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I thank all the parliamentarians for what they have done today But todays victory is . only a half victory for the Jan Lokpal Bill. This half victory is the victory of all | Anna Hazare Indians across the nation

People are no longer willing to accept status quo... The time has come to raise the bar of accountability | Arun Jaitley in India

Our democracy is powerful enough... flexible enough to accommodate different viewpoints...Parliament does not necessarily follow the conventional way of lawmaking... I accept the lapse of our govt | Pranab Mukherjee

To Break Fast At 10am Today As Parliament Bows To Hazares Khwahish And PM Sends Letter


Times Comment

Unmade By Last Minute Hitch


New Delhi: History was made in Parliament on Saturday when the two Houses bowed to Anna Hazares campaign, powered by a


Barely 9 days after The Times of India launched its anti-corruption online campaign, weve already received over 40 lakh (4 million) votes a clear indication of the depth of public anger and desire for change


Give this number a missed call if you want a strong Lokpal Bill. Or visit to register your support



AUGUST KRANTI P 2, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11 & 13
Anna Superfast Arrives, P 2 groundswell of popular support, for a strong and independent Lokpal. The Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha unanimously resolved that the standing committee would consider Annas three demands including the lower bureaucracy in the Lokpals purview, a central law for creating lokayuktas in

states and a citizens charter for government departments providing public service. This finally paved the way for Annas 12-day fast to end. This is the first instance of Parliament explicitly agreeing to accommodate demands raised by an outsider, that too when the official bill had already been moved. A jubilant Anna Hazare responded to Parliaments endorsement of his demands by announcing that he would call off his fast at 10am on Sunday His . aides promptly called upon the people to flock to Ramlila Maidan to participate in this victory of popular will. But the historic moment almost didnt come about. Anxiety hit the process once again when in the afternoon Team Anna members announced that the government was going back on its word. It was later learnt that the agreed upon draft resolution was changed and this almost scuppered the deal. Eventually Prime Minister Manmohan Singh stepped in, and with the help of top BJP leaders and his own colleagues, pushed through an acceptable resolution. Later, Singh publicly threw his weight behind the reconciliation. Parliament has spoken. Parliaments will is the will of the people, he said, providing closure to the standoff. There was momentary confusion when Parliament opted to unanimously adopt the resolution through the sense of the House instead of passing it by voice vote. However, civil society activists accepted it. As Medha Patkar said, The important thing is that our three demands have been accepted. Related report, P 11

First draft negotiated between Team Annas Prashant Bhushan & Medha Patkar with Salman Khurshid. Its mediated by Maharashtra godman Bhaiyyuji Maharaj. It begins with this House resolves that it recommends...Civil society reps happy

accuses govt of backtracking. Says govt cited BJPs opposition to voting in Parliament behind new complication. Now BJP is furious with govt At 2.45pm, Rajiv Shukla persuades LK Advani, Sushma Swaraj, Arun Jaitley and S S Ahluwalia to meet Pranab. Khurshid clarifies here that he didnt say BJP was opposed to voting

Draft approved by BJP at 12.40pm, but fails to pass muster with some Cong leaders. Kapil Sibal finds it leaning too much Team Annas way. PMs principal secy TKA Nair feels it can trigger fears among bureaucracy

Sibal prepares another draft but this swings the other way. Scheduled meeting with Bhushan, Patkar & Arvind Kejriwal put off. At 1.30pm they are told to hang on Delay leads to frayed nerves. Bhushan

BJP leaders meet PM at 4pm. Meeting also attended by Shukla, Pawan Bansal and Vilasrao Deshmukh whos been negotiating with Anna. Redrafting begins, Jaitley helps out. Sibal objects to the House agrees in principle with Annas three demands. PM overrules him. A resolution is finally settled upon at 5.30pm

PEOPLE LIVE: Bollywood superstar Aamir Khan (R) with Anna Hazare at Ramlila Ground. Aamir described Hazare as the real hero and also sang O Mitwa from his film Lagaan

On last lap of talks, hardliners kept out

Dikshit was the other Congress leader present. New Delhi: Anna Hazare According to sources, Hashut out hardliners from the zares choice of Patkar and last lap of talks between the Bhushan was surprising as government and civil society, till then, it was Arvind Kejriin a bid to ease the fortnight- wal who represented him, long standoff. along with Kiran Bedi, even Medha Patkar and Prash- during discussions with fiant Bhushan accompanied nance minister Pranab MukMaharashherjee. The Saturday thaw, P 11 trian spiritual Kejriwal expeleader Bhaiyyuji Maharaj to rience was not good for the law minister Salman Khur- government. On one occashids residence on Friday for sion, Mukherjee came out a midnight meeting in search past midnight to tell the media of an acceptable solution to that Kejriwal had distorted balance Hazares demands his statement by saying the with the Centres constitu- government was not bothered tional constraints. Sandeep about Hazares fast.

Annas next: India tour for clean leaders

Dwaipayan Ghosh & Prerna Sodhi TNN

House shows good sense on big day


New Delhi: Even before his ongoing fast could come to an end, Anna Hazare on Saturday announced his next mission a nationwide tour to ensure no tainted leaders enter Parliament and to appeal to people not to elect those who opposed the Jan Lokpal Bill. Taking the dais on Saturday the 12th day of his fast, Ha, zare said, We trusted these people to abide by the Constitution. Now that we have woken up, let us not fall asleep or let complacency seep in. P 2

New Delhi: After being reviled for its self-serving ways and incorrigible politicking, the political class delivered when it mattered. Displaying an unerring big-day temperament, political parties Time to match..., P 9 surpassed themselves as Parliament gave Anna Hazare a massive victory. Sensing the public mood, political egos were largely in check. MPs drove home the humbling knowledge that politic-

ians were lagging their constituents. The leaders had become the led. Some leaders hit back at civil society warning that , calling politicians names could draw retaliatory action. Others blamed the medias 24x7 focus for nurturing the stir. But most were quick to accept that public anger was real and needed to be seen as genuine disgust at corruption. Congress and BJP leaders, who usually do not pass up a chance to have a go at each other, seriously addressed the question of accountability in public life.

n Tuesday we front-paged a , Times Appeal saying, Ego should not come in the way of a solution that best tackles the scourge of corruption and serves the cause of India and its people. This is a moment in our history that calls for humility and courage, not hubris or bravado. Then, on Friday we wrote, again on page 1, , One of the beauties of India is its democracy imperfect as it may be. And , one of the cornerstones of our democracy is the parliamentary process. On Saturday we caught a glimpse , of that beauty when Parliament rose magnificently to the occasion, and in a spirit of bipartisanship addressed itself to Anna Hazares concerns about the Lokpal bill. Several of our MPs spoke well, but it was Arun Jaitley who distilled it in a sentence when he said, The time has come to raise the bar of accountability in Indian society . This is not the time to speak in terms of victor and vanquished not when weve just witnessed the triumph of people power. But Indias political leaders perhaps need to ask themselves a few uncomfortable questions: Are they so out of touch with the people they profess to represent that it took them so long to gauge the public mood? Why else would a nation turn to an outsider for justice? And finally does this herald a shift, howev, er subtle, in the power equation between government and the people? There are a thousand things wrong with our country But every . once in a while, something or someone comes along and restores, in some measure, our faith in the future. Even those who have had reservations about Anna Hazares form of protest and there are many honest, intelligent and committed people among them cannot discount the incredible impact he has had on Indian polity and society. He has tapped into a nations rising frustration and anger against corruption of the most scandalous proportions, and channeled it into a mass movement that has shaken the government to its foundation, and placed the entire political class on notice. Will the Lokpal Bill be a panacea for all of Indias problems? As the Prime Minister has said on more than one occasion, there is no magic wand. But that cannot be a reason for us to do nothing. Anna Hazare has lit a fire. Its for every one of us to keep the flame of hope alive.

How Team Anna pulled a fast one

Himanshi Dhawan

New Delhi: It was a battle of nerves that ended with the government blinking first. When leader of the House Pranab Mukherjee announced that it had adopted Anna Hazares demands, little did the government know that Team Anna was precariously poised on the edge of defeat. Hazares sliding health and the threat of Despair to exultation, P 11 the burgeoning crowd going out of control would have led Team Anna to throw in the towel if the government had hung in for another day . Sources said that after the core committee meeting on Saturday morning, it was decided that the group would ask Hazare to give up his fast. But

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like seasoned poker players, Team Anna managed to mask their anxieties and continued to play hardball, threatening to carry on the fast indefinitely if their demands were not met. It was quite an act to pull off because the group felt Hazare could not do without food for another 12 hours.

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Some gay, others unhappy at IIT-B

Hemali Chhapia

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Mumbai: In a mostly heterosexual world, straight people dont need to fight for their rights. But IIT-Bombays recent path-breaking initiative to have a support group for queer students has spawned such a protest. A group of straight students at the Powai campus will Call for equal rights, P 9 meet the director next week to discuss among other issues, hostel controls, following the launch of the LGBTQ (lesbian, gay bisexual, transgender, , queer) support group. The 10pm curfew for boys and girls visiting each others hostel was never questioned, but now they say the deadline should be removed or imposed on homosexual pairs as well.

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