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Active Purification


GROUP 13-201


 Present and Justify a Problem and Solution

• Egypt Grand Challenges
• Problem to be solved
• Research
• Other Solutions Already Tried

Generating and Defending a Solution:

• Solution and Design Requirements
• Selection of Solution
• Selection of Prototype

 Constructing and Testing a Prototype:

• Materials and Methods
• Test Plan
• Data Collection

 Evaluation, Reflection, Recommendations:

• Analysis and Discussion
• Recommendations
• Learning Outcomes
• List of Sources in APA Format

and justify
the problem

❖ Water is life. It is a precondition for human, animal, and plant life and an
indispensable resource for the economy. Water also plays a fundamental role in
the climate regulation cycle. Around eighty percent of the human body is made
up of water, so it is essential for its existence. The healthy functioning of the
human body requires it to be regularly and sufficiently hydrated. Apart from that,
water is also needed to keep oneself and one’s things clean. We also use it in
everything in our daily life in agriculture, industry, and many things, so without
it, most life forms will cease to exist.
❖ Due to modern technology like factories and these things there have been many
problems of water like water pollution and lack of water resources in many
countries. Water pollution happens because of factories' wastes that dropped in
water drinking resources like rivers and lakes.

❖ And our 11 grand challenges are:

1. Improve the use of alternative energy

2. Recycle garbage and waste for economic and environmental purposes
3. Deal with urban congestion and its consequences
4. Work to eradicate public health issues/disease
5. Increase the industrial and agricultural bases of Egypt
6.Address and reduce pollution fouling our air, water, and soil
7.Improve uses of arid areas
8.Manage and increase sources of clean water
9.Deal with population growth and its consequences
10. Improve the scientific and technological environment for all
11.Reduce and adapt to the effect of climatic change

Address and reduce pollution fouling our air, water and soil


• Pollution is the introduction of harmful materials into the environment. These toxic
materials are called pollutants. Pollutants can be natural, such as volcanic ash. They
can also be created by human activity, such as trash or runoff produced by factories.
Pollutants damage the quality of air, water, and land.


❖ Causes:
▪ Air pollution is caused by solid and liquid particles and certain gases that are
suspended in the air. These particles and gases can come from car and truck
exhaust, factories, dust, pollen, mold spores, volcanoes, and wildfires

❖ Solutions:
▪ Burn less coal.
▪ Lessen the impact of cars.
▪ Conserve energy--at home, work, and everywhere!
▪ Monitor air quality warnings, and take action on poor air quality days.
▪ Act within your community to find solutions to air pollution.


❖ Definition:
▪ Water pollution is degraded water, toxic to humans or the environment. It occurs when
harmful chemicals or microorganisms or sometimes simply garbage or too much
sediment contaminates a stream, river, lake, wetland, groundwater aquifer, ocean, in
short, any body of water.

❖ Causes:
▪ Household wastewater and sewage
▪ Agriculture
▪ Industry and mining

▪ River and marine pollution
▪ Oil spills

❖ Effects:
▪ Human death and disease
▪ Eutrophication
▪ Impaired aquatic habitat
▪ Solutions (water)
▪ Use a renewable energy source when you can.
▪ Use a reusable cloth tote rather than plastic bags.
▪ Reduce using products in your life that are going to quickly end up in the landfill.


❖ Definition:
▪ Soil contamination refers to the destruction of land that could be used constructively
by human activities, either directly or indirectly.

❖ Causes:
▪ Industrial waste
▪ Deforestation
▪ Excessive use of fertilizers and pesticides
▪ Garbage pollution

❖ Effects:
▪ Climate change
▪ Loss of soil fertility
▪ Impact on human health

❖ Solutions:
▪ Reforestation
▪ Controlled farming practices
▪ Reduce, Recycle, and Reuse
▪ Bioremediation
▪ Use biodegradable products
▪ Reduce the use of pesticides and fertilizers

Manage and increase the sources of clean water

▪ Water and air are the main elements of life on the earth. plants use them for
Photosynthesis to make their food and produce oxygen for breath.
▪ Animals use water to drink and some kinds of fish and animals put their eggs in the
water. Humans use domestic, agriculture, and industrialize Without water life stops on
the earth. There will be no place for fish to live, no water for drinking, and no life.


▪ The Nile is the lifeblood of life in Egypt. The share of Egypt from the Nile is 55.5
billion cubic meters annually, under an agreement signed in 1959 and we need water
for humans, plants, animals, and industry, but because of overpopulation and
increasing requirements of people, the Nile can't be enough, especially that the share
of Egypt from the Nile doesn't increase and the rain is little.


▪ Some people suffer from the decrease in water. They can't find enough water for
their daily life. Egypt doesn't have enough water for agriculture and industry.


▪ There are some aquifers in Egypt like Nubian Sandstone Aquifers and the Coastal
Aquifer, rains, but it is few in Egypt and makes the water of the sea drinkable water.

▪ Egypt starts to reclaim desert and benefit from underground water. We can start to
benefit from the seawater, and we can benefit more from underground water. We can
Recycle wastewater and recycle agricultural drainage water.


▪ The Northern Interior Basin, covering

520 881 km² or 52 percent of the total
area of the country in the east and
southeast of the country. A sub-basin of
the Northern Interior Basin is the Qattara Fig (1) Resources of water in Egypt
▪ The Nile Basin, covering 326 751 km² (33 percent) in the central part of the country in
the form of a broad north-south strip.
▪ The Mediterranean Coast Basin, covering 65 568 km² (6 percent).
▪ The Northeast Coast Basin, a narrow strip of 88 250 km² along the coast of the Red Sea
(8 percent).
▪ The Nile river, with a total length of about 6 650
km, is the world’s longest river with the Amazon
in Southern America being the second-longest with
a total length of 6 400 km. However, debates over
the true sources of both rivers and thus their entire
length are ongoing and some studies consider the
Amazon to be the longest river with a length of 6
990 km and the Nile the second-longest with 6 850
km. The Nile supplies nearly all water in Egypt
and the river is in the country almost fully
controlled by the High Aswan Dam. The water
entering Lake Nasser originates about 85 percent
from the Ethiopian highlands through the Blue
Nile, Sobat river, and Atbara river (MWRI, 2005).
Control over the river started even before the
Aswan Dam, with the remodeling (widening and
deepening) of the six Nile branches in the Delta in Fig (2)
the 1800s, as well as two major regulators on the
two main branches: Rosetta and Damietta, built in the 1830s (El Qausy et al., 2011).

▪ Desalination of the Red Sea and the Mediterranean Sea,
which represent a good percentage if exploited well and will help greatly with the Nile
River, "the main source of water in Egypt."

Increase the industrial and agriculture bases of Egypt


▪ Currently, Egypt lacks a production base even in the industrial or agricultural fields.
On the industrial side, the industrial base plays a great role in increasing the standard of
living, leads to the development of many economic activities and also in all fields. Egypt
suffers from many problems in the industry and that leads to the deterioration in the
industrial base. On the agricultural side, agriculture is very important for the Egyptians
and is considered the first and the significant resource from the financial resources in
Egypt. For the bad luck, Egypt suffers from many problems in the agricultural field,
which leads to significant problems in the other fields such as the industrial and
economical fields.


▪ The lack of operating

▪ The main dependence on
the old machines.
▪ Neglecting modern
▪ Trade-off and not perfectly
exploiting the available
▪ The bad use for the
agricultural materials.
▪ Use water in huge
quantities and use it in bad
ways especially in irrigation. Chart (1): For imports and Exports
▪ Not exploiting the arid areas that are
characterized by the fertilized soil.
▪ Using harmful pesticides and using impure water that affects negatively the crops.


▪ Deterioration of the social level.

▪ Importing a large part of consumer goods, machinery, equipment, and food-exporting
fewer products.
▪ The decrease in the national income and huge deficit happens in the Egyptian trade
▪ Less production of crops.
▪ Spreading of diseases and the appearance of hunger in Egypt.


▪ Provide enough operating hands.

▪ Use of new machines, and exploiting the modern technology in the industry.
▪ Trying to use GMOs to improve the planets instead of using pesticides and Use new
irrigation techniques.
▪ Reducing imports and increasing exports.
▪ Establishing new industries and develop the existing industries.
▪ Encouraging the private sector to invest in energy production.

Work to eradicate public health issues/disease


▪ Health care systems face multiple challenges in improving and ensuring the health and
well-being of people.
There are a lot of health
issues. There are a lot of
diseases and viruses
spreading all over the
world. We should work on
all of it. We should
improve the health
systems, train doctors to
help people as they can,
develop the technological Graph (1)
and research side of health.
Our countries should educate citizens to keep them safe.


▪ Absence of the developed technological equipment.

▪ The low budget that countries spent on health and health issues researching.
▪ Not training doctors appropriately.
▪ A doctor and scientist’s meager return that is not equal to his effort.


▪ The growth of numbers of deaths due to poor medical service.

▪ Spreading of diseases and viruses like malaria, HIV, and Covid-19.
▪ It would have affected the environment and economy of the country.
▪ The migration of a lot of people to get better health care and that results in urban
congestion in a particular place.


▪ Build hospitals equipped with new

modern technology.
▪ Spent more money on scientific
research to solve health issues.
▪ Provide health care for all people
to prevent the spreading of
diseases and decrease the number Table (1): Comparison between Egypt and
of deaths. world average
▪ Perfectly train the young doctors.
▪ Making medicine and vaccines available for all people.

Problem to be solved

Manage and increase the sources of clean water

availability distinguishes
the earth compares to other Graph (2)
planets in our solar system.
The prime challenge that
faces Egypt now is the vital
need for better
development and
management of the limited
available water resources.
Water pollution is a
significant problem in the
global environment.
Freshwaters of the world
are experiencing
acceleration rates of
quantitative degradation. Effective utilization of extant freshwater resources is complicated
by distributions of humans in regions low in water availability. The Egyptian water resources
system includes River Nile flow, precipitation, and groundwater from renewable and non-
renewable aquifers. Egypt is analyzing the reuse of agricultural drainage water and the reuse
of treated domestic wastewater. Nile River is the primary source of water in Egypt, and we
should pay more attention to make use of each drop and reduces loss to the minimum as we

Primary sources of clean water

▪ Surface Water Resources.

▪ Groundwater Resources.

▪ Stormwater Resources.
▪ Wastewater Resources.
▪ Saltwater Resources.
▪ Ice Cap Water Resources.

Egypt primarily depends on the

first two sources. In the case of the early
source, Egypt depends on the Nile River,
and in the case of the second one, Egypt
depends on the Nubian sandstone

Water pollutants
Fig (3): Sources of Water in Egypt

▪ Pathogens such as bacteria,

protozoa, or viruses.
▪ Organic materials such as
petroleum, insecticides and
herbicides, detergents,
disinfecting cleaners, and
prescription drugs.
▪ Inorganic materials include
things like ammonia,
chemical waste, fertilizers,
and heavy metals.
▪ Macroscopic: are large,
visible items in waterways or
bodies of water in the form
of trash. Graph (3)
▪ Thermal: when we use water as a
coolant by power plants and industrial manufacturers.

Egypt primarily suffers from organic and inorganic materials pollutants from factories
such as compost factories and others. That causes many problems in Egypt’s water and
makes the ability to get fresh water hard.

Causes of water crises

▪ Overpopulation.
▪ Nile pollution: Industrial wastes are considered a significant source of pollution in
Egypt. About 350 industries are discharging their sewage-water either directly into the
Nile or through the municipal system. About 1250 industrial plants located in
Alexandria (about 60% of them are responsible for marine pollution of the
Mediterranean coast of Alexandria) discharge their wastewater into the sea via Lake
Marriott. About 90% of the rural population has no access to sewer systems or
wastewater treatment.
▪ Over-irrigation.
▪ Impacts of high dam: After the construction of the High Dam. The result is weed
flourishing, which increases evapotranspiration, blocks the waterways, and provides
habitats for Bilharzia snails.
▪ Impacts of industrial activity.

Effects of water crises

▪ Decreasing the rate of agriculture

so the famine will happen.
▪ Lack of Access to Clean Water.
▪ A children’s health crisis
▪ Drought.
▪ Poverty.
▪ Hunger and diseases.
▪ Impact of water pollution on
processes of water treatment. Due
to the alteration in the quality of the Graph (4): Access to clean water
river Nile and its canals, the
conventional processes to treat drinking water through the currently implemented
designs desperately fail to remove several biological and chemical pollutants.


▪ Educate to change people’s consumption and lifestyles.

▪ Recycle wastewater.
▪ Reuse wastewater.
▪ Treat wastewater by chemical or
biological, or even mechanical
▪ Improve irrigation and
agricultural bases.
▪ Develop the
▪ Address pollution resources and
solve these problems.
▪ Impose Strict policies on water
▪ Controlling population growth in
agricultural lands.

Fig(4): Steps of destilations

Ways to manage water

Today, most countries are facing significant pressure on water resources. The global
population is growing fast, and estimates show that with current conditions, the world will
face a 40% shortfall between the demand and available water supply by 2030. Furthermore,
water scarcity and extreme weather events (floods and droughts) are perceived as some of
the biggest threats to global stability.
▪ By increasing supply: Through storage in dams; diverting water from excess areas to
scarcity areas through link waterways; artificially recharging groundwater; towing
icebergs from the Antarctic to water scarcity regions; controlling pollution and
reclaiming polluted water through recycling and cloud seeding.
▪ By reducing degradation: Devising methods for controlling/reducing evaporation
losses in irrigation; using better drainage in irrigated agriculture to loosen the soil
▪ Reduce wastewater.
▪ Save water at home.

Address and reduce pollution fouling our air, water and soil

Pollution is the introduction of harmful materials into the environment. These harmful
materials are called pollutants. Pollutants can be natural, such as volcanic ash. They can also
be created by human activity, such as trash or runoff produced by factories. Pollutants
damage the quality of air, water, and land.

Many things that are useful to people produce pollution. Cars spew pollutants from
their exhaust pipes. Burning coal to create electricity pollutes the air. Industries and homes
generate garbage and sewage that can pollute the land and water. Pesticides—chemical
poisons used to kill weeds and insects—seep into waterways and harm wildlife.

All living things—from one-celled microbes to blue whales—depend on Earth’s

supply of air and water. When these resources are polluted, all forms of life are threatened.

And because of the name of our problem, we will just talk about water pollution and
we will start with a question "What is water pollution? "


Water pollution is degraded water, toxic to humans or the environment. It occurs when
harmful chemicals or microorganisms or sometimes simply garbage or too much sediment
contaminates a stream, river, lake, wetland, groundwater aquifer, ocean, in short, any body of
Anthropogenic thermal differences caused by the discharge of hot water from power
plants and factories directly into an open water source is also considered water pollution as it

decreases oxygen levels and alters the species that can survive there, often inviting non-
native species invasion, altering the food chain and typically reducing species biodiversity.

Alarming facts about water pollution worldwide

▪ Globally, 70 percent of industrial waste is dumped directly into the water.

▪ Even greater than the dumping of toxic industrial chemicals is the contribution of
domestic garbage and sewage, accounting for 80 percent of water pollution globally.
▪ Asia has the highest number of polluted rivers in the world, mostly due to its dumping
of raw sewage and the resulting bacteria.
▪ The sacred Ganges River takes the prize for the world’s most polluted river, carrying
sewage, trash, animal carcasses, and wasted food.

It is estimated that globally 80 percent of wastewater is dumped back into the water supply

Some statistics about water pollution worldwide

▪ Globally, 1.1 billion people do not have access to clean water.

▪ 2.4 billion people do not have proper sanitation

▪ The World Health Organization estimates waterborne diseases cause two million
deaths annually, mostly of young children.

These deaths were attributed to drinking water contaminated with fatal micro-
organisms and inadequate hand-washing facilities and sanitation services.

The latter facilitates the transfer of fatal micro-organisms through hand contact and
food preparation. Deaths from the effects of toxic chemicals are less simple to
pinpoint. Not surprisingly, water pollution is the major medium for typhoid and

▪ Fourteen billion pounds of garbage mostly plastic is dumped into the ocean every

▪ Over 30 billion tons of urban sewage are discharged into lakes, rivers, and oceans each

▪ Cruise ships, ubiquitous now in the ocean, the largest of which can carry over 7,000
passengers and crew and on just a one-week voyage is estimated to generate 210,000
gallons of human sewage and 1 million gallons of gray water, as well as large volumes
of oily bilge water, sewage sludge, garbage, and other hazardous wastes.

Some are treated before discharging directly into the ocean; some are not.

▪ It is believed that there are over 20,000 abandoned and uncontrolled hazardous waste

▪ Groundwater is also vulnerable to pesticide and fertilizer runoff that percolates into
the ground and all of the pollutions the rain brings down.


▪ Unfortunately, water can easily become contaminated from many natural and
human-made sources, but in general, we recognize two types of water pollution: point
source and non-point source.

▪ Point source means simply that the source of the pollution can be easily
identified such as direct discharge into a body of water from a factory, household, or a
sewage treatment plant. Non-point source means that the source of water pollution is
more difficult to identify.

▪ Let’s look now at the primary contributors to water pollution:

1. Household wastewater and sewage
2. Agriculture
3. Industry and mining
4. Oil spills
5. Hazardous waste
6. Landfills
7. Radioactive waste
8. River and marine pollution
9. Thermal pollution
10. Dredged silt
11. Drugs


1. Eutrophication
2. Human death and disease
3. Oil spills kill wildlife
4. Impaired aquatic habitat
5. Alteration of hormonal levels and reproduction cycles

How to enforce water protection worldwide?

The issue of water pollution requires the cooperation of us all and while
you as an individual should help to make the impact, authorities also need to step
in and apply necessary measures to make sure global water resources are
▪ Creation and enforcement of water quality regulations.

▪ Education and awareness-raising.

▪ Switch to renewable energy.

▪ Employment of the best practices for watershed management,

wastewater management, vessel sewage discharge, and storm-water
source pollution.

▪ Smart and sustainable water management in cities.

▪ Sustainable agriculture.

And of course:
"Start by considering your actions. Each individual makes an impact"


❖ Searching topics:

What topics did you research?

▪ In our project, we searched about many topics which would guide us to the best
solution for our challenge

 Main topics which we have researched about:

▪ Paper-Making industry
▪ Water pollutants detergent.

 Topics searched related to the problem:

1- Address and reduce pollution fouling our air, water, and soil:
▪ Pollution problem general.
▪ Pollution in Egypt.
▪ Water pollution and its impact on the environment in Egypt.

2- Manage and increase the sources of clean water:

▪ The main source of water in Egypt
▪ Ways of desalination of seawater.
▪ Means of interest in groundwater.

3- Increase the industrial and agriculture bases of Egypt:

▪ Problems face industry.
▪ Industrial and agriculture problems in Egypt.

4- Work to eradicate public health issues/disease:

▪ Public health all over the world.
▪ Health in Egypt.
▪ Statistics about the number of ill people in Egypt.

 Topics searched related to a possible solution:

▪ Industries using water.

▪ Water pollution process in papermaking.
▪ Water contaminants in paper manufacturing processes.

 Topics searched related to prior solutions:

▪ Leading countries in recycling, reuse, and treatment "water".

▪ Projects that help to reuse the water all over the world.
▪ Industries doing water reuse work in other processes.

 Some sources:

▪ https://www.nationalgeographic.org/encyclopedia/pollution/
▪ https://www.veteransoffgrid.org/blog/water-pollution-facts-causes-effects-solutions
▪ https://www.epa.gov/recycle/recycling-basics
▪ https://www.idrc.ca/sites/default/files/sp/Documents%20EN/CARIAA_COP18_Po
▪ https://www.britannica.com/science/desertification
▪ http://www.fao.org/nr/water/aquastat/countries_regions/egy/print1.stm
▪ http://www.aun.edu.eg/journal_files/20_J_5125.pdf
▪ http://users.rowan.edu/~jahan/env.enggI-
▪ http://www.asceoc.org/awards/nominee-
▪ https://www.toaks.org/departments/public-works/operations/hill-canyon-treatment-
▪ http://www.bom.gov.au/water/awid/id-822.shtml
▪ http://www.urbanwateralliance.org.au/publications/UWSRA-tr11.pdf.
▪ https://www.pecc.org/resources/infrastructure-1/1128-wastewater-policy-and-
▪ https://www.qca.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/25636_Seqwater-submission-
▪ https://www.epa.gov/nutrientpollution/issue
▪ https://www.naruc.org/bulletin/the-bulletin-03-20-2019/dcpsc-and-nrri-tour-dc-
▪ https://www.nacwa.org/?option=com_content&view=article&id=138%3Aplatinum

▪ https://today.law.harvard.edu/professor-touts-boston-harbor-cleanup-as-victory-of-
▪ https://www.epa.gov/arc-x/boston-raises-wastewater-facility-avoid-inundation
▪ http://www.newea.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/31.-AC20_EWenger.pdf
▪ https://www.lacitysan.org/san/faces/home/portal/s-lsh-wwd/s-lsh-wwd-cw/s-lsh-
▪ http://www.csun.edu/scied/3-field%20study/hyperion/index.htm
▪ https://www.cityofirvine.org/live/utilities
▪ https://www.toaks.org/departments/public-works/operations/hill-canyon-treatment-
▪ https://ceqanet.opr.ca.gov/1984081510/4
▪ https://www.waterboards.ca.gov/losangeles/board_decisions/tentative_orders/indivi
▪ https://calisphere.org/item/ark:/13030/c8988522/
▪ https://www.michigan.gov/documents/deq/deq-wrd-npdes-
▪ https://www.jstor.org/stable/25028943
▪ https://detroitmi.gov/departments/water-and-sewerage-department/dwsd-
▪ https://www.michiganradio.org/post/detroit-sewage-treatment-plant-state-plan-
▪ https://bondaccountability.resources.ca.gov/Project.aspx?ProjectPK=17043&Propo
▪ https://www.ocgrandjury.org/pdfs/paper-water/anaheim-response.pdf
▪ https://watereuse.org/event/orange-country-chapter-meeting/

Prior solutions

Western Corridor Recycled Water Scheme

The Western Corridor Recycled Water

Scheme, a recycled water project, is
located in the South East region of
Queensland in Australia. The scheme
that is managed by Water Secure is a
key part of the SEQ Water Grid
constructed by the Queensland
Government in response to population
growth, climate change, and severe drought. The A$2.5 billion projects is reported as the
largest recycled water project in Australia. The Western Corridor Recycled Water Project

Fig(6): The mechanism of Water Corridor Recycled Water

was completed in December 2008. It is the largest undertaking of its kind in Australia and is
ranked as the world’s third-biggest recycled water scheme to date. Forming a key element in
the $9bn South East Queensland Water Grid – the largest urban drought initiative in
Australia – the project has a supply capacity of just over 230 megaliters a day (mld). In
April 2008, the new Bundamba treatment plant won the Global Water Intelligence water
project of the year award. The principal aim of the work was to help ensure the security of
South East Queensland’s water supply by reducing the dependency on sources vulnerable to
climate change and make purified recycled water available to power stations, industry and
agriculture and for indirect potable reuse. Delivering the project involved a phased
construction program to build three new advanced water treatment plants (AWTPs), eight
storage tanks, nine pumping stations, and a large-diameter pipeline of more than 200km in
length. To accommodate the scale of the work, five project alliances were formed to deliver
the main elements, using the expertise of some of the world’s leading names in engineering,
construction, and water and wastewater management. The cost of the project was met by a
$2bn contribution from the Queensland Government and $408m from the Australian
Government via Water Smart Australia.


▪ The system can provide water to other industrial users, agricultural users and
supplement drinking water supplies in Wivenhoe Dam. Testing of the pipeline to
Wivenhoe Dam has been conducted, however in November 2008, Premier Anna Bligh
declared that recycled water will not enter the dam unless levels drop to below 40%.
As of May 2009, the three power stations are the main customers of the recycled
water, consuming 112 megaliters (25×106 imp gal; 30×106 US gal) per day.

▪ it provides purified recycled water - a climate- and rainfall-resilient source of pure

water -- to three power stations located at Tarong and Swanbank.

▪ The Project also provides significant environmental benefits by removing nutrients

from water that is released to waterways flowing to environmentally sensitive Moreton

▪ it provides a safe and sustainable source of pure water for South East Queensland,
with the capacity to produce up to 365 megaliters of pure water each day, providing
water security for the region Since coming online in August 2007, through to July
2010, the Western Corridor Recycled Water Scheme has supplied more than 37
thousand megaliters (8.1×109 imp gal; 9.8×109 US gal) of water into the SEQ Water


▪ The high cost of the project caused 2 billion dollars.

▪ HEALTH RISKS: One of the key disadvantages of recycled water is the potential
health risk posed by the bacteria it may contain. Recycled water may contain E. coli or
other harmful bacteria, which are transported to wherever the water is finally used. In
the case of irrigating fields, this raises the likelihood of an outbreak of food-borne

▪ PUBLIC PERCEPTION: There is a generally negative public perception that

surrounds the use of recycled water. Even though this water is treated and mostly safe,
its status as non-potable can create the incorrect perception that all recycled water is
contaminated or dangerous. For this reason, citizens may be reluctant to approve a
civic project dealing with recycled water, despite the possible benefits.

Blue Plains Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant

located at 5000 Overlook Ave SW, Washington, DC 20032, is the largest advanced water
treatment plant in the world. It collects and treats wastewater for more than 672,000 residents
and 17.8 million annual visitors. Nitrification, denitrification, filtration, and disinfection
make it an advanced facility. Biosolids produced meet Class A standards and can be used in
urban and rural settings.


Facility outline: -
1. The removal of large particles.
2. Solid particles settle down out
Fig(7): Blue Plains Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant
and fall to the bottom.
3. Microbes treat organic matter and then they settle out.
4. Nitrogen removal is done by anammox bacteria.
5. Filters remove solids and chlorine is added for killing the pathogen.
6. Water then removed from sludge and the solid wastes can be used for agriculture as a

Preliminary Treatment: -
● Wastewater is taken through 1,800 miles of sewers and is pumped up from below ground.
Screens remove objects and large particles. Grit chamber removes rocks & non-degradable -
aeration by diffusers agitates the water and allows grit to settle, and grit is removed through
vacuum pumps. truckloads of debris are moved to a landfill weekly.

Primary Clarifiers: -
• Water enters a circular clarifier.
• Sludge will settle at the bottom.

• Suspended solids such as fats, oils, and grease (FOG) will float to the top.
• Rakes at the bottom will remove sludge.
• Skimmers at the top of the tank will remove FOG, which is sent to landfills.

Secondary Treatment: -
1. Use microbes to treat and remove organic material from wastewater and then air is
pumped into the air through a bubbles diffuser.
2. Air causes bubbling and microbes turn the water a reddish-brown.
3. Water is then brought to a sedimentation basin to settle out solid materials.
4. Phosphorus is captured in biosolids and recycled back to land.

Fig(8): The mechanism of Blue Plains Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant

Nitrification & Denitrification: -

Removing nitrogen is an essential step in the treatment of water. The removal of nitrogen
protects the watershed from potential algae blooms.
● Nitrification
○ The first step of advanced treatment
○ Wastewater and bacteria are placed in an aerated reactor
○ Bacteria oxidizes the NH4 into NO3

● Denitrification
○ Occurs in a non-aerated reactor
○ Anaerobic heterotrophic bacteria
○ Methanol is added as a carbon food source for the microbes.
○ Nitrates are converted into nitrogen gas which is safely released into the atmosphere.

Multimedia Filtration & Disinfection: -

● Filtered through sand and anthracite.
● Disinfected with sodium hypochlorite-based chlorination at the filter influent.
● Residual chlorine is removed before discharge with sodium bisulfate.

Solids Thickening & Dewatering: -

Solids are sent to screening and grit removal then gravity thickeners for thickening. After
that, the solids are sent to dissolved air flotation tanks. solids then skimmed off and
combined with gravity thickened solids. After that comes thermal hydrolysis.

Thermal hydrolysis: -
First utility in North America to use thermal hydrolysis for wastewater treatment. Pressure-
cooks the solids left over after wastewater treatment to produce combined heat and power.

▪ The technology involved cut down the shipping of biosolids by
50%, reduce the use of energy from the grid by 30%, and cut down emissions from the
plant by 41%.

▪ The project saved for Washington D.C. and the neighboring areas about $10m in power
savings and $10m in reduced sludge disposal costs on an annual basis.

▪ It has provided a lot of jobs and benefited the economy.

▪ The existing plant currently produces Class B lime stabilized biosolids using lime. The
current project will upgrade the existing process and enable it to produce Class A

es ▪ Many people’s Opinion: There is a generally adverse public
perception surrounding recycled water use. Even though this water is mostly safe and
treated, its non-potable status can generate the wrong impression that all recycled water is
polluted or hazardous. For this reason, considering the potential advantages, residents
could be hesitant to approve a municipal project dealing with recycled water.

▪ Perhaps the most important aspect of any wastewater treatment process is time. Any
treatment solution needs time to run its course and certain treatments take longer than
others. ASP is one of those solutions. Due to the ratio of sewage to sludge and how the
process occurs, the hydraulic retention time of ASP can take most of a day (12-24 hrs.) or
up to several days (3-5) to achieve appropriate levels of treatment results.

Deer Island Wastewater Treatment Plant

▪ The Deer Island Waste Water

Treatment Plant (also known as Deer
Island Sewage Treatment Plant) is
located on Deer Island, one of the
Boston Harbor Islands in Boston
Harbor. The plant is operated by the
Massachusetts Water Resources
Authority (MWRA) and began partial
operations in 1995. The facility was
fully operational in 2000 with the
completion of the outfall tunnel. Fig(9): Deer Island Wastewater Treatment Plant

▪ Deer Island is the second-largest sewage treatment plant in the United States.
The plant is a key part of the program to protect Boston Harbor from pollution from
sewer systems in eastern Massachusetts, mandated by a 1984 federal court ruling by
Judge Paul G. Garrity, in a case brought under the Clean Water Act.


▪ Wastewater from the 43 communities in the Boston area served by the MWRA
reaches the plant through four tunnels. Three pump stations with a combined capacity of
1270 million gallons per day (mgd) lift the wastewater about 150 feet to primary
treatment clarifiers that use gravity to remove about half of the pollutants. The next stage,
secondary treatment, uses pure oxygen to activate microorganisms that consume organic
matter. Deer Island cryogenically generates 130 to 220 tons of oxygen per day for this
purpose. Sludge and scum from the primary and secondary treatment stages are thickened
and fed to twelve 130-foot-high egg-shaped digesters. Methane gas produced by the
digestion process is burned to make steam which is fed to a turbine that generates about 3
megawatts of electricity and provides heat for the treatment processes and keeping
buildings warm. (Additional on-site power is generated by two wind turbines.) Digested
sludge is then sent across the harbor via a tunnel to a pelletizing plant at the Fore River
Shipyard in Quincy. The output is sold as fertilizer and shipped to customers by rail and

▪ After secondary treatment, 85% of the pollutants in the waste stream have been
removed. The stream is then treated with sodium hypochlorite to kill bacteria, and then
with sodium bisulfite to remove the chlorine. The waste stream is then discharged into a
9.5-mile long, 24-foot diameter gravity-powered outfall tunnel that bores underneath the
bay towards the ocean. It is one of the longest underwater tunnels in the world. In the last
mile of the tunnel, 52 mushroom-shaped riser pipes carry treated effluent up from the
tunnel to the ocean floor, where it is dispersed. Two divers died in an avoidable accident
in the final phase of construction in 1999.

Fig(10): The mechanism of Deer Island Wastewater Treatment Plant

▪ Before the new plant fully opened in 2000, the Deer Island plant had an average flow
capacity of 343 mgd (million gallons per day), and a peak flow capacity of 848 mgd. The
system had combined sewer overflows an average of 60 days per year, with a total of
about 10 billion gallons per year of untreated sewage flowing into Boston Harbor. The
new plant has a peak capacity of 1.2 billion gals/day, with average flows of 380 mgd, and
no raw sewage discharges.


▪ The plant services 2.3 million people in 43 communities, including Boston proper. That is
more than 1 in 3 Massachusetts residents.

▪ It protects Boston and cities around it against pollution from Metropolitan Boston's sewer

▪ It filters out such contaminants before the wastewater leaves the tank and enters the
ground. This filtering process prevents diseases from entering water sources or reaching
plants and farm animals.

▪ It provides water for industrial uses and agricultural uses.

▪ Needs a lot of energy to operate (air compressor, turbine).

▪ Annual maintenance required (which can be binding on some models).

▪ Misunderstanding of reused water: -

▪ There is a generally unfavorable public perception about recycled water use. Even though
this water is mostly safe and treated, its non-potable status can establish the false
perception that all recycled water is polluted or harmful. For this reason, considering the
potential positives, residents could be cautious to approve a local project dealing with
recycled water.

Hyperion water reclamation plant

The Hyperion Water Reclamation

Plant is a sewage treatment plant in
southwest Los Angeles, California, next to
Dockweiler State Beach on Santa Monica
Bay. The plant is the largest sewage
treatment facility in the Los Angeles
Metropolitan Area and one of the largest
plants in the world. Hyperion is operated by
the City of Los Angeles, the Department of
Public Works, and the Bureau of Sanitation.
Hyperion is the largest sewage plant by
Fig(11): Hyperion water reclamation plant
volume west of the Mississippi River.
Los Angeles City Sanitation (LASAN) operates the largest wastewater collection
system in the US, serving a population of four million within a 600 square miles (1,600 km2)
service area. The city's more than 6,700 miles (10,800 km) of public sewers convey 400
million gallons per day of flow from customers to its four plants.


Treatment Process
• On average 275 million gallons of wastewater enters the Hyperion Water
Reclamation Plant on a dry weather day. Because the amount of wastewater entering
HWRP can double on rainy days, the plant was designed to accommodate both dry
and wet weather days with a maximum daily flow of 450 million gallons of water per
day (MGD) and a peak wet weather flow of 800 MGD.

• Despite Los Angeles having a separate sewer system and storm drain system,
some rainfall (which normally flows through the storm drain system) flows into the
sewer system through one of the 140,000 sewer maintenance hole covers that make up
the Los Angeles area collection system. In addition to rainfall, cracked sewer lines
damaged by growing tree roots can sometimes become saturated with urban runoff.

• Wastewater is processed and treated using some of the most innovative and
time-tested methods at Hyperion.

Graph(5): Total Chlorine Residual


• Hyperion sewage plant treats approximately 250 million U.S. gallons (950 million
liters) of wastewater on a day-to-day basis.
• Treating this much water daily takes a lot of energy. The plant has cut costs with its
power plant that uses methane gas gathered from the waste to fuel the plant, saving money.
Some of the wastewater is used for landscape irrigation, industrial processes, and
groundwater replenishment.
• It removes a high percent of solids and Impurities from water.


• Water pollution caused pollution in the ocean and the sea because they were getting
rid of a lot of products in the sea and that caused damages to the sea, humans, and the water
they treat.

• Although it removes a high percent of solids and impurities there have been a lot of
health risks.
• Public sentiment: The public perception that involves the use of reused water is
usually negative. Although this water is mostly safe and treated, its non-potable status can
generate the wrong impression that all recycled water is polluted or hazardous. For this
cause, despite the possible benefits, people may be hesitant to approve a civil project dealing
with reused water.

Anaheim water recycling demonstration facility

▪ In the city of Anaheim in California, a new water treatment demonstration facility was
desired to meet the urban water demands. Such a contribution to the community was
brilliant because it was developed to emphasize the importance of water reuse and
illustrate how to accomplish the treatment of wastewater. This plant produced recycled
water allowing irrigation for lands around it and flush water using.

▪ The campus features, like

drought-tolerant landscaping,
permeable pavement, and
rainwater harvesting, also
demonstrate to developers
how to incorporate sustainable
water features into their
projects. The plant helps
educate customers about water
recycling and the reusability
of water resources.
▪ More than 2,000 people have Fig(12): Anaheim water recycling demonstration facility
toured the treatment plant since it
opened in 2013. Many more have viewed the wastewater treatment process through
the glass walls, following signs that describe what goes on inside.

▪ First, the plant receives wastewater from a sewer headed toward the regional
wastewater treatment plant. the wastewater goes through a perforated rotary drum
screen and then to biological treatment tanks first anaerobic and then aerobic.

▪ After that, the membrane filter is followed by ozone solutions and UV lights for water
treatment. Some chlorine
is added to the effluent to
prevent bacterial growth
in the pipes or tanks. Any
solids collected in the
process are diverted back
to the sewer system along
with any surplus effluent
not used for flushing or


• The plant contributes to

producing clean water from
the treatment process and
allows the opportunity for
reusing it.
• No noise or odor was
reported in the area where
the plant is located.
• The plant produces
Fig(13):Mechanism of Anaheim water recycling demonstration facility
100000 gpd of treated water for
irrigation in the surrounding


• Public awareness about reused water: - many people are considering the reused water
polluted or unusable. Even though this water has been passed through many stages of

treatment to allow reuse, this water is still non-potable. Because of that people think that this
water is unsafe. That creates the hesitation in people’s minds for reusing this water.

• health risks as there have been some toxic substances for plants and the environment.

Irvine Ranch Water District

▪ Irvine Ranch Water District (IRWD) is a California Special District formed in 1961
and incorporated under the California water code. IRWD headquarters are located in
Irvine, California.

▪ Irvin ranch water district (IRWD) plant

provides potable water, recycled water,
and sewer collection and disposal for over
31600 customers within the city of Irvin
and some areas around it. In addition to
potable water treatment and distribution,
IRWD owns two water recycling plants
that treat wastewater to tertiary or
Fig(14): Irvine Ranch Water District
advanced levels of treatment. The main
benefit of treatment water is reusing it for landscape irrigation in parks, golf courses,
school grounds, city street medians, homeowner associations, and other public areas.
IRWD maintains a separate recycled water pipeline system of over 300 miles serving
over 3,500 customers. The Michelson Water Recycling Plant (MWRP) is the larger
one and it treats about 18 million gallons of water per day.


▪ The sewer water and the used water are

collected through pipes and connected to
the treatment plant (MWPR). MWRP treats
wastewater to recycled water quality using
conventional activated sludge with the
Modified Ludzak-Ettinger process to
achieve nitrification and denitrification,
followed by advanced treatment using
seven dual-media (sand and anthracite)
Fig(15): Mechanism of Irvine Ranch Water District
gravity filters and sodium hypochlorite

▪ IRWD's drinking water comes from two primary sources: local groundwater and
imported water from the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California. The
blending of these sources varies according to the time of year and the geographic
location within the District. Also, IRWD has an extensive recycled water program that

is used for irrigation or other non-potable purposes. The District's diversified supply
ensures a reliable water supply during times of drought, regulatory constraints, and
other emergencies. A diverse water supply portfolio helps to keep IRWD rates as low
as possible.


▪ The project contains treatment plants that allow reusing water for agriculture and other

▪ The project offers many jobs for people and contributes to ending unemployment.
▪ The plant offers 18 million gallons of water per day which is a huge amount to be
produced for agriculture and flushing uses


water pollution:
▪ The California Water Code Section 35539.12 grants IRWD the authority to provide
urban runoff treatment services within the District. Urban runoff is the excess water
that carries pollutants into storm drains and then to the ocean. Residents who live
miles inland can contribute to ocean pollution simply by leaving their sprinklers on too
long. After this wasted water flows to the curb it carries trash, fertilizers, pet waste,
and other pollutants into the storm drain system which flows into San Diego Creek,
eventually ending up in ecologically sensitive Upper Newport Bay and the Pacific
ocean. Urban runoff can be prevented by implementing efficient irrigation practices.
Additionally, an urban runoff treatment system, like the IRWD Natural Treatment
System program, helps protect the San Diego Creek Watershed by naturally removing
some of the contaminants from urban runoff before it reaches the ocean.

▪ There is generally a negative public perception surrounding the use of recycled water.
Although this water is processed and usually safe, its classified as non-potable can
give rise to an erroneous belief that all recycled water is polluted or hazardous. For

this reason, people may be hesitant to approve a municipal project dealing with
recycled water, despite potential benefits.

Hill canyon treatment plant

▪ Despite significant
improvements in environmental
management practices in recent
decades, the management and
treatment of wastewater and solid
wastes remain a major global
environmental challenge. Hill
canyon treatment plant (HCTP) is
located in California in the USA
and is considered as one of the
largest water treatment plants in
California. The plant contributes to Fig(16): Hill canyon treatment plant
providing the city with thousands of
oaks with water which has been treated for reuse and it also provides energy from
biogas. HCTP’s 14 million gallons per day (mgd) advanced tertiary facility provides
wastewater treatment for 90 percent of the 128,000 residents of Thousand Oaks
treating an average daily flow of 8.5 mgd during the current drought. The digester
design capacity is 2.8 million gallons. Biogas produced from digested solids and food
waste fuels two Mann biogas engines.


▪ The sewer lateral pipe and the main pipe for wastewater and both connected at the end
to reach the main pipe for the initial separation of the water. Items like toilet paper are
designed to dissolve in water so they are broken up before they reached the treatment
stage. After that, the water is passed into the first filter stage which is designed to pick
organic and big materials.

▪ Next, the wastewater flows into aerated grit chambers where finer material not caught
by the screen at the first stage is separated by coarse air bubbles that allow sand coffee
grounds or eggshells to default at the bottom which then is pumped out. The
wastewater then flows to the primary clarifiers by reducing the speed of flow primary
clarifiers separate the heavy solids from light solids where heavy solids sink and
pumped into digesters and lighter solid flow into the bioreactor (secondary treatment).
The bioreactor contains billions of biological living organisms that are little bugs that
live in the bioreactor which holds one in quarter-million of wastewater. Air is then

injected into the reactor allowing the organism to breathe. This creates the perfect
environment for the little bugs to eat solid converting it from ammonia to nitrate and
nitrogen gas. This is very important since ammonia and nitrates are very toxic to the
environment in high quantities.

▪ The secondary clarifiers where sludge settles out one more time then much cleaner


Fig(17): Mechanism of Hill canyon treatment plant

look water head to tertiary filtration. At this point, the water is still not fully treated.
The last step of water treatment is disinfection and dichlorination. Disinfection is done
by adding chlorine to the water and let it set so it has time to kill any remaining
bacteria. The chlorine is then removed by adding sodium bisulfite which is a
neutralizing agent. After that point, the water is ready to leave the plant and is ready
for reuse in agriculture.

▪ HCTP is a 14 million gallon per day capacity wastewater treatment plant serving the
residents of Thousand Oaks.
▪ HCTP currently treats an average of 8 million gallons of wastewater per day generated
from its domestic, commercial, and industrial customers.
▪ The incoming wastewater is treated to an advanced tertiary level, which renders it
suitable for unrestricted reuse.

▪ The water is treated and is ready for agricultural irrigation and local landscaping
▪ Revenue, typically 300-400K annually, from the sale of the effluent resource helps
keep monthly sewer service charges low for our citizens.
▪ The plant produces energy through biogas and solar array which together supply a
large production of the plant’s energy and the plant is considered as 100% sufficient


▪ The high power the plant requires to work.

▪ The treatment system can treat large quantities of various organic materials, but it is
designed for specific and it would be dangerous if there are any poisonous materials
passed through the system that the system can not handle.
▪ Health risks as there have been some toxic substances for plants and the environment.

Barry’s bay wastewater system

Located in Ontario,
Canada is Canada
treatments plants for
preparing water for reuse.
It is Barry’s bay
wastewater system. The
Barry’s Bay Wastewater
Treatment System is
designed to accept 1250 m3 Fig(18): Barry’s bay wastewater system
of raw sewage per day.
Three sewage pumping stations collect raw sewage from the community and convey the raw
sewage to the treatment system. Flow is conveyed to the treatment plant from the Lakeshore
Drive Pumping Station which is the main station for sewage.

Primary treatment: -
The raw flow passes through a screw auger and grinder mechanism. This screw is designed
to remove debris too large to fit through the screen. The debris is taken to a landfill. The flow
continues through grit channels which are designed to reduce the flow velocity to allow the
heavy inorganics time to settle. After that, there is a chemical additive which is sodium
hydroxide is added to the process of alkalinity and phosphorus control.
Secondary treatment: -
The flow is then split between two train Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) Systems. The flow
enters a series of tanks the first being an Anaerobic Tank. The next tank is an ISAM or an
Anoxic Tank and the third tank is an SBR. Each SBR uses fine bubble aeration and has
automatic return activated sludge capabilities. During an SBR “Decant Cycle” the clear
effluent is drained to an equalization tank and pumped to the tertiary filters. The sludge from
the bottom of the aeration is either returned to the Anoxic Tank or wasted to the Anaerobic
Tertiary treatment: -
The next step is the step for filtering sand where the flow enters continuous backwash. The
filtrate is disinfected using ultraviolet light and discharged to Kamaniskeg Lake. After that,
the water is pumped out and ready for agriculture reuse.
Solids from the Primary tank are pumped to the aerated digester system. Once the solids
have been aerated and the process turned from anaerobic to aerobic, they are pumped into the

sludge holding tank. Sludge generated from the filtration process is spread on agricultural
lands and used there.


▪ This wastewater treatment system has a vital role in saving one of the most valuable
resources on the earth and it is water through the filtration process and allowing
reusing this water.
▪ The system has the capacity for treating 1250m3 per day and make it usable for
▪ The system provides agriculture with biosolid (sludge) after the process of filtration
which can be used as fertilizers or in the lands.

▪ As a treatment system, it requires a quite much amount of energy to work, so it is
considered as one of it is weaknesses.
▪ PUBLIC PERCEPTION: There is a generally negative public perception that
surrounds the use of recycled water. Even though this water is treated and mostly safe,
its status as non-potable can create the incorrect perception that all recycled water is
contaminated or dangerous. For this reason, citizens may be reluctant to approve a
civic project dealing with recycled water, despite the possible benefits.
▪ Health risks as there have been some toxic substances for plants and the environment.

Detroit Wastewater Treatment Plan

Hubbell, Roth & Clark, Inc.
(HRC) has provided wastewater-
related engineering services to the
City of Detroit for most of the
company’s 90-year history. The
genesis of wastewater treatment in
Detroit was a report prepared by
Clarence W. Hubbell in 1916
entitled “Preliminary Report on
Sewage Disposal for the City of Fig(19): Detroit Wastewater Treatment Plan
Detroit.” Construction of
infrastructure for $40 million (at that time) occurred between 1916 and 1922 as an outcome
of Clarence Hubbell’s work.

Disputes as to the location of the wastewater treatment plant and the Depression
delayed construction until the mid-1930s. HRC were consultants on the design of the
pumping station, grit chambers, and special baffles for the rectangular tanks for the first
wastewater treatment plant.


Circular primary sedimentation tanks, 250 feet in diameter and featuring an innovative
inlet configuration, allowed a surface loading of 3,000 gallons per square foot per day,
instead of the usual 1,000. Detention time in these 150-MGD tanks was halved from two
hours to one hour. The research for this type of inlet was published in “Hydraulic
Characteristics of Various Circular Tanks,” George E. Hubbell, Journal of the American
Water Works Association,” Vol. 30, February 1938.

An innovative air aeration system for activated sludge was developed by George E.
Hubbell in a pilot plant and full-scale trial. Side water depth was doubled to 30 feet, and
aeration time was halved to four hours. By using pure oxygen instead of air, the aeration time
was halved again to just two hours. The system was rated at 1,200 MGD.

Circular secondary
clarifiers, (200 feet in
diameter) rated at 38 MGD
each, were developed
through the use of
hydraulic models. The
design featured peripheral
feed and peripheral
effluent channels that
allowed a surface loading
rate of 1,200 gallons per
square foot per day,
instead of the usual 800, in
Fig(20): Upper shot for Detroit Wastewater Treatment Plan
the same detention time (two
hours). Twenty-five were installed. The design resulted in one of the many patents HRC has


▪ Between 1966 and 1985, HRC engineered 47 projects totaling $326 million (at that
time) in construction. These additions further reduced solids, biochemical oxygen
demand, and, for the first time, phosphorus made it the largest-rated secondary
treatment facility in one location in the world, at one billion gallons per day. The
plant’s innovative and patented treatment units also resulted in tremendous savings in
construction and real estate costs in a densely populated and developed section of
southwest Detroit.

▪ Sludge digesters were excluded from the sludge processing system, as incineration of
raw, dewatered sludge proved effective. This saved the enormous construction costs
and the land acquisition necessary to accommodate the numerous digesters an 800-
MGD flow would have demanded.

▪ Remarkably, all the facilities needed to treat the average flow of 800 MGD from a
population of 4.5 million are situated on just 140 acres. Without these innovative
designs, the plant would have required at least 320 acres.\


▪ The high energy required, and the time of the process are weaknesses of the system.

▪ The treatment system is capable of handling vast amounts of different organic

materials, but it is specifically constructed, and it would be unsafe if any radioactive
materials were going through the system that the system could not manage.

▪ Although it removes a high percent of solids and impurities there have been a lot of
health risks.

Generating and
Defending a
solution the

Design Requirements

To make sure our solution and our prototype are successful they must achieve design
requirements which are:

1- Water quality:
Water quality is our main design requirement and based on it we will determine if our
project is successful or not. We will determine the water quality in input and output by
measuring its TDS and pH. We measured the pH using a pH meter and TDS by TDS meter.
▪ TDS test:
a) To make this test we have made some steps,
which are:
b) After constructing our prototype, we started
to search how to measure the TDS of water.
c) We found that it could be measured by
using a TDS meter.
d) We brought the TDS meter and measured
Fig(21): TDS and PH meters
the TDS of water before modifying the water
and add our solution it was 1090 mg/l
e) We added our solution then we measured the TDS of the water it was 250 mg/l and the
normal percent of TDS of freshwater is less than 500 mg/L
▪ pH test:
After constructing our prototype and measuring the TDS of our water, we searched for
the most accurate way to measure the pH of water. We found two common ways: by an
indicator or by the pH meter. The more accurate is measuring by the pH meter.
So that we brought it, measured the pH of the water before modifying it, and put our
solution it was 10.
After, constructing our prototype and applying our solution we measured the pH of the
water it was 6.8. The percent of pH of freshwater is between 6.5 and 8.

2- Safety:
Safety is an important design requirement. This means that we should avoid harmful
chemicals that would affect workers or negatively affect the water. To ensure safety our
project should not contain any toxic materials or chemicals that may harm the people, plants,
or the environment. In our process, we used harmless chemicals that will not damage the
environment. Safety is also important as we did not use any chemicals that can have a bad
effect for a long time like chemicals can raise the percentage of nitrogen in water and as a

result, after a long-time people can suffer from cancer. Therefore, ensuring safety at this
point is important.
3- Exploiting the natural materials, which is found in the surrounding
In our prototype, we used chemicals in the treatment of the wastewater from the surrounding
environment that is not harmful to the environment. We used activated carbon and which is a
natural material to remove the organic materials and the dye from water. The resultant is
pure water that we can reuse in drinking or even the same process

Selection of solution

After we made a lot of research about our main problems, which are Manage, increase
the sources of clean water and Address, and reduce pollution fouling our air, water, and soil,
we got sufficient information about them in their causes and effects. We started to search for
prior solutions tried to solve these serious problems. We tried to be inspired by these
solutions to get the best idea for our project.the solution we chose were:
The industry that we chose to work on is the paper and pulp industry. The reason that
we chose this industry because it’s one of the industries that has a big quantity of wastewater
that always people get rid of it while it can be reused in a lot of useful things and that what
we are working on in our solution.
This industry comprises
companies that use wood as raw
material and produces pulp, paper
paperboard, and other cellulose-based
The industry has four main steps,
which are:
1. Wood preparation.
2. Pulping
3. Pulp bleaching
Fig(22): Papermaking Steps
4. Papermaking
We are working on the fourth step (papermaking):
The bleached or unbleached pulp may be further refined to cut the fibers and roughen
the surface of the fibers to enhance the formation and bonding of the fibers as they enter the
paper machine.
Water is added to the pulp slurry to make a thin mixture normally containing less than
1 percent fiber. The dilute slurry is then cleaned in cyclone cleaners and screened in
centrifugal screens before being fed into the ‘wet end’ of the paper-forming machine. The
dilute stock passes through a head-box that distributes the fiber slurry uniformly over the
width of the paper sheet to be formed.
The wastewater from this step contains particles, COD, organic compounds, and
inorganic dyes.

Our solution is professional and testable techniques to remove these wastes from water
to make them reusable.
▪ The solution is divided into three steps:
- First, we used filtration, which is commonly a mechanical or physical operation,
which is used for the separation of solids from fluids by interposing a medium through
which only the water can pass. This method helped us to remove the particles, which are
sawdust and fiber.
- Second, we used Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and Iron Sulfate (FeSO4) to make a
Fenton reaction to regulate the percent of COD in water.
- After that, we used activated carbon, which can be powder or solid that reacts with
water to remove organic compounds and inorganic dyes.
- Third, we used EDTA as extra purification to remove impurities and dilute the color.
▪ To make sure this solution is successful it has some design requirements it should
achieve, and it already achieved them, which are:
1-Water quality
2. Safety
3. Exploiting the natural materials, which are found in the surrounding

Selection of prototype

Any project must have design requirements that allow it to be applied. Design
requirements describe the characteristics that our project must have to be successful and
implementable. Defining the design requirements for a project is a key process that must be
done to determine which solution to use successfully. Not all solutions qualify to be applied
on the ground, and not all solutions satisfy the current development. A successful solution
passes the acceptance test and meets and fulfills the design requirements that help the
solution survive so there are some design requirements. We suggest some of the design
requirements that, by fulfilling them, will confirm the success of our project by making a
prototype for a project which are:
1- Water quality:
Water quality is our main design requirement and based on it we will determine if our
project is successful or not. We will determine the water quality in input and output by
measuring its TDS and pH. We measured the pH using a pH meter and TDS by TDS meter.
▪ TDS test:
f) To make this test we have made some steps, which are:
g) After constructing our prototype, we started to search how to measure the TDS of
h) We found that it could be measured by using a TDS meter.
i) We brought the TDS meter and measured the TDS of water before modifying the
water and add our solution it was 1090 mg/l
j) We added our solution then we measured the TDS of the water it was 250 mg/l and the
normal percent of TDS of freshwater is less than 500 mg/L
▪ pH test:
After constructing our prototype and measuring the TDS of our water, we searched for
the most accurate way to measure the pH of water. We found two common ways: by an
indicator or by the pH meter. The more accurate is measuring by the pH meter.
So that we brought it, measured the pH of the water before modifying it, and put our
solution it was 10.
After, constructing our prototype and applying our solution we measured the pH of the
water it was 6.8. The percent of pH of freshwater is between 6.5 and 8.

2- Safety:

Safety is an important design requirement. This means that we should avoid harmful
chemicals that would affect workers or negatively affect the water. To ensure the safety our
project should not contain any toxic materials or chemicals that may harm the people, plants,
or the environment. In our process, we used harmless chemicals that will not damage the
environment. Safety is also important as we did not use any chemicals that can have a bad
effect for a long time like chemicals can raise the percentage of nitrogen in water and as a
result, after a long-time people can suffer from cancer. Therefore, ensuring safety at this
point is important.
3- Exploiting the natural materials, which is found in the surrounding
In our prototype, we used chemicals in the treatment of the wastewater from the surrounding
environment that is not harmful to the environment. We used activated carbon and which is a
natural material to remove the organic materials and the dye from water. The resultant is
pure water that we can reuse in drinking or even the same

By creating a prototype for a project that enters into a

process of making paper, our project purifies water that has
been contaminated with pollutants resulting from washing tree
bark and paper layers after slicing. Our water is contaminated
some solid objects such as sediments and some gravel
and particles
Organic compounds Fig(23): Prototype
Inorganic dyes
We can do water purification from these things by adding some chemical compounds that
interact with pollutants and bond with them, which results in their separation from the water.
This reaction compound can be easily removed after that by a simple filter paper to complete
the filtration and water treatment process. And the materials that we will use in the
processing are:
Hydroxide water
Active carbon
ferrous sulfate
And by this, we can say we could solve the problem of wasting water in the paper industry,
and this the goal of our project and our design requirements to make the project in reality.

Testing a

Materials and Methods

Materials: (Table 2)

Source of
Item Quantity Usage Cost Pic

We used them to
construct the
Plastic for one
3 prototype and put the Market
boxes box
substances on and pass
30 for
water on them

Water after Fenton

Plastic 5
1 reaction is passed Market
bottle pounds
through it

We used it to remove pounds
Gauze the big particles, for one
3 Market
paper which are sawdust and 15
fiber. pounds
for 3
we used it with ferrous
Hydrogen Sulfate (FeSO4) to
peroxide 10 mg make Fenton reaction pharmacy
for the
(H2O2) to regulate the percent
of COD in water.

we used it with
hydrogen peroxide to 50
5 make a Fenton pounds Chemical
grams reaction to regulate the for 50 store
percent of COD in grams
we used it in removing
Activated 50 pounds Chemical
organic compounds
carbon grams for 250 store
and inorganic dyes
we used it as extra 80
30 purification to remove pounds Chemical
grams impurities and dilute for 500 store
the color grams

1- Before we start constructing our prototype, we have first made a design for our prototype
using the Sketch Up application to display the prototype's initial view and work as a
reference for our constructed model. Also, to know if it can be applied or not.
2- A plastic bottle was used separately to make the Fenton reaction as a part of our
3- There was a gauze paper to remove the big particles from the water on the top of it.
The Fenton reaction is a reaction between Ferrous sulfate (FeSO4) and hydrogen peroxide
(H2O2) to regulate the percent of COD in water to make it usable again.
4- Another plastic bottle was cut off from the middle horizontally for the construction of the
5- The plastic box was drilled at the middle of its top cover, and half of the plastic bottle
has been connected to the plastic box through the drill.
6- The activated Carbon was put on the plastic bottle, and a piece of cork was placed at the
end of the bottle to prevent water from passing to the plastic box so the activated carbon
would have time to filter water. The activated carbon was used to remove the organic
compounds and the inorganic dyes.
7- Gauze paper was placed at the end of the bottle to pick big particles before passing them
to the plastic box.
8- The EDTA was added to the plastic box, as it is the last stage of filtration.
The EDTA was used as extra purification to remove the impurities and the dilute color.
After that, we put a gauze paper to remove the impurities of EDTA.
9- Finally, the plastic box was drilled at its end, and a hose was connected to the drill to
make a pass for clean water to gather at the container.
Safety precautions we took to ensure our team was being safe while working:
1- We worked in a clean and organized area.
2- We wore safety glasses.
3- We wore safety coats.
4- We kept the materials in their boxes until we used them.
5- We were careful when we were treated with the chemicals.
6- We made sure the measurement is correct by measuring many times.

Test plan:
To make sure that our prototype is successful and will work we chose three design
requirements to test with it, which are:
1-Water quality:
Water quality is our main design requirement, and based on it; we will determine if our
project is successful or not. We will determine the water quality in input and output by
measuring its TDS and pH. We measured the pH using a pH meter and TDS by TDS meter.
TDS test:
To make this test, we have made some steps, which are:
1. After constructing our prototype, we started to
search how to measure the TDS of water.
2. We found that it could be measured by using a TDS
3. We brought the TDS meter and measured the TDS
of water before modifying the water and add our
solution; it was 1090 mg/L.
4. We added our solution; then we measured the TDS
of the water; it was 250 mg/l, and the normal percent
of TDS of freshwater is less than 500 mg/L.

Fig(24): TDS test

pH test:
After constructing our prototype and measuring the TDS
of our water, we searched for the most accurate way to
measure water's pH. We found two common ways: by an
indicator or by the pH meter. The more accurate is
measuring by the pH meter.
So that we brought it, measured the pH of the water
before modifying it, and put our solution, it was 10.
After constructing our prototype and applying our
solution, we measured the water's pH it was 6.8. The
percent of pH of freshwater is between 6.5 and 8.

2. Safety: Fig(25): pH test

Safety is an important design requirement, which means that we should avoid harmful
chemicals that would affect workers or negatively affect the water. Our project should not
contain any toxic materials or chemicals that may harm the people, plants, or the
environment to ensure safety. In our process, we used harmless chemicals that will not
damage the environment. Safety is also important as we did not use any chemicals that can
harm a long time, like chemicals can raise the percentage of nitrogen in the water, as a result
after a long-time people can suffer from cancer. Therefore, ensuring safety at this point is
3. Exploiting the natural materials, which is found in the surrounding environment:
In our prototype, we used chemicals to treat the wastewater from the surrounding
environment that is not harmful to the environment. We used activated carbon, which is a
natural material to remove the organic materials and the dye from water. The resultant is
pure water that we can reuse in drinking or even the same process.

Data Collection

We used the TDS meter, and PH meter to calculate the percentage of TDS and PH,
respectively, in the water to check out the purity of water which is the main goal of our
 Measurement tools that used to measure TDS and pH:
Measuring TDS meter
1. Using an indicator
Measuring pH percentages by:
1. pH meter

 Measuring TDS and pH in polluted water before modifying:

First, we brought the TDS meter and measured the TDS of water before modifying
on the water and add our solution it was 1090 mg/l and before that, we measured
the pH by pH meter and it was 10

Then three trials have been done to test our prototype to make sure that it works
perfectly. A difference in results was observed, as there were positive and negative
results, as shown in the following and Chart (2):

Chart (2): Rates of TDS and pH

before modyfing and in the three
12 1200
10 1000

8 800

6 600 pH
4 400 TDS
2 200
0 0
Before Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3

Trial number pH TDS

Before modifying 10 1100
Trial one 8.2 850
Trial two 7.2 260

Trial three 6.2 249

 In trial 1: (negative results):

The prototype did not give the expected results in the first trial, and when we
watched the stopwatch, we noticed that we had rushed the process and did not
leave the polluted water with all the material at the right time for a successful
operation and another reason was that we did not measure the error in the device,
so we didn't get the accurate one. As the result was that the rate of TDS reached
only 650 mg/l and the average rate for clean water is under (500 mg/l), and (8.3) in
pH and the average for pH is between (6.5 and 8).

 In trial 2: (positive results):

The second trial was tried, and we learned from the mistake of the last time. We
test the experiment and it showed great success, with TDS reaching (255 mg per
liter) and the PH was (7.2).

 In trial 3: (Best one):

We see things that affect the results and we amended them. This test was the best
one with great rates of TDS and pH, they reach (249, 6.8), respectively. And it was
repeated several times and each time the results were very mixed close to trial 3.


Analysis and Discussion

Our idea comes with a creative solution to our main problems, which are
Manage, increase the sources of clean water and Address, and reduce pollution
fouling our air, water, and soil. These problems have many causes like
overpopulation, irrigation, and dropping wastes in water supplies. Some of the
effects of these problems are decreasing the rate of agriculture and health risks.
We are working on the paper and pulp industry. It has four main steps, as shown
in figure (26), which are:
1. Wood preparation.
2. Pulping
3. Pulp bleaching
4. Papermaking
We are working on the fourth step
The bleached or unbleached pulp Fig(26): Paper-Making Processes
may be further refined to cut the fibers and
roughen the fibers' surface to enhance the formation and bonding of the fibers as
they enter the paper machine.
Water is added to the pulp slurry to make a
thin mixture normally containing less than 1
percent fiber. The dilute slurry is then cleaned
in cyclone cleaners and screened in centrifugal
screens before being fed into the ‘wet end’ of
the paper-forming machine. The dilute stock
passes through a head-box that distributes the
fiber slurry uniformly over the paper sheet's
width to be formed.
The wastewater from this step contains
particles, COD, organic compounds, and Fig(27): Design Sketch up
inorganic dyes.

Many solutions have been tried by scientists to clean this water, but these
solutions did not clean the water with high percent, so it cannot be used again.
Our solution comes with a creative idea to clean this water and make it reusable.
The solution is modifying the step by adding some environmentally friendly
substances and chemicals, which are membrane filter, hydrogen peroxide, ferrous
sulfate, activated carbon, and EDTA. The membrane filter removed the
sediments and particles. The hydrogen peroxide and ferrous sulfate reacted
together to make the Fenton reaction regulate COD percent in water. The
activated carbon removes the organic compounds and inorganic dyes. The EDTA
was used as extra purification to remove the dilute color and impurities.
To test our solutions and make sure the water from it can be used again, we chose three
design requirements to test on it, which are:
1-Water quality:
Water quality is our main design requirement, and based on it; we will determine if our
project is successful or not. We will determine the water quality in input and output by
measuring its TDS and pH. We measured the pH using a pH meter and TDS by TDS meter.
TDS test:
To make this test, we have made some steps, which are:
1. After constructing our prototype, we started to search how to measure the TDS of water.
2. We found that it could be measured by using a TDS meter.
3. We brought the TDS meter and measured the TDS of water before modifying on the water
and add our solution; it was 1090 mg/l
4. We added our solution; then we measured the TDS of the water; it was 250 mg/l, and the
normal percent of TDS of freshwater is less than 500 mg/L
pH test:
After constructing our prototype and measuring the TDS of our water, we searched for the
most accurate way to measure water's pH. We found two standard methods: by an indicator
or by the pH meter. The more accurate is measuring by the pH meter.
We brought it, measured the water's pH before modifying it, and put our solution it was 10.
After constructing our prototype and applying our solution, we measured the water's pH it
was 6.8. The percent of pH of freshwater is between 6.5 and 8.

2. Safety:
Safety is an important design requirement. This means that we should avoid harmful
chemicals that would affect workers or negatively affect the water. To ensure safety, our
project did not contain any toxic or harmful chemicals. Also, it did not have any bad effect
on water or the product of industry. Also, it did not have any effect on the long term.
3. Exploiting the natural materials, which is found in the surrounding environment:
In our prototype, we used chemicals in the treatment of the wastewater from the surrounding
environment that is not harmful to the environment. We used activated carbon, the natural
material, to remove the organic materials and the dye from water. The resultant is pure water
that we can reuse in drinking or even the same process
We used the equation of pH as we have the concentration of H+ and the equation is: pH=-log
H+ = -log 1.585*10^-7=6.8
We used the efficiency equation: output/input
We calculate the efficiency of our project through the purity of water and the TDS as
249/1099= 100%-23%=77%
Chemistry lo1: -
We have studied the concentration of solutions. We were able to study some ways to define
the concentration of the pollutant in water. We can define the concentration through
molarity. We can define water purity by defining the TDS concentration of water, which we
have used in our test plan.
Earth science lo4: -
We have studied the pollutant of water such as organic compounds, inorganic solids, and
microorganisms. We were able to define the pollutant of water in the paper industry because
of studying this learning outcome. Also, we have studied water purification, which allows us
to know more ways to treat water.
Math lo1: -
We have studied the polynomial functions and their form. The polynomial is found to be in
the form aX^y + bX^y-1 + zX^y-2 …+ c where c is the constant of the polynomial and aX^y
is the leading coefficient. We used the polynomial equations to make the relationship
between our variables while working on our project. We used the polynomial form to
determine the concentration of inorganic solids in water and the TDS measure, where the
TDS measure increases whenever the concentration of inorganic solids increases.

Our solution is working on reusing wastewater from the paper and pulp industry. We
are working on the fourth step of it, which is paper making. We searched for prior solutions
for our problems, which are pollution and shortage of water. We found that they are costly
and ineffective. One of them is the Western Corridor Recycled Water Scheme. The project's
main weakness is the high cost as it costs two billion dollars also caused health risks. We
searched for an effective and eco-friendly solution, and we reached our idea. We used
common and cheap materials, and they are eco-friendly. We used a membrane filter to
remove sediments and particles in water. We used activated carbon to remove the organic
materials and the inorganic dyes. We used ferrous sulfate and hydrogen peroxide to make
Fenton Reaction that reduces and regulates COD percentage in wastewater. Finally, we used
EDTA as extra purification to remove impurities and dilute colors. We chose design
requirements, including water quality, safety, exploiting the natural materials to test our
prototype. The prototype achieved these design requirements, and the water quality was
tested by measuring the pH and the TDS of the water before and after. Before the solution,
they were 10 and 1090 mg/l, respectively. After our solution, they were 6.8 and 295 mg/L.
These results showed that the water could be reused again. Also, all of the materials and
chemicals are safe and environmentally friendly. We can reuse the clean water that resulted
from our project in irrigation or reusing it in the same industry.


Because of the shortage of time and abilities, some desired improvements

were not made to the prototype. Therefore, for those who want to develop our
project, and from our research and experience, here are some recommendations
to follow:
1- It will be better if the pumping system controls the entry and exit of
water, not manually.
2- Use reverse osmosis (RO) technique instead of filter membrane as it will
give them better purification.
What is reverse osmosis?
Reverse osmosis (RO) is a water purification process that uses a partially
permeable membrane to separate ions, unwanted molecules, and larger particles
from drinking water. In reverse osmosis, an applied pressure is used to overcome
osmotic pressure, a colligative property that is driven by potential chemical
differences of the solvent, a thermodynamic parameter. Reverse osmosis can
remove many types of dissolved and suspended chemical species and biological
ones (principally bacteria) from water and are used in both industrial processes
and the production of potable water. The result is that the solute is retained on the
pressurized side of the membrane, and the pure solvent is allowed to pass to the
other side. To be "selective," this membrane should not allow large molecules or
ions through the pores (holes) but should allow smaller components of the
solution (such as solvent molecules, i.e., water, H2O) to pass freely.
3- Use phytorid technology to reduce and regulate COD amount in water
instead of the Fenton reaction between ferrous sulfate (FeSo4) and hydrogen
peroxide (H2O2).

4- Use spirulina, which is green algae scientists and engineers use in water
treatment. It is very effective in treating water as it reduces the amount of nitrate,
phosphorus, and sulfate. Also, it can reduce the amount of COD, TDS, calcium,
and magnesium hardness.

Learning Outcomes

Subject L.O The Connection

In the first learning outcome of chemistry, we have studied the
concentration of solutions. We were able to learn some ways to define
the attention of the pollutant in water. We can determine the
concentration through molarity using the equation M= number of moles
Chemistry 1
of solute/volume of solvent. We can define water purity by defining the
TDS concentration of water, which we have used in our test plan, using
gravimetric or conductive methods. Also, we used the PH scale to test
the purity of water during our test plan.
In the third learning outcome of chemistry, we have studied acids and
bases reactions and concentrations. We have learned many examples of
acids and bases reactions that happen with water. We have studied
Chemistry 3 equations that we can use to determine the PH of solutions. We can
calculate the PH of solutions using this equation PH = - log I
concentration I. We have used this equation in our test plan to test the
measure of the PH of water after testing its quality.
After studying the first learning outcome of earth science, we were able
to obtain much information about water’s cycle, and it is the way. We
knew how water comes to the surface as rain and how it leaves as vapor.
1 This helped us to study how water is polluted in surface water resources.
We could easily define the pollutant in the rivers and freshwater
resources. This allowed us to choose the perfect solution for the polluted
water from industry and other activities.
The second learning outcome in earth science is explicitly talking about
water usage in the world and how it is consumed. We have studied that
Earth water is used in many fields such as agriculture, hydroelectric power,
science domestic use, and industry. Throughout this knowledge, we could easily
find a process where water is polluted, and we could start working on
finding a solution for it.
In the third learning outcome of earth science, we have studied water
Earth consumption and how to save water. When water is used, it is
science consumptive or non-consumptive. Consumptive water is the water that
backs to the environment as a vapor to the atmosphere, where non-

consumptive water is the water that backs to the environment as a liquid,
which is usually polluted. At this point, our challenge was about
choosing an example of non-consumptive water where it is polluted to
start treating it. Other concepts of the learning outcome which provides
ideas for saving water helped us to inspire our solution.
The fourth learning outcome in earth science is the most important
because it allowed us to define the pollutant of water. We have studied
the pollutant of water such as organic compounds, inorganic solids,
Earth microorganisms, and large particles. We were able to define the
science pollutant of water in the paper industry because of studying this learning
outcome. Also, we have studied water purification, which allows us to
know more ways to treat water. We have studied coagulation and
treatment using chlorine, which kills microorganisms and pathogenic.
In the first learning outcome of math, we have studied the polynomial
functions and their form. We have studied the forms of polynomial
functions and how we can graph them. The polynomial is found to be in
the form aX^y + bX^y-1 + zX^y-2 …+ c where c is the constant of the
polynomial and aX^y is the leading coefficient. We used the polynomial
Math 1
equations to make the relationship between our variables while working
on our project. We used the polynomial form to determine the
concentration of inorganic solids in water and the TDS measure, where
the TDS measure increases whenever the concentration of inorganic
solids increases.
We have learned many skills in the first outcome which helped us in
understanding and analyzing what we are reading. We studied how to
determine the theme central ideas of various texts and analyze them to
comprehend inference. We have studied determining the meaning of
words, phrases, technical terms, and idioms in various texts which
helped us in understanding the text while were researching for our
English 1
capstone. We have also learned how to write composed well-organized
information according to an identifiable structure such as compare
/construct or general to specific and develop the main ideas within the
body of the paragraphs through some supporting details and evidence.
This helped us in writing our portfolio in a well-developed academic
way and generate academic writing for our research work.
In the second learning outcome of English, we have studied the thesis
statement and the relationship between paragraphs which helped us to
comprehend the critical meanings of paragraphs. This also helped us to
write academic paragraphs following academic steps to produce
English 2
academic professional paragraphs for our research work. We have
studied reading and interpreting charts, diagrams, and graphs with
multiple variables which helped us to form our graphs and diagrams in
the poster. In the writing section, we have studied some strategies such

as ( brainstorm-mind maps-draft-rewrite) which helped us in writing our
portfolio and poster.
In physics, we have studied the current, voltage, and resistance at the
third learning outcome. There is a relationship between electricity and
water properties. One of the most important properties of water is
electric conductivity. The water containing ionic minerals is considered
conductive material that lets the current flow in it.
So, whenever we have a flowing current, Ohms low is applied. Ohms
law is V = IR, V is the potential difference, I is current, and R is the
resistance. We can apply this equation to water to measure the current in
Physics 3 the water, which is very useful for our capstone project. We have used
this connection between physics and our capstone to measure the water’s
quality of our test plan. We have used “conductive methods” to measure
our TDS in our test plan.
Another example of using physics in our capstone is filtration using
current. We have used one cathode rod and another anode rod, so we
could conduct an eclectic current to the water, and the solids and
minerals will just group to the rods. We have used these ways as
effective ways to apply what we have learned in physics in our capstone.

APA Format

1) Bebow, A., mark carpenter, matthew hoover, & Laura Middaugh-

Rios,. (2012). Photovoltaics. In M. H. Mark Carpenter, Earth comm,2
Edition (2nd ed., p. 784). Malang: It's About the Time.
2) Campbell, & Peter V. Minorsky. (2011). The Nature of Sunlight. In.
A. Urry, J. B. Reece, M. L. Cain, R. B. Jackson, S. A. Wasserman, N.
A. Campbell, & P. V. Minorsky, Campbell Biology L,10 Edition (p.
188-192). California: pearson
3) CA. (2019, November 6). Hill Canyon wastewater treatment plant.
Retrieved January 10, 2021, from
4) CA. (2019, November 6). Hill Canyon wastewater treatment plant.
Retrieved January 10, 2021, from
5) CENGAGE LEARNING CUSTOM P. (2011). Student solutions
manual, volume 1, intl. Edition for serway/vuilles college physics, ...
International edition, 9th.
6) EPA. (2020, November 12). Recycling basics. Retrieved January 20,
2021, from https://www.epa.gov/recycle/recycling-basics
7) EPA. (2019, February 04). The water issue. Retrieved January 8,
2021, from https://www.epa.gov/nutrientpollution/issue
8) Greentumble Editorial Team. (2019, October 11). Water pollution
facts, causes, effects & solutions. Retrieved March 11, 2021,
from https://www.veteransoffgrid.org/blog/water-pollution-facts-
9) Irvine, C. O. (2020, November 19). Utilities. Retrieved January 9,
2021, from https://www.cityofirvine.org/live/utilities

10) Knight. (n.d.). Hill Canyon wastewater treatment plant.
Retrieved December 11, 2020, from
11) National Geographic Society. (2012, October 09). Pollution.
Retrieved November 11, 2020, from
12) Oaks, C. (2018, September 07).PLANT EXPANSION.
Retrieved September 9, 2020, from
13) Rafferty, J. P. and Pimm, . Stuart L. (2020, January 29).
Desertification. Encyclopedia Britannica.
14) WateReuseOrg. (2019, June 17). Watereuse. Retrieved
September 3, 2020, from https://watereuse.org/event/orange-country-


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