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Cornell Notes

Topic: Jakobson’s Model Of Communication

Key Points Notes

Who is He is well known for his six functions of

He also has a model of communication

Functions of Communication
Cognitive Emotive Conative
Phatic Metalingual Poetic

Six Elements Of Addresser: this is the sender of the

Jakobson's message
Addressee: this is the receiver of the
Model Of message
Communication Context: this situation in which the
message is sent
Message: the idea to be expressed
Contact: the channel through which the
message passes
Code: the form of the message
The model is simple and elegant

Roman Jakobson is a well-known literary theorist and Russian American linguist. His
six theories on the roles of language which are cognitive, emotive, conative, phatic,
metalingual, and poetic have gained him widespread recognition. Additionally,
Jakobson has a communication model. The addresser, or the sender of the message,
the addressee, or the recipient of the message, the context, or the situation in which
the message is being sent, the message, or the idea that will be expressed, the
contact, or the channel of communication, and finally the code, or the form of the
message, make up Jakobson's model of communication. Jakobson’s model is fairly
straightforward and simple to comprehend.

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