Week 8 Mini Essay 5

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Week 8: Mini Essay 5

Sunday March 5th, 2023

Rape culture is where sexual violence is treated as the norm, and victims get blamed for what has

happened to them. It is about the cultural norms and institutions that protect rapists, shame victims, and

demand women make sacrifices to avoid sexual assault. Rape culture is a significant issue in America,

specifically in colleges. In just one year, about 100,000 women will be sexually assaulted on U.S. college

campuses, allowed by colleges and administrators to turn their backs when their students report rape.

These colleges and big businesses are more concerned about their brand and enrollment numbers and

often brush these sexual assault cases under the rug protecting the offenders in the process.

Administrators often ask students not to come forward with these cases and stories and to stay away from

the police. The victims are forced to face statements such as "What were you wearing when it happened?"

making them less likely to come forward. Another big part of this issue is the clubs and groups that are

large supporters of these schools. Many of these predators are in groups such as sports teams, and when

victims come forward, these predators often get away with the crime as they are the most significant

contributors to the school's funding. This issue will continue in America until colleges start putting their

victims first and putting their greed to the side.

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