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BMJ Mil Health: first published as 10.1136/bmjmilitary-2020-001463 on 27 March 2020. Downloaded from on October 29, 2020 at Auckland University
Fellowship in Immediate Medical Care Potential candidates for the

examination: applicability to the The majority of FIMC candidates will

continue be drawn from the parent special-
ties of Emergency Medicine (EM), Anaes-
Defence Medical Services thesia, Intensive Care Medicine or Acute
Medicine. In 2019, an Army General Prac-
titioner (GP) was the first GP to pass the
Oliver O’Sullivan ‍ ‍ ,1 R J Booker,2 H J Pynn3 examination. There is now an Army GP
entering PHEM training every year and
Abstract so the pool of military GPs holding the
Key messages
The Fellowship in Immediate Medical Care FIMC will steadily grow alongside their
(FIMC) is the highest level of formal qualifi- secondary healthcare colleagues. There is
►► The Fellowship in Immediate
cation available for pre-­hospital practitioners, a recognition of the need for all military
Medical Care (FIMC) is the highest
aiming to test the knowledge, technical and GPs and General Duties Medical Officers
level of qualification available for
non-­technical skills of those providing specialist to be able to deliver PHEC to military
multiprofessional Pre-­Hospital
Hospital Emergency Care (PHEC). The patients over a broad spectrum of mili-
Emergency Care (PHEC) practitioners
FIMC is a multiprofessional examination with tary activity including operational deploy-
meeting the eligibility criteria.
the potential to support continuous quality ments and the permanent joint operating
►► Specialist teams, including those who
improvement of the PHEC that the Defence bases, as well as Firm Base and Overseas
will hold FIMC, are ever increasingly
Medical Services (DMS) can offer to our patients Training Exercises. Having a cohort of
delivering PHEC.
now and in the future. The aim of this article is Military GPs with the highest UK qualifi-
►► In order for the Defence Medical
to inform the readership about the evolution cation in PHEC will aid in the develop-
Services (DMS) to deliver PHEC to
of the FIMC examination and its applicability ment of this requirement.
‘National Health Service standard
to military clinicians (and their civilian counter-
or better’, there is a requirement for
parts). A secondary aim is to inform those who
DMS clinicians to hold the FIMC.

Technology. Protected by copyright.

are preparing for the examination. Application
►► This paper aims to explain the There are two sittings of the FIMC
evolution of the FIMC examination, its annually—in January and July. Applica-
applicability to the DMS and inform tions are made via the RCSEd website,
Introduction prospective candidates of the format.
The Fellowship in Immediate Medical with the application window closing 3
Care (FIMC) is the highest level of formal months prior to the examination dates.
qualification available for pre-­ hospital The full eligibility criteria are detailed on
practitioners. The examination is admin- Emergency Medicine (IBTPHEM).1 Both the RCSEd website. Candidates require
istered by the Royal College of Surgeons diploma and fellowship examinations are 5 years of experience working in their
of Edinburgh (RCSEd) and delivered by based on National (UK) standards. There- profession (with documented evidence),
their Faculty of Prehospital Care (FPHC). fore, candidates will not be examined on professional accreditation and to hold the
It assesses competence in the knowledge, regional or service-­specific standard oper- DipIMC. Non-­ PHEM trainee applicants
technical and non-­ technical skills of ating procedures, but are examined on need to demonstrate that their experience
specialist Pre-­Hospital Emergency Care documents that guide practice at national is equivalent by submitting a portfolio of
(PHEC) providers at independent consul- level such as those produced by the FPHC, evidence sufficient to be awarded a certif-
tant level practice.1 The aim of this article the National Institute for Health and Care icate of eligibility3 (see Figure 1) which
is to inform the readership about the Excellence, the Resuscitation Council incurs an additional cost and time to be
evolution of the FIMC examination and and the Joint Royal Colleges Ambulance reviewed.
its applicability to military clinicians (and Liaison Committee,3–7 as well as organisa-
their civilian counterparts). A secondary tions such as the European Union Aviation The examination
aim is to inform those who are preparing Safety Agency. The examination consists of two parts (A
for the examination. A previous article and B) as follows:
covered similar ground for the Diploma in Eligibility Part A is a multiple-­ choice question
Immediate Care (DipIMC).2 There are two routes to become eligible paper of 180 min duration consisting of
In the recent years, the FIMC has under- to attempt the FIMC, one for doctors 180 single best answer questions.
gone extensive changes to ensure it meets completing General Medical Council Part B is an objective structured prac-
the requirements of the curriculum and (GMC) approved subspeciality training tical examination consisting of 14 testing
assessment system written by the Intercol- programmes in Pre-­ Hospital Emergency stations. Twelve of these stations will be
legiate Board for Training in Pre-­Hospital Medicine (PHEM), and one for doctors, 8 min duration and two will be 24 min.
paramedics and nurses who can evidence Most of the 8 min stations will be simu-
Headquarters Army Medical Directorate (HQ AMD),
achievement of the same competencies via lated patients with a clinical problem
Camberley, UK alternative training pathways. The FIMC to resolve. Other stations may require
3 Medical Regiment Senior Medical Officer and Project became a multiprofessional examination the candidate to direct a complex resus-
LARA Forward Instant Messaging trial lead, Preston, UK in 2016. To date, no nurses or paramedics citation with several assistants. There-
Emergency Department, Bristol Royal Infirmary, Bristol, have sat the examination. In the future, it
UK fore, it is worth practising an organised,
is likely that specialist paramedics in crit- logical approach that includes the non-­
Correspondence to Oliver O’Sullivan, Headquarters ical care working on UK air ambulances
Army Medical Services (HQ AMS), Camberley GU15
technical skills, such as task management,
4PQ, UK; ​oliver_​osullivan@​hotmail.​com
will be expected to attain the FIMC. team working, situational awareness and
O'Sullivan O, et al. BMJ Mil Health Month 2020 Vol 0 No 0    1
Personal view

BMJ Mil Health: first published as 10.1136/bmjmilitary-2020-001463 on 27 March 2020. Downloaded from on October 29, 2020 at Auckland University
divisional war fighting to Sovereign Base
Area ambulance services. Level 8 PHEM
will be increasingly delivered by FIMC
holders in both military and civilian
specialist PHEC teams.

Contributors  OO designed, developed and initially

drafted the article. RJB and HJP redrafted, edited and
provided specialist input.
Funding  The authors have not declared a specific
grant for this research from any funding agency in the
public, commercial or not-­for-­profit sectors.
Competing interests  None declared.
Patient consent for publication  Not required.
Provenance and peer review  Not commissioned;
internally peer reviewed.
© Author(s) (or their employer(s)) 2020. No commercial
re-­use. See rights and permissions. Published by BMJ.
Figure 1  Application process for PHEM and non-­PHEM trainees.4 FIMC, Fellowship in Immediate ►► Additional material is published online only. To view
Medical Care; PHEM, prehospital emergency medicine; RCSEd, Royal College of Surgeons of please visit the journal online (http://​dx.​doi.​org/​10.​
Edinburgh. 1136/​bmjmilitary-​2020-​001463).

decision making. Other stations might practitioners to then undergo military-­

examine more ‘managerial’ curriculum specific training in that area. The chal-
To cite O’Sullivan O, Booker RJ, Pynn HJ.
items, such as medicines management or lenges and rigours of working in military BMJ Mil Health Epub ahead of print: [please include

Technology. Protected by copyright.

teaching a colleague a practical proce- PHEM are well known. Those able to Day Month Year]. doi:10.1136/
dure. Of the two 24 min stations, one will meet these challenges and rigours would bmjmilitary-2020-001463
be a ‘primary transfer’ where the candi- be expected to achieve the FIMC without Received 11 March 2020
date attends a patient in a simulated pre-­ undue difficulty following formal PHEM Accepted 14 March 2020
hospital scenario, and the other will be a training and experience. BMJ Mil Health 2020;0:1–2.
‘secondary transfer’ of a patient from a The Defence Consultant Advisor (DCA) doi:10.1136/bmjmilitary-2020-001463
‘local’ hospital to a specialist centre. PHEC has declared that all military practi-
tioners who have entered PHEM training ORCID iD
Oliver O’Sullivan http://​orcid.​org/​0000-​0002-​9184-​
Applicability to the Defence since 2014 and are wishing to provide a 4713
Medical Services level 8 (Consultant in PHEM) capability
PHEM was approved by the GMC as in a military role must have achieved the
a medical subspeciality in 2011. The FIMC. 1 Intercollegiate Board for Training in Pre-­hospital
current IBTPHEM curriculum and assess- It is imperative that military level 8 Emergency Medicine. Sub-­specialty training in
ment system was established in 2014.1 PHEM practitioners retain their clinical pre-­hospital emergency medicine: curriculum and
skills with civilian Air Ambulances when assessment system. Available: http://www.​ibtphem.​
Seriously ill and injured patients in the
org.​uk/​media/1​ 039/​sub-s​ pecialty-​training-​in-​phem-​
UK are increasingly likely to be attended not deployed. Having the FIMC will
by specialist PHEC teams that include in the near future be a requirement to 2 O’Sullivan O, Osborne L, Pells G. Updated diploma in
FIMC holders. For the Defence Medical undertake PHEM with a civilian critical immediate medical care: applicability to military and
Services (DMS) to continue to offer our care team regardless of the clinical back- civilian clinicians. J R Army Med Corps 2019;165:360–2.
ground of that practitioner (GP, EM, ITU 3 FPHC. Regulations for the issue of a certificate of FIMC
patients the ‘National Health Service stan-
eligibility. Available: (https://f​ phc.​rcsed.​ac.​uk/​media/​
dard of care, or better (within operational or Anaesthetics).
1628/​fimc-​certificate-e​ ligibility-​regs-2​ 8-​april-​15.​pdf
constraints)’ requires the sustainment of [Accessed Dec 2019].
clinical training pathways that include Conclusions 4 FPHC. Review of the diploma and fellowship in
the FIMC examination. The FIMC is a The FIMC is a demanding examination immediate medical care exam diets 2014-2019.
Available: https://​fphc.​rcsed.​ac.u​ k/​media/​2696/​review-​
nationally regulated examination that but one that is achievable for many DMS
of-​dimc-​and-​fimc-​exams-2​ 014-​2019.​pdf [Accessed Jun
provides a minimum standard of clinical doctors and in the future, paramedics 2019].
and managerial competence at consultant and nurses. Supporting DMS clinicians 5 Consensus statements. Faculty of pre-­hospital care.
level. Achieving this qualification will to achieve the FIMC in no way dimin- Available: https://​fphc.​rcsed.​ac.u​ k/​my-​fphc/​resources/​
provide evidence that the practitioner ishes or de-­emphasises the importance consensus-​statements [Accessed Dec 2019].
6 Resuscitation Council UK. Resuscitation guidelines.
has the necessary PHEM exposure and of allied healthcare providers such as
Available: https://www.​resus.o​ rg.​uk/​resuscitation-​
skillset to attempt the Medical Emergency Combat Medical Technicians and nurses guidelines/ [Accessed Dec 2019].
Response Team (MERT) course, which continuing to provide clinical care at 7 Joint Royal Colleges Ambulance Liaison Committee.
applies civilian PHEM clinical standards different levels of PHEC capability.8 United Kingdom ambulance services clinical practice
into military-­specific situations: a compar- Rather the FIMC examination promotes guidelines 2016. Class Publishing, 2018.
8 Sharpe D, McKinlay J, Jefferys S, et al. Military
ison can be made with other specialties strong medical leadership within all
prehospital emergency care: defining and
whereby achievement of the fellowship in areas of pre-­hospital clinical practice, a professionalising the levels of care provided along the
that specialty is required to attain a certif- key element to safely managing PHEC operational patient care pathway. J R Army Med Corps
icate of completion of training to enable systems supporting military activity from 2019;165:188–92.

2 O'Sullivan O, et al. BMJ Mil Health Month 2020 Vol 0 No 0

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