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S t M Y

She is a caring person, she always thinks of others before thinking of herself, I don't like
that she is so kind, there’re people who take advantage of it and despite bad a person can be,
my mother is still respectful and beautiful person, I want to be like her. She is very
beautiful, her hair is wavy and tousled, she always wears an onion on her head, except on
days when she have get ready, this days she look more beautiful than normal ... Her smile is
perfectt, she has a profile like that of a model, her nose is straight, upturned and have
freckles. She love make desserts, cubcakes most of all, they’re delicious. She is a studious
woman, is very good at writing and understanding dense reads. She is an admirable person,
perfect except for her bad temper, although those things that make her even more perfect, I
think ... I know that like her no 2. Exactly! That description agrees with my mother.

She wanted to study nursing, she liked to help people and my grandmother was pushing her to

that branch since, she couldn’t, maybe my mother did, however, do an internship in the Seine

with a grandparents' hospital, where they had many problems with bones, my mother regretted

before see the pain of the people, she doesn’t like see people suffering and that sensitivity

led her to change her career.

She did an undergraduate degree in basic education at the Francisco Jose de Caldas university,

did a post graduate Masteris degree in education at the Universidad Pedagógica Nacional and
she did a specialization in family orientation at the Monserrate University. Her expectations

were to hace a wide field of action to be able to work with children with special educational

needs or in vulnerable conditions and also in the regular classroom. She wanted transform

pedagodigal practices by implementing new methodological strategies that would bring a change

the education.

I would like to study medicine at the National University or study Architecture at Sergio

Arboleda but first I want to become a technician or a nursing technologist at Sena tosee if I

like medicine or not. I do not want to make the same mistake as my mother, but I still want to

try since I consider myself a quite cold person and capable of seeing pain, make my

grandmother proud that she will surely see me from heaven be what she always wanted, she

gave me a medical book that she kept all her life, and I appreciate very much that she trusted

me to have it. I also want to be the first doctor in the family, I think I would make my parents

very proud.

If that career does not work for me, I think I would like to be an architect, I love design, but

I also like construction a lot, since I was little I helped my family to build their houses in

the country and I really like to use tools, maybe it will break the schemes and stop having so

many stereotypes. A woman can also do what a man does.

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