MIGO Item Validation PDF

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To do a MIGO transaction validation, you need MB_MIGO_BADI. You just create a BADI implementation which you can
take help from many videos online.
Now, I will show you a MIGO validation.
If you see method CHECK_ITEM in interface IF_EX_MB_MIGO_BADI, you will find I_LINE_ID importing parameter
but you never get line items importing parameter.
So, how can you achieve the validation?
So, we create two attributes in implementation class of BADI as below for internal table to store line items of MIGO and a
work area.

Now, add below code in LINE_MODIFY method.

Since we have declared the private attribute in the class, we can access throughout the class.
So, we use same internal table in our method CHECK_ITEM and we can put validation whatever we need for.

If you find this helpful, do not forget to share with others since it will help any other ABAPers when in need.
Note: Get friendly with class CL_EXITHANDLER to find BADIs

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