adherence tothe base principles Stated herein, to explain, carly, and justify human eesoures (HR) actions; disclose the results in’a transparent manne, ad be responsible for one's actions. b. Appliestion of Education refers tothe contribution/s made by an applicant that faa have led to positive outcome ur thelr current of previous workplace as. result oftheir learnings fom higher education earned, Application of Learning and Development refers to the contibution/s made by fan applicant that has/have led to poste outcome in thelr current OF previous Workplace. asa result of their learnings gained from the human resource ‘development interventions done/attended 4, Background Investigation refers tothe verification of an applicant's credentials behaviour, aad previous periormance, it any, by validatizg the information and Tecords declared. bythe applicant in thei Personal Cate. Sheet (PDS) such fs contacting their identified reference person/s im Use current or previous ‘workplace or through other means/ mothods. Behavioural Events Interview refers to the conduct of direct inquiry with the {pllcants, focusing on ther display of desired behaviout/s when subjected to thociie situations er condidons in thelr previous and/or current workplace. Tt sevice to determine how past behaviour predicts future performance. It shall be Used to validate i ey behaviours linked to the requived competencies have bec ccahbited by the applicants, Bona Fide Resléent refers to an applicant who is a resident for atleast «ix (6) months of a baraneay, muniipalit), city, or province, im that order, where the ‘acancy exist, as evidenced by the applicants PDS and Voter ID oF any proof of residency, Comparative Assessment refers to the procedure or method of determinirg the top candidate fr posible appointment, Ie involves the use of multiple evaleation techniques fo weltate the competencies of « qualiied applicant vis-a-vis Uhe ‘competencies required by the postion tobe fied ‘Comparative Assessment Result refers to the report prepared by the Haman Resource Mert Promotion and Selection Board (HRMPSB) that shall guide the ‘appointing author officer, in the exercise of sound discretion, in sele:ting insofar ae practisabl, the candidate deemed most qualified for appointment It Shall contain the complete lat ofall candidates for appointment, highghtirg the top five (5) ranking candidates based on the total scores obtained from the ‘Comparative Assessment Result of the Registry of Qualified Applicants refers to the CAR for tecching postions, containing only the candidates who have m= the cutoff core, Competence refers to the ability to perform tasks elicienty and effectively by Srhiindng Deluvioure that demonetate the necessary knowledge, skills and attitude Competencies rier to knowledge, sil, attitudes, and key behaviours tht are recessary for the. elflient and elfecive performance of the duties and Fesponbiltes ofa position, [Education refers to the formel or non-formal academic, technica, or vocational ‘Sudies that enable an applicant to. successfully perform the duties and Tesponsibilides ofa postion, Eligibility rfers tothe result of passing merit and fess test which may be Aetermined as far as practicable by compeliive examination, or based on highly technical queliications or other tests of merit and fitness conducted by the Gill Service Commission, or other examinations jointly designed and coordinated by ‘he departments oe agencles with the assistance of orn coordination with the CSC, {thd ether examinations. such ns the Professional Regulation Commission ‘condicted toard examinations, the Supreme Court-condueted bar examinations for the Career Executive Service Hoard-conducted examinations Equal Opportusity refers to the non discrimination principle that allows any ‘pplicant within of tide DepEd to apply Tors postion, irespectve of age, Sex, SP orientation and gender entity, chil stattas, disability, religion, ethnic, of political betes. Evaluative Assssement refers to the multiple evalustion techniques ia the ‘determination ofcompetencies of sn applicant Hs-évis the required competencies ofthe position tote fille. Executive Managerial Position refers to a second level postion whose fun-tions Involve exercising management over people, source, and/or policy, a8 well as planning, orpaning, directing, coordinating, controling, and overseeing the of profesional, chnical, of sclentife knowledge and experince Page sof 22 Experlznce refers to the previous jobs in ether the government or private sector, whether fulltime or parttime, which, ax certified by the Human Resource Management Officer (HRMO} oF authorized officals of the previous employer, are finetionaly elated t the dies i the PDF ofthe postion to be ile. First Level Position refers to a positon involved in structured work in support of fice operscons or engaged in cerca, trades, crafts, or custadial service which Involve eb professional work ina non-sUperiaary oF auperieory capacity, ‘Fitness refers to the principle of ensuring thatthe comp:tences ofan individual ‘match with the competency requirements ofa position Head of Office refers to the highest authority within each governance level, a6 a Highly Specialize Position refers to position with highy specialized and unique ‘duties requiring specialized eduestion, taining, oF killa which may not be fscquied through formal education, raining programs, o> experience gained from Service-wide positions Increments Table refers to the tool that is eed in determining the incremental pints in the edueation, taining, and experience obtained by the applicant that ‘Exceede the minimum requirement per CSC-approved Qualification Standards (08) Initial Evaluation Results refer to the report prepared by the Human Resource Management Officer (HRMO| which contains the lst of cualifed and disqualified Applicants vis-a-vis the minimam qualifientons requized by the position tobe led fb insted in the CSC.approved QS. jovation refers to the process of translating an idea, concept o invention into sn outaut, practice, policy, or syatem that creates value tothe organization and its Cente; and resuits in workplace Improvement through efficiency se operation, {nereased production, improved working standards, and/ 2" savings in government spending ey Result Areas refers to broad category of general outputs or outcomes. Its the mandate of function ofthe offoe and/or ndivudual employee. The KRA is the reason why’ postion orb exists It ia-an area where the individual employee is ‘peste 9 fons on Learning and Development refers to form or non-formal training courses and Truman resource development (HRD) interventions, such as but not limited to foaching, mentoring, job rotation, seranars, or workshops, that are part of the Spplicant’s indivigual/earcer development plan aligned with existing competency Standerds or their curren tasks and functions Management refers tothe leadership, functional guidance, contra, and oversight fof an organisational units people, resource, andor pai, and the exerese of planning, organizing, directing, and coordinating functoes. Monne of Verification refers tothe documents that sane as proof or evidence ta ‘erly the attainment of specific quaiifeations, criteria, ox component of evaluctve age 4022 bh, Merit refers to the necessary qualifications and competencies to perform the duties and responsibilies of the postion tobe fled Nextin-Rank Position refers t a position which, by reason of the hierarchical arrangement of positions in the agency, is determined bein the nearest degree ‘of relationship toa higher positon as contained in Ubeageney's System of Ranking Non-Teaching Position sclers to © position whose primary duties ond Fesponsibiities conteibute to the delivery of bask education services and Schlevementof agency outcomes, but donot involve ner directly support the actal ‘Sondhict of teaching or delivery of struction Open Ranking System refers to. the transparent, participative conduct of comparative assessment and evaluation, where applicants are made swvare ofthe processes and corresponding results Outstanding Accomplishments refer to meritorious eantsibutions ofan applicant, such ales, invention, or discovery, duly recognized by an authorzed body; that hhave # dicect Unk to the Key Result Areas (KRA) ofthe applicants carrent oF Previous postion; and have led to postive results n thelr workplace through icieny in operation, increesed production, improvec working standards, and/or ‘Savings in government spending. Parenthetical Title reers 10 the postion title based on the actual duties and ‘esponsbllides in dhe Poeiton Description Form and shall be the basis for the {aalifiention standards. (CSC Memorandum Clreuke No. 14, s. 2018 CSC ORaorRAL Performance refers tothe assessment of how tasks, duties, and responabiities [are earied out or accomplished as evidenced by perfermance rating document oF ‘ther means of verification, Placement rcfers ta the process of assigning a successful candidate to specific uit Toeaion, oF workplace. Provisional refers ‘0 sn appointment issued to an appointce who meets all the requirements of the ponton except the Eligibility, bst only in the absence of @ ‘tusiied eligible actualy avalable who is sling to accept the appointment, 2 cried by the Schools Division Superintendent (SUS) 1 shall not be effective beyond the school year during which it was issued. ‘The appointment may Be subject to reappointment (or renewal Policy-Determiaing Position seers to 2 postion which vests inthe incumbent the power to formulate policies forthe government or any tte agencies, subdivisions, fr instramentaltes, like that of the member of Use cant, aa may be determined by tne osc. Potential refers the capacity an ability of an applicat to aasume the duties and Feoponsibilities of the poston to be ile, and thowe higher positions that are more technical in nature; measured through Behavioural Event Interview (HEI), Wetten Examinetions (WE), Siils or Work Sample Tests ($/WST), oF other measures ‘deemed necessary by the HEMPSB. Confidential Position refers to a postion, determined by law or declared by the CSC, duties and responsiblies of which imply not ony confidence Inthe apucude of the appointees but primarily close timacy which ensures freedom of discussion, delegation and reporting without embarassment or freedom {fom misgivings or berayals of personal trust. cm, Probationary Period refers tothe period of actual sevice following the asuance of ‘permanent appointment whesein the appointee undergoes a thorough character Investigation and assessment of capability to perform the duties of the position ‘chumerated in the Position Description Porm (PDF) rp. Promotion refers to the advancement ofa career employee from one position to Another with an inereage in duties and responaibiilies ae authored by la, ad ‘Usually accompanied by an increase in salary. A. Qualification Standards refer t the minimum requirements for postions in the Sovernment service in terina of qualifcations in Education, Testing, Experience, Etigbity, end Competency Rating Period refers tothe period covering one (I) year or 12 months performance. ss, Recruitment refers to the procedure of searching for, etracting, and obtaining Appetions for employment. The result sa poo! of applicants from which possible Appointees are selected. % Related-Teaching Position refers 19 a postion whose primary duties and Fesponsibities contribute to the delivery of basic education services and fechievement of agency outcomes, through the provision of diect gupport to teaching and the celery of instruction, auch se standard seting, poicy. and program formulation, research, and sector monitoring and evaluation ‘us, Research is an organized, systematic and logical process of inquiry, using fmpirical information or data, t answer questions, solve problms, and guide fctions, in ad of worcplnce improvement thtough eliiency in operation, Inreased Production, improved working standards, and/or savings m government spending ww. Rubrles refer tothe scoring guide used to assess the qualifications of applicants ‘breed on set evalaive criteria. It uaually includes the quality deitions of each terion at parielar levels of attainment and @ scoring system ws, School Administration Position refers toa position that is directly engaged in Ssuperdsony, manager! and/or administrative functions i all schools and community learning centers, 2. Second Level Positions include professional, technica, and scientific positions ‘whien inveve professional, technical, and scientiic work im a nom supervisory Sperviscry capacity up to Division Chel level a its equivalent. xy, Selection teers tothe procedure by which applicants are screened, assessed, and falaated vis-a-vis the requirements a the position to be filed. Te objective 1s to Produce comparative “assessment results of candidates. best suited “for ppaintment 122 Supervisory refers tothe aversghtof people, programs, projets, activities, and/or butpul ofan organizational uni, which involves planning, programming, delegation Sf tanks, monitoring of work ovtpst, and evaluation of erformares, maintaining ‘rele and discipine among emploses, und developing cooperatin and ensuring, ‘well coordinated werklorce ‘aon, System of Ranking Positions refers tothe hierarchical arrangement of positions ftom highest to lowest, which shall be a guide the determination cf which position jsnexti rani, taling into consideration the following: a) organiaonal structure, sary grat allocation] elarsieation and functional relationship of postions and) geograpic location, Page 602 bob, Teaching Position refers toa position that is directly engaged in teaching or in the delivery of instruction in the elementary ané secondary levels (junior high school Sind senior high schoo), whether om filime or parttime basis, in schools ‘aod CLC ce. Transparency refer tothe availabilty tothe pubic of eevant, reliable, and timely Information on recruitment, election, and placement, 9, The following aronyms shall be used throughout this Order to mean: BEL = Behavioral Events Interview & Br 5 Background tnvestgation ©. BHROD Bureau of Human Resource and Organieatonal Development 4. CAR = Comparative Assessment Result © CAR-ROA (CAR-Registry of Qualified Applicants £ Cica Community Learning Centers g CO Central OMtce fh cse {Gist Service Commission P G8cFO > Gin Service Commission Feld Office LOHR 1 Human Resource ke HRD Hunan Resource Development 1 HRMO Human Resource Management Officer ti HRMPSE Human Resource Merit fromotion and Selection Board TBR Init Evaluation Results OTS = Individual Evaluation Sheet B KRA Key Result Areas § 1aD Learning and Development Mov = Means of Verifeation MSP > Meat Selection Plan © ORS ~ Open Ranking System S. ORAOHRA | Omnibus Rules on Appointments and Other Human Resource Actions pos = Personal Data Sheet PDP = Position Description Fora, x 98 (Qualigeaton Standards y RO Regional Office E80 | Schools Division Office 0.86 Salary Grade IV. Policy Statement 10, It the policy of the Department to uphold the principles of Mert, Competence, Fitness, Aeccuntabitty, Transparency, and Equal Opportunity in the recruitment, selection, fand appointment of personnel inthe ‘Depariment Faithful tthe Dep thrust to Continuously improve fell and beter serve is learners nnd stakeholders, hie policy shall provide fora systematic process of hiring and promoton that shall ensure the placement of {he right people forthe sight job atthe righ time. Consistent withthe relevant CSC policies fas adopted by DepEd in its Agency Merit Selection Fan, these guidelines shall govern the Fecruitment, selection, and appointment of personnel to Teacher { positions in all levels {including SHS), and school administration, related teaching, and non-teaching postions i fil governance level. fis nimed at ensuring tht the organization and its human resources fre able to respond to challenges and opportunities ofthe 21 century with focus on the ‘delivery of quit, accessible, relevant, and Dberatng basic education, Page 7 of22 Vv. Procedures ‘A. Publication and Posting of Vacances 11, Imaccordance wit the provisions of Republic Act [RA) No. 7041, otherwise known a8 “an fact Requinng Reguar Publonton of Existing Vacant Positions in Government Offices, Appropriasng Funds Therefor, and for Other Purposes,” and ite implementing rules and ‘regulations, all vacant postions in al governance levels inthe Department, including vacant ‘stculive/thanageralfeatons in the second lee, that are thoriaed tobe ed togeter with their corespondirg qualification standarde and piantila item ‘numbers, shall be Dablshed inthe CSC website and posted in at least chee (8) conspicuous places fora period rat least 10 calendar days. 12, Publication of«sacant postion authorize tobe filed shall be prepared and eertited bby the HRMO through tie submission af Civil Service (CS) Form No. 9, Revised 2018 (oop ltiached as Anne By along with the list of requirements enumerated in Part VfB) tem 20 of {he Order in electronic and printed copies, to he concerned CSC Field Offices (CSC FO} 18, The QS of the parenthetical ste shall be used in the publication of vacant generic Alustratve example: 14, Any incorrect information in the publicstion ofa vacant postion (eg. plantilla tem number, position ttl or qualification standards}, shall be grounds forthe ‘Gieapproval invalidation of appointments and republication of the vacancy with corrected Information. 15. Posting of vacancy shall be dane in at leat thre (3) conspicuous physical places, such as the agency bulletin boards. In addition, vacancy shall lso be required to be posted fhrough other modes, such as but not limited to the DepEd website, newspaper of loc fand/or national iredation, job search websites, online jab portals, social media, and job ‘aie, 16. Announcement of vecancy shall be done through the issuance of an official snemorandum diy signed ty Uhe Head of Office. The samme shall be used for posting in three {Gy conspicuous places and through other modes. The memorandum shall contain the same {hlormaton specified in CS Form No.9, and may include adzitional requirements of the positon, sich as but nc mite tothe flowing information: Position Tile Parenthetical Tite or area of speclaiztion, if applicable), Salary/Job/Pay Grade, Monthy Salary: {CSC-approved Qualification Standards (QS) Equal Emplerment Opportunity Clause in adherence to the Equal Opportunity Principle (E07, which vallows anyone within or outside DepEd to apply for & position, irrespective of age, sex, seal orlemtation, gender Identity and Spresson, cia satus, disaaly, religion, ethsity, and polical belles ‘Seb descriptcn of the position: 2 Lint of Requiements enumerated in Part VB) tem 20 of this Order, and other ‘Socumentary requirements for the comparative assesament Page 8of22 1h, Deadline of Submission of Documentary Requirements; ‘Timeline Schedule of Activites, including prescribed number of dayson the release ‘fevaluation results, and Other Instructions; and |i. Protocols and procedtres on the adoption af remote modalities on recruitment and ‘selection, aa deemed precticeble and applicable 17. The reckoning date of publication or posting, regardless of the mode, shall be the publestion or re-pabliation date relected’ im the CSC website. The publication of a Daticular vacant position shall be valid unt filed, bat not toextend beyond ine (months, Prekoned trom the date of publication or re-pubiietion in Use CSC website. Should no fppointment be issued wit the nine month period, the HEM, shal Auromatealy cate the republication and reposting of the vacant position. 18, For teacher hiring, the fllowing specific provisions shall apply ‘4. The Schools Division Office (SDO} shall be allowed to announce a Call for Applications prior to the actual vacancy of creation of a teaching positon and the oficial publention of si6 postion. This iain accordance withthe one (1) Year ‘ality of the Comparative Assessment Results ~ Registry of Qualified Applicants GAR-ROA) pursuant to Part VO) Item 37 ofthe Depld Merit Seiscton Plan which States that the CAR-RQA for teachers intended fr a specie school Year shall be ‘ali only for the duration ofthe schoo! year for wich it was prepared, ad shall be wtlized in fling up f postions that are created or vacated within the school ‘year, provided, that the HRMPSB shall reconvene to deliberate, and update the CARHOA by kentlying the candidates who were sendy appanted 1 An oficial issuance of a memorandum on the Cell for Applications duly signed ‘by SDS shall be required for thie purpose. The procedure for posting snd content ‘ofthe Call of Aplication shall follow the provisions ofthis Orde. Notwithstanding the peor establishment ofthe CAR-RQA, an oficial publication of ‘vacancy shall be required whenever a teaching positon ie vacated or created, ‘beet to applicable provisions under Part V(A of this Order 4 For Senior High Schoo (SHS) teaching positions, te publication shall include the (8 for he track or tracks im each stem number depending on the need of the Schools Division: oo STS) = rs 7 = a toon Fea se EF" Bee ee ae Se rs Page 9 of 22 & A'SHS teaching postion occupied by « holder ofa provisional appointment shall be republished and re-posted every sx (6) months, reckoned from the date the position was last published pursuant to CSC Resolution No, 2100451 dated June 15,2021, {Reappointment change of status to permanent) of SHS provisional teachers, ance they sere Bigibiity within fe 0) years reckoned from the date of rst hn, Shall be exemped from the publication and posting requirements & Allother anticipated vcancies ue to retirement, resignation, trans or any other {orm of separation from service may Be published even earer than 30 days Prior to actual vacancy pursuant to CSC Resolution No. 1800882 dated June 13, 2018, “Request for Exemption from Sections 30 and 96 of the Omnibus Rules on ‘Appointments end Other Human Resource Actions.” 19,_Altother provisions under Part Via) Publication and Posting of Vacancies ofthe Dep Mert Selection Plan and rales and regulations as provided for in CSC MC No. 14, =. 2018, (ORAOHRA), as applicable, shall strict be adhered to. 1B, Submission and Receipt of Application Documents 20. All interested applicants to vacant positions, whether internal or external to DepEd, shall abit the following documentary requirements tothe veapectve HMOs, through the Records Division Section Unit or the sub-committee designated by the Head of Office 0 perform the fencton of receiving application documents, an ur belore the desde indicated J theofficial memorandusn: ‘a. Later of intent addressed to the Head of Offic, or to the highest human resource officer designated by the Head of Ofes Duly sesomplshed PDS C3 Form No. 212, Revised 2017) with Work Experience Sheet if applicable; Photocopy af valid and updated PRC License/ID!, if applicable; 4. Photocopy of Certificate of Eigblity/ Rating: f applicable; Photocopy of scholastic academic record such as but nat Kimited to Transcript of [Records (TOR) and Diploma, including completion of graduate and postgraduate ‘units/ degree, if availabe; Photocopy of Crtiiate/s of Training, i applicable, {& Photocopy of Cerieate of Employment, Contract of Service, or duly signed Service Record, whichever is/are applicable; bh. Photocopy of latest appointment, if applicable; Photocopy of te Performance Rating in the last rating period) covering one (1) ‘year performance in the current/latest poston prior to We deadline of submission, appticabte: | Checldist of Requirements and Omnibus Sworn Statement on the Certification on the Authenticiy and Vernsity (CAV) ofthe documents submitted and Data Privacy Consent Form pursuant to RA No. 10173 (Data Privacy Act of 2012), using the stlached form Annex C), notarized by authorized ofa and Other dociments as may be required by the HRMPSD for comparative assessment, tneluding Dut not Kite to 4. Means_of Verifcation (MOVs) showing Ouleanding Accomplishments, Applicaton of Education, end Application of Learming and Development ‘eckoned from the date of inst sunnce of appointment and Not apple o SHS apts fr posible appoint unde roan tats another appa or "not apteabeo SHS appli fr possible appointment under provlorl tats another appa for posible appaiement under emporay tats Page 10022 |. Photocopy of the Performance Rating obtained from the relevant work taperience if Performance Rating in Ite 204) isnot relevant tothe positon {orbe fled it applicabie. Incensonance with RA No. 8792 ofthe “Electronic Commerce Act of 2000" which provides that “electronic documents shall have the legal elect, valaity or enforceability as ary other ‘document or lop writing and (where the law requires @ decument to be in writing, that requirement is met by an electronic document ifthe said electronic document maintain is integrity and relabiity and can be then cated so aa to be usable for subsequent reference,” fonline submission of electronic copies of the above enumerated application documents may Siallowedy eulgect une wulteson uf Une aed copier wpa resueat fa yurpaew of ‘esifosion 21, Indivduas wh fled to submit complete mandatory documents ems 20.ato 204) on the set deadline indicated in the ofcal memorandum shall not be included inthe poo of bfficial applicants. However, non- submission of the addtional documentary requirements or Those that may be required by the HRMPSI Utem 20-1) shall not warrant exclusion fom the ool of cial applicants, 22, No adlitonal documents shall be accepted after the set deadline, as indicated in the ‘official nemnorandun 23, All official applicants in the pool shall be assigned with application cade to ensure ‘objectivity snd integrity of the proceas and to protect the Identity of the applicants when posting the results, 28, For teacher hiring, individuals who will bmit application documents alter the oficial publication inthe CSC website shall be accepted but wll be accommodated inthe peat round 25. The applicant assumes full responsibilty and accountability for the completeness, authenselty, and seracy of the dacuments submited, as evidenced by the Oraubus Sworn Statement tem 20, duly signed by the applicant. The HRMO and/or sub-committee shall, check and veri the completeness, authenticity, ard veracity of the documents submited. ‘Any fale and fruudulent document aubmitted shall be grounda for disqualifeation. 26. An internal applicant cccupying ® positon considered nest-in-ranke shall not be automatically inchuded in the poal of oficial applicants, and shall not be exempted fom the Submission of documentary requirements listed in tem 20, 27. Based on the recommendation ofthe HRMO, the head of office may designete oub committer/ain the schools, dite, or ofce, as deemed practicable, to waa in the receipe of appleations and veriiestion as to the completeness, authentic’, and veracity of the Soeuments submited, C. Initial Evaluation ofthe Qualifications of Applicants 28. Upon receipt of the applications, an inital evaluation of the applicants’ qualifcations visd-vis the CSC approved QS ofthe postion tobe filled shall be conducted by the HRMO, ‘Specially, the HIRMO shall assess whether the applicanta meet the minimum qualifeations In terms of Education, Experience, Training, Eigibility, and Competency (applicable) requirements, 20, The HRMO shall prepere and submit a duly signed Initial Evaluation Resuks (ER) (see presribed template in Arex D) to the HRMPSE for deliberation. The IER sbal contain, mong others, the basic informacion of the applicants, actual quslifestions besed oi ‘submited credentials, and a remark on whether the’ applicants. meet the mnimum ‘guaifeations per CSC approved QS, The IER shall be comnprsed of two (2) sts of aplicante Paget of 2 ‘5. Qualified (Q) refers to those who meet the minimum qualifications required by the position to be filled; and Disqualified (DQ) refers to those who do not meet ‘the positon to be fled inimum qualifications of 20, The HRMO may consult the HRMPSB in exceptional cases stherein the HRMO pereeres the need for advice on the applicant’ qualifeation or diagualifiation such as but ‘ot limited tothe relevance of the applicants’ education, traning. oF experience tothe position to be filed; provided, that the HRMO maintains and assumes fall responsibilty and ‘countably ofthe faa rele ofthe inital evaluation, 31, A copy of the IER shall be posted by the HRNO in at least three (3) conspicuous physical places, concealing the applicants’ personal information in accordance with RA No. 0172, otzerwise known aa the Data Privacy Act of 2012. The ony information that shall be rmadepublie ae the application codes, qualifications ofthe appiants in terme of Ealueatlon, ‘Training, Experience, Eig, and Competency (if appleable, and remarie on whether Qualfiador Disqualified 32, The HRMO shal likewise notify all applicants of the cents of the initial evaluation fhrouen a written notice served through ofial communication channels, such a» but rot {inte to pereonal sence, posel mail courier service, or electrenie mal using oil e-mail fcoounts, ofeial social medio account, end other means of sommunication that can be ‘etifiad, recorded, and preserved, Telephone ells aid short messaging services may’ be Used ‘only to accompany the aforementioned oficial communication channels, Official communications to Qualified and Disqualified appliccnts shall use the prescribed tempates attached im this Order ag Leiter to Qualified Applicints (Annex B) and Letier Disqualified Applicants (Annex Fy, respectively 33, Based on the recommendation of the HRMO, the Head of Oice may designate sub committee/s in the schosls,disticts, oF offies, as deemed practicable, to assist the HRMO tn the conduct of init! evaluation and perform functions as may be defined by the HRMO. suchas document review and appreciation as wel as verification af authenticity and veracity ‘of application documents, subject to further review and validation of the HRMO. The sub- ‘ommittee/e, however, shall only serve na an assistoril bod). The HRMO shall maintain fll Feopensiiity and accountabily in the reaula of te initial evelvation, and therefore, ell [e respnlble in responding to queries and clarifications pertaining tothe inital evaluation 5A. Queries and/or clarifications ofthe applicants pertaining tothe process and result of the itl evaluation shall be ladged to the HMO sittin Hive (8) calendar da from the date bf posting of the IER, and shall be responded to by the HRMO within three (3 to seven (7), ‘lays upon receipe ofthe query and/or clarification. Notwithstanding the existence a query find/or elatcetion Including any pending resoltion pertaining to such, the process of Sclocion and deliberation shal proceed without dela. D. Comparative Assessment of Applicants 235, Upon receipt ofthe report of the HROMO on the IER, the FRMPSB, through a judicious and sbjecive conduct of Evaluative Assesaments shall asaeea the applicants to determine the mp candidates deemed most qualfe for appointment tothe vacant positon. Based os the principles of mest und fitness and in acsordance with the enteria and point system ‘Sipulated in this Order, the HRMPSB shall evaluate the competencies of appleants vie ave the required competencies ofthe position tobe fled, Specifent, the HRMPSB shall perform {the fllowing functions: 8. convene the applicants in a group to witness the paper evaluation; Page 120f 22 1 crante te Baveation, Tisning (in hours), Experience Go year} (ETH) ere sag fe eacher) and Pertormance appcabie of prea “nig the bres proved nthe Order eet, ditoratr and ate the ppm’ questions and competences in {erm 0 Appleton of Bdueaton, Applicaton of Lenin and Developmen, a OutatandngAccompashmentay wing the rare provided int Oday 4. forteacher ng asea,deberat, nnd te the pplcnt competencies on Gaara Ohmic Scando/lndcaors trough Gassroom oberon or ‘emonarton fencing: nd No: Ciasroom Ober Stan editors ted Sehr teaches Gemoraraton and/or Understanding of he aaeaors ross Straten and reftetone folowing the roboce and Pots proved fa this Ores «tne te poten characteris or rat, and ness. Jo Ft, Lacaton Ft {Sn Organon) fe sppicante org te coms of other approgrnt relate asverment, sich at tot ted to Behavisal vente tere {Bet Weicen Exxon (WE, Sls or Work Sample Teste WS ‘opt the woe of one pats and her remote todaltes and iterative Sitlegce in the condact of paper" raison, ‘emonstation teaching ‘Miniistaton ofthe sts and eamonions, BEN metsngs snd delbersiona, Simone cers en ny be nesesay, Inia tie thdiidan pplcant Gf the seme of the debration using the romrbed epate oe IES, ween the appeant alee iat "iy lenis of an conor 9 she process deren she psn th. repre and abi ly ied CAR/CAR-RQA othe apointng ator within Eee star days a lhe pins ave beh sane 36, The provisions under Par V(G) Institutional Arrangement of the Merit Selection lan on the composition and functions of the HRMPSB shall apply. A majority of the HRMPSB ‘Shall constitute a quorum, provided that the Chairperson is present 37. Consistent with the CSC ORAOHRA, the deliberation of the HRMPSE shall not be rade eather than 10 calendar days reckoned from the date of publication or e-publiction fon the C&C website 38. For teacher hiring where the Cal for Application, initial evaluation. and comparative ‘assessment may be dane prior tothe actual ¥neancy consicering the one) year vat of the CAR ROA, the HRMPSB shall reconvene and deliberate the qualifeauons of the Applicants vis‘evis the teacher needs assessment, required learning area specialization of ‘Schools, priorities pursuant to national laws and policies, among others. cage tne vacancy ‘cura within the schoal year and there are stl remaining applicants in the CAR-RQA, the HRMPSB deliberation shall also include the updating af CAR-ROA and removing the names ofall applicants who have already been appointed and hired 59. An Open Ranking System shall be adopted to ensure transparency inthe process and results af the comparative assessment wherein applicants or subset ofapplcants are present to witness the actual evakston fr hich the scores ofall applicants present thereat shall te disclosed to all attendees, Each applicant shall lao be given an opportunity to ask ‘Questions and. seek clarifestions on the resuite of ther individual asesement and [Senowledge their individual results uring the open ranking. Upon acknosledgement ofthe fndividusl results, applicants shal be required to ax ther signature on their Iedividual Evaluation Shee IBS] fave presenbed template i Arvex G aid Arsiex O-1} “The dll signe IES shall serve ns acknowledgement thatthe applicant bas undergone the application end asseatment process beac on these guidelines and thatthe resulta of the ‘dividual asseasnent have been dictseed with the concerned applicant. The IES hall not, In any case, preclude the applicant from fling @ protest once the final decision on the appointment has been rendered by the appointing oer /authonty age 13 0122 40, Inthe event when face-to-face conduct of the comparative assessment and/or open ranking is not feasible, the HMPSB may adopt the use of online platforms and other remote ‘odalsies and allernatve strategies, as deemed practicable and applicable, Protocols and Drocedires on the adoplion of emote modalities shal be detailed in te memorandum sighed by the Head of Office. Applicants may also be allowed to submita seanned copy of thei signed es. 41, Any iaoue on the comparative assesament shall be resolved by the HRMPSB prior to the somiasion ofthe CAR 42, The HRMPSB Secretariat shall document the process of comparative assessment turing the Minutes of Deliberation (ace presenbed template in Annex 1) Queties and ‘lanfiations pertaining to the indiviual results a2 well as the HRMPSD's response, Fesoluon, and action shall be reflected in the documentation Inthe event that sn appiicant fas or refuses to sign the IES, the afcal Minutes of Deliberations shall sufie to establish ‘he integety af the assessment process 45. The HOMO shal! post the CAR/CAR-RQA In atleast cree (3 eonspieudLs physte places in Depa fiers and schools concerned, using the apolictian codes to protect the Epplicants’ persona information in accordance with the Data Privacy Act Allapplcants shall Lewive be notified of the comparative assessment rests through official communication channels, such as but not imuted to formal writen communications, electonie mal using {he oficial email account of the office, official social media aceounts, and other means of ‘commonicaton that ean be verted, recorded, and preserved, Telephone calla and short ‘meseauing services ay be used only to accompany. the aforementioned offal ‘commanicaton channels 444. Baged on the recommendation ofthe HRMPSB, the Head of Office may designate sub commite/ain the schools, distet, or olce, as deemed practicable to asus the HRMPSE, In the process of comparative assessment and perform functions as may be defied by the HIRMPSB ouch az sereening, evaluating, and rating of applicants based on elalished exter and point system, subject to further review and validation of the HRNPSB. The sub- ‘committee/a; however, aba only serve as an nssistoral body. The HRMPSB shail mintain {ull responsibility and accountatalty in the results of the comparative ceseesment, and therefore, shal be responsible in responding to queries and complaints pertaining tthe ‘comparative assessment 445. The Criteria and Point System for Evaluative Assessment are detailed in the folowing enclosures: ‘2 Bnelosure No.2: Criteria and Point System fr Hiring to Teacher {Positions . Enelosure No, 3: Criteria and Point System for Hiring and Promotion to School ‘Administration Postion ‘&. Bnelosure No, 4 Criteria and Point System for ising and Promotion to Related 44. Bnolosure No. 6: Criteria and Point System for Hiring and Premation to Non ‘Teaching Positions 46, Other Evaluative Assessments, The HRMPSB may’ also conduct other evaluative asseeunente guch ao BEI, Written Examination, Work/ Stalls Sample Testa, as deemed ‘ecestay, to gather additional information about Une applicant in terms af other aspects ‘Fach es but not ited to Uslr potential, character, and fitness, They shall be used to provide {hlficint information and guidance to the appointing ofcer author sn selecting powsible pointes, The required competencies or related to the duties and responstlitice of the ‘position tobe filed shall be the Bais for the development of evaluative arsesment toa! ad Ibrice. The HRMPSB may employ the expertise of subject matter experts fr Uhis purpose ‘therevalustive assessments, however, may not have corresponding scoresin the CAR. Page 18 of 22 Other eveluative assessments may inchide but not limited to EthicsOriented and ‘Personality Development Test modelled with CSC MC No. 6, s. 2017), results of which may be tused by the appointing alficer/authority in selecting the most qualiled eandicate for ‘sppointment | Backorund Investigation (or the conduet of verification of applicants credentials, behaviours, and previous performance, if any, by contacting the appicaat's ientiied reference perms in his/her school/s attended, and previous ot current workplace, may ikewise be recured by the appointing olier/authorty, when deemed necessary Comparative Arsorement Result 47. Altera judicious and objective assessment ofthe qualified candidates. the HRMPSB shall prepare and submit to the appointing offier/authorty a duly signed CAR/CAR-EQA Within seven (7) calendar days after all the applicants have been assessed, The CAR shall Contain a compte st ofall candidates for appointment whowe total scores obtained fom {he ronbintion antentmente are ranked from highest to lowest highlighting the top ve (3) 448, For multiple vacancies of the same postion title, the HRMFSE shall determine and hhghlight the ‘ol umber of top-ranking Candidates in the CAR/CAR-RQA, computed by :ulplying th: numberof vacant plantilia items by a factor of five (5) as follows: ‘Total number of top-ranking candidates = number of vacent It x5 49. For Teacher I hiring, two (2) sets of reports of comparative astestnent shall be prepared and submitted to the appointing officer /suthorty, as follows 1 CAR Annex J. 1 shall contain the comparative assessment result ofall candidates for gppoinement; end b CAR of the Registry of Quatified Applicants (CAR-RQA) (Annee 1). 1. shall ‘contin only the candidates who have met the cutoff score of 60 pela, 50. Only the CAR-ROA shall be submited tothe appointing ofcer authority for reference in sppointmert to Teacher I positions and shall be used as bass or posting othe results in atleast three 3} conspicuous places und through other modes. SL. Separate sets of CAR-RQA shall be prepared and submitted by the HRMPSB according to the following ‘a. Kindergarten and Elementary (6); 1. Junior High Schoo (JH) labelled per learning area; (6. SHS Trac | categorized per track i Academie Track and Core Subjects {Technical Vocational Livelihood Tracks il ARs and Design; and Ke Sports 52. The HRMPSS shall indicate in the ‘Remarks’ column all other relevant information about dhe indkdval applicant that shall serve a guide to the appointing ofier/ author in the select of possible appointee/s. Specific information that maybe supplied in the ‘Remarks’ column includes but not limited to the HRMPSB's notes on the applicant's potential job ineas, organization Siness, and location ftness. ‘The required competencies to efectively deliver the relevant content inthe propriate hey stages shall be the primary consideration in the appointment to teacher positions. For fappicen'’s infrmation and qualifications onthe flowing: Page 15 of 22 A Loaring area specialization (ex. Kindergarten or Barly Childhood Education, Filipino, English, Math, Seience, and other subject area specialization; SHS strand land area specialization ', Khowledge and qualiflstions in handling earners in Alternative Learning System {ALS), Special Baueation [Spa), Macrsaah, Indigenous People's Education (PEA) Rubi group, itany; 4. Mother tongue and language/s proficient a; Preferred school F Beneficiary of national programs and partnershipa auch a Se Pines, Tkaw and Ma'am/Si (SPOS) Employment Program, Pantawd Pamivang Pilipino Program (4s, 1000 Teachers Program ofthe Philippine Busines or tueation(PHE, st ‘or SHS, the ‘Remarks’ column shall also contain information whether the applicant has PBET/LET/LEPT eligibility to guide the appointing authorty/offieer on the appropriate ‘status appointment tobe piven to qualified applicants ‘53, The CAR-RQA for Teacher I positions intended for a specific wool year shall be val only fr the duration ofthe schol year lor which it was prepared. shall be uted in fing {pol positions that are created or vocated within the school year; proved, thatthe HMPSD ‘shall e-convene to deiberate and update the CAR-RQA by identiving the candidates who were dread appointed, 54 In the event that all the candidates in the CAR-RQA are already appointed and there ‘are ail vcant positions, the Head of Ofice shall rder the conduet of another round of ecraiament and selection process to establish @ new CAR-RQA, For JHS and SHS, in the event that all the candidates inthe CARROA who possess the rncaded subject/learing ares speckliztion are already appointed and there are sil vacant positions for the ssid subject/learning area, the HRMIPSH shall commence another round of Feorutment and selection t establish a new CAR-RQA for the specifi learning eee. 55, A copy ofthe CAR/CAR-ROA, in which candidates are listed in alphabetical order, stall be posted in at leat three (3} conspicuous places in DepEd offoe/ schools concerned. {ora yerod of at least 10 calendar days, indicating the date of posting 56. Queries and/or clarifications ofthe applicants pertaining to the process and result of the eampasstive assessment all be lodged tothe HRMPSB within five (3) calendar days om the dete of posting ofthe CAR/CAR.RQA: and shall be responded toy the HRMPSB within three 3) o seven (7) ays upon receipt ofthe query and/or elarfeation. Notwithstanding the teurtece a query and/or clariicetion Including any pending resolution pertaining to such, the process of appointment sball proceed without delay Appointment 457, The appointing offcer/ authority shall be guided by che report of the HRMPSB's CAR/CAR-ROA, and in the exercise of sound discretion, selec, instar as practicable, the candidate deemed most qualified for appointment fram among the top Ave (3) or less, ‘opening on the number of eandidates, unless otherwise provided by lw. For multiple vacancies, the appointing oficer/authority shall sele:t from the highlighted top candidates as determined by the HRMPSE, computed by multplying the number of ‘Yecantplantila tems by a factor of five as stipulate in Kem No. 48, 58, For teacher positions, the appointing officer authority may select from the candidates fm the CAR-ROA who are ranked below the top 5 or top-ranking eandidates, when the appointment falls within the purview of the exemptions enumerated telow: age 16 0f22 1 Merit and fitness provided for in the 1987 Philippine Constitution and £0 No BUD, otherwae koowh an the Administrative Code of 1987, 4. Learning Area Specialization. Appointment may be valid when the candidates belonging tothe top five (5 ot top-ranking eancidates do not possess the necessary learning area specialization (eg Kindergarten; Wath, Science, and btber subject areas for Secondary Level) Yequired by the pesition to be filed, (or the candidates belonging othe top Sve (3 oF top-Tankingeandidates who possess the necessary fearing area specialization required by the postion to be flied nave alreedy been sppointed and there are stil vacant positions tbe filed, ii. PRET/LET/LEPT. For SHS Teacher I positions, priority shall be given to Applicants who are PBET/LET/LEPT (Secondary) passers. The hiring of teachers. an provisional stave may be allowed only in the absence af applicants who possess the appropriate Elgiblty who is avalable and wiling to accept the appointment, as certifed by the SDS. Localization Law RA No, 6190, otherwise known as the Localization Lew, grants priority in the appointment or assignment of teachers to public elementary or secondary schools to bona fide esident of the barangay, municipality, city or provitce, n that order, ‘where the school is located proviged, thatthe teacher poseases all the miniau ‘qualifications for the position as required by law By virtue of Seo, 3 of the Localization Lave, which grants authority to the Department to preseribe rules and regulations in the implementation of the said ‘Act, apd sn order to clay the operationalization of the Law, the order of priority ‘hall be further defined from highest to least priority uch that tna fide residents ofthe bran, municipality, ely, of prownce, in that order, shall be given prionty {the appointment of teachers. Furthermore, the definition of bona ide resident shall be expanded to include a teacher applicant who has taught for atleast one (0) schoo! year in a Dep public school cated in the barangay, municipality, city, bor province, in that order, where the wchool where the Vacancy tests located, tO be validated by a servic record, © Other laws oF provisions of the law, national policy, and/or sereement entered Into by DepEd with "other “government agencies and/or non-government institutions whieh grants prionty in the appointment. [t= Toterated tse the Priority in the appointment given to Benefcares of such laws, national policies, [and/or ngreements shall only apply to teacher applicants listed 'n the CARON 59. Only when deemed necessary, the appointing offcer/authority may request for Imekground investigation of select candidates to be conducted by the HRMO or other personnel ientiied by the HRB. 60, The decision to appoint shall be rendered by the appointing offcer/ authority, and conferred to the HRMO through the CAR, i which the appointing officer/authorsy ‘shall Snip thelr choke of appointee/s. The same shall be the basis of the HIRMO in the Preperation and sibmisson of appointment papers and documentary requirements to the ESE'FO in accordance with the specie provisions ofthe ORAOHRA, 161, The appooval ofthe appointment of the sicessful eandidate/s shal be effected only by the appointing officer/authorty,ellectivty of which shall be in accordance with the specific provisions ns provided for in the ORAGHRA, age 17 022 62, Duly approved appointments shal be announced through the posting ofa Notice of Appointments essed (NAl) in the Bulletin boards and throogh other modes for at least 15 Calendar days a day after the iruance of the appointment 163. Pursuant to CSC Resolution No. 1800582 dated June 13, 2018, an anticipated vscancy ithe teaching ranks due to promotion may be fled up; provided that, an Ennotation onthe promotional appointment to indicate thatthe appoirtee shall be reverted {o ther former postion in ease the promotional appoustasent of the previous position holder fs disapproved or invalidated. Purthermoce, appointments to the entry level Teacher T positions shell bear the notation that the appointment is subject to tHe CSC attestation of {he promotional appointment ofthe previous position bolder 64. A provisional appointment may’ be given to an applicant to teaching positions inthe ‘SHS who nesta all the requirements of the postion except the Eligiait; but only sn the ‘sbaence of a SHS teacher applicant in the CAR'ROA who meets the slau qualifications Sf the postin, including igiblay and the appropriate, specalizaton, who ie nctually Svailable an wiling to accept the appointment, as ceriied by the SDS. The provisional pporntment shall not be eflective beyond the school yenr during which twas ese, subject {o applicable guidelines on school calendar. 65. A-SHS teacher incumbent Holding a provisional appointment may be continuously reappointed /renemed every year tsithin ave (3 years reckoned fom the date of fst hiring provided, that the SDO shall cause the publication and posting of the teaching position DSecupied Uy the provisional appointee every six (0) monte after the Gra ssuance of the Provbional appointment to amie qualiiea LEPT eligible applicants to undergo the selection Process; prouded further, that there laa shortage of qualifies licensed applicants in the CARE ROA who are availabe and wiling to teach in specialized subject in the SHS, a certified by the SDS. A Satisfactory performance rating shal be require for eeappasntment/ renewal 66, The appointing oficer/authorty shall be accountabie in the appointments, and in responding tr queries and clarifications pertaining tothe results of the select 67. Any >roteat on the sppointment shall be the accountabiiy of the appointing ‘otteet/authcrity in the concerned governance lee, The protest for non-teaching. elated teaching, ane school administrauon posiuons shal be Med through a formal written ‘communicatbn addressed to the Head of Office, within 19 eslendar cays from the date of issuance of appointment. The Rules on Protest under te 2017 RRACCS shall apy In accordance with RA 8190 and its implementing rules and regulations, “(protests regatding the appointment or assignment of classroom publ ~ school teschers. shall Prescribe in three (3) months upon the issuance of such appointment of assignment.” FRagrieved applicant inthe registry of the Schools Divison may file a protest. The protest, which thal be subscribed and sworn fom the form of lettr-complait sn three (3) copies, Shall be filed at the Regional Office within ninety (9) days fom the issuance of the “The Head of Office shal respond to the protest within seven (7) calendar days from the receipt ofthe protest But may extend to up to 20 days depending on the complexity of the {No appeal shall be filed to & higher governance level of Depa. Appeals pertaining to en ction or esponee to protests fasted bythe Head of Office shall be submitted and lodged to the concerned CSCRO. Consiatem with Role XVIII Section 92 of 2017 RACCS, the peadency of an appeal pevianing te the appointaent issued shall not render an appointment ineffective or bar the {prove valdationthereot, by the CSC, but the approval/validation shall be subject to the {inal eutoms ofthe protest 68._Atlother provisions on appointment stipulated in Part VIE) Appointment ofthe DepEd cet Selection Pron and rules an regulatons as provided for ia CSC MC No, 14, 8 2018 {ORAOHRA), as applicable, shall writy be adhered to ‘VL. Monitoring and Evaluation 462. The Head of Office shell ensure that all HRMPSS members, sub-committees, and othe, stakeholders are provided with adequate capabily building inerventions to ensure Seca implementation of this Order They shall regularly monitor stret adherence to these TRdenee! They shall establish a ytemacie feedback mechanism, and evalua, address, ind report implementation and policy issues that may arise 70. teeues and concerns in relation to recruitment, selection, and appointment shall be ‘otic documented and resolved accordingly. subject to the applkable CSC rules and case tose Te appointing offer] authority abil be guided on the dec sion on appointments Beiauce iT und’ 18 of CSC Kesolation No. 1701077 dated July 3, 2017 (Rules on ‘Ruennistrative Cases in the Chil Serie [2017 RACCS). Furthermore, the HRMPS® shal! be epic for espending to quenea and appeals relied to the comparative assessment Tiphe'the MMO sll be sesponsible for addressing concerns on publication and posting of TREN TSattons, receipt of applications, and the satil evaluation process vis-A-is the QS, ‘71, The Human Resource Development Division of the Bureau of Human Resource and Onganinatonal Development (BHROD-HRDD), together with the RO HRD and HRD under SEE Eocttnance and Operations Division (9GOD) in the SDO, shall egulaniy monitor and Sauevcnintng pulces, guidelines, rules, and regulations on hiring and promotion. tt Kuldon, both RO and SOO HRMPSBs may also submit their poley recommendations Whenever deemed necessary. 72. The reautof the evaluation and consolidated recommendations from HRMPSB at each governance letel shall be consulted with the CSC and other government agencies concerned 73:The BHROD-URDD shall recommend polly actions on HR management rules and regulations to the Ofice ofthe Secretary that wil serve the best interest ofthe Department. VIL References 174. This Onder ig formulated on the basis of provisions stipulated in the following fa Republic Act No, 4670, dated 18 June 1966, “Magna Carta for Public Schoo! Teachers” b. Executive Order No, 292, “hattuting the Administrative Code of 1987" ©. ESC Memorandum Circular No. 3, 2012, “Program fo Insitionaize Mentocracy (aed Excellence in Fluman Resouree Management (PRIME-HIM) 4. Depa Order No. 42, 5 2017, “National Adoption and Implementation of the Phltppine Profenssonai Stactards for Toachoro” CSC Resolution No. 1701077 promulgated 09 July 2017, “2017 Rules on ‘haninstrative Cases in the Cl Service (2017 RACCS) f. GSC emorandum Circular No. 14,2018, “2017 Omnibus Rules on Appointments land Other Human Resource Actions Revised July 2018" fe Depa Onder No. 19, 3 2022, “The Department of Education Merit Selection lan” Page 18 of 22 vat ‘Repealing Clause 75. All Depa Orders, rues and regulations, and other related issuances, to include but not limited to the following, and/or provisions therein, which are inconsistent with thie Order nd its proviions, ae Bereby repealed, rescinded, or amended accordingly: cs DO No. 2. $2002, Guidelines on the Hiring of Publi Scho! Teachers 1DO No. 59, %. 2003, Adoptive Measures in Filing Up Vacant Teaching Positions DO No. 85, 8. 2003, Cuidetins on the Selection, Promotion, and Designation of ‘School Heads DO io. 16, = 2005, Guidetines on Recrstment, Braluaton, Selection, and ‘Appodrtment of Teachers in Public Schools BG No. "17, 8. 2006, Revised Hing Quldelines for Teacher 1 Potions in Publi lerentary and Socondary Schools "2007, Rousions tthe Hiring Guidelines for Teacher TPostons DO Ne. 4, . 2007, The Revised Guidelines on Selection, Promotion and Designation (of Suhel Heads; ahd [Bo No 66, «. 2007, Revised Qudetnes on the Appointment and Promation of ther Teaahing, ated Teaching, and Non Teaching Pstons DO No. 36, 2008, Srict Compliance with Passing the Qualifying Braminaton for ‘Prneipalship for Appointment t Principal Postion DO No. 12,5, 2012, Revised Guldelincs on the Firing of Teacher! Psion Based ‘on the Reform Aetions in Baie Education Sector Reform Agenda (SRA) BO No. 97,8. 2011, Revised Guidelines on the location and Reclassification of DO No. 25, s. 2012, Addendum to DepBd Order No, 12, , 2012 (Revised Guidelines tn the Hing of Teacher Potions Bad on the Reform Actions in Basic Eucation ‘Sector Reform Agenda /BESRA) DO No. 37, «2012, Addendum w Depitd Order Nos. 12 and 25, 2012 (Revised ‘ities on the Hing of Teacher Pasions Based onthe Reform Actions in Basie ‘Eucation Sector Reform Agena DON. Bi, = 2012, Additonal Policy Guidetines on Hiring and Deployment of Kindergarten Teachers 1DO No. 50, «2014, Guidelines on the Recaionent, Selection, and Macement of Personnel Pursuant fo the DepB Rationalization Program under Becutive Order 5356, «2008 DO No. 7, 8.2015, Hiring Guidelines for Teacher 1 Positions Effective School Year (51) 2015'2016 Dice Order (00) dated April 21, 2015, Procedures/Ouidelines on the Recrutment, Solecion, and Placement of the First and Second Levels Non-Teaching and Related Teaching Poatons i the Department of Education Cental Office ‘DO Wo. 22, « 2015, Hing Ouldelines for dhe Remalning Teaching Positions Bective School Year (SY) 2015-2016 DO No, 3, #2016, Hiring Guidelines for Senior High Schoo! (SHS) Teaching Positions ‘festive School Year (SY 20162017 DO No.9, = 2016, Reinforcement of DepSd Order Nos. 7 and 22, © 2015 as the “Hiring Guidelines for Rindergarten to Grade 10 Teaching Positions DO Ne. 82, . 2016, Addendum to Dept Order No.3, 2016 firing Guidlines for Senior High Schoo [SHS] Teaching Posiions Effective SY (SY) 2016-2017) DONG. 49, s.2016, Guetines on the Hiring of Contractual (ull Tne and Part Time) Teachers in Senor High School DO. No. SO, 8. 2017, Hiring Guidelines for Teacher I Posiis in Schools Implementing Indigenous Peoples Education ifectve Schoo! Year 2016-2017, BO No. Si, #2017, Amended Qualification Standards for Senior High School Touching” Fostions inthe Technical Vocational ivelinoed ‘Track and Other Clarfeatons on te ing Guidelines Page 20 22 De Separabitty Clause 176. tL any prossion ofthis policy or the application of such provision to any person oF| circumstance [s decared invalid, the remalnder of the pale or the application of uch ‘provision to other persons or circumstances sell nat be alerted by such declaration X. Transitory Provisions 177. DepEd Memorandum (OM) No, O81, 2. 2022 or the Transitory Measures on the Implementation of Depd Orde Na 019, 2022 (he Department of taction ent Selection ‘Man requred the underaking of Use following ertical aces tht shall puige Dep personnel and stekeholders in preparing and setting up the necessary seractral and {cchnoiogical mechanisms to transition tothe new system of selection, hiring appointment, ‘tad promtion of personnel in across al governance level of DepEd, {Guided by ar Vi) Institutional Arrangements, lems 81, 82, and 8S af te Dept MSP, all appointing ofcera/authortes in the central, renal, and schols division ofers shall establish thei respective Maman Resource Merit Promotion| ‘and Selection Board (HRMS) forthe following: 1. et lve positions: 1 Second level postions, inluding cond level exccutive managerial psiions 4H. Specialized and highly technical postions and/or |W. Other purposes, as deemed neceseary ‘his shall be done through the iasvance of an Office Order specifying the ‘membership ofthe HRMPSE and thet oles and responsibilities Puther, pon the Fecommendatson ef HRMOs and HEMDSi the appointing authorties shall Gesignate sub-committees, inofar as practicable, to ashat in the receipt of Sppeatons, inal eluston, and comparative assesment of applicant, The {eignation shall bear the specie ties nd responsilies tobe performed by the sub-committe/s. Existing HRMPSBs and sub-committees athe Department ‘shall be reorganised end re-established pursuant to appleatie MSP provision Capability. building of Depa personnel, HRMOs, HRMPSB4, appointing bfeers/uthoiies, and other stakaholders shall be led by tse BHROD in he CO, {he HRDD in the RO, and SGOD-HRD in the SDO. Moreover, they shal develop ‘nd implement 5 communication pla to include dinsemination of information, fiucation, and communication DEC) materials forthe RSP inisties of the ‘Department pursuant totem 102, Par Vil Transitory Prosaion ofthe Deped MSP. 78, The existing promotion and recesaifcation guidelines to higher teaching postions in the Hlementary and Secondary levels ineluting SHS, shall remain in efect, unless othervise ‘Bodied or amended by subsequent poles XL, effectivity 79, This Depa Order shal take effect 15 calendar days after its publicction and shall be registered withthe Oc ofthe National Admanistratve Reser [ONARL 450, This Deptd Order shall apply to all positions that willbe published and pasted upon fas etlectivity date Al ongoing recrument, sessment, aud selection processes based on price publlestion and posting shall cntinue tobe governed by using guidlines, ae applicaie: povided that the appointments in lain thereto are sasued within the 15-day grace period prio to the tffectivity ofthis DepEd Order. Otherwise, the ERMPSE shall reasexs and te-delberste the Spplcations based on the eteia and paint system as spulated in thew udelinee Page 21 of 22 Further, ll wcancles, except Teacher I positions, that are published and posted prior to Shall be subjected tothe criteria and pent ajatem as spulated in theve guldeines “Toe SY 2022-2023 ROA fr Teacher I positions shal be ald uni the end ofthe cutrent sctool year. Tose guidelines shal app lo the asbenement a Teacher sppheatons tang sv 2020-2024 Page 22 of 22 (Enclosure No. 2 to DepEd Order No. 007, CRITERIA AND POINT SYSTEM FOR HIRING TO TEACHER I POSITIONS 2023) 1, These criteria and point system shall cover the selection and hiring of teacher applicants to Teacher I positions in the Kindergarten, Elementary, Junier High School HS), and Senior High School (SHS). For SHS, the same criteria shall apply in hiring teacher applicants under permanent, provisional, or contractual status, 2, Tae comparative aasessment for Teacher I shall be based on the following criteria Education units and/or degree relevant to the position to be filed (ve Kindergarten, lomentary, JHS, and SHS), that exceed the minimum requirements as defined in the CSC-approved QS; b, ‘Training hours in Curriculum and Instruction and/or other specialized Unig for skills development ise Gelds related to the worky duties, and responsibilities for Teacher I, that exceed the minimum requirements as defined in the CSC-approved QS, acquired in the last five (5) years. For SHS, training may be those relevant to the learning area, specializatim, or strand; cc. Experience in Teaching exceeding the minimum requirements as defined in the CSC-appraved QS. For SHS, relevant industry and/or work experience may be considered; 4. Professional Board Examination for Teachers (PBET, Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET), or Licensure Examination for Professional Teachers (LEPT] Rating: ‘e. PPGT Classroom Observable Indicators (COM) measured through Classroom Observation Demonstration Teaching: and. {. PPST Non-Classroom Observable Indicators (NCOT) measured through the ‘Teacher Reflection Form (TRF 3, The weight allocation or point system for each criterion is detailed in Table 1. ‘Table 1. Point System for Comparative Assessment: Teacher I Position Criteria ‘Maximum Points Possib = Eucaton 10 2 Training 10 4. PRET/LET/LEPT Rating 10 ‘© PPST COle (Classroom Observation /Demonstration Teaching) 35 _PPST NCOIs (Teacher Reflection) 25 Total 100 Rubrics for Computation of Points per Criterion 4, ‘Education, Training, and Experience (ETB). The points for ETE, corresponding to the applicant’ qualifications exceeding the QS, shall be computed using the Increments Table (Table 2, 2b, 2.c) and the Rubries for Computation of Points for ETE (Fable 3) Only thane qualifientions that are relevant ta the penitinn tne fled sal be given points ages of 12 [Tevet | Range From To - Seay igh chen eer 7 a TTT ‘rig Ea Eos ST 7 Se or 7 = irene wee a aH Uae ae SHAT 7 To pater a ea ia Ur mace © ea Ra Trp mr NE aa Taig ae ERTS Page 20f 12 ‘Tune 29, neroments Table -Tralning tebe 20 tncremente Table Experience Teval ange Tevet Range From Te From Te end a a = S | | a TT 7 t Page 30812 ‘Table 3. Rubrics for Computation of Points for Education, Training and Experience ‘Weight Allocation Experience tt Pani: 20 pnts Ergon: 10 pants Atustratve example: Vacant position: Teacher I (Secondary) 80 11 (Quatfation Standards per CSC-approved QS Education + Bachelor of Socondary Education BSPAl, or Bachelor's dearee plus 18 professional unten Education With appropriate major Training: "Hone requredt Experience None required ‘The date of HRMPSB assessment/ Open Ranking System: September 20, 2022 Based on the minimum QS of the position to be filled, the HRMPSB shall determine the baseline level for computing the points for ETE using the Increments Table as shown in Table 2.4, 2b, and 2. “ama requirement por CSCapproned | Corespanag Tm Based) ‘Quaftewion Standard for ‘minoemance Pane For purposes of determining the basline level, any profesional or specialization tilts may be required i Uhe CSC-approved QS in addition to now Eduestion ‘degree shall be considered equivalent to = Bachelors degree in Education Bachelor's degree plus 18 professional unita in Education with appropriate wajor Seve 6 based on fuble 2.2) Additional professional and epecaleatior unite ten tocar the equivalent Education degroe .e, BEE, BSEd) shall not carespond to ‘Unita towards the completion of « Master's degree After determining the baseline level, the HRMPSB shall compate for the increments ofthe applicant’s actual qualifications based on the submitted documentary requirements. Increment shal refer tothe difference between ‘the applicant's actual qualification level and the corresponding level of the ‘minimum (bascline} QS requirement of the position to be filled. ‘Only qualifications that are relevant to the position to be filed and which ‘exceed the minimum (baseline) QS requirements of the position shall be included in the computation of increments. Page af 2 ‘ustrative example Computation of nerements based on actual Education quatifeaton of Applicant A = wgioema ace —~s onan ] Computation of inererents based on actual Training qualification of Applicant A Computation of erements based on actual Experience qualification of Applicant A: fier compnting the number of increments from the minimum (baseline) (QS requirement, the corresponding points earned by the applicant for ETE shall be determined using Table 3 (Rubrics for Computation of Points for ‘Education, Training, and Experience), Mustrative example Using Table 3 and based on the number of increments eared by Applicant A, the ‘computation of pts for ETE isa flows: Page Sof12 4. Meeting the minimum (baseline) QS requirements for Education, Training, ‘and Experience shall be given 2279 (0) points. €. The following general guidelines shall be observed in giving corresponding points to relevant Edueation, Training, and Experience qualifications: Education unite and/or degrees in multiple or diferent majors may be piven corresponding pois on cumulative basis, provided, Usa the units and/or degrees carned are relevant to the position appied for; provided further, that the subjects completed are not duplicated Relevant training hours eared from digital/virtual/online learting may be considered, subject to the conditions prescribed in CSC Memorandum Circular (MC) No. 3, s. 2021 (General Guidelines on Digital/Ontine Learning in the Public Sector, ‘TESDA National Certification (NC) Il and Trainers Methodology (TM) Certificate may be considered; provided thatthe skills acquired from the training are relevant to the work, duties, and responsibilities of ‘Teacher | Relevant experience gained {rom part-time work of at least four (8) hours per day may be considered; provided, that the appropriate Certificate of Employment is submitted with details on the actual ‘number of hours rendered. For purposes of giving points, the morths| for years of relevant experience submitted shall be transmuted tothe ‘equivalent months or years of experience based on the CSC-required eight ()-hour per day workday. Relevant experience gained from abroad of outside the Philippines ‘may be considered provided that the applicant submits a Certificate fof Employment, Those documentary requirements weitten in languages other than English or Filipino shall be accompanied by a complete English translation, {Applicable provisions under Rule VIII Part Ito IV of the CSC ORAOHRA shall apply in the appreciation of relevant Education, Training, and Experience qualifications and giving of points to ITE credentials. Page 6 of 12 5, PBET/LET/LEPT Rating. Points for the PBET/LET/LEPT rating shall be computed using the formula below. This formula shall likevase apply to SHS fapplicants who may not have passed the PBET/LET/LEPT but may be appointed ‘under provisional status; provided the applicant submits a Certificate of Rating, x 10 = 8.275 points 6. PPST Classroom Observable Indicators (COIs). The teachers’ demonstration of PST COls shall be assessed through the conduct of the elassroom ‘observation /demonstration teaching using the Classroom Observation ‘ool for Reersiment, Selection, and Placement (COT-RSP), focusing on Levels 2 to € of the ‘COT Rabrie to eapture good performance in the Beginning towards Proficient career stage 4. The Classroom Observable Strands/ dicators. The selected COIs indicated in this Order shall constitute the classroom observable objectives for hiring entry level teachers, unless otherwise modified by subsequent issumces. Table 4.2. PPST Classroom Observable Strands/Indicators for Hiring of Teacher I TI2 [Apply knowledge of content within and across euriculum teaching | Ta2 | Ue a range of teaching strategies that enhance learner achievement in Wteracy and numeracy skills. 12 | Apply a range of teaching strategies to develop crieal and creative thinking, as well as other higher order thinking Skills. FI | Flan, manage and implement developmentally sequenced teaching land learning processes 10 meet curriculum requirements and varied teaching contexts. 52 | Design, select, organize and use diagnostic, formative and sunmative ‘assessment strategies consistent with curriculum requirements Page 7012 Table 4.b. PPST Classroom Observable Strands/ Indicators for Hiring of Teacher I ‘nthe Indigenous Peoples Education (Ed) Tid [Apply knowledge of content within and acrass curriculum teaching TAD | Usea range of teaching stratogies that enhance learner achievement better und suaneraey skis, T62 | Display proficient use of Mother Tongue, Flipina, and English t| faciitate teaching and learning. 352 | Adapt and use culturally appropriate teaching strategies to addess the needs of learners fram indigenous groups S12 | Design, select, organize, and use diagnostic, formative and) ‘summative assesement strategies consistent with curriculum. requirements . The Classroom Observation Tools for Recruitment, Selection, and Placement (COTRSP) The following evaluative assessment tools are designed to measure the classroom performance of teacher applicants against the identified observable indicators: COT-RSP Rubric (Annex J) refers to the rubric by witich the Classroom performance of the teacher applicant is measured against the observable indicators. Observation Notes Form (Annex Kis used by the observer to record specie obvervations and comments on the easroom performance of the teacher applicant Rating Sheet (Annex 1) is used to indicate the rating/level attained by the teacher applicant in each of the COls, Rating Sheet (Annex L-1);s used to indicate the rating/level attained by the IPEd teacher applicant in each of the COIs for IPEA. Inter-Observer Agreement Form (Annex Mf) is used to indicate the final rating ofthe teacher applicant for each mdicator as agreed upon during the Inter-Observer Agreement Exercise Inter-Observer Agreement Form (Annex ll) is used to indicate the final rating ofthe IPEd teacher applicant for each indicator as agreed ‘upon during the Inter-Observer Agreement Exercise ‘c. Classroom Observation Protocols. Observers shall ensure that the following protocols in classroom observation are judiciously followed ‘The selection of observers oF sub-commitice/s that will be designated to.conduct classroom observations or observe demonstration teaching shall take into consideration their understanding. and knowledge of the PPST COls, the specific tools and protocols on the conduct of classroom observation, and the recruitment and selection process. ‘They shall be comprised of trained COT assessors/observers (e.. Master Teachers, Head Teachers, School Heads, Public Schoo! District Supervisors, Education Program Speciaists/ Supervisors) Page Bo 2 Furthermore, sub-committee/s shall include subject matter experts fn the specialization of the position tobe filled. ii, Two (2) t0 three (3) observers shall participate in the classroom observation i, Observer/s must not be related to the applicant within degree of consanguinity or affinity im. Observer/« must review the COT RSP Rubric and the forms to be ‘accomplished in the process of observation (.., Observation Notes third Form, Rating Sheet, and/or Inter-Observer Agreement Form) prior © the actual conduct ofthe v. classroom observation. Only the Observation Notes Form must be brought and accomplished by the observer/s during the actual observation. vi, Classroom observations shall be done in an actual classroom setting ‘with learners vii. Ttis highly recommended that the teacher applicants be observed for the entire class duration (45 minutes to one (1) hous). However, when difficult circumstances do not allow for the ideal duraton for Classroom observation, such as challenges in logistics, large volume ‘of applicants, availablity oflearners and observers, a minimum of 15 ‘minute observation shall be alowed. vii, In the event when a face-to-face conduct of the classroom observation is not feasible, the conduet of an online observation may be allowed, fas deemed necessary, provided that the protocols in Item 6.2.v are observed. ix. The Rating Sheet shall be accomplished individually by each observer after the actual observation x An Inter-Observer Agreement Exercise shall be done whereby all observers, after accomplishing the Rating Sheet individually, meet to Giscuss the teacher applicant's rating in each indicator, and arrive at ‘2 collegial final rating. Tine final rating is not an average af cach ‘observer's ratings, It shall be based on objective, reasoned, and consensual judgment. 4, ‘The paints forthe PPST COls shall be computed as follows: Pointe = SOP patIN x Wace ere (Cor rating = Applicant’ fal rating obtained in the demenstraton of CO as refit inthe COT RSP Rating Shae or COT RSP ner Observer Agreement Form 30 Highest posuere COT WA Weight Allocation or CO! Potntsow = 22 x 96 = 29.999 pointe Page 9of12 7. PPST Non-Classroom Observable Indicators (NCOIs). The teacher applicant's demonstration of PST NCOIs shall be assessed through the teacher applicant's narrative and reflection using the Teacher Reflection Form (TRF) ‘a. The Non-Classroam Observable Strands/Indicators. The selected NCOIs indicated in this Order shall constitute the nan-classroom observable objectives for hiring of teachers, unless otherwise modified by subsequent ‘Table 5, PPST Non-Classroom Observable Strands/Indicators for Hiring of Teacher I [G12 | Maintain learning environments that are responsive to community contexts B32 | Review regularly personal teaching practice using existing laws anc requlations that apply {0 the teaching profession and the responsibitties specified in the Code of Bihics for Professional Teachers 72.2 | Adopt practoes that uphold the dignity of teaching as a profession by ‘exhibiing qualities such as caring attitude, respect, and integrity, 72 | Panicipate tm professional networks to share Trowledge and i enhance experience, ‘The same set of indicators shall be used for IPEd teacher applicants 1D. The Non-Classrocm Observable Tools for RSP. The following evaluative assessment tools are designed to ineasure the teacher applicant's ‘understanding of the non-classroom observable indicators: i. Teacher Reflection Form (Annex N)is used to demonstrate how the teacher applicant exhibits cach of the non-classroom observable indicators ar writing down narratives and reflection based on specific situations and experiences as guided by prompt questions. The HRMPSB, in consultation with subject matter experts, may modify the prompt questions to avoid familiarity with the questions; provided that the questions are still aligned with the objective or indicator, i, Rubrics for Rating the TRF (Annex O) is used to rate the teacher ‘applicant's responses in the TRF. ‘i, Inter-Evaluator Agreement Form (Annex P) is used to indicate the ‘rating/level attained by the teacher applicant in each of the NCOIs, ©. Protocols in Assessing the Mon-Classroom Observable Indicators [Administrators of the TRF shall ensure that the following protocols in the administration of TRF are judiciously followed i, The selection of TRF evaluators or sub-committee/s that will be designated to evaluate the applicants’ accomplished TRFs shall take {nto consideration their Understanding and knowledge of the PPST NCOls, the specific tools and protocols of TRF administration and ‘evaluation, and the recruitment and selection process. Furthermore Page 100f 12 sub-committee/s shall incide subject matter experts on the specialization ofthe position tobe filed ‘Two (2) to three (3) TRF evaluators shall rate the accomplished TRFS. ‘TRF evaluator/s must not be related to the applicant within the third degree of consanguinity or affinity ‘The TRF shall be accomplished on the spot Teacher applicants shall be given 45 minutes to one (I) hour to accomplish the complete set of the TER ‘The HRMPSB shall identify a designated location, preferably a room, for teacher applicants to answer the TRF. A proctor shal be assigned to discuss the instructions and oversee the process. In the event when a face-to-face administration cf the TRF is not feasible, the TRF may be administered online or through other platforms, as deemed necessary. The following proweols shall apply 1. Applicants shall be scheduled for an online platform meeting (Zoom, Google Meet, ete) 2, All applicants shall be required to keep their video/camera fumed on at all times to allow the proctar to monitor the answering of the TRF. 3, The TRF may be distributed through email. Applicants may submit the accomplished TRF to a designated email addres 4, The TRF may likewise be administered tsing online forms such ‘a8 Google Form for easier collection ane. organization of answers; provided that the security and confidentiality of the applicants’ answers are ensured and protected. When using ‘Google Form, the ‘Locked Mode’ shal be enatled to prevent the ‘applicants from opening tabs or other applications while fanswering the TRF. 5, The TRF may also be administered using individual Google ‘Word files prepared for each applicant. Links to the individual document "shall be managed and sent individually (0 applicants. Download, print, and copy options shal be disabled, to keep document confidentiality Each TRF evaluator shall individually assess the teacher applicant's demonstration and/or understanding of the indicator based on the narrative and responses. They shall focus on the eantent and not on the quantity of narratives or experiences. Lang answers do not necessarily merit an Exemplary rating, "TRF evaluators shall use the portion ‘Comments from the Evaluator’ to-write down statement/s that support the given rating, ‘An Inter-Evaluator Agreement Exercise shall be done whereby all ‘evaluators, aller rating the TRFS individually, meet to discuss the teacher applicant's rating in each indicator, and arsive at a collegial ‘inal rating. The final rating is not an average o' each evaluators! ratings, It shall be based on objective, reasoned, and consensual judgment, ages of12 4. The points for the PPST NCOIs shall be computed as follows: Pointswcan = TRESSHNG x WAncon rare: ZR ating = Applicants tal rating obtained inthe demonstration of NCOs as reflected ithe compte st of Te 20 = Highest posi coe nthe TRE Wa Weg Aocaton jor NCO! sri oe me Pointssooe = 14 x 25 = 17.5 points 8, Other Evaluative Assessments ‘4. Behavioural Events Interview (BEI) shall be conducted to gather additional information about the teacher applicants in terms of other aspects such as but not limited to their potential, characte, and fitness b. Skills or Work Sample Test (S/WST) may be conducted, as may be necessary, especially for assessing” applicants ‘in certain tacks /strands/ specializations in the SHS. (c. Other evaluative assessments as stipulated in Enclosure Ne. 1 of this Order uch as but not kiited to Bthics-Oriented and Personaliy Development Test may be required to gather sufficient information and guidance for the appointing officer/authority in selecting possible appointees. Page 2 oft2 1. The assessment for School Administration positions shall be based on the folowing criteria: 4 Education units and/or degree relevant to the postion to be Sled, ‘Sxcceding the minimum requirements as defied in the CSC approved QS; », Training hours relevant to the position to be filled, exceeding the ninimum requirements as defined in the CSC-approved QS, acquired after the last promotion but within the last fve (5) years ©. Experlence relevant to the position to be filed, exceeding the minimum requirements as defined in the CSC-approved QS: 4. Performance based on submitted performance rating covering one (1) year for 12 months performance in the current or previus job or postion Felevant tothe position tobe fled; ‘c. Ontatanding Accomplishments acquired after the last promotion; {Application of Bdueation acquired ater the last pronotion; & ‘Application of Learning and Development acquired after the last promotion; and hh, Potential measured using other evaluative assessmerts Page tof 16 ‘Rubrics for Computation of Points per Criterion 3, Education, Training, and Experience (ETE). The points for ETE, corresponding to the applicant's qualifications exceeding the QS, shall be computed ‘using the Increments Table (Table 2.9, .b, 2.) and the Rubrics for Computation of Points for ETE (Table 3) Only those qualifications that are relevant to the positon ‘be Milled shall be given points. ‘Table 2.2, Increments Table - Education Page 30f16 ‘Table 3. Rubrics for Computation of Points for Education, Training, and Experience Tring 10 pote [67 names Byer: fonts iscstion inne pedo Woiht Atocaton |iaasanarsee| pang Taam en ogy fie lama Toe more = ——— lustrative example ‘Vacant position: Sehoo! Prinelpal I (Secondary Schoo!) - $0 19 ‘Quatifeation Standards per CSC approved QS ‘Baucaton ‘Bact dams Senay Eatin or Bacher dare raining 40 hours of relevant taiing Brporience ead Teacher for! yoaror Teacherin-Charge for 2 years ‘Mastor Teachor for 2 year; oF Teacher for S yors, ‘The date of URMPSE assessment/Open Ranking System: Beptember-20, 2022 1. Based on the minimum QS of the postion to be filled, the HRMPSB shall determine the baseline level for computing the points for ETE. using the Increments Table as shown in Table 2., 2b, and 2 [etl | at 9 — Satna or purposes of determining the baseline level for Education, any professional or specialization units as may be required inthe CSC-approved {QS in addition to non-Eaducation degree shall be considered equivalent to a ‘Bachelor's degree in Education (e.g Bachelor's degree plus 18 professional ‘units in Education with appropriate major = Level 6 based on Table 2.) [Additional professional and speciation units taken to earn the ‘equivalent Edueation degree (Le, BEE, BSEd) shall not correspond t0 ‘units towards the completion of a Master's degree. , After determining the baseline level, the HRMESB shall compute for the Increments ofthe applicant's actual qualifications based on the submitted documentary requirements. Increment chal refer to the diflerence between the applicants actual qualication eve. and the corresponding level of the ‘minimum (baseline) QS requirement ofthe postion to be Med. ge of ‘Only qualifications that are relevant to the position to be filed an which ‘exceed the mirimum (baseline) QS requirements of the position shall be [Bven corresponding points in the computation of increments, For postions with multiple QS requirement for Experience eg. HT for year, [MT for 2 years, TC for 2 years, Teacher for Syears), the HRMPSB sball en, the relevant experince with the highest increment incurred. This shall be the basis in deermining the final sere of the applicant forthe Terence ‘component. Rlustratioe example: Computation of trements base on actal Eacation qualifaton of Applcant A: Computation of hereents based on acta Experience quaifiation of Apecant A: =) Page oF 16 . After computing the number of increments from the minimum (baseline) (98 requirement, the corresponding points earned by the applicant for ETE. ‘shal be determined using Table 3 (Rubrics for Computation of Pints for ‘Education, Training, and Experience) tustrative example: Using the applicable rubvis forthe Scho! Administration as shown ix Table 3 and ‘based the number af increments eared by Appleant A, the computation of pants for BIB as follows: “cana 18. meeting de minim (awseline) QS seyuleemets x Eesti, Tass, ‘and Experience shall be given zero (0) points, . The following general guidelines shall be observed in giving corresponding points to relevant Bducation, Training, and Experience qualifications: age 6016: ‘Education units and/or degrees in multiple or diferent maore may be given correspanding points on a cumulative basis; provide, that ‘the uns and/or degrees earned are relevant tothe position applied for; provided further, thatthe subjects completed are not duplicated. Consistent with the provisions of the CSC ORAOHRA, units and/or degrees of Dector of Medicine from a CHED recognized institution ‘may be considered master’s units and/or degree for purposes of ‘ving points, except for positions that involve practice of profession covered by board laws. Consistent with Legal Edueation Board (LEB) Resolution No, 406, s 2019, Bachelor of Laws (LLB.) or Juris Doctor (J.D. units and/or ‘degree -arned from law schools recognized or supervised by the LEB fan is predecessor regulatory agencies hall he considered at ‘equivalent to professional doctorate nits/degrees in other non-law facademie disciplines for purposes of giving. points, except for positions that involve practice of profession covered by the rules {governing the bar, subject to further clarifeatory guidelines as may be issued by the LEB, ‘Relevant training hours earned from digita/virtual/online learning may be considered, subject 0 the condisons prescribed in CSC Memorandum Circular (MC) No. 3, s. 2021 (General Guidelines on Digital Ontine Learning in the Public Sector Relevant experience gained from part-time work of atleast four (3) hhoure er day may be considered; provided, that the appropriate Certifinte of Employment is submited with details on the actual ‘number of hours rendered, For purposes af giving points, the months Or year of relevant experience submitted shall be transiauted to the equivalent months or years of experience based on the CSC-equired fight (S-hour per day workay. |. Relevant Experience gained from abroad or outside the Philippines ‘may be considered provided that the applicant submits @ Certileate ff Employment. Those documentary requirements “written in languages other than English of Piipino shall be accomparied by @ ‘complete English translation {Applicable provisions under Rule VIII Part Ito IV of the CSC ORAOHRA ‘shall apply in the appreciation of relevant Edueation, Training, and Experience qualieations and giving of points to ETE credential, 4. Performance. Performance refers to the assessment of how tases, duties, and responsibiltes are caried out or accomplished by the applicant as evidenced by performance rating document or other means of werfication, The performance rating ‘Obtained inthe curren! or previous job or position that is relevant to the pesition (0 be filed shail be used Zor purposes af giving points for performance. Pointspecermaney = X/5 * WAperemane) Where: 25 Peformance Rating 5 Highest Paesbie Pn Dep RPMS WA Weight Allocation for Performance (25 pins) Mustrative example | Siesibenebatr-20 19 ] Pantani "49868 °28 2178 Internal applicants, “The performance rating required for intemal epplicants shall be the rating derived from the Results Hased Performance Management System (RPMS) Individual Performance Commitment and Review (PCR) Form obtained from the applicant's current or previous job cr position thet is relevant to the postion to be filled However, as a mandatory requirement, the applicant shall also be required to submit performance rating ofa least Very Satisfactory (VS) Inthe last rating period prior tothe date of assessment or sereening shall be required, except for promotion from frst to second level entry positions where the Fequired performance rating is at least Satisfactory (3) [An official or employee who 1 on affcial leave of absence, for reasons such ‘a8 maternity Teave, local or forelgn scholaresp, traning grant, or other (CSC-authorized oficial leaves, may be considered for promotion, In stich ‘cases, performance rating in the las rating period prior to the leave of [absence shall be required ‘The performance rating prior to the reclassification ofthe postion shall be considered as performance rating in the reclesified position for purposes. ‘of promotion, ir applicable. 1b, External applicants. For external applicants whose performance is measured using a five (5) level adjectival performance rating scale, the midpoint value of the RPMS rating (Table 4} equivalent to the adjectival ratiog shall be Used as the fapplicant's performance rating (sl. The Cerificate of Rating must be Supported with the Performance Evaluation Tool, Peco Bots ‘Table 4. Midpoint Value of the RPMS Ratica, Atustrative example ‘eta fom eng clea ers ‘es pec Nene npvenen od Senge eet Peja ng pin Seon |sjzyemee met a ote ee nt inten" 2995595 «19975 For external applicants whose performance Is measured using other ‘umerical or adjectival rating systems with seales that are not aligned with the five (5}-point rating scale of the RPMS, the HRMPSB shall develop a system that ransmutes the performance rating to the corresponding points ‘Comparable to the existing rubries ofthe RPMS. "External appicant/s to vacant postions with experience requirement shall submit performance rating/s from previous work that is relevant to the position to be filled. Non-submission of performance rating/s for any reason iets a zero score for Performance criterion. No proxy Teastire shall be Considered in the absence of the applicable performance rating. 5. Oxtstanding Accomplishments. Outstanding Accomplishments refer t0 meritorious contributions of an applicant, such as ideas, inventions, or discoveries which were duly recognized by an muthorized body. These must have direct link tO the KRAs of the applicant's “current or. previous position. Outstanding accomplishments must have led to positive results in their woskplace through ficiency in operation, increased production, improved working standards, and/or Savings in government spending ‘Table 5 below enumerates the components of Outstanding Accomplishments and ‘the corresponding maximum paints foreach component, Page 9016 ra — | i See. ‘Resource Speakership / Learning Facilitation | 2 points: et ee ‘The points allocation in Table 5 shall serve as the maximum or ceiling points that ‘may be eared for each component. The points earned from each component are ‘cumulative to determine the total points for Outstanding Accomplishments; but not feexceed the maumum pots or welgat allocauon for” Outstanding ‘Accomplishments as stipulated in Table | (Point System for Evaluative Assessment for School Administration Positions, Only those outstanding accomplishments acquired or earned after the last promotion shall be considered eligible to be given points, ‘National evel individual awards acquired from @ thorough search process and aglven by reputable award giving bodies, such as CSC, Metrobank, National Eeanamale evelopment Authority (NEDA), Development Academy of the Philippines (DAP), DepEd, et, shall be given maximum polnts In Outstanding Accomplishments (Le 10 points). ‘The details of each component of Outstanding Accomplishments, including the MOVs required and rubrics for giving points, are as follows: a, Awards and Recognition. This may refer to outstanding employee awards ‘anor awards ae tainer/coach, ‘J. Outstanding Employee Award ‘Means of verification: ‘A. Any issuance, memorandum or doctument showing the Criteria, {or the Search; and B. Certificate of Recognition/ Merit. (Central Ofice Search ants from reglonal office (CP Ratonal Level Search or Higher (Regenal Otize Search Teegonal Level Search or Higher ‘Dini /Provincal/ City Level Search fom wheal Division Level Search or Higher 4 pointe | Seheottniipay/Disriet vel Search a psi 112, Awards as Trainer/Coach. This refers to awards gained by applicants 25 tralner/coach in any academic or non-academic competitions activities. Means of verification: A ‘Any issuance or memorandum designating the applicant «8 trainer coach; and Certificate of Recognition/Apprecition as Trainer/Coach of a Winning Contestant/Event Acuity. Rubrics: Level Polat ‘Chan or Highest Pacer inthe National el pa ‘Champion or Highest Pacer tthe Regional eve 2 points : so ghent Pacer ts pot Davin Provincial Lave. For multiple awards received from the same award giving body and/or ‘award category that are conducted in series of progressive manner, ory the highestlevel award shall be considered (eg. NSPC winning coach atte Aivision, regional, national lev!) Similarly, only the highest award shall >= fgiven points in cases where applicants’ submit multiple awards fram diferent award giving bodies. Research and Innovation ‘Means of verification: ‘A. Proposal duly approved by the Head of Office or the designated Research Committee per DO No. 16,8. 2017 1B. Accomplishment Report verified by the Head of Office © Certification of utilzation ofthe innovation oF research, within the school/office duly signed by the Head of Oice D. Certification of adoption of the innovation or research by ‘another school/offce duly signed by the Head of Ofice 1B, Proof of etstion by other researchers (whose study research, ‘whether published or unpublished, is Hkewise approved by ‘authorized body) of the concept/s developed in the research. Rubrics a a RBCeD yointe Onlys, Bac Only A&E ‘aly a = age 120F16 For collaborative research studies/innovations, the total points. shal be divided by the number of authors/researchers Indicated In the copyright page. (c. Subject Matter Expert / Membership in National TWOs or Committees. ‘This shall apply to applicants who have been chosen and requested to use their technical knowledge sills, and experience to develop amt output, oF ‘work towards an outcome in the national level. This may include But not Timited to the development and/or validation of framework, models, policies, and learning materials. Subject matter expertise or membership in [TWGs of Commitices must, however, be relevant to the position being ‘plied for in arder to be given points Means of verification: |A. Igsuance/Memorandum showing the membership in NTWO or Committees; ©. Gutput/Adoption by the organization /DepEd. Rubrics MOVs Submitted Polat ALLMOVs [a poine Tonia ae 2 points 4. Resource Speakership / Learning Facilitation. This shall apply to applicants who have been requested and invited to share their knowledge land expertise on specific subject matter/s. This may include applicants ‘who served as a Resource Speaker, Resource Person, Trainer, and/or earning Facilitator in seminars, training programs, conferences, convention, congress, forums, learning action cells LAC) sessions, etc Means of verification Al listed MOV shall be submitted ‘A. Iesuance/Memorandum/tnvitaton/ Training Matrix: 2B Cerificate of Recognition/Ment/ Commendation Appreciation; fad: Cc Silde decte/s used and/or Session guide/s. Rubrics: ee Page2 016 &. NEAP Accredited Learning Facltator. This shall apply to applicants ‘who have been given accreditation as Learning Facilitator by the Nationsl Educator Academy of the Philippines [NEAP, Means of verification: ‘A. Certificate of Recognition as Learning Facilitator issued ty NEAP Regional Omice B, Certificate of Recognition as Learning Faciitator issued by NEAP Central Office Mstratve example: Appian Ci i oping for a Sot Pia (50.19) uti SOO Bago Oy He ‘Sry sor ker ix Bgl ey Ratanal High eat appointed i abe 201 ‘arth prow of comping hs Outstanding Sewers he bed ong “ara and coger ‘Gateenng Boye Su 2017 in Bao ‘esol igh Schoo fro tOVs ota ong Casa (1 Pe Potro 2015 (RSP aompete WO sab ong Coach (tre Say 2016 ‘Boi Sagem ne Pagpapaktn Celebration (cones MOVs brandy Ee ‘Speakers /earaing Peaaaton? Stating Ereyee Cte tl of fa ps Outtaning ecampshnete 6. Application of Education. Applicaton of education isthe contribution mace by an applicant to their workplace aa a feaUltof ther learnings from thelr educatien degree/s or units earned. such as but not limited to applied concepts, processes. land sidls hat are reievint to the position to be filed. Points shall be given to sn fapplicant who has sicxcssfully applied the learnings gained ‘rom said higher ‘cducation units or degree/s eared. The application of education must have led “0 ‘Signiicant positive resus in the applicant's current or previous work, Page tof 36 {Higher premium shall be given to an application of education oF intervention made by the applicant that is relevant and applicable To the position to be filed ‘Relevant intervention is described as the intervention tha is directly appicable to the funetional unit where the position applied for is lodged. An intervention is described to be applicable if can be Used in the operations ofthe fenctonal unit based on its office mandates in the oficial DepBd Office Functions or Office Orders for the creation of the functional tn. IF the intervention made by the applicant does not meet the criteria to be Relevant, then said intervention shall be considered and be glven correspanding points using the rubrics for Not Relevant Means of verification: |A. Action Plan approved by the Head of ice Accomplishment Report verified by the Head of fice C. Certification of the utilization adoption signed by the Head of Office abr om — twos — 7._ Application of Learning and Development (LAD). Applicaton of LAD is & proven siccess ofthe learnings ghined from the human resource development (HRD) {Interventions done/attended by the applicant which must have led to significant positive results in thelr current or previous work, Higher premium shall be given to an application of LAD or intervention made by ‘the applicant that is relevant and applicable tothe position tobe fled The definition of relevant intervention as stipulated in Item 6 of tis Order shall apply Means of verification A. Certificate of Training or Certification on any applicable LAD {intervention acquired ‘that i aligned with te Individual Development Pla (IP); for extemal applicants, acertiflcation ‘rom HR stating that the LAD Intervention Is alignet with the core tases of the applicant in their current or previous position ‘shall be required, B, Action’ Plan/Re-entry Action Plan (REAP)/Job Embedded Learning (EL Impact Projeet appving the learsings from the AD intervention done/attended, duly approved by the Head of ©. Accomplishment Report together with a General Certification thatthe LAD intervention was used/adopted by the office atthe local level; Page of 16

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