Unit 1

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Homework: Second and third conditionals

Objective: The student is able to recognize the context which he/she must talk about
imagine present and future situations, or to express the past consequences of an
unrealistic action or situation in past.

Writing Activity

Complete the second conditional sentences:

1. If I won the lottery…
I would travel the word
2. If I had only one day to live…
I would visit all my family
3. If I were famous…
I should work for my country
4. If I were the president…
I would help the most needy people
5. If I were an animal…
I should take care of the other animals
6. If I couldn’t speak…
I couldn¨t communicate with other people
7. If I lived in a big city like London…
I must visit English royalty
8. If I had an accident…
I would have to go to the hospital

Speaking Activity
Activity: Prepare the answers for the following questions:
1. What would you have done if you had been the leader of the country during…?

I would govern in favor of the poorest people

2. What would your second choice for a university or degree subject have been? How
would your life be different now if you had done that instead?

I Would have studied law, and my life would the dedicated to defending those most in

3. What would you have done in your last holiday if time, money etc had been no limit?
How could that have changed your life?

I would have known the beaches of Cartagena and I would feel very happy because tha
has always been my dream

4. How would your life have been different if you had been born a girl/ boy?

I would think it would have been the same, because I have very Good parents

5. How would your country be different if someone different had won the last election?

My country would have continued whith the same situation of corruption and insecurity

6. If you could change one thing about your body or personality, what would it be?

We would continue with the same situation of bad government, and without a real change

7. What would you do if you knew that the world was going to be hit by a comet and
destroyed in one week?

I should find a way to help people and my family to protect themselves from such a great
natural phenomenon

8. How would you have made … a success rather than a failure?

I would have to finish my studies to help my family

9. What things could make you emigrate?

The rise in inflation and insecurity would make me emigrate from my country
10. What would you do if you saw a UFO? I would be amazed to see somethig so amazing

I would be amazed to see something so amazing

Record an audio with the answer of the previous questions.

The student needs to record his/her voice on https://vocaroo.com/

Once the students finished the recording, the recording link will be sent to the student`s

Then, copy and paste the link sent to the student`s email in this document for the teacher
to verify and grade your production. Send this document to your tutor.
Example: https://voca.ro/19cg3iABeQxq

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