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From Aaron’s Rod to Eli

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AGES 6-7



See more at Teacher Resource - Unit 3 Level Two
Teacher Resource
Teaching Sonseekers........... 1
A teacher’s guide................. 2
Publisher’s note................... 3
Teaching Sonseekers …
Unit 3 (Lessons 33-48):
33. Aaron’s rod........................ 4 Dear Teacher
34. Moses hits the rock............ 8
Teaching young people about God’s Word is a great honour and privilege.
35. The bronze serpent.......... 12 We note God chose Abraham, a man of faith because he “would teach his
36. Balaam and his ass......... 18 children and his household after him, to know the Way of The Lord” (Gen
37. Joshua and Rahab........... 24 18:19)
38. Crossing the Jordan, One who undertakes such a task will understand they have accepted a
Jericho............................. 30 responsibility to become a witness of God’s great love and faithfulness.
As an example of Christian faith and integrity they have a wonderful
39. The sin of Achan.............. 34
opportunity to share their love for God’s Word. The tremendous blessing
40. The sun stands still.......... 40 for those who commit themselves to this task is that the Holy Spirit will
41. Gideon’s fleece................ 44 strengthen and equip you to shine as a light to your class.
42. Gideon and his army....... 48 Recent trends away from Sunday School structures towards child minding
43. Samson............................ 52 activities have, we believe, been unfortunate as they fail to recognise the
impact and effect the message of God’s love through Christ has on young
44. Samson and Delilah........ 56
45. Ruth, Naomi and Boaz.... 60
Children are the Church’s future. As such they are precious and well worth
46. Hannah............................ 64 any investment in quality resources and dedicated teachers.
47. Samuel hears God speak.68
The ‘Sonseekers’ curriculum offers children Sunday School material that
48. Eli, Hophni and Phinehas.72 gives them a sound background in Biblical events, people and places.
Unit 3 Awards........................ 78 Secondly it offers a pastoral approach for the children to know God is able
Curriculum Outline.......... 80 to help them and change their lives.
Structurally, any program will operate effectively if those teaching are
Published by faithful, zealous and committed to a team approach that might include:
visionone inc ●● regular prayer and discussion in relation to curriculum issues,
ABN 37 430 685 890 student needs and upcoming events and presentations;
10 Old Goombungee Rd ●● organisation and management of resources;
Toowoomba Qld 4350
●● training and development needs of teaching staff.
Teaching Sunday School is a rich and rewarding task. May God bless and
Phone: 1300 885 048
guide you as you serve in this way.
Fax: 1300 728 293
Email: Yours in Christ
©All rights reserved The Sonseekers Team
July 2009

Introduction Teacher Resource - Level Two Page 1

A teacher’s guide to using the
Sonseekers materials . . .
Timeline What are the Sonseekers materials?
Creation The Sonseekers Sunday School materials are a four year course of
4000BC Adam and Eve 128 Bible lessons. The lessons are written with the twin aims of
The Fall teaching the students an accurate chronology of Biblical events and
2500BC Noah also drawing from each lesson pastoral points relevant to the age
The Flood and stage of each child. They are written at four levels to cover
Tower of Babel
from Prep to 12+ age groups. The 128 lessons are organised into
2000BC Abraham
1900BC Isaac 8 units, each of sixteen lessons. The table below indicates the
1800BC Esau and Jacob suitable age group for each level:
1750BC Joseph
1360BC Moses Sonseekers Student School
1280BC Exodus from Egypt Level Age Level
and Journeys Level One 4 - 5 Kindergarten, Prep
Level Two 6 - 7 Lower Primary
1240BC Entry into and
Conquest of Land Level Three 8 - 10 Middle Primary
1220BC Judges Level Four 11 – 12+ Upper Primary
1100BC Gideon
1070BC Samson
1063BC Samuel
The Sonseekers materials comprise two related elements:
1020BC Saul as King • Teacher Resource – including lesson plans & activity masters
980BC David as King which can be photocopied;
940BC Solomon as King • Student Handbooks – including homework activities.
900BC Kingdom Divided
839BC Elijah Emerges; Mt Carmel
There is also a Bible timeline showing chronology of major events,
814BC Elisha’s Ministry with the dates of the current unit’s lessons highlighted, included in
749BC Jonah each Teacher Resource.
662BC Hezekiah; Isaiah
576BC Josiah
540BC Daniel taken to Babylon
What’s in my Sonseekers
527BC Exile into Babylon Level Two Teacher Resource?
457BC Restoration from Babylon
4BC Birth of Jesus Each Level Two Teacher Resource contains sixteen lesson plans for
26AD Baptism of Jesus the relevant age of your students. Each lesson plan comprises:
Call of Disciples
28AD Feeding of 5000 ●● the key thought or focus for the lesson;
Parables ●● a suggested way to introduce the lesson;
29AD Miracles; Transfiguration ●● a summary of the relevant bible story;
30AD Raising of Lazarus ●● a memory verse for the lesson, together with a suggested way
Parables of teaching that verse;
Palm Sunday ●● an activity which can be used in the lesson;
Jesus’ Crucifixion and ●● a number of extra ideas involving fun, practical activities.
Day of Pentecost Note: The photocopy masters for each activity are included with
Peter’s Ministry the lessons in this Teacher Resource book.
33AD Conversion of Paul
45AD Paul’s Missionary Journeys
60AD Paul as Prisoner to Rome …/cont’d

Page 2 Teacher Resource - Level Two Introduction

. . . teacher’s guide . . .
How do I best use my Teacher Resource?
The art of serving as an effective Sunday School teacher is linked to the degree of diligence in preparing for
each lesson. The Sonseekers materials are only designed to assist the teacher in this process. They do not
take away from the teacher his or her responsibility to prayerfully consider the needs of the children in the
class and to seek God’s revelation and wisdom in presenting each Bible lesson. The following suggestions
are then made with regard to using this resource.

Prior to the lesson

♦♦ Prayerfully read the Bible passage for the lesson. The reference is provided in the header on the first
page of the lesson plan. All Scripture references are taken from the New King James Version (1983
♦♦ Read through the lesson plan and decide which activities will be most appropriate for the students in
your class. Generally, aim for a variety of activities over a unit.
♦♦ Think about how you will combine the various elements of your lesson. Refer to the suggested teaching
approach for ideas if necessary. Link the activity to the story so that the significance of the activity is
clear to the students.
♦♦ Prepare all activities thoroughly prior to the lesson. Rehearse any planned activity at home to make
●● that you know how to do it yourself;
●● that you have all the relevant materials in the quantities you will need;
●● that you know the length of time that the children will need for the activity.

During the lesson

♦♦ Review the memory verse from the previous lesson with the children. Also check on the completion of
the homework activity page.
♦♦ Revise the previous lesson before going on to a new story. You may like to use the timeline to help you
do this.

Publisher’s note:
The publisher wishes to acknowledge the use of clip art from Coreldraw, Clickart, Bible View Clip Art by Pastoral
Computer Services and Logos Bible Clips.
The publisher gives permission for artwork masters to be photocopied for the use of the students in the Sonseekers
classes. However, no other part of this publication may be produced or transmitted in any form without permission in
writing from the publisher.

Introduction Teacher Resource - Level Two Page 3

Aaron’s rod Numbers 16 & 17

Storyline Theme One

Korah, Dathan, Abiram and On and 250 other “The sin of grumbling”
men rebelled against the leadership of Moses Israel sinned by grumbling against the leaders God had appointed
and Aaron. They wanted to be the leaders for them. If we complain when we don’t get our own way, God is
instead of Moses and Aaron because they did not pleased with us. He sees it as sin because we are not trusting
not believe that God had chosen these two in Him. If we turn away from our leaders and those God has
men to lead His people. Moses cried to the appointed to guide us such as our parents, we are turning away
Lord. God was very angry with the rebellious from what God wants.
men. He caused the earth to swallow Korah,
Dathan and Abiram, and the other 250 men Key Thought
were killed by fire. The Lord said He would God punished those who spoke against the leaders He had
choose the leader who would approach Him. appointed. In the same way, God will be displeased if we speak
He told Moses to ask each of the heads of the against the leaders or our parents.
twelve tribes to bring rods to the tabernacle.
The next day they found that Aaron’s rod had Aim
blossomed and produced almonds. This was To encourage the children to be thankful for parents, teachers and
God’s sign that Aaron was the chosen leader. others who care for them.

Memory Verse
Suggested “Do not grumble against one another.” (James 5:9).
Teaching Approach
1. Tell the story. Theme Two
2. Explain that a rod was a dead stick and “The Lord chooses”
what it was used for. The Lord chose Moses and Aaron to lead His people. He chose
3. Discuss the miracle that occurred when others to be heads of their tribes. God had a place for each one. He
Aaron’s rod came to life and grew flowers has a plan for each one of us. We do not have to fight or argue with
and almonds. others when we are playing or working together. Like Moses, if
4. Play “Follow the Leader” and observe we pray to God and talk to our parents, the ones God chose to look
the children’s reactions when a leader is after us, He will show us the way of wisdom that He has chosen for
chosen. Use this example in relating the us.
story. Talk to the children about things
that make them grumpy. Make a list of Key Thought
them and then discuss what can be done God’s people are like His sheep and He chooses leaders who will
in order to resolve the issues, emphasising be shepherds to take good care of them.
the importance of prayer and seeking
guidance from parents.
For the children to know that the Lord has a special place in His
body for all of us.

Remember the emphasis Memory Verse

is always on God’s “He shall direct your paths.” (Proverbs 3:6).
blessing rather than God’s
punishment as this only
applies when we are

Page 4 Teacher Resource - Level Two Lesson 33

Activity A - Make Aaron’s Rod
• 1 broom handle (these are available fairly inexpensively in discount supermarkets).
• Cotton wool/cotton wool balls/crepe paper.
• Glue/sticky tape.

• As a class project, glue or stick tape ‘buds’ made from either cotton wool or crumpled crepe paper to the broom
• If each child is to make his/her own rod, use small long, dead branches.

Note: The thought with children is that as we know Jesus and His love, only then can our attitudes (eg. anger, hate,
jealousy) be changed and we can show love.

Activity B - Word Puzzle

• 1 Activity Sheet per child.
• Pens/pencils.

• The children count every 5th letter and place the letters in the spaces provided.

• Pray.

Count every 5th letter and

write it in the space below
to find out what the word is.


_____ _____ _____ _____

Lesson 33 Teacher Resource - Level Two Page 5

Aaron’s rod
Activity B – Word Puzzle

Page 6 Teacher Resource - Level Two Lesson 33

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Lesson 33 Teacher Resource - Level Two Page 7

Moses hits the rock Numbers 20:2-13

Storyline Theme One

The children of Israel were wandering in the “Be angry, and sin not”
wilderness and because they had no water to Moses was God’s faithful servant. He trusted God and believed He
drink they complained to Moses saying that would look after His people. The people complained because they
they wished they were dead or back in Egypt. did not trust God. Moses became angry with them and his anger
Moses and Aaron then prayed to the Lord who caused him to sin. When we are angry it is easy to sin and hurt
told Moses to speak to the rock and it would someone else. It is important to remember that God has told us to
provide water for all the people and their love one another.
animals. However, when Moses gathered the
people together he was angry with them and Key Thought
he struck the rock twice with his rod instead When we are angry we can sometimes lose our self-control and do
of speaking to it. Water did flow from the things our own way and not hear what God would want us to do.
rock for everyone to drink, but the Lord told
Moses that He would not allow him to take Aim
the people into the promised land because he To show the children that in a state of anger, we can be tempted to
had struck the rock instead of doing as God sin and then we will displease God.
had told him.
Memory Verse
“Be angry, and do not sin.” (Ephesians 4:26).
Teaching Approach Theme Two
1. Ask the children if they have ever felt “God is faithful”
angry and how they behaved while
feeling this way. God was well able to make water flow from a rock – He had done
so before when the people were thirsty. Even when Moses was
2. Introduce the story of Moses and the rock disobedient, God was still true to His word that He would provide
by saying how Moses became angry with water. Even when we are naughty and disobedient, our parents still
the people he was taking to the promised give us what we need.
3. Relate the story. A rock shaped sponge Key Thought
full of water could be used to demonstrate God promised to supply water and He did as He had promised,
the miracle of water from the rock, or the even though Moses disobeyed Him. The Lord will do what He has
water balloon activity could be used. promised even though we are unfaithful.
4. Do the chosen activities.
To help the children to realise how faithful God is.

Memory Verse
Lower primary students
“He who promised is faithful.” (Hebrews 10:23).
love to discuss and give
examples. Take care to
structure your questions
for simple answers.
If their answers are
becoming long, gently
interrupt, thank them
and move on.

Page 8 Teacher Resource - Level Two Lesson 34

Activity A - Drama
• 1 balloon, brown paper and masking tape to make a water bomb ‘rock’.
• 1 ruler or stick with a thumb-tack stuck through one end.
• Costumes (old towels make wonderful head-gear and help the children to feel more the part).

At Home
• Construct the ‘rock’ by filling a balloon with water. Cover the balloon with brown paper and secure with masking
• Take time to practise the balloon bursting to ensure it works effectively.

Before Class
• Determine a place outside where the scene could be acted out, and place the ‘rock’ on the ground, with rocks
around it to secure it.

In Class
• Have the children act out the scene of the Israelites complaining to Moses and Aaron that there is no water. Have
the children suggest how the Israelites, Moses and Aaron would have felt at the time. Have one child be the voice
of God and instruct Moses to speak to the rock. Discuss how Moses reacted to this command from God, then have
the child playing Moses strike the ‘rock’ twice. (The thumb-tack should pierce the balloon and water should gush
• Discuss how they all felt now.
• Discuss how God provided water for them and relate how God provides for us today.

Activity B - Multiple Choice Questions

Materials Circle the correct answer then colour the pictures.
• 1 Activity Sheet per child. 1. The Israelites
• Pens/colouring pencils. (a) complained (b) laughed (c) prayed

• Read out the questions to the children and have
them circle the correct answer.
• They can then colour the pictures.

2. Moses hit the

(a) tree (b) cat (c) rock

3. God provided
(a) rain (b) water (c) food

Lesson 34 Teacher Resource - Level Two Page 9

Moses hits the rock
Activity B – Multiple Choice Questions

Circle the correct answer then colour the pictures.

1. The Israelites
(a) complained (b) laughed (c) prayed

2. Moses hit the

(a) tree (b) cat (c) rock

3. God provided
(a) rain (b) water (c) food

Page 10 Teacher Resource - Level Two Lesson 34

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Lesson 34 Teacher Resource - Level Two Page 11

The bronze serpent Numbers 21:4-9;
John 3:14-15

Storyline Theme One

The children of Israel travelling to the “Look up and live”
promised land became very discouraged and The children of Israel deserved to be punished for the way they
murmured against God and Moses and against grumbled constantly. But God was merciful and He provided a
God’s provision for them. God sent His remedy for those who were bitten by the snakes. Those who looked
judgement among them with fiery serpents at the bronze serpent on the pole were healed. We deserve to be
and many of the children of Israel died. Those punished for our sin, but Jesus died on the cross for our sin. If we
who had not yet died repented of their sin look to Him and believe in Him we shall receive true life.
and asked Moses to pray for them. God told
Moses to make a bronze fiery serpent and set Key Thought
it on a pole, so that everyone who was bitten God judges sin, but has provided a way of forgiveness through His
and looked upon the bronze serpent would Son Jesus. As we turn and look to Jesus we will receive His life.
live. Moses obeyed God and all who looked
on the bronze serpent lived. In the same way Aim
Jesus was lifted up on the cross. Those who For the children to know that God has made a way for us to be
believe in Him receive everlasting life.. forgiven when we are sorry for our sin and turn to Him.

Memory Verse
Suggested “To the Lord … belong mercy and forgiveness.” (Daniel 9:9).
Teaching Approach
1. Use visual aids such as a felt-board, Theme Two
blackboard or pictures of healthy food “Accept what God gives”
and junk food in telling the story. Actual
food examples such as fruit vs. biscuits or What would you decide? To be thankful for the food that God has
a bread roll in a commercial hamburger sent or say, “I hate it. I want hamburgers instead.” The children
packet vs. slice of bread would be very of Israel didn’t ask for hamburgers, but they did not like the manna
memorable. God had provided. Because of their unthankful hearts and their
grumbling, God’s judgement came upon them. God wants us to be
2. Ask the children which food they would thankful for what He provides and not to grumble because we want
choose and why? something else.
3. Explain how quite often we can choose
the thing that ‘looks’ best and appeals to Key Thought
us, but it may not be what the Lord wants Be thankful for what God has provided for each of us and do not
for us, or what is best for us. always want something different.
4. Discuss with the children their attitude to
the provision of the Lord and when we
ask the Lord for something we have to be For the children to learn to trust God and know that He gives us
prepared to accept what He provides for what is best for us.
us and not what we choose or expect to
Memory Verse
“Be content with such things as you have.” (Hebrews 13:5).
5. Encourage the children to be thankful
for the good food they receive and point
out God’s love for us and the way He Your task is not to pass judgement
has made available for us to receive on ‘junk food’ but to point out that the
forgiveness and life. manna God provided was a perfect
food that kept God’s people strong and

Page 12 Teacher Resource - Level Two Lesson 35

Activity A - Spiral Serpents
• 1 Activity Sheet per child.
• Yellow or orange colouring pencils/crayons/felt pens.
• Glue.
• Gold glitter/gold foil or paper.
• Safety scissors.
• 1 piece of dowel, stick or bamboo skewer approx. 30cm long, per child.

At Home
• Cut gold foil/paper into small squares for collaging.

In Class
• The children can colour and decorate their serpents with the pencils, glue, glitter and foil or paper.
• The children can then cut out the serpent by following the lines, starting at the head. (The younger children may
need help with this).
• Stick tape or pin the tail of the serpent to the top of the dowel stick/bamboo skewer

Activity B - Turn the Dial -“God’s Way or the Selfish Way”

• 1 of each 2 Activity Sheets per child.
• 1 skewer to punch a hole in the centre
of each wheel.
• 1 split-pin per child.
• Colouring pencils/crayons/felt pens.
• Scissors..

At Home
• Cut out each of the circles and punch a
hole in the centre of each one with the
skewer, ready for the split-pin.

In Class
• The children can colour in each of the
pictures on the picture wheel.
• Then, if capable, they can cut out the
two sections on the cover sheet.
• Place the cover sheet on top of the
picture wheel and secure it with the
split-pin through the holes already
• The children can turn the wheel and talk about the behaviour:
Eg. Dog & Cat – fighting or getting on.
Children – fighting or playing together.
Children – building sandcastle together or destroying the sandcastle.

Lesson 35 Teacher Resource - Level Two Page 13

The bronze serpent
Activity A – Spiral Serpents

Page 14 Teacher Resource - Level Two Lesson 35

The bronze serpent
Activity B – Turn the Dial – “God’s Way or the Selfish Way”

Lesson 35 Teacher Resource - Level Two Page 15

The bronze serpent
Activity B – Turn the Dial – “God’s Way or the Selfish Way”

Cut out

Page 16 Teacher Resource - Level Two Lesson 35

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Lesson 35 Teacher Resource - Level Two Page 17

Balaam and his ass Numbers 22 - 24

Storyline Theme One

The Israelites came into Moab and Balak, the “God speaks to us in many ways”
king of Moab, was worried. He sent his men God spoke to Balaam directly, but Balaam did not want to obey
to bring Balaam the prophet to put a curse God. Then God spoke to him through his donkey. God doesn’t
on the Israelites. At first Balaam refused to usually speak to us through animals, but He speaks in many other
go with them as God had told him not to go. ways. He speaks through our parents, our teachers, the elders, and
Again the king sent his men to ask Balaam to sometimes through our brothers and sisters. God also speaks to us
come to him and this time he went with them. through the circumstances of life. We need to listen to those whom
God was angry with Balaam for going against God has sent to speak to us.
His wishes and He sent His angel with His
sword drawn to stand in his way. Balaam’s Key Thought
donkey behaved in an unusual way when it God spoke through a donkey to get Balaam’s attention. He speaks
saw the Angel of the Lord. Three times the to us in many different ways and He wants to get our attention too.
donkey behaved in an unusual way. Balaam
scolded the donkey and struck it with his staff. Aim
God caused the donkey to speak to Balaam To show the children that if our heart is not willing to go God’s way
about his sin. Balaam then went on to the we cannot do His will or hear His voice.
king, where he blessed the people instead of
cursing them. Memory Verse
“Listen diligently to Me.” (Isaiah 55:2).

Teaching Approach Theme Two
“You can’t do your own thing”
1. Have the children mime the story as it is
being told, using dress-up clothes, or King Balaak promised great rewards to Balaam if he would curse
Israel. Balaam wanted to curse the Israelites and get the reward,
2. Use a backdrop picture and add felt or but God would not let him. God knew what was in Balaam’s heart
magnetic pictures of the characters as the and how he wanted to get the reward. That’s why Balaam wanted
story is told. to obey the king rather than God. We cannot fool God as He knows
our hearts. Always do what God is requiring of you. Don’t be
persuaded by others to do anything that would displease God.

Key Thought
Balaam wanted to curse Israel, but God wanted to bless Israel.
What God has blessed cannot be cursed.

To show the children we cannot fool God, as God knows what is in
our hearts.
The children may like to act Memory Verse
out the story a couple of
“Do not be deceived, God is not mocked.” (Galatians 6:7).
times to give each student a
prominent role. Alternatively,
you could prepare a short
play based on the story for
the end of the unit.

Page 18 Teacher Resource - Level Two Lesson 36

Activity A - Donkey Book
• 1 of each Activity Sheet per child, photocopied onto
cardboard. God spoke to Balaam God speaks to me
through his donkey. through Mum and Dad.
• Hole punch.
• 2 curtain rings per child, or 2 pieces of ribbon approx. 5
cm long per child.
• Colouring pencils/crayons/felt pens.

At Home
• Cut out one of each 4 donkeys per child.
God speaks to me Listen to those whom
through teachers. God has sent to speak
In Class to you.

• Punch 2 holes in the backs of the donkeys.

• The children can colour each of the donkeys.
• Have the children put the donkeys in the right order and
thread curtain rings or ribbon through the holes, so each
donkey may be turned over like a page and read like a

Activity B - Word Puzzle

• 1 of each Activity Sheet per child. Angel
• Colouring pencils/crayons/felt pens.
• Glue.
• Safety scissors.

• The children colour the pictures.
• Then copy the words from the list into the
correct circles.
• They can then cut out the pictures and glue
them in the correct circles.
Staff Sword

Staff Sword Angel Balaam Donkey

Lesson 36 Teacher Resource - Level Two Page 19

Balaam and his ass
Activity A – Donkey Book

God speaks to me
through Mum and Dad.

God spoke to Balaam

through his donkey.

Page 20 Teacher Resource - Level Two Lesson 36

Balaam and his ass
Activity A – Donkey Book

God speaks to me
through teachers.

Listen to those whom

God has sent to speak
to you.

Lesson 36 Teacher Resource - Level Two Page 21

Balaam and his ass
Activity B – Word and Picture Puzzle

A__ __ __ __
B__ __ __ __ __

S__ __ __ __ S__ __ __ __
D__ __ __ __ __ __

Staff Sword Angel Balaam Donkey

Page 22 Teacher Resource - Level Two Lesson 36
Balaam and his ass
Activity B – Word and Picture Puzzle

Lesson 36 Teacher Resource - Level Two Page 23

Joshua and Rahab Joshua 1 & 2

Storyline Theme One

When Moses died, Joshua was the man chosen “How can we be saved?”
by God to replace Moses. God told Joshua The city of Jericho and all the people living in it were to be
that the children of Israel were to cross the destroyed because of their wickedness. Rahab, however, had come
Jordan and take Jericho. Joshua sent two to trust in God. She showed that she had faith in God by receiving
spies into Jericho. The spies went to Rahab’s the Israelite spies. She obeyed their instruction and put the scarlet
house. The king wanted her to deliver them cord in her window. As a result, she and her whole family were
up to him, but she hid them in the stalks of saved. The scarlet cord is a picture of the blood that Jesus shed for
flax on her roof. Then she asked the spies that us. When we trust Him we, too, can be saved.
her life and the lives of her relatives would be
spared in exchange for the kindness she had Key Thought
shown to the spies. Rahab let the men down Obedience to God’s word and His instruction will lead us to
from the wall by a scarlet cord and they told salvation.
her to put the cord in her window and she and
her family that were inside the house would Aim
be spared. For the children to understand that through faith and obedience they
can be saved.

Suggested Memory Verse

“Believe on the Lord … and you will be saved.” (Acts 16:31).
Teaching Approach
For this age group, keep the theme, as
mentioned above, in view. Tell the story Theme Two
of Joshua and Rahab emphasising Rahab’s “Sometimes we have to behave differently from everyone
fear of the Lord and the trustworthiness of around us to follow God”
God to protect and save as promised. When
dramatising the story, perhaps it could be Everyone in Jericho was afraid of God’s people but they didn’t
helpful to act out the opposite scenario had want to live God’s way. Rahab, knowing the greatness of God and
Rahab not been obedient to the instructions His people, went against her own leaders to help God’s spies. She
given, so that the negative effects of knew that to secure her own salvation and that of her family, she
disobedience to God can also be seen. had to obey every instruction given by God.

Key Thought
It is always important to be loyal to God, even though we may be
unpopular or different from others around us because of our loyalty
to Him.
Rather than ‘telling’ the story,
involve the students in the Aim
explanation. They can act To help the children to learn that to be loyal to God is an everyday
as characters or add sound way of life for a Christian.
effects.Using visual aids
helps students remember the Memory Verse
story. “No one can serve two masters.” (Matthew 6:24).

Page 24 Teacher Resource - Level Two Lesson 37

Activity A - Colour and Glue
• 1 Activity Sheet per child.
• 1 set of Rahab and the two spies per child.
• Strips of paper, material, leaves or straw.
• Safety scissors.
• Glue.
• Crayons/colouring pencils/felt pens.

• If possible, let the children go outside and
gather leaves, grass etc.
• The children colour the pictures of Rahab,
the spies and Rahab’s house.
• They then cut out the figures of Rahab and
the spies.
• Glue the figure on the roof of Rahab’s
house with the spies lying down.
• Cover the spies with leaves, straw, paper or material.

Activity B - Escaping Spies

• 1 Activity Sheet per child.
• 1 set of figures per child.
• Glue.
• Safety scissors.
• 2 lengths of red wool per child.
• Colouring pencils/crayons/felt pens.

• The children colour the picture of
Rahab, cut it out and glue it in the
window of her house.
• Glue the two lengths of red wool
from the window to the ground.
• Colour in the two spies, cut them out
and glue them to the side of the wool
as if they were climbing down the
• Colour Rahab’s house if time

Lesson 37 Teacher Resource - Level Two Page 25

Activity AA –– Colour
Spiral Serpents
and Glue

Page 26 Teacher Resource - Level Two Lesson 37

Joshua and Rahab
Activity A – Colour and Glue

Lesson 37 Teacher Resource - Level Two Page 27

Joshua and Rahab
Activity B – Escaping Spies

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Joshua and Rahab
Activity B – Escaping Spies

Lesson 37 Teacher Resource - Level Two Page 29

Crossing the Jordan,
Jericho Joshua 3 – 6;
I Kings 16:34

Storyline Theme One

After 40 years the time had come for Joshua “We can trust God”
to lead God’s people across the Jordan River It took a long time before God’s people had enough faith to trust
into the land God had promised them. Joshua in His word, to be able to live as God’s people and overcome their
ordered the people to follow the priests enemies in Canaan. While they were learning, God protected them,
carrying the Ark of the Covenant. As the fed them, and when they were ready, He brought them into the
priests stepped into the river the water stopped promised land just as He had said. God is patient with us as we are
flowing and began to pile up like a great learning to live by faith.
wall. Joshua and the children of Israel all
crossed safely to the other side. God then told Key Thought
Joshua to select twelve men, one from each God’s love for us may mean that we have to wait, change or learn
tribe, and have them take a stone each out of some things before He allows us the answer to our prayers.
the Jordan River and place them where they
camped. This was to mark the spot where Aim
God stopped the waters so that the children To impress upon the children that God is absolutely faithful and is
of Israel could cross safely. Joshua was now to be trusted. It is important for us to be trustworthy like God.
ready to attack the city of Jericho that was
surrounded by a high wall. God gave Joshua Memory Verse
special instructions to follow. Joshua and the “Trust in the Lord, and do good.” (Psalm 37:3).
people followed these instructions and the
walls of Jericho crashed to the ground. God
was faithful. Theme Two
“God gives victory through obedience”
Suggested It does not matter how big or small a situation in our lives may be,
God can give us the way to overcome. We must listen to what God
Teaching Approach has to say to us and be willing to obey all His instructions, just as
This lesson lends itself to an outdoor Joshua did with the taking of Jericho.
dramatisation. The Jordan can be two blue Key Thought
towels parted as the children march through.
Nothing is too hard for God. The battle is not ours but God’s when
Jericho can be built of a circle of cardboard
we choose His way. The people only had to obey Him and He gave
boxes, the more the better. Trumpets can be
them the victory.
made from sheets of paper rolled into cone
shapes and secured by the tape. The children Aim
will enjoy blowing the trumpets, shouting
To encourage the children to obey God’s word and see Him bring
and destroying the city. If you decide to
the victory His way.
include Rahab, make sure the spies get her out
quickly, before the city is destroyed. Memory Verse
“Thanks be to God, who gives us the victory.”
(I Corinthians 15:57).

Preparation is the key to success.

If you plan to take students
outside for an activity, have every
detail clear in your mind. This will
ensure the effectiveness of the

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Activity A - Find the Way to Jericho
Help Joshua and God’s people find their way to Jericho.
Materials Start
Name 6 things you see on the way.
• 1 Activity Sheet per child.
• Crayons/colouring pencils/felt pens.

• The children follow the path with a brightly coloured crayon.
• If time permits, the children can then colour the rest of the

Activity B - Word Puzzle - A Wall of Letters

Draw a circle around the first letter,

then every second letter, and write them Materials
in the spaces below to find the message. • 1 Activity Sheet per child.
• Pens/pencils.
• Have the children circle every
E L M M B N E O R P H second letter on the wall, then
Q O R W S G T O U O V write them in the spaces below
the wall to make a sentence.

Lesson 38 Teacher Resource - Level Two Page 31

The bronze
the Jordan,
A – Find
A – Spiral
the Way
to Jericho

Help Joshua and God’s people find their way to Jericho.

Name 6 things you see on the way.

Page 32 Teacher Resource - Level Two Lesson 38

Crossing the Jordan, Jericho
Activity B – Word Puzzle – A Wall of Letters

Draw a circle around the first letter,

then every second letter, and write them
in the spaces below to find the message.

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ __ __

Lesson 38 Teacher Resource - Level Two Page 33

The sin of Achan Joshua 7

Storyline Theme One

One man in Israel, Achan, was not “God cannot ignore sin”
trustworthy. He and his family disobeyed Achan knew full well that God had said they were not to take
God by taking treasures from Jericho which anything from Jericho. The whole city was to be burned and the
the Israelites were told not to take. God soldiers were not to take any of the loot. He deliberately disobeyed
was not able to protect the whole nation of God. He suffered punishment as a result and so did his family.
Israel because of this man’s disobedience and Thirty-six soldiers also suffered because of his sin. Disobedience
covetousness. As a result, some of the people is sin and God cannot tolerate sin. If we deliberately disobey what
of Israel died at Ai in battle. Joshua fell God says, we can expect to suffer for it. Our sin can affect others
down and cried out to the Lord for help. The also.
Lord told Joshua to destroy the family that
had disobeyed Him. Achan and his family Key Thought
confessed to taking a garment, a bar of gold Our disobedience not only affects our relationship with God, but
and some silver coins. Achan and all of his quite often hurts those around us.
family were killed so that the nation of Israel
could again be protected by God. Aim
To help the children understand that the love of God cannot ignore
and overlook sin.
Memory Verse
Teaching Approach “Be sure your sin will find you out.” (Numbers 32:23).
The story of Achan can be linked to the
children’s own experience by a number of
anecdotal stories about children their own Theme Two
age who sin and then face the consequences. “Temptation can lead to sin”
Bring out the points about (a) hiding sin
and (b) the consequences of sin. Use the Achan was obviously a greedy man. When he was helping to
following examples or think of your own: destroy Jericho, he saw a good garment and some silver and gold.
He knew that God had said they were not to touch anything or take
• Billy’s mother told him on no account it for themselves. But he allowed his greed to become a temptation
was he to play with the dishwasher. One and then temptation became sin. We must be very careful not to
day when she was out shopping, he give way to temptations because they can easily end up by making
thought he’d see if he could make the us sin.
dishwasher work and broke it. He said
nothing about it (after all, it could have Key Thought
been ready to break in any case). When Temptation is not a sin, even Jesus Himself was tempted by Satan
his mother tried to get the dishwasher to but did not sin. When temptation comes, reject it quickly.
work that night, it would not go, and the
family had a huge amount of washing up Aim
to do by hand. To encourage the children to deal with temptation before it leads
• Mary’s shoes are missing because she them to sin.
didn’t put them away when she was
told. The whole family is kept late for Memory Verse
a function while Mary searches for her “Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation.” (Matthew
shoes. Sin affects others. 26:41).

Young students are not always discreet

when recounting personal anecdotes. You
need to structure questions and scenarios
that avoid too much disclosure.

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Activity A - Link the Pictures
• 1 Activity Sheet per child.
• 1 blank sheet of paper per child.
• Crayons/colouring pencils/felt pens.
• Glue.

At Home
• Cut out the pictures and place 1 set in an envelope for each child.

In Class
• The children are each given a set of cut-out pictures.
• They colour in each picture and glue them at random on their blank
sheet of paper.
• Ask the children to draw a line between the pictures that go together, ie.
the action and the reward/punishment.
• Use a different coloured pencil to link the different sets of pictures.
• Have the children talk about what happened in each picture and the consequence of this action

Activity B - Magic Painting

• 1 Activity Sheet per child.
• White crayon or candle.
• Thin water based paint.
• Paint brushes.
• Protective clothing.
• Drop sheet.

At Home
• After photocopying the Activity Sheet
for each child, draw or trace Achan’s
stolen treasure in white crayon or candle
in the opening of Achan’s tent.

In Class
• The children are given the picture of
Achan’s tent and asked if they can see
Achan’s stolen treasure and do they think
God can see it?
• Children paint over the entire picture to reveal Achan’s treasure.
• Relate this to them not being able to hide things from God.

Lesson 39 Teacher Resource - Level Two Page 35

sin of Achan

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The sin of Achan
Activity B – Magic Painting

Lesson 39 Teacher Resource - Level Two Page 37

The sin of Achan
Activity B – Magic Painting

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Lesson 39 Teacher Resource - Level Two Page 39

The sun stands still Joshua 10:1-15

Storyline Theme One

Five kings of the Amorites banded together “Power of prayer”
and came against Joshua and his army. God Just as Joshua faced the five kings, so we have many areas of
told Joshua not to be afraid because He was difficulty to overcome in our lives, eg. bad temper, loneliness,
going to fight the battle with Joshua. Joshua inability to share, disobedience, etc. When Joshua asked God to
and his army killed many of the enemy. God help him with a big thing, God performed a big miracle (making the
then sent hailstones from heaven which killed sun stand still). God is just as able to help us with our difficulties
more of the enemy. When Joshua asked, God and problems if we ask Him.
made the sun and moon stand still so that he
could finish the battle without stopping for the Key Thought
night. The Lord fought the battle for Joshua Through diligent prayer (ie asking God) we can see God make
and the people of Israel. changes in our lives.

Suggested To show the children that when we pray and trust God, He is
willing and able to work on our behalf.
Teaching Approach
Memory Verse
1. Tell the story of Joshua and the battle,
making sure you express the incredible “Pray without ceasing.” (I Thessalonians 5:17).
power of God in making the sun stand
2. Remind the children that it was God who
Theme Two
created the sun, and night and day, and “God will help me”
therefore He is certainly able to do this When Joshua faced the fight, God told him not to be scared,
miracle. God is able to meet the needs in because God would be fighting the battle with him. We sometimes
their lives. battle with jealousy, anger, selfishness, etc. God will help us not to
3. Tell them how important it is to get to give in to these things if we let Him. For example, we may see a
know this wonderful God. One way is friend has a new bicycle and we feel jealous. But then God helps
through prayer. us to be content with what we have.

Key Thought
No matter how big the battle is, if we trust in God and ask for His
help then He will help us overcome. Nothing is too big for God.

To show the children that God doesn’t ask us to do anything that we
cannot do, but will help us win the battle.

Memory Verse
“The Lord will fight for you.” (Exodus 14:14).

You can add a game element to

this lesson by including a ‘freeze’
activity. When acting out the
story, the Joshua character can
say freeze to try to catch any who
are moving.

Page 40 Teacher Resource - Level Two Lesson 40

Activity A - Praying Hands Mobile
• 1 Activity Sheet per child.
• Scissors.
• 1 plastic straw per child. Wool
• Wool or string.
• Bodkin or wool needle.
• Hole punch or stapler. Straw

• The children colour in the hands and the heading.
• With the aid of a bodkin, thread a piece of wool (at
least one and a half times longer than the straw)
through each straw and tie the ends together, to
make a hanger for the mobile.
• Punch two holes in the centre of the heading, one
at the top, one at the bottom. Punch one hole in the
top of the hands.
• Make the mobiles by joining the heading to the
centre of the straw with a short length of wool, then
the prayer hands to the heading with a short length
of wool.
• These last three steps could also be done with a
stapler rather than a hole punch, if desired.

Activity B - Sun Dial

• Cardboard.
• Scissors.
4 cm

• Felt pens.
• Stanley knife for the teacher to use.
10 cm
At Home
• Draw circles with a diameter of 20 cm on the cardboard,
enough for the whole class.
• Draw enough triangles to match with a base of 10 cm, and
Slits a height of around 4 cm. On the baseline draw three small

In Class
20 cm
• The children decorate the edge of the sun dial, then slip the
tabs on the triangle through the slits in the circle (with the
pointed end facing the outside of the circle) and bend the tabs
Decorate Border underneath (two one way and one the other).
• Take the children outside and show them how the sun dial
works, by pointing it to the north.
• Perhaps they could be given a project of marking the shadow
every hour during the week.

Lesson 40 Teacher Resource - Level Two Page 41

The bronze
sun stands
A –APraying
– SpiralHands

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Lesson 40 Teacher Resource - Level Two Page 43

Gideon’s fleece Judges 6:36-40

Storyline Theme One

God sent the Angel of the Lord to Gideon to “Believing and seeing”
tell him that God would use him to save the Gideon found it hard to believe that God could use him. He was
people from the enemy. Gideon didn’t believe asked for signs to strengthen his faith. This was because Gideon
God could use him to do this, so he tested thought if he could see God’s power in action, he could believe and
God by putting a fleece out on the ground obey God. God is calling us to obey Him first and then He will let
overnight. He asked God to wet the fleece us see and understand whatever He is doing in our lives.
and leave the ground dry. This happened, but
Gideon wanted more proof, so he put the wool Key Thought
out again, this time wanting the fleece dry and God wants us to trust Him and obey His word.
the ground wet. Once again, God performed
the miracle. Aim
For the children to learn that the only way to understand what God
is doing in their lives is to be obedient first.
Memory Verse
Teaching Approach “We walk by faith, not by sight.” (II Corinthians 5:7).
1. Take two trays with sand/dirt and two
pieces of cloth/sheepskin to the lesson.
Using a spray bottle to wet (a) ‘the fleece’ Theme Two
and (b) ‘the ground.’ When spraying, “Living in a new way”
show the children how hard it is to just
wet one thing and not the other. In spite of all of God’s earlier signs, Gideon asked for another sign
with the fleece. God wanted Gideon to walk in a new way. Many
2. If the lesson is early in the day, or on a times we are faced with the sin of fear in our lives, but there is no
cool enough day, some dew may be found need to be that way. God wants us to live as new people in Christ,
in a still shady spot outside. Encourage then we will walk in faith and not fear.
the children to notice where the dew has
appeared. Key Thought
Christians trust God and He helps them.

For the children to know that God will help them even when they
are nervous or scared.

Memory Verse
“Put on the new man.” (Ephesians 4:24).

Lower primary students will

naturally have a real trust in
God. Reinforce the thought
that they can trust God in
any situation.

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Activity A - Make Gideon’s Fleece
• 1 Activity Sheet per child, mounted or photocopied
onto cardboard.
• 1 roll of cotton wool.
• Glue.
• Glitter (to illustrate dew).

• The children glue cotton wool onto the fleeces on the
Activity Sheet.
• They then place glue around the outside of one fleece
and sprinkle glitter on the glue.
• The second fleece has a small amount of glue spread
on top of the fleece.
• Sprinkle glitter onto the glue on the fleece.

Activity B - Coded Message


• 1 Activity Sheet per child.
• Pens/pencils.
the code to
• Explain to the children, that what
finish the
happened with Gideon and the fleece sentences 1 = R
is something special that God did, but below.
God can show Himself to us in the 2=V
things that happen to us everyday. 3=A
• Discuss with the children how God
shows Himself and His love to them 4=D 7=I
in every day things.
• The children work out the coded 6=Y 5=E
9=N 10 = G

God showed his love to

10 7 4 5 8 9.
God shows His love to us
5 2 5 1 6 4 3 6.

Lesson 41 Teacher Resource - Level Two Page 45

A – AMake
– Spiral

Page 46 Teacher Resource - Level Two Lesson 41

Gideon’s Fleece
Activity B – Coded Message

God showed his love to

10 7 4 5 8 9.

God shows His love to us

5 2 5 1 6 4 3 6.

Lesson 41 Teacher Resource - Level Two Page 47

Gideon and his army Judges 6:11-35;
7:1 - 8:28

Storyline Theme One

The Lord told Gideon that he was a valiant “When we are weak, God is strong”
warrior, and that he should deliver the Gideon could not lean on his own strength or cleverness to win
Israelites from their enemy. Gideon found the battle, because he had none. Yet with a small number of men,
it hard to believe that God would choose obedient to God’s instructions, he and his men won an amazing
him to defeat the enemy, as his family was victory. It is the same for us. God often allows us to feel weak, so
the least in their clan and he was least in his that we realise it is not our ability that helps us. At times, He will
family. The first thing God told him to do was ask us to do things that we think we cannot do. We must trust Him
to destroy the altar and idol that the people to help us to do what He wants.
worshipped. Later, God wanted Gideon to
march on the enemy, but first God had to Key Thought
choose just 300 men out of the whole land, to Gideon found that the battle was won by God’s tactics, not man’s.
march with Gideon. God said to send home He knew God wanted him to do the job, but knew he could not do it
all those who were afraid and a lot of people in his own strength.
left. Then God told Gideon to have all the
men go down to the water for a drink. God Aim
told Gideon to separate all those who lifted For the children to learn that even though we are weak, God can
water up to their mouths with their hand from still use us.
all those who got down on their knees to
drink. There were 300 men who lifted water Memory Verse
up to their mouths to drink and these were the “When I am weak, then I am strong.” (II Corinthians 12:10).
men God chose. It was night time and Gideon
gave each man an empty pitcher with a torch
in it, to hold in his left hand, and a trumpet to Theme Two
hold in his right hand. On Gideon’s signal,
they broke the pitchers, blew the trumpets “We must put God first”
and shouted, “The sword of the Lord and of Israel was not listening to God. Instead, they worshipped idols.
Gideon” and the enemy either killed each Gideon tore down the idols and told the people to obey God. God
other, or ran away, pursued by Gideon’s army. won a mighty victory when the people listened and obeyed.

Key Thought
Suggested God blesses us when we listen to Him.

Teaching Approach Aim

For the children to know that they should listen to their parents and
1. During the course of the story, encourage
others who care for them.
the children to participate by acting out
the various stages of the story, eg: Memory Verse
• The choosing of soldiers: look fearful “Little children, keep yourselves from idols.” (I John 5:21).
and walk away; kneel down and
pretend to lap water like a dog; bend
over and put hand to mouth, as if Establish and maintain a
drinking water from it. resource box full of glue,
• The attack on the Midianites: blow felt pens, pencils, safety
trumpets; break pitchers; call out in scissors etc.
big voices, “The sword of the Lord Allow time at the end of the
and of Gideon!” lesson to tidy up the work
2. Finish with a marching song such as, area and resource box.
“God’s got an army.”

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Activity A - Make a Trumpet
A. A.

• 1 Activity Sheet per child.
• Safety scissors.
• Glue or sticky tape.

• Colouring pencils or felt pens, glitter, or any other things with which to
decorate a trumpet.


• The children colour or decorate the trumpet.

• Cut the trumpet out and place glue along side “B”.
• Attach side “A” to side “B”.
• If using sticky tape, simply place side “A” on side “B” and tape together.

Activity B - Board Game “Win the Battle”
• 1 Activity Sheet per child,
mounted or photocopied onto
Fearful soldiers
• Colouring pencils or felt pens. Gideon leave.
• Glue (spray glue is best, destroyed the Go Back
One Space
otherwise use a glue stick). altar of Baal.
Free Turn
• 1 Activity Sheet enlarged
to A3 size and mounted on
Soldiers lapping
cardboard. water like dogs
• 1 marker per child and a dice dismissed.
Back To Start
• The children colour their take
home copies of the game as Hand drinkers
brightly as possible. chosen.
Go Ahead
• If time permits, play the game 2 Spaces
in class using the A3 size copy.

by visit from
the Lord.
Go Ahead
1 Space
Gideon’s army
stands in its
place of
Go To Finish


Lesson 42 Teacher Resource - Level Two Page 49

The bronze
and his
Activity AA –– Make

A. A.



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Gideon and his army
Activity B – Board Game “Win the Battle”

Lesson 42 Teacher Resource - Level Two Page 51

Samson Judges 13 & 15

Storyline Theme One

The Israelites had been ruled by the Philistines “God had a plan for us before we were born”
for forty years when the Angel of the Lord Samson’s parents asked the Angel of the Lord to teach them what to
came to Manoah’s wife, who could not have do for the child who was to be born. Christian parents too, ask the
children, and told her she would have a son. Lord how to bring their children up. They spend many hours not
Her son was going to be a Nazirite and was only praying for their children, but teaching their children the way
never to cut his hair. Manoah asked God to God wants them to live. It is wonderful to have praying parents to
send the Angel again and this time, Manoah help us find our place in His body. Praying parents are a treasure.
spoke with Him. When the baby was born They can guide us in the way God wants us to go.
he was named Samson and as he grew up,
whenever the Spirit of God came upon him, Key Thought
he had great strength and was able to kill large God works in many different ways to bring His plan to pass. Our
numbers of Philistines. One time, Samson parents pray for us, and ask God to direct our lives. God works
caught 300 foxes, put a fire between their tails through their prayers.
and burned all the crops of the Philistines.
This made the Philistines very angry and Aim
when they came after Samson, the Israelites For the children to know how special it is to have praying, Christian
tied him up and gave him to them. However, parents, who can teach us God’s ways.
God gave Samson great strength and he broke
free from the ropes, picked up the jawbone of Memory Verse
a donkey and killed one thousand Philistines. “He will be our guide.” (Psalm 48:14).
Afterwards he was very thirsty and he asked
God for water. God split the ground and made
water come out of it for Samson. Theme Two
“God’s Spirit makes us strong”
Suggested Being strong in the Lord does not always mean we have big
muscles. Samson had to wait for the Spirit of the Lord to move
Teaching Approach upon him, before he could use his amazing, God-given strength.
1. Tell the children that part of the Nazarite The Holy Spirit can give us a different kind of strength that we
vow was to never use a razor. don’t usually have, to enable us to do God’s will. We need God’s
amazing strength to be able to love the person who is difficult, to be
2. Tell the children about some examples kind to the person who is unkind, to forgive the one who hursts us,
of great strength in followers of Christ and to pray for our enemies.
known to you – perhaps you may like to
mention one of these well-known people: Key Thought
• Corrie Ten Boom, who loved her Nazi Samson’s strength came from the power of the Holy Spirit. The
enemies; Holy Spirit has not changed. He can move in us too, as we learn to
• Jim Elliott’s wife Elizabeth, who brought live God’s way.
the gospel to her husband’s murderers;
• Gladys Aylwood, who marched through
For the children to know that we can do nothing for God in our own
China to rescue a band of children;
strength. It is the Holy Spirit that gives us the power to do His will.
• Nicky Cruz who was pursued by the love
of God; Memory Verse
• Brother Andrew who smuggled Bibles “The Lord is the strength of my life.” (Psalm 27:1).
into communist countries;
Establish a planning sheet to
• David Wilkerson (“The Cross and the
ensure enough time is allocated
Switchblade”) who delivered young
to each element of the lesson.
people from drug addiction.

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Activity A - Put the Muscles on Samson
• 1 of each 2 Activity Sheets per child, mounted
or photocopied onto cardboard.
• String.
• Scissors (if Samson figure is to be cut in

At Home
• Pre-cut the Samson and the pieces from the
Activity Sheets if the children would not be
capable of doing this in class.

In Class
• The children glue the muscles and head onto
the scrawny Samson.
• “Bind up” Samson with a length of string.

Activity B - Make Bar Bells

• 2 balloons per child.
• Masking tape for attaching balloons.
• 1 cylinder per child, eg: plastic food wrap rolls, manilla cardboard rolled into cylinders, or strips of strong
cardboard box approx. 30 cm long.

At Home
• Write in permanent marking pen, one word of strength on each balloon, eg: prayer, love, kindness, forgiveness,
hope or faith.
• Write on cylinder or cardboard strip as follows, leaving enough blanks for the children to write in the word
‘strength,’ eg: The Lord is my __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __.

In Class
• Have the children fill in the blanks on the cylinders or cardboard strips.
• Have the children blow up 2 balloons each.
• Help the children to tape a balloon to each end of their cylinder or cardboard strip.

Lesson 43 Teacher Resource - Level Two Page 53

The bronze
A – PutA the
– Spiral
on Samson

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Activity A – Put the Muscles on Samson

Lesson 43 Teacher Resource - Level Two Page 55

Samson and Delilah Judges 16

Storyline Theme One

Samson loved a Philistine woman called “Choosing friends”
Delilah, but she loved money more than she For God’s people, being a friend means being truthful and loving.
loved Samson. When the Philistines offered Delilah did not love Samson and she lied to him. It is very
her lots of money if she would find out how important that we choose our friends wisely. Bad friends only use
Samson got his great strength, she quickly us for their own selfish gains. In fact, they can never be real friends
agreed. Samson lied to her three times, but and you can never share important things with them. Just like
after she pestered him day and night, he Samson and Delilah, bad friends can cost us our lives.
finally told her if his head was shaved, he
would lose all his strength. Delilah lulled Key Thought
Samson to sleep on her lap, and then called a Samson’s friendship with Delilah cost him his life. We should be
man to shave his head. When the Philistines careful how we choose our friends, especially when we belong to
came to get him, the Spirit of the Lord had God.
left him and he had no strength to fight them.
They took him away, poked his eyes out and Aim
put him in prison. Samson’s hair began to To encourage the children to be selective with friendships, so they
grow, while he was in prison and one day, do not move away from God.
when the Philistines wanted him to perform
for them, he asked God to strengthen him Memory Verse
just once more. When the Lord did, Samson “A friend loves at all times.” (Proverbs 17:17).
pushed out the two main posts of the building
they were in and it crashed down, killing more
Philistines at one time, than he had killed in Theme Two
his whole life. Samson was also killed when
the building crashed down. “Second chance”
Samson thought he would always have his amazing strength. We
can take God’s presence and power for granted, too. God cannot
Suggested strengthen us if we are not in His will. God gave Samson back
his strength, when Samson, blind and bound, cried out to Him.
Teaching Approach Sometimes things happen in our lives that we let take us away from
1. Discuss how the Lord strengthened the Lord, but when we turn back to Him with a soft heart, he can
Samson one more time, and to illustrate give us a second chance.
how strong Samson was, have the Key Thought
children all together push against a wall
When Samson turned back to God, he was given a second chance
of the building you are in to see if they
to defeat the enemy. When we fail, God is merciful and will give
can push it over!
us a second chance, if we turn to Him.
2. Discuss how the children feel when they
have been tricked by someone. Aim
3. Ask the children how they choose their For the children to know that God can give us a second chance,
friends. even when we don’t deserve it.

Memory Verse
“The Lord is merciful and gracious.” (Psalm 103:8).

Sometimes it is hard to anticipate

how long the main activity will
take. In these instances, practise
at home to get your timing ‘spot

Page 56 Teacher Resource - Level Two Lesson 44

Activity A - Make a Circle of Friends
• 1 Activity Sheet per child.
• Colouring pencils or crayons.
• Safety scissors.
• Glue.

Steps Sharing
• Children trace over the dotted letters. Helping
• Colour the circles with the words on them, in different colours.
• Cut out the circles on the bottom of the page and glue them over the
dotted circles.
• Discuss these friendship traits with the children while they are doing the

Activity B - The Two Faces of Samson


• 1 Activity Sheet per child.

• 1 Piece of card the size of half an
A4 sheet per child.
• Craft glue.
• Coloured wool.
• Safety scissors.
• Hole punch.

At Home
• Cut out the two faces on the
Activity Sheet and glue one on each
side of a piece of card, making sure SAD, SHORT HAIRED SAMSON
you line them up correctly.
• Repeat this process for each child in
your class.
• Cut the card around the shape of the faces.
• Punch 7 holes to represent Samson’s 7 locks of hair on top of the face.
• Cut 7 pieces of wool to tie through holes for each child.

In Class
• Have children tie a length of wool through each punched hole.
• Ensure that the sad face has a short length of wool and the happy side has a longer one for each hole.

Lesson 44 Teacher Resource - Level Two Page 57

A – Make
A – Spiral
a Circle
of Friends



Page 58 Teacher Resource - Level Two Lesson 44

Samson and Delilah
Activity B – The Two Faces of Samson



Lesson 44 Teacher Resource - Level Two Page 59

Ruth, Naomi
and Boaz Ruth

Storyline Theme One

There was a famine in the land of Israel, so “Honour your mother”
Elimelech took his wife Naomi and his two God chose Naomi to be Ruth’s mother-in-law and Ruth loved and
sons to live in the land of Moab. While they honoured her. She told Naomi that she would follow her back to
were there, the two sons married Moabite Naomi’s land, and become one of her people. She also said she
women. Their wives’ names were Orpah would follow God as Naomi did. As children, we must honour
and Ruth. Naomi’s husband and sons died our parents too. We must listen to them when they speak to us,
in Moab and she was very sad. She heard and respect what they have to say. Remember, God chose them
that the famine was over in her own land, especially for us and if we honour them, we will be blessed.
so she decided to go home to Bethlehem.
Orpah and Naomi wanted to go with her, but Key Thought
Naomi encouraged them to return to their own Ruth honoured her mother-in-law by listening and doing what she
families. Orpah returned, but Ruth refused. said, and God blessed her for it. God will bless us if we obey our
So Ruth and Naomi travelled together to parents.
Bethlehem. Ruth left everything behind to
be with Naomi. When the women arrived Aim
in Bethlehem, Ruth worked in the fields To teach the children know the importance of honouring their
belonging to a relative of Elimelech, named parents by paying attention to what they say to them.
Boaz. She would walk behind the reapers,
picking up the wheat and barley they dropped. Memory Verse
Boaz liked Ruth and took care of her by “Honour your father and mother.” (Ephesians 6:2).
telling his reapers to drop more grain for her
to pick up. Naomi told Ruth to go to Boaz Theme Two
one night and sleep at his feet for protection.
Ruth asked Boaz to buy back the field which “Trust and obey”
Naomi had sold. There was a closer relative When Naomi told Ruth to go and sleep at the feet of Boaz, Ruth
than Boaz, but he was not willing to do did not know how it would turn out, but she was obedient to her
this as it involved also marrying Ruth. To mother-in-law. Sometimes we are called to be obedient, but cannot
confirm this, he took off his sandal and gave see the purpose of what we are being called to do, or how it will
it to Boaz. Boaz then purchased the land and turn out. For instance, we may not even like playing a musical
married Ruth. instrument, or think that we will be musicians, but Dad and Mum
are calling us to practise every day. Obedience does not depend on
whether we know how something will turn out, or not.
Key Thought
Teaching Approach
Ruth trusted Naomi and did what Naomi told her to do, even
Talk about who looks after people in our though she may not have understood why. We must trust and obey
society today. Explain that when we work, our parents even if we don’t understand why they ask us to do
the government keeps some of our pay, to help certain things.
look after us when we can’t work eg when we Aim
are sick, old, widowed, or really can’t find a
For the children to know that by simply obeying their parents, they
job. You might refer to retired grandparents,
can trust God to work all things together for good.
etc. Explain that in the days of Naomi and
Ruth, families had to look after their own old, Memory Verse
or sick, or widowed people, as there was no
“All things work together for good.” (Romans 8:28).
government help them.
Sometimes lessons finish early.
Have a favourite game ready,
just in case.

Page 60 Teacher Resource - Level Two Lesson 45

Activity A - Role Play Story
This activity is best done outside where the birds can benefit from the dropped popcorn.
• A few tea towels or similar, that can be rolled down at the top and used as head dresses.
• 1 large apron or similar, for “Ruth” to tie around her waist.
• A fairly large amount of popcorn.
• Several ice-cream containers or similar.
• 1 large plastic drop sheet, or a blanket, if doing this activity indoors.

At Home
• Make lots of popcorn.
In Class
• Reserve enough popcorn to have for morning tea, then divide the rest up into containers.
• Choose one child to be Ruth, one to be Boaz, one to be Naomi and the rest to be reapers.
• Put tea towels on the reapers and Boaz, and the apron on Ruth.
• Show the children the actions of reaping.
• Narrate the story as the children do all the actions.
• Have clean popcorn for morning tea.
• Naomi told Ruth to go into the field and pick up the grain that the reapers dropped. (Have the reapers drop just a
few pieces of popcorn as they reap.)
• Ruth was gathering the grain in her apron, when Boaz noticed her picking up the little that was dropped. Boaz
spoke to the reapers and told them to leave more for Ruth to pick up. (Boaz speaks to the reapers and they begin
dropping lots of popcorn.)
• Ruth gathers as much as she can in her apron and takes it home to Naomi.

Activity B - Guess Who

Materials Guess Who?
• 1 of each 2 Activity Sheets per child.
• Colouring pencils or felt pens.
• Safety scissors.
• Stapler and staples.

At Home Who picked Who cried
up the leftover a lot after
• If your class does not have the skills yet, pre-cut the Activity her
grain in Boaz’
Sheets – cut only along the dotted lines around the pictures, field? husband
leaving one side uncut. and
In Class died?
• Staple the Activity Sheet with the pictures, on top of the Activity
Sheet with the letters, so that when you fold back the pictures, you
Who took off
reveal the place for the answer to be written underneath. his sandal?
• Ruth.
• Naomi.
• A close relative.

Lesson 45 Teacher Resource - Level Two Page 61

The bronze
Naomi and
AB– Spiral
– GuessSerpents

Guess Who?

Who picked Who cried

up the leftover a lot after
grain in Boaz’ her
field? husband

Who took off

his sandal?

Page 62 Teacher Resource - Level Two Lesson 45

Ruth, Naomi and Boaz
Activity B – Guess Who

Lesson 45 Teacher Resource - Level Two Page 63

Hannah I Samuel 1 & 2

Storyline Theme One

Elkanah lived in Ephraim and had two wives, “God is a comforter”
Hannah and Peninnah. However, Hannah was When the other women made fun of Hannah and made her cry, she
unable to have children and because of this, came to the Lord and told Him all about it, and how she felt. When
Peninnah was mean to her. Hannah was not people make fun of us, or tease us about things, we can always
mean back to them, but she cried a lot and was come to Jesus and tell Him about it. When no one else can comfort
very sad. One day she went into the temple us, God can, because He sees right inside of us and loves us more
and prayed for a long time, very quietly. She than anyone else does. We can trust God with all of our difficult
was just moving her lips as her heart really situations.
cried out to God for a baby, promising, if
the Lord gave her a son, to give him back to Key Thought
the Lord, to serve Him. The old priest, Eli, There are times when there doesn’t seem to be anyone who can
thought she was drunk, but she explained to comfort us, but we are always able to find comfort in the Lord.
him that she was just very upset. God heard
Hannah’s prayers and gave her a son, whom Aim
she called Samuel. Hannah was very happy, To encourage the children to talk to the Lord about everything and
and when Samuel was still a little boy, she tell Him their feelings.
took him to the temple and gave him back to
God. Memory Verse
“I ... am He who comforts you.” (Isaiah 51:12).

Teaching Approach Theme Two
“Giving to God”
1. Tell the children that in the time when
Hannah was married, people had babies When God gives us something we really want, or it means a lot to
within a year or two. If they did not us, we have to remember not to keep it to ourselves. Hannah did
have a baby in the first year or so, it was not keep Samuel to herself, but gave him back to God. This way,
thought that God was not pleased with Samuel blessed a whole nation, not just his mother. When we give
them. our blessings back to God, they bless more than just ourselves. We
begin to learn this by sharing with others our own favourite things,
2. Hannah prayed silently in the temple. like special dolls, or cars, or building blocks, or teddy bears.
Have the children suggest different ways
and places where they can pray, eg. eyes Key Thought
opened, eyes closed, on knees, hands Hannah did not keep Samuel to herself, and just like Hannah, we
together, out loud, in a group, by yourself, need to hand our blessings back to God and not clutch them to
at the meal table, in the playground, etc. ourselves.
3. Take a teddy bear (or similar) into class
and hold it tightly to your chest. Say Aim
things like, “He’s so soft,” or “Isn’t he For the children to learn that the good things from God are to be
beautiful?” and the like. Start to hold him shared with others.
out to someone, then clutch him back to
yourself saying, “No, you can’t have him, Memory Verse
he’s mine.” Lead into the story. “God loves a cheerful giver.” (II Corinthians 9:7).

This lesson provides a good

opportunity for the students to
share equipment, help others
to clean up and to use good

Page 64 Teacher Resource - Level Two Lesson 46

Activity A - My Book of Hannah
• 1 Activity Sheet per child.
• Colouring pencils/felt pens.
• Glue.
• Stapler.
• Safety scissors.

• The children colour the pictures, and write over
the faint/dotted words.
• Cut along all solid lines on the Activity Sheet.
• Place the two blank sides together, and glue or
staple around the edges.
• Fold in half and staple down the centre to form
a booklet.

Activity B - Pipe cleaner Activity

• Pipe cleaners of various colours.

At Home
• Assemble a prototype for the children to see.

In Class
• Have each of the children make four shapes out of five pipe cleaners.
• One heart (red), and the letters J O Y out of any colours. Note the letter Y needs two pipe cleaners of the same
• Hang the letters from the heart as per below:

Lesson 46 Teacher Resource - Level Two Page 65

The bronze
A –A My
– Spiral
of Hannah

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Lesson 46 Teacher Resource - Level Two Page 67

Samuel hears
God speak I Samuel 3

Storyline Theme One

As Samuel was going to sleep one night in the “Can we hear God?”
temple, the Lord called him by name and he When Samuel was a little boy, he learned to listen to God. He did
ran to Eli and said, “Here I am,” but Eli had not expect to hear from God, he only expected to hear Eli speak to
not called him. This happened three times, him. We need to be listening carefully, so that we know when God
until Eli realised it was God calling Samuel is speaking to us. He speaks to us today, not in a loud voice, but to
and told him to answer, “Speak, Lord, for your our hearts. The word that we hear from our parents, in Sonseekers,
servant hears.” Samuel did this, and God told church, or in our devotions, can be God speaking to our hearts.
him of all the things that were going to happen Everybody can know when God is speaking to them.
to Israel, and also to Eli’s wicked sons. Eli
persuaded Samuel to tell him all the things Key Thought
that God had said, even though Samuel was Just like Samuel, God wants us to be able to listen and heed His
scared, and in time, all these things happened voice when He is speaking to us.
as God said they would. Samuel grew in the
Lord and became known throughout all Israel Aim
as a great prophet of the Lord.. For the children to know that it is possible to hear God’s voice for

Suggested Memory Verse

“Speak, Lord, for Your servant hears.” (I Samuel 3:9).
Teaching Approach
1. Talk to the children briefly about the Theme Two
ordinary jobs they do at home. Then
mention the ordinary nature of Samuel’s “Never too young”
jobs in the tabernacle. He would have It would not have been easy for Samuel to go to Eli, who was a
been asked to help with the sacrifices, grown up man, and tell him God’s unpleasant message. Sometimes
trim the wicks for the lamps, change the we may find it hard to say and do the things that the Lord asks
showbread and clean up under the bronze of us, for example, sharing a testimony, or praying out loud in a
altar. meeting. As we obey Him, He is able to make us grow into the
2. Now tell the children the story, pointing people He wants us to be. We are never too young to hear and be
out how Samuel was spoken to by God in obedient to the Lord.
the middle of an ordinary night and was
ready to listen and obey. Key Thought
3. The story lends itself to group re- Samuel had a willing heart to do what God wanted him to do, even
enactment. though he was young and scared.

For the children to learn that God can use them, even though they
are still little children.

Memory Verse
“His voice we will obey.” (Joshua 24:24).

Your class will learn as much about

God’s ways from your classroom
management as they will from each
lesson. Teaching care for each other
and turn taking are as important as
each key thought.

Page 68 Teacher Resource - Level Two Lesson 47

Activity A - Eli and Samuel in the Tabernacle
• 1 Activity Sheet per child.
• Cereal boxes for backing.
• Safety scissors.
• Glue.
• Colouring pencils.
• Aquadhere.
• Paddlepop sticks.
• Cut-out of Samuel.

At Home
• Glue the Activity Sheets onto card early in
the week, to allow time to dry.
• Place them under heavy books to prevent
• Cut along the dotted line with Stanley knife.

In Class
• The children colour the scene and Samuel.
• Cut out Samuel figure.
• Insert figure of Samuel through slit and place
next to his bed.
• Move figure back and forth from the bed to

Activity B - Match the Pictures

• 1 Activity Sheet per child.
• Scissors.
• Glue.

• Teacher reads the first line of text.
• Children decide which picture fits in the space, cut
it out and glue it in the appropriate place.
• Teacher continues in this fashion until completed.

Lesson 47 Teacher Resource - Level Two Page 69

The bronze
hears God
Activity AActivity
– Eli and
A –Samuel
Spiral Serpents
in the Tabernacle

Page 70 Teacher Resource - Level Two Lesson 47

Samuel hears God speak
Activity B – Match the Pictures

Lesson 47 Teacher Resource - Level Two Page 71

Eli, Hophni
and Phinehas I Samuel 4 - 6

Storyline Theme One

Eli’s two sons, Hophni and Phinehas, were “Obedience saves – disobedience brings death”
priests in God’s tabernacle. They were As we learn to be obedient to our parents, we are learning to
disobedient and God warned Eli of their sin, obey God and that is what keeps us safe. If we decide, as we are
through Samuel and said that both Hophni and growing, to be disobedient, and keep being that way, we will surely
Phinehas would die on the same day. Israel die. The Bible tells us if we obey our parents, it will be well with
was being defeated in battle. They decided us. We need to watch our attitudes towards the people who are put
to bring the ark of the covenant to the place in charge of us, or we will have to pay for our disobedience like
of battle, to help them win, but they were still Hophni and Phinehas. When this happens, other people usually
defeated. Hophni and Phinehas both died that suffer too.
day along with many others, and the ark was
captured by the enemy. When Eli heard all Key Thought
the bad news, he fell down dead also. The Hophni and Phinehas suffered because they would not obey their
Philistines kept the ark for seven months, but father. God hates disobedience. He wants us to obey so He can
returned it when many of them were killed bless us.
because of God’s judgement on them.
To have the children see that as they obey their parents, they are
Suggested opening the door that allows God’s blessing to come to them, and
closing it when they disobey.
Teaching Approach
Memory Verse
1. Take your Bible into class, and ask
if anyone is sick or has a sore leg or “Hear, my children, the instruction of a father.” (Proverbs 4:1).
anything else. Lay your Bible on the
trouble and ask them if this will make Theme Two
it better. Explain how the Bible could
be used by some people as a good luck “No good luck charms”
charm. Just because the Israelites took the ark to the battle, did not mean
2. Think back into your past. There is they had the protection of God. Just because the Philistines had the
bound to be a testimony of your own ark, did not mean they had the blessing of God. Many people turn
childhood, where an act of disobedience to the Lord, only when they are in trouble, as if He was a good luck
has led to another child’s pain. Tell the charm. God desires to bless us, but He will not use His power just
children about it. to please man. We cannot expect to call on God in times of trouble,
if we are not willing to walk with Him daily.

Key Thought
Many of the people of Israel took no notice of God in their daily
life, but wanted His help when they were in trouble. God wants us
to trust Him at all times.

Take time to catch For the children to learn that God requires an obedient, committed
up with the students’ life. He is not just there to get us out of trouble when we need Him.
parents. This can
be an informal chat, Memory Verse
emphasising the Lord, I have called daily upon You.” (Psalm 88:9).
successes in the class.

Page 72 Teacher Resource - Level Two Lesson 48

Activity A - Construct an Ark
• 1 ark template per child mounted or photocopied onto
• 2 paddlepop sticks or straws per child.
• Glue.
• Safety scissors.
• Sticky tape.
• 2 cherubim per child, photocopied or mounted onto TAB

cardboard. FOLD FOLD

At Home


• Cut out the arks and cherubim.

In Class
• Construct the ark by folding as instructed, and gluing or TAB TAB
sticking tabs to form a box shape.
• Stick the 2 cherubim to the top with sticky tape.
• Glue paddlepop sticks or straws to the sides of the ark. TAB

Activity B - “Walking with the Lord” Calendar


20 21

• 1 Activity Sheet per child.


• Brightly coloured paper. Enough for each child to

draw and cut out their footprints and also for a strip


across the top of the calendar page.


• Glue.
• Safety scissors.



• Felt pens or markers of some sort.



• Divide the children into pairs and give each child


a piece of brightly coloured paper and a marker of


some sort.

• Each child stands on their piece of coloured paper



while their partner draws around their bare feet.


• Have the children write their names on their


• Children cut out their own footprints and glue them


onto the calendar sheet on the Activity Sheet.



Lesson 48 Teacher Resource - Level Two Page 73

Spiral Serpents
an Ark








Page 74 Teacher Resource - Level Two Lesson 48

Eli, Hophni and Phinehas
Activity A – Construct an Ark





Lesson 48 Teacher Resource - Level Two Page 75

Eli, Hophni and Phinehas
Activity B – Walking with the Lord Calendar

20 21







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Lesson 48 Teacher Resource - Level Two Page 77

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Sonseekers Curriculum
Unit One Unit Two Unit Three Unit Four
1. Creation 1 17. Jacob becomes Israel 33. Aaron’s rod 49. Saul chosen
2. Creation 2 18. Joseph, the favourite son 34. Moses hits the rock 50. Saul and the Amalekites
3. Adam and Eve 19. Joseph goes to Egypt 35. The bronze serpent 51. David chosen
4. The fall 20. Joseph interprets the 36. Balaam and his ass 52. David and Goliath
5. Cain and Abel dreams 37. Joshua and Rahab 53. David and Jonathan
6. Noah builds an ark 21. Joseph’s brothers 38. Crossing the Jordan, 54. David and Saul
7. The flood, Noah and his 22. Israel in Egypt Jericho 55. David crowned
sons 23. Israelite slaves, Moses 39. The sin of Achan 56. David and the ark
8. The tower of Babel born 40. The sun stands still 57. Absalom
9. Abram called, Abram 24. Moses flees and returns 41. Gideon’s fleece 58. Solomon becomes king
and Lot to Egypt 42. Gideon and his army 59. Solomon’s temple
10. The covenant with 25. “Let My people go” 43. Samson 60. Israel divided, Rehoboam
Abraham 26. The first passover, Israel 44. Samson and Delilah and Jeroboam
11. Ishmael and Isaac delivered 45. Ruth, Naomi and Boaz 61. Elijah and the widow
12. Sodom and Gomorrah 27. Crossing the Red Sea 46. Hannah 62. Elijah on Mount Carmel
13. The sacrifice of Isaac 28. Manna, water from the 47. Samuel hears God speak 63. Good King Jehoshaphat
14. Rebekah, Isaac’s bride rock 48. Eli, Hophni and Phinehas 64. Elisha and the double
15. Jacob and Esau 29. Sinai and the ten portion
16. Jacob’s ladder, Leah and commandments
Rachel 30. Moses and the tabernacle
31. The golden calf
32. Twelve spies, 40 years of

Unit Five Unit Six Unit Seven Unit Eight

65. The widow’s oil, a boy 81. Zacharias, Elizabeth, 97. Jairus’ daughter, a 113. Palm Sunday
raised Mary and John woman touches Jesus 114. The last supper and
66. Naaman 82. The birth of Jesus 98. Jesus walks on the water Gethsemane
67. Famine in Samaria 83. Jesus in the temple 99. Miracles of healing 115. The crucifixion
68. Jonah 84. John the Baptist 100. The transfiguration 116. The resurrection
69. The captivity of Israel 85. Jesus baptised and 101. A boy is healed 117. Peter restored
(the northern kingdom) tempted 102. The unmerciful servant 118. The risen Christ and His
70. Hezekiah and 86. The call of the disciples 103. A man born blind ascension
Sennacherib 87. Water turned to wine 104. The good Samaritan 119. The day of Pentecost
71. Isaiah 88. The temple cleansed, 105. Prayer 120. Peter and John
72. Josiah Nicodemus 106. The raising of Lazarus 121. Peter and the Gentiles
73. Jeremiah 89. The woman at the well 107. The lost sheep, coin and 122. Stephen
74. The captivity of Judah 90. Healing of the paralysed son 123. Philip
(the southern kingdom) man 108. Attitudes of a servant 124. Paul’s conversion
75. Daniel interprets the 91. The house built on the 109. The marriage of the 125. Paul’s first missionary
king’s dream rock king’s son journey
76. The fiery furnace 92. Jesus stills the storm 110. The ten lepers 126. Paul’s second and third
77. The writing on the wall 93. The feeding of the 5000 111. The ten virgins missionary journeys
78. Daniel in the lions’ den 94. The centurion’s servant 112. The talents 127. Paul’s capture and
79. Esther 95. Forgiveness in Simon’s imprisonment
80. Restoration house 128. Paul’s final journey
96. The sower and the seed

Curriculum Teacher Resource - Level Two Page 80

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