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The Smol Harem (Waifu Catalog/Multiple)

By Cambrian

Submitted: August 5, 2021

Updated: August 5, 2021


Themes: Mind Control, Foursome, Breeding

Summary: An off-shoot of the Waifu Catalog, where rather than becoming a Company Agent, a young
man is given the opportunity to sit back and relax with three delectable darlings of his choosing.

Provided by Hentai Foundry.

Chapter 0 - Konata Izumi, Roxy Migurdia, and 2

Liliruca Arde
0 - Konata Izumi, Roxy Migurdia, and Liliruca Arde

The Waifu Catalog. To your average person on the street, this wouldn’t sound like anything at all.
Perhaps if they were even a little in the know about what a ‘waifu’ was, they would think it to be
something crass and perverse. Of course, they’d be right. To a small niche group of people in one
corner of the World-Wide Web, the Waifu Catalog was nothing more than a literary device about a
multiversal Company, allowing them to explore their power fantasies alongside their favorite waifus from
all across the many, many forms of fiction that existed.

However, for anyone who believed in the existence of an overall multiverse, for anyone who believed
that there were other dimensions and universes out there, realities where anything could and had
happened… why, for those people, the existence of the Waifu Catalog and the Company behind it had to
be assumed as well, right? Because if one believed in the multiverse, that meant the Company did in
fact exist out there somewhere. And if the Company existed somewhere… as a multiversal entity, it
existed everywhere, didn’t it?

Not that any of this really mattered to young Henry. After all, he didn’t have to speculate about whether
or not the Company existed, nor did he have to spend his time wiling away his hours online anymore,
theorizing and workshopping ideas of what could be and how this or that fictional scenario could go. No,
he had the real deal now… proof that the Company existed… and proof that he was in fact one of the
luckiest people in the fucking multiverse.

They were standing right in front of him, Henry’s evidence of all of this. His new harem, as it so
happened. Three young women, all of them such smol, adorable female characters. His favorite smol,
adorable female characters in fact.

Now, don’t get it wrong. Henry wasn’t one of the Company’s Agents or anything like that. He hadn’t
died, nor had he been moved from his original birth world. The contract he’d ended up signing did have
some legalese in it about how he could potentially be recruited as an Agent once he did die, and maybe
sent on his own adventure, which Henry didn’t mind one bit. But for right now, he was part of an…
off-shoot of sorts. An experimental side project, if you will.

The Company didn’t deal in dollars or any currency that Henry had ever so much as laid eyes on
before. They worked in credits, their own internal currency, as well as favors and all sorts of valuable
materials from across the cosmos as external currency. But their technology, the technology that
allowed them to turn even Goddesses and Goddess-level entities into their playthings, required energy.
Lots and lots of energy.

That was where people like Henry came in. Normally, the Company would have waited until he died,
harvested the latent energy that he and only a few others across the multiverse had, and then if they
were feeling generous, set him up as an Agent after the fact. But instead of waiting, someone at the
Company had a great idea… why not try out the living battery strategy instead?

And so, Henry had been offered a VERY good deal by the company. Especially when one considered
that they were probably trying out the unwilling living battery strategy with others like him alongside the
deal they’d offered him. But Henry had signed up willingly for the perks they were offering him. Three
girls of his choosing, in exchange for him hooking into the technology they’d left behind twice a week
and allowing them to siphon off some sort of energy field that he neither knew he had, nor knew how to

To say he was thrilled with his end of the bargain would be an understatement. As far as Henry was
concerned, he couldn’t have been happier. Especially now that his girls were standing right in front of
him, looking at him with bright, cheery smiles on their faces. After all, he was their Master now… and they
were so happy to finally be with him, for the rest of his life.

In descending order by height, Henry’s three choices are Konata Izumi, Roxy Migurdia, and Liliruca
Arde. A diverse group of smol, adorable girls if he did say so himself. Konata wasn’t as strong as Roxy
or Lili, perhaps, but she was still cute enough, and definitely fuckable. Meanwhile, Roxy was a powerful
mage, and Lili had her own skills that Henry couldn’t wait to play with.

In fact, what was he even waiting for?! Grinning, Henry snaps his fingers.

“Come give your Master some loving, ladies~”

That’s all any of them need to rush forward and clamor onto him. Sitting down in his armchair, Henry
chuckles as the three girls climb aboard, getting up onto him in order to bring their mouths to his. Roxy is
first, and Henry delights in kissing the powerful mage hungrily, forcing his tongue into her mouth and
down the back of her throat as she moans and squirms in his lap. He can’t wait to train her into his good
little bitch…

After Roxy is Konata, who also is a treat to kiss, even if she’s just as inexperienced. Still, Henry
explores her mouth just as diligently, before finally coming to Lili. Lili, who is already staring at him with a
bright red face and heart-shaped pupils by the time he gets to her.

That’d been something Henry had managed to get added to the contract. Just one additional
modification to the three girls he’d been given for his own pleasure and fun. Namely, whenever they got
aroused, their eyes had been modified to turn into heart pupils, indicating just how horny for him they

Obviously, all three are now sporting those heart-shaped pupils as they sit on his lap together, but Roxy
and Konata only got theirs after kissing him. Lili has hers before he even kisses her, though it doesn’t
stop him from making out with the short, stacked Pallum for just as long as he does the other two.

Finally pulling apart, a string of saliva connecting his and Lili’s mouths, Henry sighs in contentment…
before adopting a wide, wicked grin.

“What do you ladies want to do next, huh? How will you go about pleasing your Master, I wonder?”

He wants to see what their idea of a good time is. Each of them has been mind controlled to want
nothing more than to please him. To want nothing more than to serve him. All of their previous desires,
their previous loves, their previous ambitions… stripped away, to be replaced with a NEED to be his
adorable little toys for the rest of his life.

As such, he’s not very surprised when the three of them exchange a silent look before stripping their
tops off in unison. Their breasts come out… or in the case of Roxy, don’t come out. All three girls are
smol and adorable, that was why he’d chosen them. But there’s still a decent spread of tits across the
board, which was also half of why Henry had chosen them from all the smol chicks he could have

Roxy Migurdia, for instance, is completely flat, a total washboard chest. Konata Izumi, on the other hand,
has A-cups, small little things that Henry could pinch between two fingers, let alone cup with his hand.
And then there’s Lili. Sweet little Liliruca Arde who, despite being a foot shorter than the other two, has
BIG HONKIN’ C-Cup breasts!

Moving in, the trio proceed to send him to Marshmallow Heaven, rubbing their thoroughly unequal
chests in his face and all over his head as Henry just sits back and grins, enjoying himself immensely.
He sucks and kisses and licks at all of their tits, even Roxy’s, his tongue swirling around her mosquito
bite nipples as she moans wantonly, before moving over to bite at Lili’s muffin top breasts, and then
over to Konata to swirl his tongue over her small little itty bittys.

“D-Do you like our breasts, M-Master?”

“Oooh, they’re all yours! Just like the rest of us!”

“T-Thank you for playing with my sensitive nipples, Master!”

All three are exultant as Henry toys with them. While his mouth works over their chests, his hands are on
their bodies, sliding up and down them, running over their smooth skin and across their skirts.

Eventually, with all of this happening and Roxy very insistently grinding her crotch into his, Henry is too
turned on to hold back any further. His cock is straining against its confines by this point, and as he pulls
away from their breasts, a rumbling growl of barely constrained lust makes its way up out of his chest
and into his throat. All three of his new fuck toys freeze up at that, perhaps because of some ancient
instincts regarding predators. Then they all giggle when they realize it was him, and Henry smiles.

“Go on then, get down on your knees and worship my cock and balls.”

None of them waste even a moment doing so, though there is a slight rearrangement on their way back
down. Roxy finds herself regulated to the side when Konata of all people forces her way to the center.
The mischievous, sarcastic, and all-around eccentric girl has a cat-like smirk on her lips as she hurriedly
uses her dexterous fingers to unbutton and unzip his pants, eagerly pulling out his cock.

Cooing over it, Konata does her best to swallow him to the root a moment later, though even her best
isn’t good enough as she finds his cock too big for her small throat to handle. Still, she’s soon bobbing
up and down half of his length and stroking the other half for good measure, all but hogging his dick from
the others.

However, Henry did say for them to worship his cock AND balls, so after a moment of Roxy and Lili
seeming unsure what to do next, he reaches out and places a hand atop both of their heads, grinning as
he laces his fingers through their hair and grips down tightly. It’s still amazing to him that he’s actually
touching them, that he’s actually interacting with three of the girls from his fantasies.

Pulling Roxy and Lili down and to the sides of Konata’s enthusiastic blowjob, he directs them where
they both should be… namely, suckling on one of his balls apiece. Realizing what he wants, the two
nonhuman girls begin to do exactly that, moaning and gurgling away just as loudly as Konata is on his
cock as they start to suck and slurp at his balls.

“Fuck that feels so good, girls. Keep it up, all three of you… your Master commands it!”

Henry chuckles at his own line, knowing he doesn’t have to command anything for them to keep doing
what they’re doing. The three young women, fictional characters for him up until now, are hard at work
satisfying his needs, and it’s not long before he feels himself getting close to popping his load. Wanting
to savor every last moment of the encounter, Henry does his best to hold back his release, throwing his
head back and groaning as he tries to eke out just a bit more pleasure.

But finally, he can hold back no more and Konata, seeming to realize this, pulls off of his cock with a pop
just in time to tilt her head back and loll out her tongue. As a result, the blue-haired girl gets quite the
facial, much of his seed exploding all over her face as she moans happily and gropes at her small
breasts, taking it like the pet bitch she now is.

Meanwhile, Roxy and Lili were both too busy sucking his nuts to notice he was cumming, even as his
ball sack had churned more and more right up until the big explosion. As a result, a fair amount of his
cum load ends up in their hair instead, getting a ‘semen shampoo’ instead of a facial as their respective
locks get positively soaked in his cum.

Chuckling as he pulls back and lets them moan and writhe and wiggle under the fresh deluge of seed,
they’ve all taken upon themselves, Henry’s eyes twinkle as he looks at the three of them for a second.

“Just need a bit of time to recover, girls… and then we’re moving on to the main event.


Less than half an hour later, Henry is ready for more. More than ready, he’s actually taken a bit of
medicine given to him by the Company. Not only will it let him go longer and allow him to cum multiple
times before draining dry, but it will also ensure conception, or so he was told. And conception was very
important to Henry. Yep, he was going to knock up every single one of his new harem of smol, adorable
little sluts. Each and every one.

Starting… with Roxy Migurdia. Chuckling, Henry grabs her hips from behind and surges forward, driving
his cock DEEP into Roxy’s pussy and groaning as he feels her virginity tear.

“That’s right! Your pussy and virginity belong to me, Roxy! Only me!”

“Oooh, yes M-Master! Oh f-fuck, your cock is so big inside of m-me! It’s bulging out of my tummy!”
And indeed, it was. Henry was pretty well-endowed, but he wasn’t porn star huge by any means.
However, with these three, he might as well have been. Konata was the tallest among them at four feet
and eight inches. Roxy came in a close second at four feet and six inches. While Lili was massively
bringing up the rear by only being three foot seven, though that was pretty average for her species.

All this meant that their tight, smol bodies were bulged out mightily by his cock, and under other
circumstances, they might not have been able to handle his size at all. Luckily, the Company had came
through there as well, and Henry had been assured he could fuck his toys as hard as possible and not
risk breaking any of them.

And so, he does exactly that, pounding Roxy into the bed face first with all of his might, while at the
same time Konata and Lili are moaning up a storm right into his ear. Why are they doing so, you might
ask? Well, after penetrating Roxy and taking her virginity, Henry has moved his hands back to their
pussies and is fingering them both from below as they hug his arms tightly, rubbing their breasts into his

Roxy, for her part, pushes her hips back into his thrusting cock with enough gusto for both of them,
squealing up a storm as she creams herself again and again around his dick. All three girls are moaning
wantonly and mewling pathetically and needily, and a glance at either of the ones at his sides shows
them each with heart-shaped pupils even now. Of course, they are after all about to get fucked by his big
fat cock.

With a triumphant roar, Henry cums inside of Roxy, thrusting forward so deep that he gets lodged in her
cervix for a moment as he spills his seed directly into her womb. Roxy, for her part, shrieks and spasms
her way through one last explosive climax before slumping forward face down on the bed.

Konata, eager beaver that she is, wastes no time, not even pausing to push Roxy to the side. Instead,
the other blue-haired member of Henry’s new harem promptly plops her ass down onto Roxy’s back
and spreads her legs wide for him, offering up her pussy. Amused by her impatience, Henry slaps his
cock down onto her body a few times, causing Konata’s eyes to widen from their normally sleepy

Reaching down, she places her index finger lengthwise across the head of his cock, and when he pulls
back, she keeps it there, showing just how far up her belly he’ll get inside of her.

“Oooh, M-Master is going to go THIS deep inside of me. I can’t wait!”

“Well then, wait no longer!”

Grinning like a shark, Henry thrusts forward finally, taking Konata just as he did Roxy. This time though,
with Konata on her back, he gets to watch the feline-like girl’s expression as her face goes from smug
excitement to contorted in ecstasy and pleasure and overwhelming bliss in no time flat. He barely thrusts
halfway into her before she’s cumming on his dick, and as Henry begins to fuck her properly, she
squeals just like Roxy did, her eyes rolling back in her head and her tongue sticking out of her mouth,
though her split lip continues to make her open-mouthed smile appear vaguely cat-like.

Once again, Henry doesn’t hold back. He goes as fast and as hard as he can, fueled by the
Company’s drugs. He’s already knocked Roxy up, he’s going to do the same to Konata and Lili, so
help him God!

And indeed, it’s not long before Konata’s squealing orgasms are suddenly overshadowed by another
loud groan from Henry’s corner as he starts to spurt another load of his seed, this time right into her
womb. He paints her insides white as well, coating them in his cum, and then pulls out of her, leaving
her sprawled atop of Roxy’s sprawled form, both of them utterly fucked silly.

Finally, he turns to Liliruca. The Pallum looks very excited… and a little nervous. She’s scaroused, both
scared and aroused of his cock as she nevertheless dutifully spreads her legs for him while at the same
time voicing her concern.

“A-Ah… I’m not… I’m n-not sure it’s going to fit, M-Master…”

Chuckling, Henry nods as he moves into position between her legs, placing the head of his bulbous cock
against her sopping wet pussy lips. Indeed, if not for the assurances of the Company, he would have
thought the exact same thing. It really doesn’t look like it’ll fit, even more so then the others. While all of
his new harem were undeniably smol and adorable, because that was their whole point, Lili was extra
smol and thus extra adorable.

Thrusting forward, Henry isn’t very surprised to see she has an extra big bulge either. Nor is he all that
surprised when she breaks the fastest on his cock, mentally at least. Squealing like a stuck pig, the smol
Pallum’s heart-shaped pupils roll back in her head in record time, her tongue sticking straight out of her
mouth as she clutches at the bedding beneath her with her hands.

Holding her by her thin waist, Henry begins to fuck her, not holding back any more than he did with the
other two. And indeed, as big and scary as the bulge he’s making in Lili’s belly is, she takes him with
an altogether unreal elasticity, handling his cock like something straight out of a tentacle hentai in terms
of almost unrealistic authenticity.

Henry isn’t going to question it though, it’s the fucking hottest thing he’s ever seen and the most
glorious, tightest feel around his cock that he’s ever experienced. With a hoarse groan, Henry keeps on
fucking away at Lili until he finally blows a load inside of her too, completing his collection of smol
impregnated little sluts right then and there.

With this, all three of his harem are now impregnated with his offspring. A nice big family, that’s what
Henry wants to have… and he fully intends to create one with his new girls.

As he pulls out of Lili, Henry lets out a pleased sigh, collapsing backwards onto the bed between the
three of them. In moments, they’re all scuttling over to his sides and curling up into him, with Lili
ultimately taking up residence on his chest, being the smol-est by far. And with that, at the center of a
cuddle pile of his new harem, Henry drifts off to sleep with a big, wide smile on his face.

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