Educational Corps - Drill Training

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This document is subject to change anytime.

Last updated: 02/08/2022

Useful Information

Red Text - Do not paste into the Drill Training

Grey Text - Paste into the Drill Training

Read Notes if you need any assistance


Announce your Drill Training only in your timezone sector that you’re in specifically.


Co-Host: (Put N/A if you don’t have one)
Pad: [X] (Remove the brackets, and put which pad you’re on)
Ping: @(Timezone) (EST) (AEST) (GMT)
Notes: (If any, put them here, if none, do not put “Notes:”)

After announcing, simply wait for attendees to fall in. Examine all Educational Corps
personnel for the correct uniform, make sure they’re following our uniform guidelines

Property of ReaperAarons Australian Army

Educational Corps
Introduction | S2

After your Drill Training has attracted a satisfactory number of attendees, you may begin.
Start with the following:

“Hello and welcome to your Educational Corps Drill Training! I’m your host, (USERNAME). You
will refer to me as "Sir/Ma'am" throughout this Drill Training.”

(Do not include the quotation marks) (Include Sir or Ma’am depending on your gender)

“In this Training, you will be given multiple drills, formations, and others. Some formations
will be box, diamond, wedge, right wing, left wing, and multiple more. Drills will consist of
turns/faces, you already have an idea what these are.”

Start off with drills first, don’t just randomly do drills after your introduction, at least tell the
EC attendees what’s going to be first.

Do approximately 10+ drills.

If any attendee fails to complete 4+ drills, dismiss them and tell them to gain more intellect
and knowledge of drills/turns/faces.

If you would like, you may do Single File Line, Shoulder To Shoulder, Fall in, presenting arms,
and lastly, wedging.
Formations | S3

Do at least all of the formations you know about, such as, inverse right wing, inverse left
wing, box, VIP, diamond, and others you may do.. It’s recommended you keep steady and
focus on all of the EC personnel attending your Drill Training that they’re doing it right.

It’s okay if any attendee makes a mistake, not all of us know these drills correctly, and can’t
perform them right.

This section should be self-explanatory towards yourself.

Ending | S4

Great job, you’ve finished your Educational Corps Drill Training, that wasn’t so bad? Wasn’t

Wedge with your amazing EC attendees of your Drill Training and log it in #event-logs located
in the Miscellaneous category.

Notes | S5

Here is a list of notes you might potentially need for future occasions -

- If any attendee asks you what a certain formation is, and you are unaware what it
could be, tell them you’re not sure. It’s alright, we are all not aware of all
informational knowledge.
- If any attendee requests to leave the Drill Training, grant it, nobody’s forced to be at
our events.
- Don’t be pushy on anyone, just discipline them well with the drills and formations.
- Decline any request that starts or is included with hosting a Drill Training for you, this
is a sign of impatience and of undisciplined Educational Corps personnel.


Regimental Chief Advisor,

Colonel, Iwillpwnukid.

Property of ReaperAarons Australian Army

Educational Corps

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