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Some Agonies go beyond telling

Weeks have passed and it is getting worse and worse, everyday passes in slow motion after the incident.
Conditions have been getting rougher, the storm roars louder as the days pass. My parents, blown up by a
landmine placed by the corrupt government. What has this world turned to? Without my family i am
nothing, i've been on the run ever since with cassandra, my life long friend , the only reason i'm breathing
is because of her.

For the past 4 weeks, me and cassandra have been on the run, barely any food or clean water, we are on
the brink of death. We've crashed at this underground bunker under a rubble of broken houses, they, those
evil people don't have a chance of finding us. Our life is dependent on a game of hide and seek… BANG
BANG, loud gunshots are heard outside, Cassandra and I can't move, we are frozen, we can feel every
drip of sweat, every particle in the air, our hearts racing, we don't move. We hear screams outside,
instantly we realize what's happening, the same thing that happened to Cassandra's Family, ridding of the
poor, they call it a new world age, and we are in the middle of it.
Cassandra and I fall asleep, fear in the back of our minds, always alert.

We wake up, no loud bangs, but rather birds chirping, did they move camp? I peek out the bunker door,
puddles of blood and bodies, but no soldiers, it's our chance, our chance to run. I quickly wake up
Casandra, we rush out the door and run, we just run, no destination, we run for hope, we run for our

As we run, the sun rises above us, casting its warm light on our weary faces. We finally come across a
small village and see people, smiling and laughing, a sight we haven't seen in weeks. We approach them
cautiously, not knowing what to expect.

"Please, can you help us?" I ask, my voice barely above a whisper.

The villagers, seeing our desperation, welcome us with open arms. They offer us food and shelter, and we
are finally able to rest after weeks of running and hiding. Days pass, and we learn about the village's
resistance against the corrupt government. They've formed a community, supporting each other and
fighting for their rights. We join the resistance and finally feel like we have a purpose, a family, and a
chance to make a difference. Cassandra and I, who once felt hopeless and alone, have found hope and a
sense of belonging. We've learned that even in the darkest of times, there is always a glimmer of light and
a chance for a better tomorrow. And that is what we fight for, a world where everyone has a chance to live
with dignity and freedom.

We fight for our lost family and friends, we fight for our freedom.

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