MIST 320 Group Project Sample

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Practical and Research Group Project

MIST 320: Data & Information Management

Semester: Spring 2023
Instructor: Emad Abu-Shanab

Start Date: April 1, 2023

End Date: April 30, 2023

Total Points Allocated = 25%

As a group, you have been hired to design a database system for a Qatari company/institution. The
company/institution is in the process of introducing a new system to improve their operations and
make management easier. Assumption of company/Industry will depend on you with the approval
of your course instructor. You need to do your research on the Internet to build such system and
based on the common practice of such industry. You’ve been provided by a list of industries to
select one from.

Project Requirements:
General requirements:
1. Give a description of the selected organization and the system, which you want to
2. List and explain the business rules assumed for the organization.

Modeling the database:

1. Define what type(s) of data will be needed as input into your proposed system. What will
be the format of the required data and where will it come from?
2. The previous step should include a data dictionary table.
3. Define all data objects (entities) used in your proposed system. Make sure that your
database is substantial (not less than 8 entities).
4. Use a suitable data model to manage the data. Create an ERD (using UML format or
Crowfoot notation).
5. Identify the cardinalities/type of each relationship-whether the relationship is one to one
or one to many.
6. Your diagram must show fully normalized relations (3NF). Then you need to create its
associated relational tables.

SQL tasks
1. Populate tables by fictitious data.
2. Perform at least 6 queries that summarizes the key data in your project that support the
decision making process. Explanation and justification for each query should be included.
Use the print screen of queries and their outputs if required to include in your report.

1. Project presentations will be in May (as specified on syllabus). Date: (will be decided
later). The submission of the report will be on May 2, 2023).
2. Each group will have 10 minutes to present their research, followed by 2 minutes for
related questions for each member (mainly will be on SQL skills).

Project Report
The group need to submit a report pertaining to their results and application/system
documentations. The report need not to exceed 3000 words, including diagrams, code screen shots,
and text content.

Project Proposal:
Each group has to submit an e-mail by the first week from launching the project. The e-mail
should include the following (at least):

• Group members’ names & IDs. [5 members should be included].

• The name of selected industry/company [From the proposed list of ideas provided by the
instructor.] The selection of company/industry is done based on first in first served. Groups
can change the project type with the second week of launching the project. Changes are
not permitted after that. In addition, if changed to a selected type, the group will be notified
to select another.
• The company selected should be a Qatari one. No need to contact the company, but to make
the project more contextualized to real-world situation.
The group need to select a Qatari company to fit the type of industry listed. [Example: Database
for a manufacturing company- Al-Rayyan Mineral Water Company] this will give the group a
space for company background and description of operations. In addition, the project will be
closer to reality. Groups are not allowed to contact the company and they can accomplish their
task through Internet research [Watch for plagiarism].

List of companies/industries
1) Railway system database.
2) Hospital management database.
3) Library management database.
4) Health care organization database.
5) Restaurant management database.
6) Blood donation database.
7) Art gallery management database.
8) Hotel management system database.
9) Online phone shop display.
10) Project to store documents, videos, and music.
11) Cinema E-ticket booking.
12) Bookstore inventory management.
13) Customer order management.
14) Bank database display.

Further guidelines will be provided as needed.

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