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Maksud Peraturan

r Penqangkulan d autdalur
! Illencegah iuka atau kerusak.n lerlradap

. Mencegah lkerlsakan lerhadap aam

. Menngkatkan penoangkutan mualan
berbahaya den!an aman
! M€mfasiilas muatan tersebultanpa

Sejarah Peraturan
. Recogn I on.r need1929 (SoLAS)
. class fcation orloods 19,13 (SOLAS)
r Report o. c asslcal on.lst ng abelnq
documentaton 1956 (UN Erpen

. Rue deveopmenl 1960 (SOLAS)

. lN,lDG dev.oped lnd recomm.nd.dto
governmenls l!65 (lMO's l'1SC]
ueMbqt qt E bti3,4\ ci,t

Sejarah (lanjutan. ..)

I,IARPOL 73/78 nit a deveophenl
Scope of ru es deveoped 197.1(SOLAS)
Re. s.ns ar d aoe.dmeiG 936 rq!,
t9q41t4 lq!6 tvl 2noo 20oh 20rb ;,

SOLAS Bab Vtt - Carriaoe.r

Danserous Goods in p;rased

- Requirements tor Catriage

- Documenls (DG Dechralion

Cargo securinq tyanual

, h.|,l1,,lll l r;.; ifu MARPOL 73178

MARPoL Unilied lnterprctarion ofAnnex lll

rt,n) (opo\cil Brc {4! rolrirq or udoxdi"g

Cakupan dari Peraturan

]- r, j5iFri. ,! i .mr;J4

Ketentuan Rekomendasi

. coumis(r5t 3d 117)dheDaruerc

lsi Peraturan (Laniutan...)

Section 1.1.3 - Transport of
Radioactive Material

1.1.4 - Dangerous Goods

Forbidden for Transport


trlEnspofr 13 3 specialp0son s00
hbINM dN'DryUB^d I

'1.3.1 - Training of shore-side



Training requirements
Chapter 2.4 -
Flammable solids

([an sdPhq, Nituondce ds ubd

lPyDPhdhn.6|,, ouE., diox .)

Chapter 2.5 -
Oxidizing substances
and organic peroxides
Division 5.1 - Oidizing subsian@s
(Ammonlum nhEle fe, oxygen

Division 5.2 -Organic Peroiid.s

(Dibenzoyl peroxide, Diethyl
Chapter 2.6 -
Toxic and infectious substances
. Division 6.1 - Toxlc substan@s
(acroleln, srabilized, A6.nic, crcsols,

. Divislon 6,2 . lnfectious sut stancos

(Pathogens, Mido"organlsms, Biological
producls, Dlagnostic specimens, iledical

Chaplet 2.7 -
Radioactive Material

Any mate.ial contalnlng radionuclid6

where both th€ activity con@ntEdon .nd
toral activi9 in lhe conslgnm.nt 6xced the
valles specified in,1 thouqh
Chapter 2.8 -
Corrosive substances

subsrances which, by chemicat action

willcause severe damage when in
conracr with rrving tissue or, in the
case or leakagej will m.terially damage
or 6v6n deshoyi other goods or the

Chapter 2.9 Miscellaneous

orher c asses which .rD.n.nce has shownio/

rhar rhe Drovis ons ol pada. cn,orer v[ or
soLAS, r97., as ammended. shal aDDrv.
iicrudins ofiored rortranapnn ar

2.9 1 2 Subnances noi subEcr ro

Pada chaprer vrr or solAs. bur ki wh!.h
Chapter 2.10 -
Marine pollutants
irarine pollurants means
substanc€ qnlch, becau* ol
thelrpolenlial lo bioaccumulato in
$afood or because ol thelr hlqh
toriclty lo aquadc llfe,
aB 6ubj6cr ro the regulations in
Annex lll of MARPOL ?3/73.

Packing Groups are based on

the degree of danger
. Packins group I - High dang.r

. Packing group ll - Medium danger

. Packing group lll - Lowd.nger

Column 2 Lisls the
Proper Shipping Names

Hazard Class/Division Precedence

( o.e sai on. hud)

r Pre.eden.e Tabe€l

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