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Chapter 2:

Review of related literature and study

This chapter presents the literature and studies related to the effects of social media on

students' behavior. The literature review covers research studies that examine the impact of

social media on human behavior and society, while the related study section presents a

comprehensive study that specifically focuses on the impact of social media on students. Social

media platforms have revolutionized communication, allowing individuals to connect with

others across the world instantly.

This literature review aims to provide an in-depth analysis of the latest research on social

media and its impact on students' behavior. The review will begin by defining social media and

discussing its prevalence among students. It will then delve into the positive and negative

effects of social media on students, including its impact on communication, academic

performance, mental health, and behavior. The review will conclude by highlighting the gaps in

existing research and proposing future directions for research in this area. Social media has had

a significant impact on various aspects of daily life, including education. Social media's impact

on students' behavior has become a crucial topic of discussion in recent years, with many

studies examining the various effects of social media use on students. This literature review

explores the impact of social media on students' behavior by analyzing previous research

studies and academic literature.

Related literature

Social media is defined as a means of communication and networking between individuals

or groups, typically facilitated by websites or mobile applications. It provides an avenue for

people to create and share content, exchange information, and connect with others who share

similar interests. Social media has become increasingly popular over the past decade and has

greatly influenced the way people communicate and interact with one another. Social media

platforms are designed to be addictive, with features that trigger the release of dopamine in

the brain. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and reward, and its release

creates a sense of satisfaction and pleasure in the brain. Social media users often receive

notifications for likes, comments, and shares on their posts, which reinforces their behavior and

encourages them to continue using the platform. Social media is widely used because it

provides users with numerous benefits, including the ability to connect with friends and family,

share information and experiences, access news and entertainment, and engage in social

activism. Social media also provides businesses with a means of marketing their products and

services, making it an essential tool for marketing and advertising. Multiple studies have found

that social media use is associated with negative outcomes such as depression, anxiety,

loneliness, and poor self-esteem. Social media use has also been linked to sleep problems, poor

academic performance, and decreased face-to-face social interactions. However, social media

use can also have positive effects, such as increased social support, improved self-expression,
and enhanced learning opportunities. The advantages of social media on students' behavior

include the ability to connect with peers and access learning opportunities. Social media can

also help students develop their interests and hobbies, as well as provide a platform for

creative expression. However, social media use can also have negative effects on students'

behavior, such as addiction, decreased productivity, and poor mental health outcomes. Social

media has become an integral part of modern society, transforming the way people

communicate, interact, and share information. With the proliferation of social media platforms,

users have access to an abundance of content and can easily connect with others regardless of

geographic boundaries. However, the widespread use of social media has also raised concerns

about its impact on various aspects of individuals' lives, including their mental health, social

relationships, and academic performance. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have

become ubiquitous, providing a means for students to communicate with one another, stay

connected with friends and family, and stay informed about news and events. However, the

impact of social media on students' academic performance has been a topic of much debate in

recent years. While some studies have found that social media use is associated with lower

grades and reduced academic performance, others have found no significant relationship or

even a positive association. This review of the literature aims to provide an overview of the

current state of knowledge on this topic.

One of the key ways in which social media can affect students is through the potential

distractions it presents. With constant notifications and updates, students may find it difficult to
focus on their studies and may be more likely to engage in procrastination. Additionally, social

media can expose students to various sources of stress, including cyberbullying, social

comparison, and the fear of missing out (FOMO), all of which can negatively impact their

mental health and overall well-being. Moreover, social media has been found to have both

positive and negative effects on individuals' social relationships. On the one hand, social media

can provide a platform for individuals to connect with others and form new relationships. On

the other hand, excessive use of social media may lead to feelings of isolation and

disconnection, as well as a decrease in the quality of face-to-face interactions.

In terms of academic performance, social media use has been linked to a number of negative

outcomes. For example, research has shown that students who use social media more

frequently tend to have lower GPAs and spend less time studying than their peers who use

social media less frequently. This may be due to the distractions posed by social media, as well

as the potential impact of social comparison and other stressors on students' mental health and

motivation. Despite these potential negative effects, social media may also have some benefits

for students. For example, social media can provide a platform for students to collaborate and

share information with their peers, as well as access to educational resources and online

courses. Moreover, social media can allow students to connect with professionals in their field

of study and develop their professional network. Social media is widely use, with billions of

people using various platforms to connect with each other, share information, and entertain

themselves. However, the impact of social media on people's behavior, especially on students,
is a topic of ongoing debate. While some argue that social media has positive effects on student

behavior, such as enhancing communication skills and facilitating access to information, others

warn of its negative consequences, including addiction, anxiety, depression, and decreased

academic performance. This review of relatedliterature will explore both the advantages and

disadvantages of social media on students' behavior, and provide insights into the key factors

that influence the use of social media among students. This literature review aims to provide a

comprehe nsive understanding of the impact of social media on student behavior, exploring the

different ways in which social media use can influence students' attitudes, emotions, and

actions. The use of social media has both positive and negative effects on the behavior of

students. The following section will review the existing research on the impact of social media

on students.

Advantages of social media

ENHANCING COMMUNICATION SKILLS. One of the primary benefits of social media is its

ability to enhance communication skills. With social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and

Instagram, students can communicate with their peers and teachers, share ideas, and

collaborate on projects. Social media also allows students to interact with people from different

backgrounds, cultures, and countries, which can broaden their horizons and improve their

understanding of global issues.

FACILITATING ACCESS TO INFORMATION. Social media also facilitates access to information,

making it easier for students to find resources and learn about different topics. Platforms like

YouTube and Ted Talks provide educational videos on various subjects, while Twitter and

Facebook allow students to follow experts in their field and learn from their posts. Additionally,

social media can help students stay informed about current events and developments in their

areas of interest.

DEVELOPING SKILLS AND INTERESTS. Social media can also help students develop skills and

interests, such as photography, video editing, and coding. Platforms like Instagram, YouTube,

and TikTok allow students to share their creative work with a wider audience, receive feedback,

and connect with like-minded individuals. This can provide students with valuable opportunities

to build their portfolios and explore potential career paths.

Disadvantages of Social Media

ADDICTION. One of the most significant drawbacks of social media is its potential to become

addictive. Social media platforms are designed to keep users engaged for as long as possible,

using algorithms that show personalized content based on their interests and behaviors. This
can lead to students spending excessive amounts of time on social media, which can interfere

with their academic performance, mental health, and social relationships.

MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES. Research has also shown that social media use is associated with

mental health issues, such as anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem. Students who spend a

lot of time on social media may compare themselves to others, leading to feelings of

inadequacy and self-doubt. Additionally, social media can expose students to cyberbullying,

harassment, and hate speech, which can have negative effects on their mental health and well-

being. There is a growing body of literature that suggests a link between social media use and

poor mental health outcomes. For instance, a study by Woods and Scott (2019) found that

frequent social media use was associated with higher levels of depression, anxiety, and stress.

Similarly, a study by Lin, Li, and Liang (2019) found that social media use was positively

associated with depression and anxiety symptoms. However, it is important to note that not all

studies have found a significant relationship between social media use and poor mental health

outcomes. For example, a study by Tandoc, Ferrucci, and Duffy (2017) found that social media

use was not significantly associated with depression, anxiety, or stress.

ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE. Another disadvantage of social media on students' behavior is its

potential to interfere with their academic performance. Students who spend more time on

social media may have less time and energy to devote to their studies, leading to lower grades

and decreased academic achievement. Additionally, social media can be a distraction during
class, making it difficult for students to concentrate and engage with the material. In the age of

social media, one of the key concerns is how it affects academic performance. A number of

studies have explored the relationship between social media use and academic achievement.

A study conducted by Al-rahmi and Othman (2018) investigated the relationship between

Facebook use and academic performance among university students. The findings showed that

excessive use of Facebook was associated with poor academic performance. Another study by

Kirschner and Karpinski (2017) found that social media use was negatively related to academic

performance, and that students who used social media more frequently had lower GPAs.

However, other studies have found no significant relationship between social media use and

academic performance.

A study by Wang, Chen, and Liang (2011) found that social media use was not significantly

related to academic performance among college students in China. Similarly, a study by Manca

and Ranieri (2016) found no significant relationship between social media use and academic

performance among Italian university students. The conflicting results of these studies suggest

that the relationship between social media use and academic performance is complex and may

depend on a variety of factors, including the type of social media use, the frequency and

duration of use, and the individual characteristics of the students.

CYBERBULLYING. The use of social media has also led to an increase in cyberbullying among

students. Cyberbullying is defined as the use of electronic communication to harass or bully an

individual. A study conducted by Kowalski et al. (2018) found that cyberbullying is prevalent
among students and can have significant negative impacts on the mental health of victims. The

study suggests that social media platforms need to take more responsibility in preventing


Social media has become an integral part of modern society, changing the way people

communicate and interact with each other. Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter,

Instagram, and Snapchat have transformed the way people consume information, express

themselves, and build relationships. Social media has also impacted the behavior of students,

especially with the widespread use of smartphones and other mobile devices. As students

spend more time on social media, it is important to examine the impact it has on their behavior,

including their academic performance, mental health, and social skills.

Factors Influencing Social Media Use among Students.


Age and gender are two key factors that influence social media use among students.

Research has shown that younger students are more likely to use social media than older

students, with teenagers spending an average of nine hours per day on social media.

Additionally, girls tend to use social media more frequently than boys.

The widespread use of social media among students has become a cause for concern in

recent years. According to a survey conducted by the Pew Research Center, 72% of teenagers in
the United States use social media, with 68% using Facebook, 35% using Instagram, and 32%

using Snapchat (Anderson & Jiang, 2018). Another study found that students spend an average

of 2-3 hours per day on social media platforms (Kirschner & Karpinski, 2017). The prevalence of

social media use among students is not limited to the United States, as studies from other

countries, such as Turkey, India, and China, report similar trends (Bayraktar & Goktas, 2017;

Maheshwari & Mathur, 2018; Wang et al., 2019).


Students may feel compelled to use social media platforms to stay connected with their peers

and stay up-to-date with the latest trends. Peer pressure is a significant factor that influences

social media use among students because adolescents and young adults are more likely to

conform to the behavior of their peers. When their friends and classmates are actively using

social media, students may feel compelled to use these platforms to fit in and maintain social

connections. Peer pressure can also contribute to students spending excessive amounts of time

on social media, as they may feel pressure to keep up with their peers' posts and activities.

In addition, social media provides a way for students to present an idealized version of

themselves to their peers, which can lead to feelings of insecurity and the fear of missing out

(FOMO) if they don't participate in social media. Peer pressure can exacerbate these feelings,

leading to increased social media use to feel accepted and included.


Social media can amplify this feeling by presenting a curated and idealized version of

others' lives, leading students to spend more time on social media to avoid feeling left out.

FOMO, or the fear of missing out, is a common feeling that can contribute to social media use

among students. Social media platforms provide an endless stream of curated content,

including updates on friends, news, and events. Students may feel that if they do not engage

with social media, they are missing out on important experiences and connections with their

peers. FOMO can also lead to feelings of social isolation and loneliness if students perceive that

their peers are having experiences they are not. This fear of missing out can be intensified by

social media's real-time nature, where students can see updates and posts from their peers in



Social media provides an easy way for students to share information with their peers. This

could be academic information, news, or personal experiences. Information sharing is a

significant factor that influences social media use among students because social media

platforms provide an easy and convenient way for students to share information with their

peers. Students use social media to share academic information, news, personal experiences,

and opinions. Social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, provide

students with the ability to post updates, photos, and videos, which can be seen by their friends

and followers.
Prevalence of Social Media Among Students

Social media has become increasingly prevalent among students, with the majority of young

people using social media regularly. According to a study by the Pew Research Center, 88% of

18- to 29-year-olds in the United States use social media, and 90% of those aged 18 to 24 use at

least one social media platform (Perrin, 2019). Social media is also popular among younger age

groups, with 70% of teenagers reporting using social media multiple times per day (Anderson &

Jiang, 2018).

The widespread use of smartphones and other mobile devices has contributed to the popularity

of social media among students. Many students use social media to stay connected with friends

and family, share photos and videos, and stay informed about current events. However, the

increased use of social media among students has also raised concerns about its impact on their

Overall, the impact of social media on students is complex and multifaceted, with both

positive and negative effects. While social media can provide numerous benefits, it is important

for students to be mindful of its potential distractions and negative consequences, and to take

steps to manage their social media use in a way that supports their academic and personal

goals. The rise of social media has significantly impacted the behavior of students. Social media

platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat have become an integral part of

students' daily lives, affecting their social interactions, communication skills, and academic

performance. While social media can provide several benefits to students, such as the ability to

connect with friends and access educational resources, it also has negative effects, such as

addiction, cyberbullying, and decreased productivity. Therefore, it is essential to understand

the impact of social media on students' behavior to develop effective strategies for minimizing

the negative effects while maximizing the benefits.

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