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Database management system
(DBMS) is a software which is used
to store, retrieve approach,
security, access the data; Commonly
used DBMS examples are SQL, MYSQL,

Postgre SQL, SQL server, Oracle etc.

DBMS stands for Database Management

System. Database is a collection of
programs which enables a user to

create and maintain database.

Database is described as the storage

of general data. A data base is the collection of
related data. A database is a collection of
uninterrupted, consistent logical, real and
meaningful data.

DBMS is a software system which provides various

facilities -

Definition – In it datatypes of stored data,

structures and constraint are instructed for
Constructing – DBMS controls the process to store
data in storage device.

Manipulating – In it, data can retrieved and update

from database and reports are prepared.

Database Abstraction
Database system provides data as requirement of user
and it hides information that how it is collected in
memory and managed. This process is known as database

Characteristics of DBMS
Following characteristics of database are there-
(1)The main feature of DBMS is that redundancy of
data is controlled.
(2)We can share data in DBMS.
(3)Security is provided in DBMS.
(4)Processing speed is good in DBMS.
(5)Data is independent in DBMS.

MySQL is a DBMS which is used to managed
relational database. It is a open source
MySQL Commands
Create database-To work with data we need to create
a database. Database is a container of data. It can
store information about students, employees, sellers,
customers or ant thing etc. In MySQL database is
collection of tables, database trigger and stored
procedures, through it data can be stored and
Following syntax is used to create a database in
After database statement name of database is written
which we want to create. Database name should be
meaningful and descriptive.

Show database- SHOW DATABSE statement is used to

display all database from MySQL database server. You
can see ‘show database’ statement to check databases
or to see all databases before creating one.
Database drop-Database drop means removing a
database permanently. All data and object related to
that database are removed permanently. This cannot be
undo. So it gives warning also, we have to be careful
while using this statement. We can use ‘Drop
Database’ statement in following manner-
DROP DATABSE [IF EXISTS]database name;

MySQL Data types-In a table of database one or more

columns can be of specific data type like numeric or
string. MySQL provides many other data types except,
numeric or string.

To create a table in a database-Table creation

statement is used to create a new table in a
database. It is tough statement to create a table in
MySQL which is given as follows: CREATE TABLE [IF NOT
EXCIST] table_name(list of columns)

Creating table student

mysql>create database Tanisha;

mysql>use Tanisha;
mysql>create table student
->sid int,
->sname varchar(20),
->saddress varchar(20),
->sdob date,
->city varchar(20));
mysql>describe student;
mysql>show tables;
mysql>insert into student
mysql>insert into student

mysql>insert into student

values(103,’radha’,’bunny park’,’2007-4-17’,’jaipur’);

mysql>insert into student


mysql>insert into student

mysql>select * from student;

2. Programming in ‘C’ Language

3.Object Oriented

4.Introduction to C++

5.programming in C++

6.Databse management system


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