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Certificate of Accreditation

Reference number

MAA-NLD A-1 47-009

Pursuant to the Netherlands Military Aviation Authority (MAA-NLD) Policy on Accreditation of an
Organisation not part of the Netherlands Ministry of Defence and subject to the conditions specified below,
the MAA-NLD declares that

FlïghtSafety International
4800 Diplomacy Road
Fort Worth, TX 76155
United States of America

Is accredited as a MAA-NLD Accredited Maintenance Training Organisation performing identified services

and activities applicable to those specific products in service with the Netherlands Ministry of Defence listed
on the attached Overview of Accreditation.


1. This accreditation is valid whilst the MAA-NLD A-147009 maintenance training organisation remains
in compliance with the current FlightSafety International MTOE and its related procedures.

2. The MAA-NLD A-147-009 maintenance training organisation notifies the MAA-NLD in case of
significant changes regarding its organisation, key personnel and documented procedures. The MAA
NLD A-147-009 maintenance training organisation updates its documented procedures resulting from
any change to regulations in a timely manner to ensure effective implementation and will inform the
MAA-NLD accordingly. Notification e-mail address is

3. The MAA-NLD A-147-009 maintenance training organisation maintains a program of continued

surveillance and internal quality monitoring.

4. The MM-NLD is granted access to the MAA-NLD A-147-009 maintenance training organisation

5. As long as the MAA-NLD A-147-009 maintenance training organisation is in compliance with the
foregoing conditions, this accreditation remains valid for a until December 31 St of 2021 unless the
accreditation has previously been surrendered, superseded, suspended or revoked.

Place and date of issue For the Netherlands Minister of Defence,

the Dirtor Military Aviation Authority
The Hague, September gth 2020

Air Commodore

MAA-NLD Form 304 Certificate of Organisation Accreditation (version 1) 1)2

Overvïew of Accreditation
Reference number

MAA-NLD A-147-009
Scope of Accreditation
1. Approval scheme

Class Rating Limitatïon

Bi Not applicable : -

B2 Not applicable
A Not applicable
Bi Gulfstream GIV/GIV-SP Series (RRD TAY) Bi Ti -

TYPEITASK B2 Gulfstream GIV/GIV-SP Series (RRD TAY) Bi/B2 -1 12 Çi

TRAINING A Not applicable
C Not appllcable

2. Reference to other Organisation’s Approvals issued in relation to above listed activities

Approval number Issuing Authority/Organisation

EASA.i47.001 European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA)

Note: 1
The above listed setvices and activities are based on FlightSafety International MTOE issue 7, revision 0 dated February 28, 2019 and its
under Iaying procedures. The MAA-NLD A-147-009 maintenancetraning organisation shail inform the MAA-NLD of any substantial change
to the referenced document enabling the MAA-NLD to assess the impact of these changes on the issued Certificate of Accreditation.

M-NLD Form 304 Certificate of Organisation Accreditation (version 1) 2/2

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