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Tingkat Signifikansi Kejadian Efek Samping Obat Berdasarkan Skala Naranjo

Pertanyaan Yes No Do not

know or
not done
Are there previous conclusive reports on this reaction? +1 0 0
Did the adverse event appear after the suspected drug +2 -1 0
was given?
Did the adverse reaction improve when the drug was +1 0 0
discontinued or a specific antagonist was given?
Did the adverse reaction appear when the drug was +2 -1 0
Are there alternative causes that could have caused the -1 +2 0
Did the reaction reappear when a placebo was given? -1 +1 0
Was the drug detected in any body fluid in toxic +1 0 0
Was the reaction more severe when the dose was +1 0 0
increased, or less severe when the dose was
Did the patient have a similar reaction to the same or +1 0 0
similar drugs in any previous exposure?

Hasil Skoring Tingkat Kejadian

0 Doubtful
1–4 Possible (kemungkinan terjadi)
5–9 Probable (kemungkinan besar terjadi)
>9 Definitife (pasti terjadi)

Tingkat Signifikansi Kejadian Interaksi Obat Berdasarkan Skala DIPS

Questions Yes No Not

known or
1. Are there previous credible reports of this +1 -1 0
interaction in humans?
2. Is the observed interaction consistent with the +1 -1 0
known interactive properties of precipitant drug?

3. Is the observed interaction consistent with the +1 -1 0

known interactive properties of object drug?
4. Is the event consistent with the known or +1 -1 0
reasonable time course of the interaction (onset
and/or offset)?
5. Did the interaction remit upon dechallenge of the +1 -2 0
precipitant drug with no change in the object drug? (if
no dechallenge, use Unknown or NA and skip
Question 6)
6. Did the interaction reappear when the precipitant -2 +1 0
drug was readministered in the presence of continued
use of object drug?
7. Are there reasonable alternative causes for the -1 +1 0
8. Was the object drug detected in the blood or other +1 0 0
fluids in concentrations consistent with the proposed
9. Was the drug interaction confirmed by any +1 0 0
objective evidence consistent with the effects on the
object drug (other than drug concentrations from
question 8)?
10. Was the interaction greater when the precipitant +1 -1 0
drug dose was increased or less when the precipitant
drug dose was decreased?
Hasil Skoring Tingkat Kejadian
<2 Doubtful
2–4 Possible
5–8 Probable
>8 Hingly Probable

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