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HSP 3UX Anthropology Project: Rites of Passage

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Goal: To analyze the impact of culture on the social development of the individual from an anthropological perspective
Part 1: Research
In pairs or small groups, you will research a traditional rite of passage from a global culture. Be sure to cover the following:

Briefly describe your chosen culture. Choose from the following aspects depending on the culture and the rite of passage
Social institutions:
• governance and justice (type, selection, platform, etc.)
• education (what is available, who attends, how is it planned, average level of education)
• religion (doctrine, expectations, restrictions, etc.)
• examples of traditional customs and their importance
• the appearance of the body, piercings, tattoos, jewelry, their importance and what they
express Geography :
• place (where these people live/used to live)
• influence that geography has had on their lives (climate, island)
• type of culture, it is / was (agricultural, technological)

Rite of passage
• describe the ceremony (participants, clothing, food, etc.) and the three aspects of a rite of passage
• from which state the individual moves (from one stage to the next)
• what is its meaning/function (religious? passage to adulthood?)
• how has it (the rite) evolved (its history) in its importance to the culture? (more/less practiced, change over time.

Part 2: The Presentation

Your will present a 10 minute lesson to the class on your research on culture. You must provide a visual to showcase your work
(Slide, poster board, Prezi.) and a (digital) fact sheet for the class.

Ancient Egypt - Kalahari death Burmese - Poy Sang long Japanese -
ritual - Jewish healing - Bar Seijin Shiki
Mitzvah Chinese - First birthday Roma /
Peruvian - Quinceanera Gypsies - baptisms Papua New
Ghana - naming ceremony First Nations - vision Guinea - sambia Norway - Russ
quest Maoris - walkabout Ancient Sparta - Kreptie Sikh - marriage
(Krypeia) Somalia -
Masai - Euonoto Hindu circumcision
- funeral India - Pakistan - Amish arranged
sevapuneru Syrian - marriage - Rumspringa

compile and organize information gathered from a variety of sources (e.g., categorize note-taking, use headings and
subheadings, or graphic organizers)

-Summarize the information gathered with the help of the synthesis

HSP 3UX Rubric: Rites of Passage


Knowledge and Understanding

The function of the rite (social development)
Research (notes/presentation/information sheet)
shows an understanding of the rite and its
cultural significance

The student is able to explain in detail the rite and

its cultural significance
communicate the results of his research
Presentation expresses ideas effectively with
appropriate terminology in French

Student speaks to the audience instead of reading

the presentation during the lesson

Student responds effectively to questions from

classmates and teacher (justify point of view
based on research and highlight key pieces of
Critical thinking
the investigative approach and presentation plan
by developing a research plan and consulting
various sources of documented information (ABS)

Creativity - the choice of presentation mode that

will best serve to communicate with the target
audience - paired assessment

(PPE) - Which of the documents you consulted
helped you build your knowledge and
understanding of the topic (what characteristics
of these documents helped you the most?)
(PPE) -How has your research confirmed or
changed your original opinion on the subject?

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