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Group Topic:

Individual sub-topic:

Topic: slavery

Subtopic: The road to abolishment of slavery

The topic that was chosen for this project was slavery, the road of abolishment. I
chose this topic because I lack the knowledge and ethical views on the topic.

As a English student, exploring this topic will help me in developing researching

and writing skills such as summary writing, analyzing and collection of
information. Which will improve my vocal and use of dictation.

For this project, Information will be collected in the form of print by article
through the internet, video and audio via YouTube. Information collected will be
analyzed and used to write the reflections and the written report.
Reflection #1

The first artifact is an article about how the American abolitionist helped slaves
Africans to escape freedom by helping them escape to the north (Canada).


The second artifact is a video talking about the journey of abolishment of slavery
and how abolitionist helped to stamp out slavery.


The third artifact is a poem that titled freedom or slavery by Eric Cockrell written
in 2011. Which explains the ill will and corruption of American society during the

While reading the article I felt 4 towards the African slaves that were denied their
freedom and human rights because of there were seen as objects and cattle,
Some people thought the act was cruel and inhumane and so they lent a helping
hand towards the Africans helping them to travel north to escape slavery.

Which cause us to change our feelings against of the Americans in the days of
slavery. The video makes my view point change against the people in that era
because some of them help to carry out the abolishment of slavery in the
Americas some of them were high-ranking officials, famous authors and other
inflectional people in the American and across the world. The poem game me bit
of lingering eerie feeling of sadness because even after slavery was abolish
Reflection #3

After reading the article I gained new information on how slavery was abolished.
Which was the underground rail road operations that help the slave escape to the
north. Also my view point of the jurying that time change due to action of

Oral Presentation

A poem on abolishment of slavery

Name of poem: Freedom

The roses have wilted

The violins are dead

Chains all around me

Round and round in my head

Sometimes I wonder if I am still bound

Which my fragile soul cannot withstand

But in reality, it is all real

I often wish not to open my eyes

To see this world

But lifting me from my restraints \

Allowing me too open my eyes

Then finally I am set free

Oral Plan: My oral presentation will be taking a form of a poem based on
slavery. I picked this genre because am very fond of poetry and history. The
artifacts that were chosen help me shape my poem in to what u see here. They
added the tone and word chose in the poem. My oral plan about the struggles
and metal slavery jurying and after the abolishment of slavery.

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