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Trends, Networks, and Critical

Thinking in the 21st Century

Quarter 3 – Module 5:
Global Networks (Part 1)

Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century – Grade 12
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 3 – Module 5: Global Networks
First Edition, 2020

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Published by the Department of Education

Secretary: Leonor Magtolis Briones
Undersecretary: Diosdado M. San Antonio

Introductory Message

This Self-Learning Module (SLM) is prepared so that you, our dear learners, can
continue your studies and learn while at home. Activities, questions, directions,
exercises, and discussions are carefully stated for you to understand each lesson.
Each SLM is composed of different parts. Each part shall guide you step-by-step
as you discover and understand the lesson prepared for you.
Pre-tests are provided to measure your prior knowledge on lessons in each SLM.
This will tell you if you need to proceed on completing this module or if you need to ask
your facilitator or your teacher’s assistance for better understanding of the lesson. At
the end of each module, you need to answer the post-test to self-check your learnings.
Answer keys are provided for each activity and test. We trust that you will be honest in
using these.
In addition to the material in the main text, Notes to the Teacher are also provided
to our facilitators and parents for strategies and reminders on how they can best help
you on your home-based learning.
Please use this module with care. Do not put unnecessary marks on any part of
this SLM. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises and tests. And read
the instructions carefully before performing each task.
If you have any questions in using this SLM or any difficulty in answering the
tasks in this module, do not hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator. Thank you.

What I Need to Know

Welcome to Module 5! In this learning module in Trends, Networks and Critical

Thinking in the 21st Century, you will understand the components, operations, effects
and networks of globalization in your daily life.

Specifically, after working on this module, you should be able to:

1. give examples of various activities in one’s daily life that show the
concrete effects of globalization (HUMSS_MCT12If-g-1);
2. explain the concrete effects of globalization to one’s daily life
3. explain the need for collaboration and cooperation to achieve
interconnectedness of people and nations (HUMSS_MCT12-if-g-4); and
a. shows the interconnectedness of people and nations

What I Know


Directions: Read each item carefully. Fill each blank with the correct answer. Write your
answers on a separate sheet of paper.

1. _____________________ is a process of interaction and integration among the

people, companies, and governments of different nations, a process driven by
international trade and investment and aided by information technology.

2. _____________________ is defined as work, especially hard physical work.

3. _____________________ refers to social transformation or process leading to the

achievement of people-centered development.

4. ______________________ refers to an increasing trend toward multilateralism in

an emerging transnational state apparatus, and toward the emergence of
national and international nongovernmental organizations that act as
watchdogs over governments.

5. ______________________ refers to a body of persons sharing a common religion,

culture, or language.

6. ______________________ is a relatively large group of people organized under a

single, usually independent government, a country.

7. ______________________ is a collective concept that refers to increasing global

linkages created through cross-border financial flows.

8. ____________________ the process of working together to the same end. It is an

active help from a person, organization etc. such as an orderly sharing of space
and resources.

9. ____________________ is the only global international organization dealing with

the rules of trade between nations. The WTO has 164 members and 24 observer

10. ___________________ refers to an individual country's linkages to international

capital markets.


1 Global Networks (Part 1)

Did you know that in the early and late 1980’s, one most popular means of
reaching out to loved ones from abroad to their families in the Philippines was through
“voice tapes?” You might not be aware of it though, but it takes about a month or months
for a taped recorded voice message to be played by their families using cassette tape
players. Well, that was prior to our era of today when almost anything can be accessed
in real time despite global distance. Now, that gave birth to the present concept of
globalization. Generally, globalization was born out of the inter-linkages of nation –
states which has in varied ways influenced the life of people worldwide.
We might not be able to enumerate the effects of globalization in our daily lives
but in this module, it will help you deepen your understanding about globalization. Let
us now study the meaning, nature and various activities in one’s daily life that show
some concrete effects of globalization. Let’s proceed!

What’s In

Directions: In your previous module you have already understood intuitive thinking and
strategic thinking. In this activity I want you to differentiate the two using the diagram
below. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.

What’s New

Hello! My name
is Empress . I am also
a grade 12 student .
Let us help each other
in answering this

Let me read the

directions for you.

“What comes into GLOBALIZATION

your mind when you
hear the word
“Globalization”? Fill in
your ans wers using
the concept map.
Write your answers on
a separate sheet of

What is It


As cited in the Revisitadestatica (2012), the term globalization refers to the

emergence of an international network, belonging to an economic and social system.
One of the earliest uses of the term "globalization", as known, was in 1930 - in a

publication entitled “Towards New Education” to designate an overview of the human
experience in education.
Since the invention of the concept, globalization has inspired numerous
definitions and has had a history going back in time to the great commercial and
imperialist movements throughout Asia and the Indian Ocean since the fifteenth
Roland Robertson, a professor of sociology at the University of Aberden, was the
first person who defined globalization as "the understanding of the world and the
increased perception of the world as a whole."
Martin Albrow and Elizabeth King, sociologists, define globalization as "all those
processes by which the peoples of the world are incorporated into a single world society.
It can be linked to the local, the national and the regional. On the one hand, a
connection is made between social and economic relationships and networks, organized
on a local or national, on the other hand, it connects social and economic relationships
and networks formed on wider scale the regional and global interactions.
It is a process of interaction and integration among the people, companies, and
governments of different nations. A process driven by international trade and investment
and aided by information technology. This process has effects on the environment, on
culture, on political systems, on economic development and prosperity, and on human
physical well-being on societies around the world. For many developing nations,
globalization has led to an improvement in standard of living through improved roads
and transportation, improved health care, and improved education due to the global
expansion of corporations. However, globalization has had a negative effect on
individuals who live in developed nations. Some of the factors that cause globalization
are migration and labor.

Migration is a movement to another place, often of a large group of people.

Labor is defined as work, especially hard physical work.

People are more willing to move between different countries today in search for
work. Remittances now play a large role in transfers from developed countries to
developing countries.

Types of Globalization

Economic Globalization is the increasing economic integration and

interdependence of national, regional, and local economies across the world through an
intensification of cross boarder movement of goods, services, technologies and capital.

• Trans-national trades are companies that extend beyond the borders of one
country example of these are Unilever and McDonalds
• World Trade Organization is the only global international
organization dealing with the rules of trade between nations. The WTO has 164
members and 24 observer governments.
• Foreign Direct Investment is an investment in the form of a controlling ownership
in a business in one country by an entity based in another country. It is thus
distinguished from a foreign portfolio investment by a notion of direct control. In
2019, China and South Korea followed Singapore as the largest investors in the

Social Globalization is a social transformation or process leading to the
achievement of people-centered development. Human-centered development concept is
offered as an alternative strategy to bring about a more equity development outcome.

• UN General Assembly
• Partnership of International Development Programs
• Social Integration, Gender Equity and access to Social Services
• HIV/AIDS Awareness

Political Globalization refers to an increasing trend toward multilateralism in

an emerging transnational state apparatus and the emergence of national and
international non-governmental organizations that act as watchdogs over governments.
The government has four distinct roles in addressing sustainability concerns. These
roles are as follows:
1. Policy development
2. Regulation
3. Facilitation
4. Internal sustainability management

Financial Globalization is a collective concept that refers to increasing global

linkages created through cross-border financial flows. Financial integration refers to an
individual country's linkages to international capital markets.

Technological Globalization is accelerated in large part by technological

transmission, the spread of technology across borders. Although the Philippines is not
the world's least technologically advanced country, it is far from leading. It ranks 83rd
out of 138 countries in terms of technological readiness, according to the Department
of Science and Technology (DOST).

Ecological Globalization occurs when ecosystems are constantly exchanging

materials through the movement of air in the atmosphere, the flow of water in rivers and
the migration of animals across the landscape. The world is also becoming highly
interconnected through the movement of people and the transport of goods locally to
globally (

Geographical Globalization is defined as the set of processes (economic, social,

cultural, technological, and institutional that contributes to the relationship between
societies and individuals around the world. It is a progressive process by which
exchanges and flows between different parts of the world are intensified.

Let us now identify some positive and negative effects of Globalization.

Positive and Negative Effects of Globalization

Positive Negative
It creates opportunities for countries to The growth of international trade has
connect to other countries for larger worsened income inequalities between
markets. developed, developing and
underdeveloped countries.

This can lead to more access capital Global commerce is increasingly
flows, technology, human capital, dominated by transnational corporations
cheaper imports and larger export which seek to maximize profits without
markets. regard for the development needs of
individual countries.

It allows businesses to become part of Competitions among developing

international production networks and countries are races which dangerously
supply chains of different countries. lower environmental standards.
It allows workers to migrate from their Parents and children can spend a
homelands in poorer countries to more decade apart, where they pass their
developed countries to find work. responsibilities to grandparents.
Technologies are introduced to make a Many developing countries do not have
narrower product more efficiently. strict rules about environmental
protection, resulting in serious air, water,
and soil pollution.

Interconnections of People and Nations

Globalization leads to interconnectedness of people and nations, where people

refer to a group of people with commonality, such as religion, culture and language who
lives in a specific area, while nation refers to a larger group of people organized in a
specific place, which embodied an independent government of its country where they
can decide on their own.
Try to imagine how can we connect to our loved ones especially in this time of
pandemic without technologies? Cell phones connect people all over the world like never
before. There are a multitude of platforms through which people can communicate too,
including Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Instagram, and Snapchat.
Considering the new normal education, how can we enroll in our online
educational programs in school from anywhere in the Philippines without the different
platforms and access new information on virtual topics?

Collaboration means to work together with others to achieve a common goal.

Unconditionally sharing everything and helping each other while mutually working
together in cohesive “collective” in unusual roles embracing talents of each person to
synergize or invent something new in a way that:
a. benefits all the groups,
b. serves the whole team’s goal, and
c. may result to creative innovation.

Cooperation is the process of working together to the same end. It is an active

help from a person, organization etc. such as an orderly sharing of space and resources.
Cooperation means conditionally sharing information and resources while functioning
together within an independent “connective” in typical roles with workloads accepted as
unequal to change something in a way that:
a. benefits some individuals in a group,
b. meets their personal needs, and
c. may result in disrupted innovation.

What’s More

Directions: Do the following and write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.
1. Draw the table below.
2. Choose five types of globalization in the discussion above.
3. Give concrete examples of various activities in your daily life that show the concrete
effects of globalization.
4. Identify if the given effects are positive or negative. Explain your answer.

Type of Example Positive Negative


What I Have Learned

Directions: Complete the following to form sentences by reflecting on what you have
learned. You may further explain your answers. Write your answers on a separate sheet
of paper.

1. Globalization is ___________________________________________________________
2. Collaboration is ___________________________________________________________
3. People are _______________________________________________________________
4. Technological Globalization is______________________________________________
5. Political Globalization is___________________________________________________

Hooray! Let us
now assess
your learning
in this module.

What I Can Do

What’s On Your Mind?

Directions: Examine the picture below and answer the following questions. Write your
answers on a separate sheet of paper.

1. What does the picture symbolize?

2. What can you say about the picture in terms of interconnectedness of people and

3. Does cooperation and collaboration important in the scenario given in the

picture? Why or why not?

4. As a Senior High School student, give three (3) activities in your daily life during
this pandemic that show cooperation and collaboration that have an impact on

Good job!


Directions: Read and analyze each statement. Write TRUE if the statement is correct
and FALSE if it is incorrect. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.

_________1. Ecological globalization is the increasing economic integration and

interdependence of national, regional, and local economies across
the world through an intensification of cross boarder movement of
goods, services, technologies and capital.

_________2. Roland Robertson was the first person who defined globalization as
"the understanding of the world and the increased perception of the
world as a whole."

_________3. Cooperation is defined as working together with others to achieve a

common goal.

_________4. Country refers to a large group of people organized in a specific

place, which embodied an independent government where they can
decide on their own.

_________5. Technologies are introduced to make a narrower product more

_________6. Globalization creates opportunities for countries to connect to other

countries for larger markets.

_________7. Economics are constantly exchanging materials through the

movement of air in the atmosphere, the flow of water in rivers and
the migration of animals across the landscape.

_________8. Geographical globalization is defined as the set of processes that

contributes to the relationship between societies and individuals
around the world.

_________9. The world is becoming highly interconnected through the movement

of people and the transport of goods locally to globally.

_________10. Globalization leads to more access to capital flows, technology, human

capital, cheaper imports, and larger export markets.

Answer Key


Adapted from Tuazon, Jenny
The presence of The choice, use and
ideas developed arrangement of words
through facts, and sentence structures
examples, anecdotes, that create tone and

reasons and/or

5 Substantial, specific, Precise, illustrative use

and/or illustrative of a variety of words and
content sentence structures to
demonstrating create consistent writer’s
strong development voice and tone
and sophisticated appropriate to audience
4 Sufficiently Generic use of a variety
developed content of words and sentence
with adequate structures that may or
elaboration or may not create writer’s
explanation voice and tone
appropriate to audience
3 Limited content with Limited word choice and
inadequate control of sentence
elaboration or structures that inhibit
explanation voice and tone
2 Superficial and/or Minimal variety in word
minimal content choice and minimal
control of sentence

2-Point Rubric- Short Response

2 Points The response has sufficient number of relevant facts, definitions,

concrete details, and/or other information according to the
requirements of the prompt.
1 Point The response has some relevant facts, definitions, concrete
details, and/or other information according to the requirements of
the prompt.
0 Point The response is totally inaccurate.


Arzadon, M., Romerosa, P. and Zarate, M., 2018. Trends, Networks, and Critical
Thinking. 1st ed. Quezon City, Manila: Vibal Group, Inc., p.7.

DepEd (2020). K to 12 Most Essential Learning Competencies.

Mangiduyos, Gladys P. 2017. Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st
Century. 1st ed. Sampaloc, Manila: Rex Publishing.

Tuazon, Jenny. 2013. "Rubrics for Essay".


Urgel, Elizabeth. 2017. Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century
Culture. 1st ed. Makati City, Philippines: DIWA Learning Systems Inc.

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education – Region III,

Schools Division of Bataan - Curriculum Implementation Division
Learning Resources Management and Development Section (LRMDS)

Provincial Capitol Compound, Balanga City, Bataan

Telefax: (047) 237-2102

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