LE F2F Technical Drafting

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Learning Area TLE - Industrial Arts

Learning Delivery Modality

School San Juan NHS Grade Level 9

Teacher GERRYLUZ Learning Area TLE (Drafting)

EXEMPLAR Teaching Date April 25-28, 2022 Quarter 4th Quarter

Teaching Time No. of Hour 30mins

I. OBJECTIVES At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to;

1. define floor plan;

2. identify common kitchen layouts;

3. discuss room requirements in planning a floor plan; and

4. demonstrate how to construct floor plan.

A. Content Standard
This lesson provides students with an opportunity to design and draw to scale
a floor plan for a home including but not limited to; a living room, a kitchen, a
bathroom, and a bedroom.

B. Performance Standard
The learners shall be able to prepare architectural layout and details based on
established industry and/or job requirements

C. Most Essential Learning Preparing for Architectural Job Requirements

Competencies (MELC)
 Planning considerations for beginners

 Designing a house according to job requirement (conceptualization)

D. Enabling Competencies Can able to draft a floor plan to communicate and represent the design ideas.

II. CONTENT Basic Planning and Design


A. References

a. Teacher’s Guide Pages TLE_ICTTD912AL-If-j-4)

b. Learner’s Material Competency Based Learning Materials Technical Drawing 9 pp. 63-71
c. Textbook Pages

d. Additional Materials Electronic Materials:

from Learning
Resources https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t3Y4LZ1C4cY



A. Introduction PRE-ASSESSMENT
I-Direction: A. Multiple Choice: Read each item carefully.

1. A part of the house where sometimes used for eating and relaxing.
A. Porch B. Living Area C. Bedroom D. Dining Area
2. It provides for and controls the flow of traffic into and out of a building.
A. Special Purpose Exit B. Door C. Entrance D. Exit Door
3. This room is generally located between the bedrooms.
A. Bathroom B. Dining Area C. Kitchen D. Foyer
4. This has access to kitchen and living room.
A. Bathroom B. Dirty Kitchen C. Dining Hall
D. Dining Area
5. An enclosed structure designed primarily to shelter an automobile.
A. Carport B. Garage C. Dining Hall D. Kitchen

What I need to know?

In this lesson, the students will understand the different room

requirements and the common kitchen layouts.

● The teacher will show images of different area of a simple house and
ask their reactions on the given photos.

● Students will be given sample pictures to enable them to identify the

common kitchen layouts.

● Show video clip (bubble diagram) and pictures.

What’s new?

Floor plan is the top cross-sectional view of the floor area of a house. The
horizontal cutting plane line for this top view passes between the upper and
lower windowsills or one meter above the floor line.

Room Requirements and pointers in planning a floor plan

1. Living Room is the center of the living area in most homes.

2. SLEEPING AREA/BEDROOM. A room for sleeping and taking rest
of the family.

3. SERVICE AREA. The service area includes the kitchen, laundry,

garage workshops, storage room, and utility room.

a. Dining Area - the area where greatly depend on eating habits of

the occupants. This should be located between the living room and
kitchen. Its size and shape are determined by the size of the family.

b. Kitchen - the place where food is prepared. It is connected to the

work triangle area for storage and mixing center, preparation and
cleaning center, and cooking center. There should be a storage hanging
kitchen cabinet with a minimal width of 0.60 meter.

Common Kitchen Layouts

· Single-Wall Kitchen - The single wall houses all of the major

kitchen work areas in a single line.

· Galley / Corridor Kitchen – also referred to as “straight kitchen”, is

a type of kitchen in which the counters are arranged in two facing lines.

U-Shaped Kitchen – features a U-shaped counter that takes up

three walls. This allows for more work space, less traffic, and the
inclusion of a kitchen island.

· L-Shaped Kitchen - This layout is very efficient and ideally suited to

smaller rooms or open-plan kitchens.

d. Bathroom - is where the toilet and tub or shower are separated to

save economically in plumbing.

e. Entrances - Entrance is divided into several different types; the main

entrance, the service entrance, and the special- purpose entrance.

> main entrance provides access to the house.

> service entrance provides access to the house through which

supplies can be delivered to the service areas going through other parts
of the house.

> special-purpose entrances and exits do not provide for

outside traffic.

f. Garage and Carports.

> A garage is an enclosed structure designed primarily to shelter

an automobile.
> A carport is a garage with one or more of the exterior walls

B. Development What I know?

Presentation of Bubble and line diagram

What’s in?

Bubble and line diagram

What is it?

Students have to present bubble and line diagram as group house design.
Provide graphing and manila paper.

C. Engagement

What I can do?

Bubble line diagram

Sketch your own bubble line diagram. See sample image below
What other enrichment activities can I engage in?

The students must observe SAFETY PRECAUTION during the activity.

Other important practices that must be observed in the work

station or workplace.

There are important practices that you must observed in the work station and
these are the following:

1. Observe safety precautions:

1.1 Never use any tool and equipment without having these cleaned.

1.2 Maintain the cleanliness and orderliness of the work station.

1.3 Follow instructions carefully.

D. Assimilation What I have learned?

The students will answer the questions below;

Give the following.

a. Kinds of Kitchen Layout (4)

b. Fixtures in kitchen “work triangle”. (3)
c. Different Types of Entrances (3)

What I can do? (Assessment)

Students will make their own Bubble line diagram

Scoring Rubrics

Directions: Below is a tool for evaluating your finished drawing of location plan
and site development plan. Assess yourself using the criteria and rating scale
listed below for grading purposes.
V. REFLECTION The students will write their personal insight about the lesson using the prompts

I understand that ________________________

I realize that _____________________________

Prepared by: Checked by:

Head Teacher III - TLE

Noted by:
Principal IV

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