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buTroy X* Page I of 20

’ Version 2.0 Using graphic designtemplate

by 1 magi nos


Legends throughout the omniverse have always foretold the coming of a god greater and more
passionate than any other, an entity of love and lust, of life and light, one who shall be second only to
the Archdeity of Eternity himself: the ANAEL. Your very presence spreads goodness to those around
you, and in time, you will come to fill the entire omniverse with love and light.

For now, at least, your Anael power depends on who you were prior to awakening. Pick ONE

You were just an ordinary joe, getting

along in life as best you could, before realising
how extraordinary you actually are.

The range and scale of your perks tend to

be small and localised, at least for now. At the
moment, you could probably affect a whole
city at once.

5 Power
25 Love

Bonus: Pick one lover. She costs 1 Love less

for you. This can reduce her cost to zero, bu t
not less than zero. In addition, choose one
Destin y; it requires one less lover lor you to
have in order to achieve it.

Whether or not you actually used your
abilities to adventure, you have powers, skills,
and/or gear that set you apart and give you
an edge, but without being ridiculously OP.
This could have come from another CYOA.
Perhaps you were a grigori; it was long
thought by some that the Anael would be a
grigori, after all.
greater than a former mortal s. At the
moment, you could probably affect a whole
country, or even a world, at once.

6 Power
69 Love

Bon us: Pick one Lover who costs 6 Love or

less. You get her lor free instead.

i might not have been a literal god, but

ess you possessed incredible power,
that could very well be called OP. This could
have come from another CYOA. Perhaps you
were the Last Omega Lord, or even the Living
Hyperion or the Grand Adonis.

The range and scale of your perks tend to

be very large scale already. The exact scale is
dependent on what OP abilities you already
have, but is likely to encompass multiple
worlds at once minimum, and possibly
galaxies or even beyond.

9 Power
100 Love

Bonus: All Lovers who normally cost 7

Love instead cost 0 Love lor you, and all
Lovers who normally cost 0 Love instead cost
5Love lor you. Alternatively, you may take
any one Lover lor free instead.

You have not only awakened to your

nature as Anael, but also to the extraordinary
enlightenment that you are no less than an

Eternity himself!Though awakened to this

knowledge, you are far from realising the true
power of which you are an aspect.
If you choose this origin, then you should
ALSO pick oneof the previous three origins:
Mortal, Adventurer, or God.

+1 Power
+50 Love

Bonus: You may take Glory as a Lover for

free, OR you may take the Aura of Joy perk
(including the additional options in that perk
if you want) for free. In addition, you may take
the Sister Brides of the Anael OR the
Heartmuses of Cosmic Rapture as Lovers for

You were, and are, the Archdeity of

Eternity. You are fully, totally, and
completely omnipotent and invincible and
infallible, in all ways, and reign supreme over
the entire omniverse (which consists of
every thing, whether one calls it the
omniverse or something else), with none able
to gainsay you. Thus there is no limit to the
range and scale of your perks; affect the
entire omniverse at once if you like.

It only makes sense that you yourself

would be the Anael.

Infinite Power
Infinite Love

You may convert Power to Love, or Love to Power.

For every 1 Power you convert, you gain 5 Love.

For every 5 Love you convert, you gain 1 Power.

The lovers you take into your harem will play a part in the destinies you reach Both lovers and
destinies are a guide as to what your ultimate triumph will look like. As such, all lovers and destinies
are marked with one or more icons. Once you ve decided what lovers you have, and what destinies
you ve reached based on that, count up all the icons of every lover and destiny you have, and refer to Fl
the last page to see a brief note on how that shapes your triumph.

There are eight types of icons. (A lover or destin y might give more than one of the same kind of icon
in some cases.)Each icon represents something different as follows. (Note that there are different total
numbers of icons, so icon-count thresholds for your triumph based on them will differ.)

PRESTIGE This represents lovers and destinies which are powerful, important, or
superlative, and as such is indicative of the high amounts of prestige you will obtain,
whether deliberately or otherwise.

PT .EAST IRE: This represents your focus on pleasure of various kinds. This might be
ight be a more intimate love, or it could be simply sheer joy.

HEROIC: This doesn t only represent the heroism of saving others, but also refers to
goodness, kindness, and helpfulness of all kinds. In some cases this can refer to your aid
of your lovers in a specific way, as implied by her description.

PROSPEROUS: Distinguished from being heroic largely in that this is about

helping others to help themselves. Building foundations that enable sustainable
happiness and goodness.

LIFE: A focus on life and vitality, particularly as expressed through nature or


BREEDING: This represents lovers or destinies who are either focused on fertility,
or who have some specific, typically important, effect when bred (for instance, their
da ugh ters inheri ting their rare and excellen t abilities).

DEVOTION: While all your lovers are devoted to you, there are some who have a
personal connection to you, or whose hearts and goals revolve around you in deep

LIGHT: As the Anael, your joy and light will spread inexorably through the
omniverse, though its rate might be slow depending on your mode. This icon represents
lovers and destinies that involve spreading your light faster or better.

You do NOT have to keep track of which icon means what!

You can if you like, but it s not necessary. Instead, on the very last page of the CYOA, review the
lovers you ve chosen and destinies that have resulted from that, and count up each type of icon, one at
a time, and see how your triumph is shaped by each one.

For example, youll look at the Prestige icon, then go through and count up how many of those icons » >

came with your lovers and destinies, and check the Prestige entry on the last page. Repeat this process
■ for each other icon.

Also, don t worry - all ends are good ends, no matter how low any given icon count is.
by Troy X* Page 2 of 20
V ersion 2.0


You are eternally, unshakably blissful and joyous. Your joy is what makes you the Anael. As a
result, you become generous, magnanimous, and good-hearted, if you weren t already.

Happiness is the supreme force in the omniverse, and you are its supreme expression. Your joy
overcomes literally everything, including logic, concepts, omnipotent/invincible beings, etc. This
works much like the Power of Love or the Power of Friendship to overcome any obstacle, but with the
far greater potency of your Power of Joy. Only the Archdeity may gainsay you, and he never would.

This also makes you truly inviolable. You are completely and totally immune to harm in any form.
This means, for example, that time travel shenanigans cannot prevent you from becoming the Anael
This even extends to protecting those you care about

Therefore your joy and your Anael abilities are unstoppable and unique to you alone and thus
cannot be copied, hindered, stopped, stolen, resisted, mitigated, etc.

The omniverse itself bows to your irresistible joy, effectively giving you luck that is absurdly,
impossibly good, to the point that nothing will happen to you that you don t want.

All this means that you are also immortal and will not age beyond your prime; if you are already
past your prime, you are instantly returned to it. In addition, you immediately gain your ideal form, as
L well as all the porn physics and porn logic you 11 ever want. You glow with a gentle light, which you
can toggle at will, and dial up and down in intensity too.
Id You are guaranteed to encompass your full potential in time, for bliss is always and forever yours.
While your joy is inviolable and irresistible, you have not yet spread it across the omniverse. But for
now, what other perks do you gain by becoming your true self, the Anael? Perks cost Power.

Life blossoms in your wake. Where you

tread, plants sprout, flowers bud, and trees
W- bear fruit This happens even out of season,
and even in places where normally such
wouldn t be supported.

There are no ill effects on the environment

in any way from this, and the new plantlife
will sustain itself after you leave.

The spirits of these plants will often

adult, in every way, including physically and

psychologically)dryads with sexy bodies.
They worship you, including in the sexual

You are an overflowing fountain of

healing energy.This works on any form of life
or sapience, including robots.

Your very presence soothes physical pains

and cures minor ills. Bruises disappear as you
pass by, and cuts knit scarlessly.

With a look, you can cure anything,

including cancer, and even regenerate limbs.

With a touch, you can resurrect the dead.


With the barest touch, you can sculpt

people and objects, even buildings, into any
beautiful forms you wish. What counts as
beautiful is up to you.

Those so sculpted will find their new forms

incredibly beautiful as well.

With a simple touch, you may bestow

immortality upon others. They will not age
past their prime; if already past their prime,
they age back to it.

You can choose to have an aura that

passively bestows such on others (which

not want to bestow this on) to the extent of

your range (as specified by your origin, on
page 1). However, this takes a lair deal of
energy to maintain, and you must regularly
energise this aura by fucking consensual

Animals consider you their friend, and are

tame in your presence. But the main ability of
this perk is that you can harmonise the world
around you.

example, while manmade structures become

more aligned with natural aesthetics and
materials. This removes all pollution in an
area too.

WPTIDS Copyright © 2016 MyneL Inc. /Legend of the Crvpttds

With your presence, you can remove

violent impulses from others, and instill them
with a desire for peaceful compromise that is
mutually beneficial. (This won t prevent them
from defending themselves or such things.)

Your presence can also calm people

internally, allowing for psychological and

___ •

You may choose to permanently bless an area with fantastical prosperity. It will forevermore be
some variant of utopia, in every way. Logic and luck themselves will bend towards this end, such that
reality in the area seems to run on sunshine and rainbows.

The size of the area you can bless with a single use of this is determined by your origin (as specified
on page 1).

This passive aura (which can be toggled o

or off, and dialed up and down in intensity)
spreads your eternal joy to those around you,
permanently and unshakably if you choose.
This will turn enemies into friends, for who can
hold a grudge if one is happy?

With time, you will even be able to spread

this joy to inanimate objects and abstract
concepts. As an example, plants will bloom
more brightly and robustly, because that is
their joy. Gravity would be all too happy to
protect people from falling. And so forth.

What would it mean for the omniverse

itself to be happy in its every fiber?

Foran extra 1 Power, then everyone you

ever fuck. - so long as you re a ttracted to them
at the least -gains this aura if you choose, and
your offspring too.

Foran extra 1 Power, this already affects

inanimate objects and abstract concepts.

f>.. -—■
by Troy X* Page 3 of 20
'Version 2.0 Using graphic design template
by 1 magi nos

Many are those who will flock to join your harem, becoming your devoted lovers and concubines
for all time. They ve never been with a man, of course, but if you are male, they will nonetheless fall
hard for you. Who do you take as your lovers?

Each lover costs Love.

(All characters, like in all my works, are 18 years old or older.)

The omnipotent goddess of glory, whose
power is outstripped only by her sister Joy,
you, and the Archdeity of Eternity. Her name,
her domain, is her desire: glory, epics, and
grandeur. Not simply dictating everything
with omnipotence, nor wallowing in luxury.

She s not entirely sure what to make of

you. She definitely wants you, but you
embody the sort of joy that she scoffs at in her

Perhaps you 11 mellow her out. Or will y ou y

allow her to weave glory into your Anael


The Erosalfar are an entirely female race Verdashante is native to a Maiden World.
of immortal elves specializing in pleasure, sex, As such, it s a paradisal Hyperion world,
and sex magic. Each clan s crown princess has protected from all ills, and the only sapients
gathered with the others to eagerly present are hot immortal women of varying elf, fae,
themselves to you in a royal harem, as a gift. and nymph varieties, all of whom are dancing
revelers, whom the elements themselves
Despite being virgins, they are very good
eagerly leap to please.
at fucking, and even their fragrance is
astoundingly erotic. While they can use sex to Verdashante herself is the eldest of the
power non-sexual magical effects, they re world s inhabitants, the first being created at
better at sticking to sexual effects with their this world s dawn. Although there is no
magic. government here (and none is needed), the
other women show deference to her. Too, she is
linked to all life here. When you fuck her, she
can share your mutual ple<
other woman on the world!

N Pktnci
Sola is the princess of a world where the
sun never sets. Due to the solar gems her
people harvest, she is by far the richest person
in her pleniverse (a collection olmultiverses).
She dwells in fabulous luxury, in the beautiful
cities her people build, full of fountains and
gardens. Her people are essentially nudists
(wearing skimpy garments only to enhance
and never to conceal), and it is common to see
them frolicking in the fountains and pools.

Sola has light and fire powers, but has

never had occasion to use them outside of
training or demonstrations, due to her
sheltered life. She frequently goes incognito
amidst the populace, getting to know her
people (even the lowliest ol her peasan is
dwells in luxury), and often fucking hot
women she encounters.

She is well read, and skilled in sculpting,

particularly with the solar gems that are the
backbone of her people s wealth.

Pax Dansi is an incredibly talented dancer

of surpassing grace and beauty. She can
dance for more than her own sport or others
entertainment however; through her dancing
she can channel calming energy, quelling
violent urges in those who see her.

She s also an accomplished martial artist,

specializing in pins and nonlethal takedowns

might expect, a pacifist.

Despite her own gifts, Pax Dansi is excited

to see others talents (in any field), even if they
might be mediocre next to hers. She sincerely
praises anyone who shows her their skill,
thereby making others feel good and
inspiring them to keep improving.

She always appears calm and serene, only

growing energetic for two occasions: first,
when dancing; and secon

In many multiverses, Cosmic Forces are

the embodiment of the laws governing
reality. This is the case in your home
multiverse as well, and its Cosmic Force of
Magic has been drawn to you.

She is incredibly powerful, being the

source of all magic in the multiverse, and is
able to control it and the principles by which
it operates. She can strip magic from anyone
she pleases, or gift someone with it.

Like most Cosmic Forces, she has primarily

been concerned with maintaining multiversal
stability, and generally advocates a balance,
not dictating what purposes magic can be
used for.

However, you have awakened something

in her. A spark, a passion for something
greater. In bringing her joy and pleasure, you
may very well make the multiverse s magic
itself a force only for good.

► Taethysica is a storm nymph. She

commands, and revels in, wind, rain, and
I thunder. Having sex while flying in the midst
of a thunderstorm is an intense experience
that she is eager to share with you many,
many times.

The area around her will never be

completely calm. While she can suppress
some of her storm tendencies if she must (and
naturally she prefers not to), there will always
be something. Distant thunder, a light
sprinkle, or warm winds.

She is a simple woman, of simple joys, and

spends her days flying and fucking in storms,
with thought for little else.


Nearly all multiverses have a core, where
Elohim gather, potent spirits whose health is
tied to that of their multiverse. Shekinah is
the queen of all Elohim. Unlike other Elohim,
she exists in every multiverse s core at once,
rather than only in a single multiverse s core.

By regularly making love to her, you can

channel your Anael powers throughout the
whole omniverse! But the more areas you try
to affect at once, the slower and more diffuse
the process will be.

Like all Elohim, Shekinah can destroy

galaxies and create planets on whim, but she
vastly prefers the latter to the former. It is not
uncommon for her to spend eons tinkerin
with a single created planet before she is
satisfied with it; she is a true artisan.

Despite her astounding beauty, it is not

that for which the woman known as Sage is

philosopher and heroine in the omniverse. She^*^

is a planeswalker, but otherwise has very few
direct powers. Most of her abilities are passive
and indirect in nature, but she leverages them
to incredible effect with her brilliance,
always applying minimum force to achieve
maximum results. She leaves wherever she
passes the better for it.

She is very analytical, instinctively so. It s

hard not to be when one s brilliance can
instantly calculate all possible outcomes in
any situation. Her philosophical leanings
temper that, but it is still all too easy for her to
forget that most people aren t an
as perfect as she is.
by’I roy X' Page 4 of 20
V ersion 2.( Using graphic design template
y Imagines

Twin naiads deeply in lust with each other.

Like all naiads, their pussies (and assholes and £ 5
throats too)are astoundingly wet What sets
Aqua and Mara apart in that regard is that
they make other women s cunts equally wet,
permanently, by lezzing them to multiple
orgasms. These wet fuckholes both give and
receive much greater pleasure than

Aqua and Mara have a rare ability most

naiads, despite their water affinity, don t
have: they can teleport from any body of
water to any other body of water, no matter
the distance. They also have minor water
manipulation abilities (this is more common
among naiads), but can t do anything with ice.

They are surprisingly fond of (lewd)

riddles and poetry, though Aqua leans
toward the former and Mara toward the



Rhomafa is a love goddess. By itself, that is Eilnid is a pixie who exults in laughter and
nothing particularly uncommon when one good humour. She s excellent at cheering
considers the infinite expanses ol the people up, being a master of joketelling, wit,
omniverse. But Rhomafa can induce love so and even slapstick. So excellent, in fact, that
strong that it amounts to mind control, even in in extreme circumstances she can defend
Cosmopotences despite their power. herself or others by magically inducing
(Cosmopotence is a term for anything with helpless fits of laughter in her enemies.
powers that can act on the scale of an entire
She grows vital when surrounded by
universe at once.)
laughter, cheer, and good humour. (The
She refrains from using it at this level, magical laughter she can induce does not
however, except to tell people not to hurt count for th is.) She is highly mischievous, but
each other, which all but eliminates violence does not like jokes or pranks that are at
in places she passes through. someone else s expense.

She would love to settle down with

someone (or someones)she loves, but feels it is
her duty to keep wandering and bringing
love and peace wherever she can. Perhaps
you can relieve her of her burden-

Barachiella is an incredibly loving and

compassionate angel. She once served a
pantheon somewhere in the multiverse, but
was cast out of their hosts for campaigning to
spare and redeem their sworn enemies,
instead of slaughtering them as her deities
and fellow angels all wanted to do.

She has wandered the multiverse

imlessly since then, helping out where she
can. Worshiping you would give her purpose
again, one much greater and better than any
she ever had before.

liVPY Omeo ♦

Once, the Omega Lords reigned at your

home multiverse s End of Time, before they
were sealed away in a great war. But now, a
final descendant has risen, the Last Omeg

Known as Lady Omega, she is rebuilding

the ancient magitech of her forebears, while
her personal power vastly outstrips those
Omega Lords who came before her.

The eyes of the multiverse are upon her,

waiting to see what she does, and she
definitely feels the pressure. Will she conquer
or be content to explore?

Note: If you are the Last Omega Lord

yourself, then Lady Omega is a new Omega
Lord you have created or spawned somehow.

Rhiannon was once an unpowered mortal

woman. But she achieved true enlightenment,
thus becoming immortal, gorgeous, and joyous
- a perfect match for the Anael!

She has no supernatural powers beyond

that, aside from logic-defying luck. She has
devoted her eternal life to helping others
experience joy and enlightenment.

She enjoys seeing and hearing the

creative expressions of others as well, and
learning new things.

Beautresse is one of the most beautiful

women in the omniverse, a truly impressive
distinction. She has parlayed this into fame,
wealth, power - and the largest harem in the
omniverse, full of the most beautiful women in

She houses her concubines in her luxurious

palace, a titanic structure spreading across
millions of universes. This size is required to
hold them all!

The sultana has never given her heart to

anyone before, until you. Her harem is just as
eager to ravish you as she is to share them
with you. Will you uplift Beautresse s
hedonistic pursuits with the purity of the
Anael, or will you help her discover who she
can be outside the role of harem mistress?

Gijsserine Godheart is a dragon goddess,

l <
who rules supreme over a multiverse that is
Jons. She once dwelt in
dominated by dragi
splendour as the hereditary leader of a singl
universe, but was not content with that after
many eons. Her subsequent campaign ol
conquest and aggrandizement saw her
ascension to cosmic divinity and coronation as
empress unchallenged over her whole
multiverse. Now, she dwells in even more

She lives a life of luxury and ease, but her

sharp mind is always at work playing the
politics of her court and staying two steps

she could singlehandedly easily crush any

opponents in her multiverse, even an army of
such opponents, there are those who plot
against her.

With the Anael on her side, that could


The planet Onglorrad is home to a species of animal-eared (but otherwise human) women with
astounding genetic flexibility. They can reproduce with virtually any sapient race and gender, and
each time can produce either another Onglorradian, another of their partner s kind, or a halfbreed, as
they choose. They re extremely fertile as well, frequently bearing veritable litters at a time. For this
reason they are often highly sought out for bolstering failing populations or aiding colonisation
ventures. Onglorradians don t have much in the way of technology or magic, but their world is a
verdant paradise, and they are highly resilient, leading lives of luxury in harmony with nature. Their
bu*l roy X * Page 5 of 20
V ersion 2.( Using graphic design template
y Imagines


A iae entity personifying lust, Desire is a

make an entire world orgasm at once. She can’’

even make inanimate objects orgasm,

Her power will scale up to yours after you

fuck her (assuming your perks operate at a
larger scale than her orgasmancy already
does, that is) and her range will continue to
grow over time. Eventually, she will be able to
make entire multiverses orgasm at once!

As a being of pure lust, Desire has no

drives beyond passionate sex and whatever
may be needed to accommodate it. That said,
she has all sorts of different moods of lust, from
gentle lovemaking to wild fucking and
everything inbetween.

A powerful cosmic goddess, Virgo bolsters

her already significant reality warping

ol both her vaginal virginity andher

lesbianism with her female harem.

Naturally, the tantric potential of you, the

Anael, fucking her would provide even more
ol a boost than that!

Virgo currently uses her lust and sex

magicks to bolster decidedly practical ends,
governing, maintaining, and improving her
vast cosmic domains. She s very matter of fact,
almost cold in some people s eyes, and the
only time she ever relaxes is when engaging
in tantric acts. Even then, those are for the

It s up to you to show her that there s more

to life than work..

Princess Izenda of the Golden Hair is
famed for her beauty, but even more so for the
influence her presence exerts on destiny. The
land in which she dwells, and its people, will
prosper greatly so long as she remains there,
with her hair uncut She is glad to do that, and
is quite proud of her luxurious hair, but still
wishes she could see more of the universe
beyond her ivory tower.

With the Prosperity perk, you could lay

permanent blessing on her homeland, giving
her the freedom to travel with you.
Otherwise, you can still breed more destined
daughters upon her, who can
both here and elsewhere.

Izenda has an ai
curious streak a mile wide. She s always
hungry to hear about exotic places and
peoples, and even more so to visit them. Her
sense of wonder never leaves her
disappointed by what she finds.

Sheila is a minor deity of happiness. She

preads joy by granting wishes to those with
he greatest desires. Her main rule is that she
won t grant a wish if it causes someone else

She takes great joy and pride in her work.

She was once a goddess of war, raised by a
bloodthirsty mother who was also a war
goddess. Sheila grew disillusioned with battl
and death, and sought a different path.

Renouncing her heritage cost her the

majority of her divine power, but she has no
regrets, and is in fact happier than she s ever
been. She frequently scries those for whom
she s granted wishes in the past, to see how
they re getting along, and helps them out
further when they re in a bind, if she can.

affinity for crystals and light. These boost her

mystic powers by incredible degrees,
primarily when she s in their presence. But
any crystal shes touched or light she s seen
leaves behind a small but permanent boost to
her abilities even afterwards; thus she is
slowly and steadily building up power across
the centuries.

She is a wandering heroine, regularly

saving damsels and kingdoms across the
cosmos. She s constantly proposed to, but is
waiting for the right man-

In the meantime, she hones her mystic

skill, for what good is raw strength if one
doesn t have the ability to properly utilise it?
She s not particularly interested in magical
theory, but is a virtuoso in its practice. It s hard
to get her to talk about anything unrelated to
magic however. Except during sex of course.

Sheba Starlight is an incredibly good, kind

hearted woman. She is also a beloved
monarch, ruling wisely, justly, and mercifully,
and has done so for millennia. As she is
immortal, there are no concerns about a
successor not as suited as she to the role.

People, including entire nations, clamour

to join her queendom, which is constantly
growing due to this. Sheba manages it all
well, with a surpassingly deft touch.

She is married to her work, however, and

has no hobbies. The queendom is her life.
Allying with the Anael will greatly benefit
her queendom...and after this alliance is made,

a suitable reward for a diligent and good


One of the omniverse s most passionate

fertility goddesses, which is really saying

powers you d expect of a fertility goddess, she

can also make you divinely fertile, able to
impregnate even inanimate objects and
concepts, from stars to dreams and more. (As
Anael, this is an ability
< that you will develop X mMF

eventually anyway, but Zemetria can give it

trail Mn/ /nmciivia r'-an 1/

to you immediately.)

Zemetria craves your seed, and desires to

have endless daughters with you, who will
also be fertility goddesses. Any spot where
you impregnate her will be touched with

grove where you plant seed in her belly might

become a magical forest replete with wise
dryads. A spaceship in which you breed her
might become sapient and develop strang
new abilities. And so forth.

A dragon sage who was raised by a fallen

angel, Noctissa Grace is known as a Queen of
Monsters. She is no queen however, but simply
a compassionate soul who sees the beauty in
those that others call monstrous and ugly. She
founded, and manages, a city for such
monsters, which has become a haven far and
wide for anyone in need of a home without

The monsters she looks out for tend to be

more compassionate than most, due to their

day problems like anyone else. Noctissa

Grace spends much of her time mediating
arguments and troubleshooting. At night,
however, she loves to relax on the beach and
watch the stars; this is the one luxury she
allows herself.

You could bring her city incredible joy,

lightening her burden, which in turn would
give her a life with more than nonstop work.

woman of great power. She wields chaotic
lightning that can unravel seemingly
anything it strikes. Too, she is seemingly
invulnerable and all but immune to
unwanted abilities, such that even some
RGBs have trouble with her.

Though she revels in power and battle,

seeking out such as a sport, she also loves soft
beauty, both in her clothing (what little oh it
she wears)and in the women she takes to her
bed. She is passionate in whatever she does, be
it fighting, feasting, or fucking, enjoying life to
the fullest
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A minor seer, Toraesil had a vision of you.

But it was a vision of you as you were before
awakening into the Anael- and she fell in
love with you even then.

She has sought you out and now found

you, and rejoices that you have become what
you deserve to be.

Her mind works in tandem with yours, as

your personalities and interests pefectly
complement each other. You 11 find
yourselves frequently finishing each others
sentences, not out of a telepathic bond, but
because you sync together that well.

/ / III VIVI lit. I It

Ainezulie is a mystic whose purpose and
joy in life is beautifying things, in both X
mundane and magical ways, everything from
architecture to people, all at no charge. (She
never beautifies someone against their will,
but this is a rare case.)

J She does graciously accept gifts of

gratitude, unless they are offered by those
who really can t afford to give them.

With such gilts she pays for her room and

board as she wanders the cosmos, beautifying
things as she goes.

When she meets you, she is utterly

astonished. For you are someone who cannot
possibly be beautified more than you already

Kallalasi is a goddess of fate, who has a

penchant for weaving cosmic designs in
grand, sweeping ways. She likes the personal
touch however, and tries to give even the
lowliest mortal a grander destiny than

She sees your ascent as potentially the

grandest of designs, your loom of fate perfect £
for her to guide. As you might expect, she is
one of Glory s best friends, as well as her
lesbian lover.

Due to her personal touch, she is more in

tune with the common man than Glory, who
tends to prefer the big picture. This gives her
great store of compassion, and she does her
best to ensure that the grander fates she
weaves for people are also better fates, even if
there might be obstacles along the way.

Ivrisse is a nature goddess, who revels in

the beautiful aspects of her domain. She has
the ability to awaken nymphs in any tree or
body of water. Many dryads and naiads owe
their creation to her.

Nature bends itself to her call, as you d

expect: water surging in excitement at her
presence, flowers standing tall and thrusting

Ivrisse, unlike many nature goddesses, is

not intrinsically repulsed by civilisation, and
is in fact quite curious about it. She does find
pollution and ugliness repugnant, but
understands that civilisation does not have to
go hand in hand with such things.

She frequently visits cities, exploring to

sate her curiosity, helping out here and there
if she can, and trying to nu

with nature.

Elysia is a psychopomp spirit, guiding

departed souls to paradisal afterlives. She
finds it hard to relax, since she is driven to
constantly seek out such souls that she may
direct them to happiness.

Some souls are out of her reach, however,

ould help her quite a bit in this regard-and

also would help her to unwind! This will make
her happier, as well as more effective in her

As a psychopomp spirit, she can exist in

many, many, many places at once,
manifesting to countless departed souls at the
same time in order to guide them. Naturally,
she can service you with several bodies at the
same time._

Selestora isn t a goddess, but she exhibits

traits similar to one, such as immortality and a
divine-level affinity for life. She tends an
enchanted otherdimensional garden, which is
wild with woodland nymphs of all kinds.

Blossoms of incredible beauty produce

ambrosial nectar. Flowering trees bud
magical fruits that can heal, beautify, and
youthen the aged back towards their prime.

She has an ability similar to the In Your

Wake perk.

Beyond her garden - the tending that it

requires, and her walks through it - Selestora
has few specific interests. Instead, she tends to
enjoy anything that happens, whether it s a
spontaneous dance of dryads, or an itinerant
adventurer trying to trick her out of some
magical fruits (ironic and pointless, since she
gives them away lor free).

Galaiads are magical, immortal, reveling

nymphs who all have enormous, lactating
boobs. Their milk is ambrosial, inducing

needs. It can also serve as a potent magical

reagent, but curiously only boosts spells that
do positive things, such as healing.

Their queen s milk is the most delicious

and potent of all, and her pussy juice is just as
ambrosial as her milk. She s more intelligent
than other galaiads, who tend to be simple,
hedonistic creatures who dance and revel
with no other thought

The queen loves to revel just as much, but

she knows that, for others, there are things
beyond reveling, and that many could use her
help. It s still hard for her to understand such
non-reveling viewpoints, though she knows
they exist. She gives away galaiad milk to
others as often as she can, helping in the best
way she knows how.

A mighty archangel unsworn to any deity,
Thara has phenomenal speed, strength, and
A-t toughness. She is a beloved heroine across the
multiverse. She s extremely good, kind, and
honourable, but her biggest impact isn t the
countless lives she saves, but what an
inspiration she is to others, inspiring them to
/ also do good and to be better people.

She sc been rl
defeated -Anri L i
and even killed
before, either by much more powerful beings
or by alliances of beings similar in power to
her own. But she is always brought back no
worse for the wear, somehow or another, due
to the concerted efforts of the many who
admire her, and saves the day again.

Thara is tireless, both physically and

emotionally. Indeed, helping and inspiring
others seems only to energise her.

Twin souls born at the same time on o

their missing half all of their immortal lives. Both are planeswalkers able to hop across time and space
with ease. Rosalyn has great healing powers, and can instantly grow plants, while Pyralyn can create
and manipulate fire, as well as shape metal like clay (giving it a beautiful sheen in the process, if it
didn t already have one).

Both women would already be very desirous for you when you meet them, but even more so if you
were to unite them at last.

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V ersion 2.(


At the center of the omniverse, in the

Astral Axis itself, is a shining civilisation that
was founded by the first Living Hyperion_or
possibly the last one_or possibly all of
them...or possibly the only one. Legends
surrounding the Living Hyperion aren t clear.

These Hyperionites are astoundingly

advanced, more so than anyone else in the
omniverse. Due to being expressions of their
ruler s power, each has cosmopotent reality
warping abilities, plus invulnerability and
immunity to all unwanted powers, though the
latter two can be bypassed by the strongest
omniversal entities.

Lynerva, a Hyperionite native, left her

home in their paradise to wander and explore.
The sages of her people told her that she
would not return until she finds what she is
looking for.

She doesn t know what she s looking for

though._until she meets you. i ND

Otherwise a demigoddess with only minor

power, Finnenine possesses a rare gift She can
halt and even reverse entropy. She travels the
omniverse in order to reverse entropy in as
many places as she can.

Her work takes many forms, from restoring

the elderly back to their prime, to making
machines never run out of energy, to
energising stars.

This same gift means that Finnenine

herself never tires or flags, remaining chipper
through her neverending mission. She isn ’tall
work though; she understands that enjoying
life is a key part of reversing entropy, and she
is a huge patron of the arts. All kinds of arts,
from paintings to poetry composition to
musical performance. She is a reasonably

to tango the night away with those she has


The offspring of a dark Cosmopotence and

a light Cosmopotence, whose differences
were bridged by true love, Kaeira Heartbond
is a universe-shaking force, having inherited
both her parents powers.

She is a staunch advocate of free will and

self-determination however. So rather than
ruling and imposing her will on others, she
focuses on things like freeing the enslaved,
and helping lovers be together.

Given the union that produced her, Kaeira

draws great power from love, and is herself a
loving soul. Imagine what the love of the
Anael can do for her!

There are unknowable abominations in

; the cracks between multiverses. Though
'/ relatively few and far between, they have
almost nothing in common with the rest of the
omniverse, even down to the laws of reality
that govern them.

Hyeterhu is one such. To interact with

others, she took on a form that consists of what
even abominations have in common with the
rest of the omniverse: namely, desires for
beauty, love, and happiness.

She is unable to communicate except

through sex, which with her will be a strange
combination of tender and wanton. Even
telepathy will find her mind too alien to
properly communicate with.

When not having sex, she seems to drift

aimlessly about, frequently phasing through
solid objects as though they aren t there.

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PHANxA the
Phana the Passionate is a cosmic goddess
with great mastery over the domains Love,
Lust, Fertility, and Life. She is incredibly
powerful, and has endless worshipers and
temples across the multiverse, but maintains
no empire nor similar holdings.

She has little desire for authority, only for '*!

her domains, which are truly her passions,
towards which she channels her great power.
Sowing life on barren worlds, pairing people
with their soul mates, and fucking her
priestesses are all among her pastimes.

In the Anael, Phana will find someone

she s never conceived of before: a god worthy
to be worshiped by a goddess...


Maya is a peacemaker of great skill,

traveling around the multiverse to negotiate
ends to wars and feuds. She meets with great
success thanks to her wisdom and compassion.

She also heals worlds and environments,

cleansing pollution, repairing atmosphleres,
and so on. She is nodivine
4h>~n ■ ff 7 _________________ divineentity
entity,, and or
knows a little magic; she uses her people s
advanced technology for this, or her own
extensive connections to find ways to heal
worlds if technology doesn t suffice.

The Enemy rules supreme over a Hy perion

world that was corrupted somehow. It never
leaves there, and is untouchable.

The woman known as Nemesis has been

seen across the omniverse, however. She s
clearly connected in some way to The Enemy, /r
ibut no one is certain whether
iii she’s its sister, its'n -
daughter, or even an aspect of The Enemy
I itself.

Nonetheless she is extraordinarily

beautiful, and many see this as a sign that
even The Enemy craves beauty and joy, and
that perhaps it might be redeemed.

Despite her beauty, Nemesis is wicked

and evil. But surely you, the Anael, can
redeem her...and even fill The Enemy s
untouchable world with light and goodness-

obscure but still widespread

religion has been awaiting the coming of their
god for untold eons. Now, you are here, and it
is revealed that their god is you.

Rhaele is their high priestess, leading her

flock in great rejoicing. She has miraculous
clerical powers that grow based on the
number of your worshipers. Like her followers,
she will hang onto your every word and
always be steadfastly devoted to you.

She has many beautiful priestesses serving

her, who are just as eager to give themselves
to you as Rhaele is. Rhaele recruited them
over time from a loose affiliation of women

the heart, who have never worshiped any

deity, but instead tap into the deepest and
greatest powers of the heart: things like love,
hope, and friendship. They are even able to
emulate phenomenal abilities for short
amounts of time, if the need is great enough.

The Anael is the epitome of the heart, and

as such you are the one and only deity for


Long ago, Glory and Joy collaborated to create a divine tree, whose fruits cou
wishes to those who ate them. Joy wished to give blessings to others, while Glory saw the tree as an
opportunity to start mortals on quests and adventures for it. As a finishing touch, they created two
tenders for the tree, an angel and a fairy.

But they had unwittingly created the concept of temptation, for others fought over the divine
fruits. In the end, wearied by the turmoil over its bounty, the tree uprooted itself and transformed into
a beautiful dryad, bearing one final fruit far away from all who sought her. Now, accompanied by the
two tenders which Glory and Joy made for her, she wanders the omniverse, seeking you, for the
Anael s desires cannot be corrupted by temptation, but will instead result only in joy.

If you elect not to take the fruit yourself, Temptation will offer the fruit to one of your lovers or
daughters who is suitable.
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' y Imagines

Despite being identical twins, Nox and Dia are as different as night and day, hence their names.
They have different opinions about nearly everything imaginable, and differing interests. Yet they
are deeply, passionately in love with each other: one of the strongest cases of True Love in the entire
omniverse, in fact They re talented psychics, able to hold back tidal waves with their minds, mentally
soothe crowds, sense the future, perceive distant places, and so on. When they psychically express
their love, evil creatures flee and perish. They ve even successfully infiltrated The Enemy s hellworld
to rescue their friends, and escaped! They do of course agree on a few important things, such as core
values. And pink. They agree that pink is the best colour ever.

15 E AC ON

The dimension Gireldor is a massive world of cyberpunk fantasy, and was once being corrupted in
a multitude of ways: mundane pollution, eldritch entropy, and greed in the hearts of men. Four women
of incredible genius and goodness engineered a brilliant magitech solution that transformed
themselves into beacons of purification. As beacons, they walked to and fro throughout Gireldor,
cleansing it of all corruption, the effect spreading out faster and faster the more they wandered, until
at last the realm was fully healed. But the price to make this work was their intelligence. Determined
to save Gireldor, these four geniuses willingly became ditsy bimbos that their world might be
cleansed. While fucking you is a great reward in and of itself, it could also restore their genius..


Jatra is from the magical world of Evercheer, where it is always Christmas. The spirit of cheer never
goes away, and though it s always a winter wonderland, it s somehow never cold. The natives are
naturally generous and merry, and gift-giving is a central part of their eternal-Christmas culture - it
literally gives them a natural high. Jatra fell hard for you from afar even before you became Anael,
I thanks to a vision from the Spirit of Christmas. She sees you as her ultimate Gift. In response to her new
| devotion, she becomes your Gift (i.e. mate), eagerly serving you as your fuckmaid and/or fuckpet

She knows some (Christmas-themed) utility and convenience spells, and can open a portal to and
from Evercheer no matter where she s at, but otherwise has no special abilities.

Randina the Magnificent, Harem Qu

Queen of Queens. Such are her titles, for she is
a woman of incredible allure, essentially
having powerful porn logic. She seduces
powerful women to her bed and to her throne,
thus becoming the true power behind
countless thrones across the omniverse.

She seeks to add you to her list ol

conquests, but you shall conquer her instead,
making this Harem Queen only one of your
exotic harem. She will labor tirelessly to
please you, both in bed and through the
orders she gives to her subordinate queens,
and her appetite lor seducing more queens
will not diminish.

She would see the Grand Warlock

Aphraeya as a major rival il she knew ol her,
and indeed she might privately admit to
hersell that Aphraeya completely outclasses
her own allure.

But while she s capable of

•If, her talents do not lie on the
battlefield. Rather, she travels the multiverse
and uses her affinity for light magic to alter
the light of stars she passes.

The starlight is magically infused so that it

bestows generally improved physical and
mental health wherever it shines. Plants,
animals, and people become healthier, more
prosperous, and friendlier, while climates
settle into safe patterns and tectonic plates

She loves her twin sister Nyrika dearly,

and truly believes that Nyrika is a much more
helpful person than she herself is, working so
• M closely and deeply with others, and she will
happily expound on her sister s virtues to
anyone who asks.

Ny rika Eles has great affinity for life

magic, and chooses to work much more
closely and hands-on with people than her
twin sister does. Instead of achieving broad
widespread effects with starlight, she visits
worlds directly, coordinating people,
resolving disputes, and healing afflictions to
both people and the environment.

She too loves her twin sister dearly, and

likewise believes that Nyvessi is much more
helpful than she herself is, for Nyvessi helps
far more people than Nyrika does, due to
Nyrika s focus and depth. She happily extols
her twin s virtues to all who listen.

Kynaia is the shared nameof

twin sisters whose minds share both
their bodies together in a very
intimate psychic meld. Women of
supernatural beauty and pleasure,
they enjoy a life of simple joys and
sensual delights, dwelling with
nymphs on a paradise world. They
have no importance in the grand
scheme of things, but perhaps that
is what draws you to them. After
all, the Anael is about joy, and not
importance per se.

At the moment you awakened to

your nature as Anael, a wave of your
holy energy washed out through the
multiverse. Many wicked women -
be they warriors, sorcerers, empresses,
goddesses, or something else - were
bathed in your holy light and
repented in the lace ol incredible
peace and joy. In fact, they fell in
love with you from afar, based
entirely on your pure energy.

They have found each other,

nearly a hundred redeemed beauties
across the multiverse, and now look
for you, that they may shower you
with their gratitude and love. They
are exceptionally fertile and wish to
bear your holy progeny, a
celebration of new life after their
lives of wickedness. Ihey are also
adept at redeeming others due to
their own experience.

Ters is a Hyperion world of barbarians. Its animating spirit calls itself Tersa the She-Lord and
manifests as this woman to explore beyond her world. Due to her nature as a Hyperion world, she is
immune to all powers except those on the level of a Living Hyperion or similar. She can likewise
remove powers from anyone not sheathed by a Hyperion Veil or similar protection, with a touch
(though she doesn t gain the powers she removes).

She is immortal, very tough, and can regenerate almost instantly even from soul destruction. She
has the strength of ten men, speed approaching the sound barrier, and endless stamina. She is a bit
haughty and expects to be obeyed by most commoners - and in fact many people do instinctively
obey her. She also has a curious, inquisitive nature, wanting to explore and adventure, and live her
days feasting, fighting, and fucking.

She never wears clothes, completely refuses to use weaponry more advanced than medieval, and
for that matter is quite reluctant to use any other forms of tech past medieval level.
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by 1 magi nos


A mighty, all-female pantheon consisting of various Ascendants, Ultimate Gods, and Living Gods
all swear themselves to you. They do have an ulterior motive other than their tremendous desire for you

Fucking you, the Anael, empowers themselves! Plus it breeds more powerful women for their

You benefit as well, and not just in the sense of all that pussy. Your perks are enhanced the more you
fuck them, too, in a symbiotic loop of power generation.

Each member of the she-pantheon is different, as they are highly individual rather than a
homogenous collective. They do cooperate very well together regardless.

Twin sisters and fellow wanderers, Faleryn and Sileryn are ancient immortal kitsune (i.e. human hut
with fox ears and tails) who have outlived multiple universes. They can slip through spaces in reality to
easily travel time and dimensions. They re also exeedingly clever, able to figure out ways to avoid
combat or win virtually any kind of conflict without causing harm, if it s at all possible. Each has ten
I tails, a phenomenon which is astonishingly rare throughout the omniverse. But in giving you their
I virginity, they 11 become the only kitsune ever to have twelve tails each!

Faleryn Many-Tales (yes, Tales, not Tails, she likes the wordplay) is a spirit of mischief, laughter, and
riddles. A star kitsune, she keeps the memories of the universes she s outlived in her soul, reflected
through her shining hair. She doesn t act like she s got so much ancient wisdom though, being a playful
tease and flirt, always boisterous, and adoring new experiences.

Sileryn Many-Tails (yes, Tails, not Tales, she snot quite as into puns as Faleryn) is a sun kitsune. She
can channel the light of all stars she has visited in order to heal or calm others. The sunlight is kept in
her soul and reflected through her hair. She s more serious than Faleryn, but just as fun-loving. She is
also rather more sultry and sensual.

The long-lost but recently discovered heir
to the powerful interdimensional empire of
Etherscape, this new Empress is a being of
both tremendous beauty and allure and
staggering power, in personal, political,
economic, and military aspects. She is a Nova,
meaning that she can use extremely powerful
magic without pause, which is nigh
impossible to counter.

Etherscape itself is full of potent mages

and advanced magitech, and is a power to be
reckoned with. Now once again united, with
their Empress at the helm, the multiverse
holds its collective breath to see what they
will do. Perhaps you can ease the multiverse s
fears by taming the Empress™

Note: Il you are the Emperor of Etherscape

yourself, then perhaps this Empress is a second
Nova that you have sired or created somehow.

Eisa sees the beauty in everyone and

■ry thing. She possesses many aspects of
h inner and outer beauty, in accordance
with all the beauty she sees, though it s
uncertain whether she emulates it or
somehow embodies it. She is the passion and
inspiration of fire, and the sensuality and
patience of water. She is the illumination and
warmth of light, and she is the gentleness and
comfort of darkness. She is the best of all
opposing aspects, creating a synthesis of
beauty and goodness in herself.

The Erosalfar, elves of love and

desire, have the knowledge to create
soul mates for their favoured lovers
via their sex magic, taken from a bit of
the person s excess soulstuff: an anima.
They now offer you your own animae,
for your excess soulstuff has given you
not one but two of them! Your animae
are perfectly suited to you in every
way, fully devoted to you, and will
serve any role you want. They almost
seem to know what you want even
before you do. Being the animae of
the Anael, however, they have a
special ability no other anima does:
they can themselves create soul
mates for other women, by lezzing

Your Animae cost 1 less Love it

you have taken the Erosalfaras

Vyalisena is a highly inquisitive fairy and

extremely clever. She knows a lot about

practical. While she is a bit absent-minded,

her intellect (and some amount of luck) sees
her through any potential calamity.

She has some minor fae magic, able to

heal, buff, create illusions, and cast similar
can trips. She has a tremendous affinity for
places filled with life energy though. In a
forest with no civilisation, her magic would be
heightened exponentially. On a world
overflowing with so much life energy that all
wounds heal immediately, her magic would
be all but godlike.

She nonetheless prefers to use her

knowledge and intellect. She s outwitted
gods, demons, and more throughout the
multiverse over her long life. But she s never
had a true partner before-until you.


These elflike spirits are paragons of compassion, kindness, and goodness. They have a few abilities
similar to Anael perks (though nowhere near as inviolable and omnipoten t as your perks), and all
good things feel affinity for them and reverence in their presence. Priestesses of the heart, when
around them, have their heart powers bolstered substantially.

Despite being called queens, they rule no nations of any kind. Yet everywhere they go, anyone
with the slightest spark of good in them feels that these Spirit Queens of All Light are to be heeded.

Yet these five women themselves feel a similar affinity for you...

The Font of Elaestiel is a mystic wellspring of power, kept by six women

someone who performs great deeds, they use the Font to bestow several ble
immortality, and in addition offer the worthy one a single wish of unfathomable power. This wish is
similar to the heart s desire wishmagic of djinn, but has fewer limits, able to reshape entire universes, or
even a whole multiverse at the upper end.

Upon hearing of you, the Wishmaidens were smitten, and will bestow all the Font of Elaestiel s
power upon you. The heart s desire of the Anael, backed by the full might of the Font, could create
incredible wonders beyond telling...
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by Imagines

A breedmaiden is a woman empowered

by multiple fertility goddesses with the
pinnacle of their divine blessings. Esniara is
the ultimate breedmaiden, blessed by one
million of theomniverse s most powerful and
important fertility goddesses, who present her
to you as their eager, horny gift. She takes in ■.
excess essence from every woman she tribs,
and unlike other breedmaidens has unlimited
capacity for the quantity and quality of this
essence she can hold at once. Then, when you
breed her, her daughters will have all the best
qualities of all the women Esniara has ever
lezzed, except even greater. They 11 also
inherit lesser versions of your Anael perks.
Esniara is also a joy to be around, earnest and
humble, with a great sense of humour.

Esniara costs 1 less Love for each of the

following other lovers you have: Trinity of
Sacred Romance, Zemetria, Phana the
Passionate, Cosmic Broodmothers, Astria. This
cannot reduce her Love cost to less than zero.




No one, not even Stardust and Moonglitter themselves, knows who they are or where they re from.
But they have the mysterious ability to nullify virtually anything negative - whether that s biological
diseases, hostile magic, or intangible emotions like anger - into a strange sparkling energy, which is
the namesake of these two women who call themselves sisters despite not knowing if they re actually

With their powers, Stardust and Moonglitter have become the guardians of a shining
interplanetary civilisation, warding off the worst threats, defusing political corruption, healing ills,
and then giving all the converted stardust and moonglitter to the technomages to power the
industries that now make these worlds practically utopian.

They ve nonetheless always felt out of place, set apart from others. In you they would see a truly
kindred soul and finally feel as though they belong...and their power, as it turns out, will increase
exponentially after fucking you.

largest empire in the entire omniverse. It

encompasses multiple pleniverses, and most of
its member states are utopian to a greater or
lesser degree.

commands an incredibly strong (and

nilitary as well an overflowing stock of
cosmic superweapons, but prides herself on
eschewing them in favor of diplomacy. She is
a strong and bold woman. Her fearlessness is
justified due to the godlike powers and
near-total invulnerability she has, acquired
(permanently so) from the vast resources and
connections available to her.

Eoserra spends her days multitasking.

Bathing and being sexually worshiped by
lesbian concubines, while also viewing
multiple operas, and conducting court
business, all at the same time, is a typical
scene one might find her in.

A wise fairy talented in various m

skills, Jhaerilissa is a friend to pixies
everywhere. While several pixies attend to :
her wherever she is, she befriends all those she
encounters in her wanderings. While she s not
a leader to them, in effect her advice is taken
as orders by them, for they know they prosper
under her aegis.

With Jhaerilissa as your lover, you will

have countless pixies zipping about to assist
you in any way possible, from fetching things
to finding secrets, etc.

Jhaerilissa herself is a tenderly passionate

woman, who enjoys sensuous gentle love
making and cuddling on a bed of flower


repressible well of positivity and

tru is beloved by all who know her.
ever brings her down, she s an
who lifts people s spirits just by being
around. She s very kind and good-hearted as
well, and helps out as much as she can with
the vast repertoire of support spells and

valiantly gone onto a battlefield to rescue

beleaguered knights many times.

She s a princess, and the only one of her

sisters who never vied for the right to become
crown princess in line for the throne.
Ironically she was recently declared crown
princess precisely because of her kindness,
bravery, and wisdom.


Selasyen is a princess of an idyllic galactic A kind but weak angel with scarcely any
civilisation, whose post-scarcity magitech is power or insight, Amoranna never qualified
powered by runes of great potency. An for any of the angelic hosts she sought to join.
introvert, Selasyen is a savant with the runes, Undeterred, she has helped people by herself.
and has been delving into their mysteries for She searches the multiverse for those who
millions of years, seeking to uncover the could use a companion and protector, and
deepest root language of creation. becomes their lover, maid, and bodyguard for
their whole lives. These have all been
Centuries ago she discovered a rune that
seems to resonate with all other runes,
has little to offer anyone with any significant
increasing their effectiveness and longevity.
Translated, the rune is Anael. In you she sees
the answer to all her questions and the Upon hearing of you, she immediately
validation to all her searching-.and the lover petitions to join your angelic host (whether
she never before realised she wanted. you already have such a host serving you or
not), eager to serve you as best as she can.


The Staff of Omnipotence and Scroll of Omniscience, they re called. Wondrous artifacts that no
one fully understands. It is unknown how they came to be, or whether they re actually omnipotent and
omniscient, but supposedly the staff can do anything and the scroll can reveal anything, if only its
bearer is attuned to it. These two women have been keepers of the staff and scroll for eons, studying
their mysteries and barely able to tap into their abilities. Yet the artifacts come alive with power
when necessary to protect their guardians and to prevent themselves from falling into the wrong
hands. After ages upon ages of plumbing the artifacts mysteries, these two women believe that you,
and you alone, can fully unlock their secrets.

The Staff and the Scroll cost 1 less Love per lover you have that costs 7 Love.

An eidolon is an artificial woman made of tantric energy, who possesses the abilities and powers of
those who created her. Randina the Harem Queen has made many thousands of beautiful eidolons,
pooling together many queens and goddesses to do so, to create very powerful and beautiful women.

Bry ntera is one such eidolon princess. She has a unique trait, however, unlike other eidolons, she
can share her abilities with others! You can share your Anael perks with her (albeit a weakened
version ol them)by making love to this spunky, good-natured woman, and then she can share those
perks with others at your discretion, spreading your light far and wide. Daughters she bears you will
4 likewise possess all abilities she does, including such perks.

Bryntera costs 1 less Love if you have Randina as a lover.

When a multiverse is destroyed by a Chaosbringer, nothing remains except for raw chaos. Except,
in one multiverse once, long ago, the vitality of a single dryad could not be quenched. Her tree rose
anew in a burst of life-giving flame from the chaos, alone in the space between multiverses.

And it grew, and grew, and grew. Phoenixes were born in her branches, and flew out at her
command, filling the chaotic void with life and energy, and still her tree grew, until it was the World
Tree for a brand new universe, and later multiverse, composed of itself. Except, not brand new: instead,
it was the original multiverse, reconstituted as though it had never been lost. This Phoenix Dryad has
undone time and space and chaos themselves.

Jaslinth is a djinni from Clearbrass Estate.

Specifically, she is an apsara, a variety known
for their beauty, intellect, kindness, and
sexual prowess, albeit with less innate
wishgranting magic than normal. Jaslinth left
the scathing political scene of her home,
however, and now wanders the multiverse. i

She is gentle even for an apsara, and while

find their way eventually, seeking only to

guide others without forcing them. To that
end, she lives by example, enjoying life to the
fullest, but not foolishly, while being kind.

She greatly enjoys gentle loving sex in

water, be it a natural stream or a bubbling
jacuzzi. She is also very learned in philosophy,
and loves to teach it, discuss views with others,
and learn others beliefs.

As an apsara, she is also fantastically

talented at massages, both sexual and

These twin sisters are the crown princesses to an immortal race of elf druids from a distant plane.
Long ago, their people achieved a post-scarcity society and transformed their entire plane into a
paradise where they live harmoniously with each other and with nature.

Salaille and Renaiise are the most beautiful of their people, the most magically talented in druidic
sorceries, and well beloved. They lustily indulge their subjects desires by participating in lesbian
revels in the natural pools of their dimension. Though they tend to live joyous lives, the twins do take
their royal role seriously, studying the magic and science that sustain their realm, so that, if need be,
they may defend it, repair it, or even rebuild it 4

Twin souls, whose fates were balanced.
Whenever something good happened to one,
something bad happened to the other, and
vice versa. They have luck manipulation
powers, but for every good fortune they
brought about, an equally bad fortune came
to pass as well.

However, the sisters have long since

transcended their karmic limitations,
achieving a potent state of enlightenment
that allows them to bring forth only good
fortune, both for themselves and for others,
without suffering karmic backlash.

out, before traveling again to settle

somewhere else. Will they have the good
fortune to meet the Anael?

They have a certain twin link, so that

whenever one of them orgasms._both do.

S JLm.

Long ago, in the multiverse s primary hell, on the Circle of Sloth, a succubus and a fallen deva had
a daughter, named Shini. Her deva blood was strong, stronger than the taint of hell, and despite her
origins, she is a font of purity and goodness.

There is now a large, lush garden on the Sth Circle of the overhell, where Shini dwells. She crafted
the garden from her own nature, and it pains evil people to enter it, and none have found a way to blot
her out. It is also a haven for those, demons or otherwise, who seek harbour, redemption, or simply a
moment of peace, and Shini welcomes them for however long they wish to stay, so long as they remain

Yet she might do much more with the Anael s love_perhaps even turn all of hell into a utopian

Spirits awakening within natural places is

common: dryads from trees, nereids from seas,;
sylphs from winds, and so on. Less freque
spirits awakening within entire planets.

Anesidora is the spirit of the planet you

were upon when you awakened to becoming
Anael (whether that s Earth or elsewhere).
The energy of your ascension reverberated
through time and space, bringing life to this
barren world eons ago and awakening
Anesidora as its inhabiting spirit.

She has awaited these long eons for you,

> one who awakened her across time, and
now she is eager to give herself to you.
Everything natural on the planet is hers to
command, and she will reshape it as you

Impregnating a planetary spirit is held by

some to be impossible, but for the Anael, there
are no limits-

In the remote Kai ihl galaxy, sultans of godlike power rule entire planets uncontested. They vie
amongst each other for prestige and wealth_and most especially for the finest courtesans. Concubines
of unmatched beauty and intellect are coveted and feuded over, and it is a common aspiration for the
sultans subjects to become a sultan s courtesan.

Twin sisters Jaloa and ly ndona were two such aspirants, and now are the most desired courtesans
all their galaxy, dubbed the Jewels of Kai ihl. In addition to their enchanting beauty, sexual arts,
dancing and musical skills, and witty intellects, they are also sha irs: sorceresses who command djinn.

Hundreds of beautiful djinn serve the twins, ready to pleasure and grant wishes to whosoever the
Jewels give themselves to. Yet Jaloa and ly ndona have yet to give themselves to any sultan, biding
their time. Until they hear of the Anael, and decide that you are a sultan more worthy than any other.
They, and their horny djinni servants, will eagerly give themselves to you, and satisfy you with
passionate sex, entertainment, and wishes. |

Ten immortal planeswalkers, the Caducea

travel the omniverse to uplift races magically,
technologically, and socially. All ten are wise
philosophers, archmages, and technological
savants. They demand no price for their aid and
actively but gently discourage people from
worshiping them, though that doesn t stop th<
more so
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Impossibly beautiful women always surrounded with floating lotuses, these are nymphs of the
omniverse as a whole, rather than of any specific part like most nymphs. They are spontaneous
emanations of Omnia s thoughts and feelings. They float freely through time and space, and there are
few barriers that mean anything to them. They inspire others to live harmoniously with each other and
the world wherever they go, using their charisma and fate-weaving power. Their intuitive knowledg
I of the omniverse s workings allows them to instinctively, almost automatically, rewrite karma
structures wherever they pass, so that goodness, true goodness and not a gaming of the system, is
always rewarded.

Saenaie reveres you, the Anael. She is a

strange quasi-mystical woman for whom
there is only now. Thus, lor her, you have
always been awakened, and she has always
celebrated you. Throughout time and space
she has cavorted and danced and reveled, an
endless celebration in your honor, which
actually channels some of your light. Thus she
has never required sustenance and is
protected from all ills, while rejoicing those
she comes in contact with and bettering
places she passes through.

She would be ecstatic if you celebrated

with her. And isn t that the entire point of
being Anael?

There is a remote fantasy utopia, whose

inhabitants are advanced but live in harmony
with nature and with each other. It is the most
gorgeous city in its multiverse, magnificent
architecture blended with resplendent
hanging gardens and breathtaking vistas. Yet
for all its grandeur, it is very much like an
idyllic village in how its inhabitants get along
with each other. A haven, not a paradise, but
one where people s better natures generally
shine through.

Olorri is a fairy princess who forsook her

crown in order to help found this utopian
haven millions of years ago, and even today
watches over it incognito, living as just one
seemingly ordinary fairy amidst the city s
multi-race citizens.

She doesn t see her city or work as truly

worthy of the Anael, but you can demonstrate

ROLF, original charaetrf^k cmprtsww

A lovely and kind-hearted elf maiden, A magically gifted kitsune called th

Thauri lives a humble life in a forest kingdom,
where she spends her days helping out. Being She is particularly talented in imbuing items
a caretaker for the infirm, smoothing over with magic and bestowing blessings on
disagreements between neighbours, and people, and has developed an amazing
keeping everyone s spirits up are just a small technique to make these imbuements and
sample of what she does. blessings self-propagating! Blessings are
transmitted from person to person, spreading
She may not seem all that special next to
out over time to encompass large areas with
your other lovers, but maybe that quiet
beneficial effects.
humble life of goodness appeals to you?
Her technique can be used to spread your
light faster and further!


Chanthral is a Dark Beauty, a woman

Dark Beauty, for her own selfish pleasure,

rather than for the good of all as with Light
Beauties. She isn t wicked or anything, just
vain and self-centered, but there are
oftentimes unintended side effects of her
warping that wind up harming others

Seducing her would not only redeem her

nature as Dark Beauty into an Enlightened
Beauty, but due to a quirk of her being
perhaps the most prestigious Dark Beauty i
the omniverse, she is connected on a subtle

omniverse who possesses some great

advantage but uses it for wicked or selfish
reasons. Thus, fucking her will have a subtly
redeeming effect on all those people she is
connected to - and even more so the more
offspring she bears you!

Sofiel was born at the same time you were,

and has always been linked to you. As an
angel, she had an instinctive need to serve a
lord, but not just any lord would do. When
you awaken to your nature as Anael, she
senses you and your location, and joyfully
comes to you.

She is your ideal woman in terms of

appearance, personality, interests, etc. In

she can channel any of your Anael perks that

you allow her to. She is also incredibly fertile,
and will bear you a vast host of angelic
daughters whoare just like her (but with
equally bea u tiful differences for the sake of
variety). Your personal host of angels will
serve you and your lovers faithfully, and carry
your word anywhere in the omniverse you
wish them to.

Baldras are fae women of supernatural

beauty and sexual prowess, who are paragons
ol compassion and kindness. Pinafie is the
greatest baldra of them all, and has inspired
entire worlds of wickedness to be heroes
rather than villains. Her presence passively

while her shining radiance has a way of

making those who see her wish to be more
like her, and to be better people in order to be
worthy of her. She loves everyone no matter
how wicked, and has a way of seeing to the
heart of any person or any matter.

Her singing is supernaturally good even

compared to other baldras, able to invoke
emotions and bespell monsters. She is also an
incredible muse, inspiring phenomenal
creativity and motivation.

There have been some people who

believed she might wind up being the Anael

Far into the future, a conclave of brilliant

women create a new type of power source,
forged from some of the most positive energic
in existence: energies of tantric sex, beauty,
kindness, truth, fertility, life, love, and so on.
_mJ They called it Aeternergy,
---------- 'J--------------------------------------------------- and~gave

J&jP & themselves new bodies and souls formed

completely of it,becoming perfect both inside
and out

Aeternergy is relatively fragile against

the harsh reality of the omniverse, so it can
only exist without deterioration in a special
pocket dimension. This dimension s exterior
shell is the physical body of Aeterna, who has I
the combined hive mind of all the women
living inside the luxurious pocket dimension
of her body. She travels time and space, in
order to experience new things, learn new
knowledge, make new friends - and hopefully

You are that wau.

Born from an ocean in a plane where the

water is liquid mana, Meraeith has a
conceptual connection to all bodies ol water,
everywhere. She is sensual, powerful, and
kind, and anyone who calls on her for help
while in a body of water will be saved.

Her juices and titmilk are liquid mana as

well, and she will be fascinated by your own
cum, which is even richer than the potent
aquamana she is so familiar with-
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y Imagines

Hope, Charity, and Summer were three women deeply in love with each other, but fate conspired
against their love. They underwent many trials, challenging everything from society to titans, and at
the end stood together triumphant, their shining love recognised by all, as they became goddesses
themselves. Their domains are sexual passion, romantic love, and fertility between lovers. Now they re
the best matchmakers in the omniverse, and lonely lovers pray to them to be with their loved ones.
They re responsible for helping many famous matches succeed, including Kaeira Heartbond s parents,
Aura and Aria s parents, and Delight and Destiny s parents.

Deoni is a maenad, or wine nymph, from a

paradisal world. Here, alcohol has no health
issues, causes no addiction, and while it gives
a pleasant buzz doesn t impair judgment.
Instead, it brings wisdom and clarity, and
often creative inspiration as well.

For long ages, Deoni reveled with her

sister maenads and the other natives of her
world. Until one day she learned that there
were other worlds, and they are not all

left and since then has been wandering the

worlds, sharing the magical wine she can
lactate at will, and helping others however
she can. Though she possesses great beauty,
she has few skills beyond her magical wine,
but that by itself is enough to help many help

caring lover, and helps however she can

despite having no area of expertise.

Magnif ica is a unique genius, who has

single-handedly invented the field of eutech.
Eutech is a variety of technology that is
powered by positive emotions, such as hope, '
mercy, love, gladness, and so on.

The technology is surprisingly easy to

create, and she travels incessantly, always
bringing knowledge of it everywhere she
goes and leaving people the better for it.

Potentially one of the greatest goods in

the omniverse, eutech is clean and versatile i
addition to promoting positivity among
people. Will you help her spread it?

Magnifica herself, despite her intelligence

and beauty, is somewhat shy and soft-spoken,
1______ 1____ i____________ ]_____ 1____________ t__ L

as well as she might.

f. 1 TTEh

These five immortal women are incarnations of pure fertility. They are constantly pregnant even
without sex, and regularly spawn all manner of new sapient races. Their offspring vary from primitive
mortals to potent deities, and everything in between, but they are all beautiful, all-female races.

For the Anael to breed them is their fondest desire. Your offspring by them will be incredibly
prosperous and blessed, though their power level depends on your own origin s power level.

Long ago, a former Chairbitch of the ROB

Pantheon Council tried to show up the
Archdeity of Eternity. Using all her power,
influence, and omniversal domains (having
wrangled oversight of a vast number of them
at the time), she created her magnum opus, to
be as wondrous as Joy or Glory. Thus Astria
was created. Divine beauty. Overflowing love
and goodness. Font of life and lust. Power that
even ROBs might not quench.

Yet she lacks an essential ingredient:

true spark of eternity, such as only the
Archdeity could bestow, and had given to his
two daughters. Astria is wondrous regardless,
and knew there would one day be one who
could give her what she lacks: the Anael.
Make love to her, and she shall be transported
by ecstasy, as the entire multiverse you re in
at the time bursts with prosperity, beauty, and
grandeur, sown by your light mingling with
hers, even as you sow your seed in her womb.

The Veiled Earth is a Hyperion world,

inviolably protected from outside threats by
the Archdeity of Eternity s blessing. Gaea is
not the personifying spirit of the Earth, as is
often thought, but of this Veil itself!

Fucking her gives you control over the

Veil, allowing you to set the parameters for
what it will and won t allow. Breeding her
results in daughters who are also Veil spirits.
These daughters can drape "V eils over any
locations you please, giving you near-total
control over what powers and technologies
can be used in any such Veiled world, and
under what conditions.

Gaea herself is a fiercely protective

woman who doesn t stand for injustice. She
also loves tinkering with the inner workings of
science and magic within her Veil.

f.u Qae
The raw material of the omniverse, created
by the Archdeity of Eternity and shaped into
the multiverses, is pure chaos. Tu Qael is a
Chaosbringer, able to unravel up to an entire
multiverse at a time back into raw chaos. She
harnesses the freed chaos with all manner of
techniques, spells, and machinery to power
whatever her heart desires.

Tu Qael, unlike many Chaosbringers, is an

ethical soul. She only destroys irredeemable
heliverses, so that they can be remade into
better places, and uses the freed chaos to
stymy other Chaosbringers who would rain
senseless destruction upon the innocent

She s been caught up in her crusade for so

long, she s forgotten how to have fun. Perhaps
you can both help her win her war and help
her unwind.

Leilani was an ordinary mortal woman,

required. She frequently stopped in a grove to

relax and collect her thoughts, and the dryads
of that grove fell in love with her. Taking pity
on her weariness, they shared their power
with her, making her part-dryad. Now
immortal, Leilani lives a joyful life among the

Still, she sees other mortals struggling as

well, and wishes she and the dryads could do
something to help them. While she falls in
love with you at first sight and is eager to go
anywhere you go, she also leaps at the chance
you have to spread joy to everyone.

Far across the omniverse, there is a portal

that no one can enter, but through which
glorious light shines. The realm around it,

inhabitants beautified, perfected, and blessed

with great power over sex, love, prosperity,
i nature, and fertility. The Enemy s servants
have tried to invade before, only to throw
down their weapons and repent before the
____ realm s goodness and purity. High priestess
J&. Eleria bathes in the sacred light-blessed pool
before the arch daily, obtaining its blessings
on behalf of her people, and being mystically
impregnated repeatedly, but still a virgin.
Her daughters are pilgrims wandering the
omniverse to spread their blessings. Who
made the portal, or why, no one knows. But
now, as Eleria is bathing, someone comes ou
of the archway- you.
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by Imagines

Grand Venuses are women of almost

infinite power, beauty, and sexual prowess,
and Istoril is the greatest of them. She is
invulnerable and immune to anything short of
a Living Hyperion, and can effortlessly lift the
infinite conceptual mass oi a multiverse, and
has a host of similarly scaled powers.

She s not a conqueror, however, but a

protector_.and of course sexually insatiable.
Her vast harem contains women of surpassing
beauty and power, and when Istoril falls for
you, so too will they.

Istoril sees you as her Grand Adonis, the

one she s waited for all the long ages. As you
are the Anael, fucking her will empower her
far beyond even her current ability, making
her power level akin to what a non-Anael
Grand Adonis might have.

The omniverse itself is a living, sapient

entity. And now she has taken quite an
interest in you.

Needless to say, fucking the omniverse

itself is an...experience. An incredible rush,
endless heights of deep ecstasy, and a
thrilling infinity of all the glory there is.

When you impregnate her, her daughters

are brand new multiverses.

Note: If you take Omnia as a lover, she can A

substitute as any one requirement for any one’
Destin y of your choice. i

Art by. Richard Suwi

Luscianne is the granddaughter of the crotchety old Underboss who runs the ROB Pantheon
Council on the Archdeity s behalf. She s highly mischievous and fun-loving, always up to hijinks both
sexual and otherwise.

Though she has no powers, she has been rendered utterly invulnerable thanks to the Underboss
authority, and possesses a TARDIS analogue to gallivant around the omniverse in. She (and you)can
teleport back to said TARDIS analogue at any time.

lantric Conquerors cost 1 Love if you re Mortal, 2 Love if you re an Adventurer, 5 Love if you re a
God. If you re Awakened, they cost 1 less Love.

These immortal elf sisters want to conquer everything. 1 hey have no designs on power, however,
this is solely so they can fix everything that s wrong with the omniverse. But while they re quite potent
and enjoy using fancy magic, they re soft-hearted and can t stand to hurt anything.

This put quite a damper on their grand plans, until they hit upon their powerful affinity for
twincestuous lesbian tantric rituals! This greatly boosts the scale and complexity of their spells,
achieving effects like paralysing armies via inducing mass orgasm, transforming weapons into
harmless items or monsters into squirrels, etc. Then they sweep in and use their normal spells to assert
dominance, but without actually having to hurt anyone!

They re not actually that great at administration they again fall back on their tantric
twincest, using rituals to temporarily sharpen their intellects so they can figure out what needs to be
done to improve a place in all aspects: politically, socially, environmentally, economically, etc.

It s prophesied that these twins power will multiply by the number of offspring they bear, and that
the boost per offspring will be much greater depending on the power of the father. It is likewise
prophesied that their offspring s father will grow greater and greater the more offspring they bear to
him! They ve considered candidates for this for millennia but have rejected them all. Until you. 4



Three pairs of twin sisters, the Harmonious Dualities are the incarnations of the omniverse s cosmic
dualities. Light and dark, order and chaos, love and lust, etc. They are these dualities as they are meant
to be, in harmony with each other, rather than clashing. It is said that they sprang forth from Joy and
Glory s connection to each other, which was the first duality in the entire omniverse.

Wherever any kind of duality exists, the Harmonious Dualities are aware of it and able to
influence it.Though they have immense power, they prefer light touches, nudging things gently to
harmony and balance. In the Anael, they find the perfect, ultimate resolution and reward to all

iOi Thf

Twin sisters, Xynza and Xaeze are Living Hyperions, with infinite power just under Glory in ability
who jointly rule a massive empire over huge swaths of the omniverse. They don t always get along
however, and frequently squabble. They have the same powers and goals as each other, desiring both
beauty and power, both glory and joy, and have slept with many of the other powerful women on this
list for that reason.

As lovers, they will throw themselves into your cause, spreading joy but also wanting you crowned
lord of all. Each works for her own gain as well, to cement her place as one of your queens. Your love
will reconcile them too, reminding them that they truly love each other.

Xynza s primary hobby, which she does to relax when she s not having sex or plotting omniversal
domination, is creating new multiverses. Xaeze s hobby is creating gorgeous goddesses to add to her
lesbian harem, which doubles as her subordinate pantheon.

Note: If you re the Living Hyperion yourself, then perhapsXynza and Xaeze are your creations
and/Dr your daughters, or members of your Pantheon. 4

Cherry was an ordinary woman of average

looks; life was alright, but she always felt
there should be more, deep down in her soul.
Her prayers are answered when you awaken
to being the Anael. Despite being far away
from you, she is transformed into a 10 out of 10
beauty, and her life and disposition are
improved by unthinkably vast amounts.

When she first sees you, sometime after

that, she instantly knows you to be the source
of the newfound goodness in her life. She will
immediately drop everything to follow you,
and asks for nothing but to be in your
presence and to serve you.
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This woman is the creator of your home

multiverse. She has vanished from sight since
the early days of said creation, however, but
now has emerged again to seek you out Soon
she 11 even entrust you with her name.

She is phenomenally intelligent, creative,

and wise, and while she is compassionate she

Her power is overwhelming. She can

create and destroy entire multiverses with
ease, or seal them away such that nothing can
get in or out She has virtually every kind of
power you can think of, and can apply them
on multiversal scales. She can create things
such that they can t be unraveled into pure
chaos by Chaosbringers.

She s not technically omnipotent, but she

is proof against ROBs thanks to her good
standing with the Underboss.

You could help her learn to relax though-

Jolazzi the Golden is the most powerful

Random Omnipotent Being in the omniverse.
(Not counting entities like Glory and Joy, who
aren t random. Also, Istoril, Living Hyperions,
Aphraeya, and the Underboss can nullify
Jolazzi s powers if they wish.)

She s also a total ditz, which is why she

doesn t head the ROB Pantheon Council or
even oversee a multiverse of her own. Still,
she s so nice, sweet, and well-liked that she
wields enormous influence regardless. Albe
completely by accident; she doesn t plan
sweeping policy changes, she might simply <
happen to mention she thinks free ice cream
should be available across the omniverse, and
everyone rushes to do it, in order to please her.

She even has the crusty old Underboss

wrapped around her finger, she s that sweet.

Aphraeya is the Grand Warlock of Veiled Earth, a being of unearthly beauty and sexual power.
She is immune to nearly all unwanted abilities and can nullify the abilities of almost anyone on whim.
She has a harem of reality warping beauties (which she shares with you now, and they are very eager
to be so shared), who live with her in an obscenely luxurious otherdimensional palace where no one s
powers but her own work. (Glory, Joy, you,and the Archdeity may supersede her powers. And possibly
Living Hyperion, or Istoril after you fuck and empower her, could.) Even Gaea is among her lovers.

Note: If you re the Grand Warlock yourself, then Aphraeya is no doubt the result of some
experiment you and your witches performed. Perhaps a clone of some kind, ora

It is said that when Joy and Glory came into being, a song of celebration burst forth from the
Archdeity of Eternity s heart, and this song was the Heartmuses of Cosmic Rapture. Sisters, these
Heartmuses sing songs of pure delight almost without pause. They sing to the hearts of men and
women, and to the flowers and the winds, and even to the stars themselves.

They sing, and heroes burst forth from ordinary mortals. They sing, and deserts bloom into verdant
life. They sing, and withered crones become beautiful young women again. They sing, and artists are
inspired, embers of love renewed, barren wombs fertilised, wounds healed, and lusty revels sparked.
They sing, and the omniverse dances around them in time. They sing, and happiness swells their
listeners spirits.

For they sing of the Anael. They always have, and always will. Their songs have been of promise
and longing and hope_but now they are of joy fulfilled, for now you have awakened.

And now they will sing for you.

As the twin offspring of two women

deeply in love, Aura and Aria are houri:
gorgeous angelic beings of incredible love
and pleasure. And just as their mothers are
phenomenally powerful goddesses, so too
are these twin sisters goddesses among

Their beauty is supernatural, as are their

singing voices and their dancing. They are
passionate and lusty and kind, with glowing
nimbuses of happiness and desire that heal
and rejoice all around them. Where they g
wars and feuds end, populaces are healed,

and good people are inspired.

They will love you as only houri

goddesses can - with all their hearts, a love
strong and deep, passionate and pure. They
would love to bear you an endless number of
divine houri daughters.

On top of that, they re quite possibly the

absolute best lays in the entire omniverse.

These breathtakingly gorgeous twin

sisters share incestuous love and sweeping
ambition. Somehow, they are linked to you,
their reality warping power tied to your
Anael abilities. As you grow in and spread
joy, so also do they grow in unstoppable
power, channeling it through lesbian sex to
remake whole pleniverses in their vision.

They re weaving fate itself to orchestrate

a grand saga across the omniverse for you,
with you as the central figure you re meant
to be, for this empowers themselves too.

To defeat them, to both negate and fulfil

their orchestrated destiny, you must seduce
them and sway them with your Anael aura,
such that they subsume their ambitions to
your light

This will of course make your shared

passion even more joyful. All in the same
encounter. Just imagine how your following f
sexual encounters with them will be!

O t T 11 E EVN AE I

These identical sextuplet sisters spontaneously formed (as full adults, in every way, including
physically and psychologically) ex nihilo in response to your awakening as Anael. Their sole purpose
is to be your divine brides, a role in which they take incredible pleasure and happiness. Each one has
all the Anael perks (including the free ones) that you do, but at a lesser strength. (Their perks will grow
in strength along with yours.)

They are fully and completely devoted to you, as well as singularly skilled at making you happy
both sexually and otherwise (which of course makes them happy too), and have unmatched
excellence at finding you other hot wonderful concubines.

You can teleport to their inviolably secure, paradisal palace from anywhere (and back), along with
anyone you wish, as well as summon it to any location you re in if you want to relocate it

The goddess of Joy is ardently yours,

always and forevermore! She is the most
delightful person in the entire omniverse
and the most omnipotently powerful, save
only for the Archdeity of Eternity_and you.

Joy is beyond thrilled to have found her

god to worship. She will be your gorgeous,
devoted bride for all eternity.

She is very eager to double team you with

her sister Glory. She s also more than capable • •
of forming extra bodies of her own, of course,
all identical if you want the twins experience.
(Or triplets, or quadruplets, get the

Note: Joy is not marked with any icons due

to being free for you to take as a Lover.
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a *


There is no true limit to your destiny. However, some of the fates you achieve are based on
combinations of lovers you have taken.

Each destiny has requirements. For most of them, only a certain number of the total possible
requirements is needed. A lover may qualify you for multiple destinies; qualifying you for one destiny
does not prevent her from qualifying you for other destinies (except in the specific case of Paradise
and Passion, where the exception is noted).

You don t have to take a destiny if for some reason you don t want it.

REQUIRES (Any 4 of the following):

Rhomafa; Virgo;Sheila Wishgranter; Kaeira
Heartbond; Finnenine; Kallalasi; Phana the
Passionate; Trinity of Sacred Romance. The
origin God can substitute for any ONEof
these requirements. The Cosmic She~Harem
can substitute for any TWO of them.

You have become chief of a vast pantheon

of powerful goddesses. Their total combined
worshipers all venerate you, and the ranks of
both your goddesses and their worshipers
swell at an even greater rate than normal for
the Anael.

Metatron, said to be the wisest, kindest,

and loveliest of all angels, has never sworn
herself to a deity of any sort_until now. Your
glory and light have awed this unflappable
seraph, and she now serves as your herald and
faithful servant. She can channel your power
and that of your goddesses towards any
purpose that would you want her to.


REQUIRES (Any 3 of the following):
* TH Noctissa Grace; Lavender Lightning;
\r__________ iL.^i h-[5a.

Osciera, known as the Harbinger, is able to

convert any emotion or sensation into lust. She
frequently ends wars by applying these
N? powers, so battles turn into orgies, with the
newly acquainted lovers refusing to fight

The fact that your concubines include

various strange women off the proverbial
beaten path is what drew Osciera s attention
to you. She finds herself irresistibly drawn to
you, by a lust, one both physical and spiritual
stronger than she s ever known before-

REQUIRES (Any 3 of ike following):

Sage; Sheba Starlight; Noctissa Grace; Elysia;
Ainezulie; Thara; Finnenine; Ma ya; Nyvessi;
Nyrika; Caducea;Magnifica, Eutech Sage;
Beatitude; Pinafie; Olorri;Meraeith. The
origin Advcn turer can substitute for any
ONE of these requirements.

Known only as the Anointed, this woman

is a hero with an unusual method. She
journeys through the multiverse and
empowers other people, so that they can helper
themselves, and others, even after she s moved?

The Anointed can bestow powers on

another with a touch. She doesn t choose the
powers herself; rather they re determined by
what the recipient most needs or desires.
However, the powers she grants can never be
used for evil purposes; they will refuse to
function in such cases, being magically aware
of any ill the user intends.

REQUIRES (Any 3 of the following):
Magic;Shekinah; Gysserine Godheart;
\ 2 Cosmic She-Harem;Dryad of the Phoeni:
Tree; Tu Qael; Creator; Istoril; Staff and Scroll;
Wishmaidens of Elaestiel.

Associating with powerful multiversal

Primordials are vast, infinite beings who can

become entire multiverses, or merge with
existing multiverses. They thus bring some
logical structure and order to their multiverse,
and can even shield it from being destroyed
by Chaosbringers. Your home multiverse is
the Dragon Primordial, Ouroboros, which the
Creator tamed and used in her creation of the
multiverse - which is the finest and greatest of
all multiverses she s created, being the only
one into which she incorporated a Primordial.

Logos, the Light Primordial, comes to you

now, to give you her Word, shine on you with
her Light, and fuck you with all her Heart...

REQUIRES (Any 3 of the following):

Nemesis; Nox and Dia; Pax Dansi; Maya;
Jaslinth; Shini; Eleria; Pinafie; Chanthral;
Saenaie; Lotus Nymphs; Those Redeemed;

You have accomplished the impossible

and unthinkable: you have redeemed The
Enemy and Nemesis! Their wicked natures
could not stand before your pure joy and love.

The Enemy s world has transformed into a

paradise, and it itself is now called The Saint.
Nemesis has become a brightly beautiful
being called Salvation, and she is eager to
love you eternally, as well as spreading the
message of hope and redemption everywhere
she can.

Note: Not having this destin y doesn t mean

you won t ever redeem The Enemy or Nemesis
- this destiny only makes it much quicker and

Mistress of Many PeEights

REQUIRES (Any 3 of the following):
Sun Princess; Pax Dansi; Faleryn and Sileryn;
Barachiella; Princess Izenda; Laukika and
Daivika; Gaea; Deoni; Amoranna; Princess
Shiru; Olorri; Thauri.

Known only as the Mistress of Many

Delights, this woman travels around the
multiverse, rewarding small-time heroes
whom she feels are often overlooked, with
permanent passes to her pleasure palace. This
allows them to teleport to it from anywhere. I
Here, they 11 be served in obscene luxury, that
rivals Sultana Beautresse s odah. Feasts of
whatever they desire, entertainment and
dances by sexy women, and of course fucking
the hot horny ladies. One of the multiverse s
vastest libraries is here, and many of the
palace s attendants, including the Mistress
herself, are intelligent and well versed, able
to have scintillating discussions with you. Due
to your association with such heroes, an
invitation is extended to you.


REQUIRES (Any 3 of the following): Phana; Virgo; Empress of Etherscape; Tantric Conquerors;
Aphraeya; Desire; Kaeira Heartbond; Randina; Star Twins; Istoril; Astria; Trinity of Sacred Romance;
Lotus Nymphs; Aeterna; Meraeith.

These two energy beings explored much of the omniverse, plumbing its secrets and learning
everything it had to offer. They concluded that the paths of good and happiness were the best, and
have since then devoted themselves to effecting whatever is necessary to spread goodness and joy.
This includes everything from creating perfect partners for people to healing environments to spiritual
soothing to overthrowing tyrants, and more. They are a symbiosis of power and love, and your affinity
for such women has drawn these miracle workers to you!

REQUIRES (Any 4 of the following): Erosalfar, Cosmic She-Harem; Bitch Queens of Onglorrad;
Cosmic Broodmothers; Caducea; Spirit Queens of All Light; Heartmuses of Cosmic Rapture; Sister
Brides of the Anael; Beacons of Gireldor, Those Redeemed; Trinity of Sacred Romance; Harmonious
Dualities; Temptation; Wishmaidens of Elaestiel; Lotus Nymphs; Aeterna.

A clan of nine energy beings, each is destined to one day become a full, but still sapient, universe,
the beginning of an entire new multiverse. For now, they are all but invulnerable, and possess strange
physics-breaking powers that can affect multiple planets at once. For all their power, they greatly
love beauty and goodness, seeking to experience as much as they can of it, so that the universes they
become will be as beautiful and good as possible. That s where you come in-
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by Imagines

REQUIRES (Any 3 of the following): Barachiella; Princess Izenda; Noctissa Grace;Rosalyn and
Pyralyn;Lynerva; Hyeterhu; Nemesis;Beacons of Gireldor; Nyrika;Nyvessi; Faleryn and Sileryn;
Tantric Conquerors; Vyalisena; Amoranna; Laukika and Daivika; Caducea; Deoni;Magnilica; Those
Redeemed;Star Twins; Osciera; Salvation.

Originally sloth demonesses, these two lovers were redeemed, and turned their slothful natures
towards a positive pursuit they ve become hearth goddesses, specialising in providing comfy homes
for as many people as they can. While only minor deities in power, their influence is quite widespread,
as they have pilgrims spreading their blessings throughout the omniverse.

They do certainly still prefer to stay in bed, but remain active otherwise, whether having sex with
each other or managing their worshipers from afar. They firmly believe that anyone can be redeemed,
and that any weakness can be turned into a strength, and are among the most positive people you 11
ever meet.

They offer to set up a nice home for you and your lovers, to your specifications, which will be
luxurious and divinely comfortable.

REQUIRES (Any 3 of the following):

laethysica; Eilnid; Desire; Galaiad Queen;
Lavender Lightning; Tersa; Jhaerilissa;
Princess Shiru; Amoranna; Leilani; Rune
Princess; Luscianne; Thauri. The origin Mortal
can substitute lor any ONE ol these

Once she cultivated universes. Now she

has retired to less grandiose projects, growing
orchards of immortality and blossoms of
magic. Her passion project is the eden {lower, ■
which fills the air around itself with positive
energy, bringing joy and hope and vigor to
those around it. It is able to take root

seeds throughout the omniverse. She also acts

as a mentor to those whom she sees great

REQUIRES (Any 3 of the following):
Sheba Starlight; Eoserra d Ankhes; Lady
Omega; Sultana Beautresse; Gysserine

You are known as the Consort of

Omniversal Royalty due to your influential
lovers, and are de facto ruler of their
combined domains. A beautiful, intelligent
woman named Clisande is chosen by your
queens to serve as your Empress, to rule the
combined empires by your side and to please
you in every way imaginable. She has all the
best traits of the rulers required for this fate.

If you wish to be a hands-on ruler, she will

simply be your advisor. If you don t wish to
rule yourself, she will do so in your stead,
ruling exactly as you wish. She is extremely
professional when it comes to helping you
rule, but extremely passionate in private.


REQUIRES (Any 1 of the following sets): Five lovers who cost 3 Love or less each; three lovers
who cost 5 Love or less each AND one lover who costs 0 Love or more; three lovers who cost 5 Love or
more each.

A incredibly talented and beautiful woman, the so-called Enchantress of Hearts is lamed across
the omniverse as an entertainer and courtesan. Her skills in lovemaking, singing, dancing, composing,
and a host of other activities are second to none. She is able to, along with powerful illusion magic,
conjure entire pageants of choirs and epic dramas for her audiences, her every improvisation a work of
unparalleled genius and beauty. Yet no one could enchant her heart...until you.

Il you meet twool the required sets for the Enchantress olHearts, then she can substitute for any
one requirement in any one other destiny (due to her vast connections). If you meet all threeof the
required sets lor her, then she can substitute for any one requirement in up to any two other destinies.

REQUIRES (Any 2 of the following): Rune Princess; Heartmuses of Cosmic Rapture; Harmonious
Dualities; Stardust and Moonglitter, Glory; Bryntera; Caducea; Animae; Lotus Nymphs; Pinalie;
Kynaia; Saenaie; Meraeith.

Long ago, a great champion wearied of battle and adventure, and so she established a paradise.
Thus the land of Quentra came to be on Mars. Here, the queen is served by the all-female Elurii, whose
beauty, kindness, grace, and allure are among the greatest in the multiverse, yet not as great as their
queen s, whose wish created them. Quentra is a land of passion, joy, love, fertility, beauty, and no small
amount of power, inviolably protected due to the Hyperion Veil placed on the Sol system. Yet their
queen would open her borders to you, whose nature is all she has ever desired.

Note: If you are the King of Quentra yourself then perhaps this Queen is the greatest of all Elurii,

REQUIRES (Any 3 of the following):

Jatra of Evercheer; Toraesil; Rhaele; Animae;'
Anesidora; Heartm uses of Cosmic Rapture;
Those Redeemed; Cherry; Sofiel; Saenaie.

You gather around you those who are

especially devoted to you, and now one of the\
most famous courtesans in the omniverse has
devoted herself to you too! Willow Suntress is
an extremely happy woman, almost like a
houri in that respect; nothing ever gets her
down. She s always bubbly and cheerful.
Willow has many traits suited for her
devotion to making your life as good as can
be. She is extremely talented at sex and
various forms of entertainment, including
dancing, singing, riddling, sports, and so on.
She loves setting up all kinds of games,
everything from snowball fights to frolicking
on beaches. She will set up a brothel on a
tropical world whose only client is you, where
women who wish to fuck the Anael can come
to ask for a meeting with you.

REQUIRES (Any 3 of the following):

Verdashan te; Barachiella; Amoranna; Bitch
Queens of Onglorrad; Gysserine Godheart;
Noctissa Grace;Lavender Lightning; Thara;
Ainezulie; Galaiad Queen; Nemesis; Randina;
Faleryn and Sileryn; Bryn tera; Jaslinth; Shini;
Deoni; Temptation;Beatitude.

You enjoy exotic beauties, and there are

few beauties more exotic than the zuera.
Zuera appear mostly human but have angel
wings, cat ears, and fox tails. They re strong,
quick, bright, and charismatic, with innate
supernatural powers. They are also beacons of
luck, passively bringing good fortune to those
around them.

Kiena is their kind, lovely princess. She has

been constructing zuera temples across the
omniverse, as beacons to spread her race s
passive fortune-boosting effects as far as
possible! It s a difficult task, given the dangers
of the omniverse, but it s a worthy endeavour
that deserves the Anael s aid.

REQUIRES (Any 3 of the following):
Istoril; Aphraeya; Bryn tera; Spirit Queens ol
All Light; Randina; Rhaele;Desire; Salvation;
Breedmaiden; Shekinah; Rune Princess; Lotus\
Ny m phs; Aetema; Meraei th.

Syeran is an edenic world suffused with

verwhelming divine energy. Its natives are
vital, immortal, beautiful, and strong. Away '<
from Syeran, their divine nature can affect
reality in impossible ways, as they literally
outrun death, lift fate, and similar feats. They
generally stay on Syeran; without their
world s background energy, the rest of the
omniverse feels duller and less vital to them.
Their queen Shy avi is a woman ol such power
that her impossible abilities manifest on
Syeran itself, most notably in her beauty and '
sexual passion, with which it is said she could
bring even The Enemy to repentance. Legend
holds that the only thing that might make her
still more beautiful and wondrous is if she
were to grow great with the Anael s offspring.
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REQUIRES (Any 3 of the following):

Sage; Ainezulie; Sultana Beautresse; Druid
Princesses; Jewels of Kai ihl; Bryn tera; Astria;
Istoril;Shyavi; Cherry;Pinafie; Chanthral;
Aeterna; Kynaia; Lotus Nymphs; Eisa.

Hora is a Light Beauty, a woman of

supernatural allure such that the omniverse
around her serves her. Essentially this is like
very powerful plot armor. (Naturally, as the
^1 Anael, your plot armor trumps all others, but
•* there won t be a clash or anything between
the two of you anyway.) She literally knows
nothing of suffering or want, having never
encountered it Wherever she goes, the world
is changed around her and ahead of her to be
bright and good. Nymphs cater to her every
need before she s even aware of the need.

Given your eye for some of the greatest

beauties there are, it is no wonder that you
find yourself in Flora s path, and show her
pleasure and happiness still more than what
she already knows!

REQUIRES (Any 3 of the following):

Kryluxa; Lady Omega; Elysia; Thara; Princess
Izenda; Kallalasi; Lynerva; Caducea; Staff and
Scroll; Magnifica; Lusciann e; Bea titude;
Olorri; Aeterna; Sofiel.

Euly ra is a wise spirit living in a remote

forest. She is sought out by many seeking
guidance, comfort, or answers.

When a seeker comes to her, Euly ra first

sings a mystic song that soothes their hearts.
Then she gives them expert advice to
whatever problems they bring her, advice
that is uncannily effective.

While she can t magically create solutions

where there are none, she at the very least
excels at advising people how to make the
best of things.

By taking as lovers several women who

have obtained her guidance in the past, you
have learned of Eulyra for yourself.

REQUIRES (Any 5 of the following sets of twins): Glory Joy;Xynza &Xaeze; Rosalyn
Pyralyn;Aqua MarasNoxA^ Dia;Faleryn Sileryn; Tantric Conquerors; Nyvessi & Nyrika; Druid
Princesses; Kynaia; Laukika FV Daivika; Jewels of Kai ihl; Animae; Aura Aria; Star Twins; Miracle
Workers; Succouring Host; Naiads of the Maidenspring; Paradise Passion; Deligh t & Destin y.

These twin sisters were borne by the Astral Axis most popular courtesan. They bear the essence of
dozens of ROB mothers with influential positions on the ROB Pantheon Council, hence their title as
Princesses of the Council Thrones. Though they inherited only minor powers of their own, their
mothers spoil them with any whim they desire, and they live in resplendent luxury overseeing infinite
realms that stretch across multiverses. You, however, completely overwhelm them, and for the first
time in their lives, they feel they need to be worthy of someone: you.

•* •

REQUIRES (Any 3 of the following):

Eilnid; Jhaerilissa; Vyalisena; Rosalyn and
Pyralyn; Kryluxa; Temptation; Olorri;
Chanthral; Blossomhless.

Your affinity for fairies is now known

throughout many realities, and so a great fae
queen, Ealy nde, has traveled far to meet you
for herself. Her wisdom is unparalleled, yet
she is fun-loving as well, and her goodness
and purity are such that those with ill intent
cannot bear her presence. Life blossoms
around her, much like the In Your Wake
perk, and she can command plants and
perform powerful spells.

Her beauty and wealth are legendary,

and she offers both to you unconditionally,
rejecting her countless suitors to present her
own suit to you. Ealy nde will be wise advisor,
passionate lover, and mischievous companion,
and will always endeavour to be worthy of
you, the Anael.

REQUIRES (Any 2 of the following): Rhomafa; Barachiella; Sheila Wishgranter; Beacons of

Gireldor; Tu Qael;Deoni; Temptation.

There are many heroes throughout the omniverse, and all kinds of people who support them. The
lovely angels of the Succouring Host have made it their duty to aid and comfort women who have
renounced great power or easier paths for the sake of doing good. Given that you have some of these
women in your harem, the Succouring Host have sent two of their most beautiful angels to reward you
with pleasure and aid, as well as to stay by your side and bring aid to whatever other heroic women
you may take as lovers in the future.

REQUIRES (Any 3 of the following): Erosalfar; Verdashante; Desire; Galaiad Queen; Jewels of
Kai ihl; Bitch Queens of Onglorrad; Druid Princesses; Deoni; Leilani; Heartm uses
Saenaie; Kynaia.

A reveling spirit, Heleste Winecream is drawn to you due to your reputation for reveling. She is
something unique, possessing all the best traits of numerous beings with great sexuality and beauty,
such as Erosalfar, nymphs, houri, apsaras, and baldras; she is not dissimilar to the Elurii of Quentra in
fact. Her sexual fluids and saliva are aphrodisiac and intoxicating. Her presence induces joyous revels,
wild orgies, and newly forged peaces, and inspires people to be better and happier. She s been unable
to breed till now, her body instinctively waiting for her true mate: you. When you make love with her,
her sprayed juices when she creams will sprout new lesser spirits similar to herself, and even more so
when you actually breed her. Reveling with her and fucking her is one of the most intensely

REQUIRES (Any 3 of the following): Toraesil; Glory; Kallalasi; Ainezulie; Kaeira Heartbond;
Cosmic Broodmothers; Ivrisse; Erosalfar; Sage; Sheba Starlight; Trinity of Sacred Romance; Zemetria;
Rhomafa; Hyeterhu;Maya, Envoy of Harmony; Eleria; Bryntera; Wishmaidens of FJaestiel;Pinafie;
Aeterna; Saenaie.

Long ago, Toraesil gave Gliscena a brief vision of her future soul mate. Falling in love at first sight,
Gliscena dedicated her life to becoming worthy of him. To that end, she has journeyed all across the
omniverse and gained myriad blessings. From Glory and Kallalasi she gained power and destiny. From
Ainezulie she gained beauty rivaling Sultana Beautresse s. From Kaeira Heartbond she gained the
power of love. From the Cosmic Broodmothers she gained supernatural fertility. From Ivrisse she
gained a divine affinity for nature. From the Erosalfar she gained tantric mastery. From Sage and
Sheba she learned goodness, heroism, and wisdom. Others reinforced these gifts, and now she has
found her beloved: you.

REQUIRES (Any 4 of the following): Sun Princess; Shekinah; Eilnid; Finnenine; Hyeterhu; Desire;
Eoserra; Jolazzi; Luscianne; Nemesis; Randina; Sultana Beautresse; Xynza and Xaeze; Faleryn and
Sileryn; Lavender Ligh tning; Cosmic Broodmothers; Vyalisena; Jaslinth; Omnia; Aura and Aria; Star
Twins; Laukika and Daivika; Stardust and Moonglitter; Istoril; Astria; Harmonious Dualities; Tantric
Conquerors; Eisa; Aeterna; Sofiel; Meraei th.

powerful women who have first made love (with another woman of course) here. Good-hearted virgins
have become beautiful and powerful; powerful virgins have become kinder and beautiful; and
beautiful virgins have become kinder and powerful. Sex within it is intensified in sensual pleasure. The
twin naiads who keep the Maidenspring are still virgins, waiting for the one who will deflower them,
who will gain a measure of the strength that all the virgins who ever made love in the pool possessed.
REQUIRES (Any 3 of the following):
Erosalfar, Selestora; Rhiannon; Aqua and
Mara; Animae; Dryad of the Phoenix Tree;
Shini;Aura and Aria; Sister Brides of the
Anael;Eleria; Stardust and Moonglitter;
Aeterna; Saenaie; Lotus Nymphs; Olorri.

Enysleure once ruled a pleniversal empire

that rivaled that of Eoserra d Ankhes. Her i
personal power was sufficient to trounce
Chaosbringers and was proof against ROBs.

Until one day she had an epiphany, about

the future coming of the Anael, and became ?
utterly, eternally blissful. She forswore her
power and her throne and vanished.

She created a paradise plane, petitioning

the Archdeity of Eternity to protect it with a
Hyperion Veil, and here she has prepared a
home for the Anael, one worthy of him for the
day he comes. Since then, she has often
allowed women who are worthy into the
paradise, or those in need of help.

REQUIRES (Any 3 of the following): Aqua and Mara; Taethyisca; Zemetria; Ivrisse; Dryad of the
Phoenix Tree; Selestora; Anesidora; Druid Princesses; Leilani; Deoni; Heartmuses of Cosmic Rapture;
Lotus Nymphs.

Isherah and Asteiah are primal nature spirits, who are dryad, naiad, sylph, maenad, andgalaiad.
Reputedly, they re the very first nymphs in the omniverse; they re certainly arguably the loveliest, no
small distinction. They emanate a gentle glowing light, which are auras that have effects similar to the
perks In Your Wake, Beautify, Natural Harmony, Peacemaker, and Prosperity. Thus they are called
living cornucopias. People and places affected by their aura only retain these blessings so long as
Isherah and Asteiah remain healthy and happy.

In you they find a kindred soul, a perfect mate, and a worthy master. Any daughters you have with

REQUIRES (Any 3 of the following):

Verdashante; Lynerva; Nemesis; Tersa;
Xynza and Xaeze; Salva tion; Queen of
Quentra. Xynza and Xaeze count as
fulfilling TWO requirements.

These triplets are guiding seers for the

Hyperionite Consensus, the shining
civilisation that is the greatest in the
omni verse. They manage the mental link
between all Hyperionites, as well as

lerion worlds.

They possess all the power and authority

of their Living Hyperion ruler, being linked
to her, and are eager to give themselves to
you. / A

REQUIRES (Any 2 of the following):

Jatra of Evercheer; Pax Dansi; Eilnid; Sheila
Wishgranter; Noctissa Grace;Rosalyn and
Pyralyn;Maya, Envoy of Harmony; Beacons
of Gireldor;Princess Shiru;Saenaie; Thauri.

The first gift in the omniverse was given

by the Archdeity to Joy, and the tear of
happiness she shed became the Spirit of
Christmas, a vibrant beauty who is the
original source of all variants of Christmas
throughout existence. She loves Christmas
in all its forms, of course, and has various
powers related to merrymaking,generosity,
cheer, and so forth. What better mate lor
such a soul than the Anael?

REQUIRES: Qualifying for any five other destinies. You ma y use any lovers you have taken, bu t
which you have not used toqualify you for another destiny, to substitute for any of these five

J win seers, they saw your awakening as Anael from across time and space, and it changed them
forever. Now they are your joyous devotees. They traveled across the omniverse, making their way
slowly but surely over eons, until they reach you at the exact moment you awaken as Anael, just as
they had seen.

Paradises gift shows her which paths will lead to the most joyous outcomes. Passion s gift shows her
which paths will lead to the most glorious outcomes. If ever they see the same path, you should take
heed. In fact, your awakening as Anael was one such coinciding vision! __________

REQUIRES (Any 4 of the following):

y/ Rhiannon; Aura and Aria; Cherry; Zemetria;
j Bitch Queens of Onglorrad; Erosalfar; Cosmic
Broodmothers;Desire;Jatra; Rhaele;Animae;
1 oraesil; Heartm uses of Cosmic Rapture;
Sofiel; Ens yleure; Heleste; Breedma iden;
J Astria; Eleria; Those Redeemed; Saenaie;
fc*. Living Cornucopias.

A curvaceous pixie who is nearby when

. your Anael nature awakes, Blossombless is
infused with your joy and vigour, and so is an
utter paragon of happiness, passion, fertility,
and devotion to you! (She can switch to
\ human size at will.) She s so fertile that shell
Uy bear you entire litters of daughters at a time,
/ who will spread throughout the omniverse,
i serving as relays for your Anael perks,
jte, extending them farther, wider, and faster in
y their wake, better than any other method of
doing so due to the unique way your Anael
light interacts with their pixie magie

REQUIRES (Any 5 of the following): Glory; Tu Qael; Creator;Istoril, Grand Venus; Harmonious
Dualities; Omnia; Jolazzi; Luscianne; Aphraeya; Xynza and Xaeze; Star Twins.

These twin sisters live among the Hyperionite Consensus in what is perhaps the grandest palace in
the omniverse. They re not Hyperionites themselves, but rather are a rare hybrid of houri and apsara,
even more rare given that their parents were goddesses among their kind. The lovers of such hybrids,
the more they fuck them, have their lives go more and more the way they want. Thesse twins are
hybrids of unsurpassed influence; it is foretold that whomever they give their virginity to will have the
omniverse itself, and everything in it, unfold as he desires - time, fate, and reality all reweaving
completely. But it is not only the power of the hybrid that determines this, but their lover. What
manner of lover would tame everything in the omniverse by fucking them?

Clearly, it is you, the Anael, intimately infusing your essence into these passionate beauties-

Delight and Destiny may be used to fulfill requirements for up to three other destinies of your
choice. If you wish, they may be the same pair of twins as (if you have them) Aura and Aria, the Star
Twins, your Animae, the Naiads of the Maidenspring, and/'or Paradise and Passion.

REQUIRES (All of the following): Joy; Glory; Sister Brides of the Anael; Heartmuses of Cosmic
Rapture; either Awakened origin OR Archdeity origin.

The Sister Brides of the Anael, it turns out, are not sextuplets but septuplets, and they are even
more wondrous. The Seventh Sister Bride is said to be the Archdeity s crowning creation. A singular
soul in two equally divine bodies, she is your right hand and your left, and your heart. She brings you
happiness that is utterly inexpressible. She and her sister brides have no true name that can be uttered
by anyone save the Archdeity himself.

It may be that the other six Sister Brides, and even Glory and Joy, are all aspects of her...
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In the end, after wooing your lovers and achieving many destinies both glorious and wonderful,
you havefinishedspreadingyour light and life as Anael throughout the omniverse. The details
depend on your choices.

Count up each type of icon and check the result on the below lists. All higher-count results
include lower-count results. You do not have to accept any or all of a result that you don t want. If you
don t have enough icons for a result you want, you can still have that result if you can come up with a
good justification for why your build would have gotten it.

0 to 9 Prestige: Though you have filled the omniverse with light and goodness, few know your
name or that you re responsible. You ve lived humbly and modestly, in some obscurity. Perhaps this
was deliberate choice on your part, or perhaps merely a consequence of choosing to prioritise things
other than fame or glory.

10 to 24 Prestige: You have attained some degree of fame and power beyond your Anael perks,
but perhaps such things are still counted as small in the vastness of the omniverse. Still, you are known
in places of power, and there are realms where you are recognised by all. But what glory you have
pales beside the joy you have spread through all that is.

25 to 40 Prestige: Legends of you persist throughout the omniverse, stories that grow in the
telling. Yet your true glory is perhaps grander than any tale. Gods serve at your whim, and proud
empires pay you tribute, while ROBs vie for your favour.

41+ Prestige: You are the most famous being in the entire omniverse. Your lovers are the most
powerful in all existence, adding to your own glory, which outshines them all combined. Rather than
relying on your natural Anael inviolability, you have obtained full omnipotence in order to enact

0 to 12 Pleasure: Though you are eternally joyous, it has not defined your activities. You ve
pursued goals beyond enjoying yourself, to the point that you ve truly devoted yourself to other
pursuits. Die results speak for themselves.

13 to 25 Pleasure: Sex and love are intrinsic parts of who you are, and you relish them, but there i
so much more to you than that. Throughout the omniverse, others have prioritised those pursuits that
you did, over sheer hedonism.

26 to 35 Pleasure: You are the god of harems, laughter, and delight, and revel in pleasure even in
the midst of whatever other activities you might do. If you hold a glorious court, you are likely always
fucking during it; while if you are a wanderer, you may spend more time fucking beautiful women
than wandering.

36+ Pleasure: Y ou exult in the sheer joy of being Anael, always and forever. Whether this is
making ecstatic love to the beautiful goddesses of all, or laughing for sheer delight at the wonders of
the omniverse, you have elevated hedonism to a pure and sublime art.

0 to 10 Heroic: Your joy as Anael is intrinsically good, but your focus has not been on heroic deeds.
You are known perhaps as a lover, or a builder, or a leader, but hero is not a title oft appended to you.

11 to 20 Heroic: You are quick to aid those in need, to offer kindness, wisdom, or salvation, am
other heroes may join your cause as well. You are a good Samaritan to anyone who needs it

21 to 29 Heroic: You are the greatest of heroes in the omniverse, surpassing Sage by far, and head
league of the wisest sages and purest champions ever to exist

30+ Heroic: Your wisdom is nigh-omniscient, and every word from your lips inspires others to
greatness, while the merest glance from you has the most wicked villains repenting their ways. Your
league of unmatched heroes is so vast that it constitutes a percentage of the omniverse s population.


0 to 8 Prosperous: You may be wandering healer, harem sultan, or divine king, but building
leading civilisations has not been your focus by any means.

19 to 24 Prosperous: You have advanced societies across the omniverse in both technological and
spiritual ways, uplifting countless worlds into utopias. Even paradises are improved by the mere act of
you passing through them.

25+ Prosperous: Most if not all of the omniverse has been uplifted into a post-scarcity utopia!
Your presence permanently improves all areas by large amounts, no matter how paradisal they
already were.

0 to 9 Life: Your affinity for life remains

amount relative to the rest of your abilities.

10 to 24 Life: Nymphs come alive in worlds you set foot in, nature bursting with lush vitality, while
those around you are healed of all ills and gain instant regeneration for as long as you are nearby. This
is improved even further if you have relevant perks, such as In Your Wake or Font of Healing.

25 to 31 Life: You re an overflowing font of life. Worlds you merely pass through for a moment are
forever filled with positive, lifegiving energy that heals ills, stimulates healthy growth, and renders
others immortal.

32+ Life: You are the source of all life energy in the omniverse, and it flows through you to render
everyone immortal, beautiful, and healthy, and everywhere lush and verdant.

0 to 7 Breeding: Siring offspring is not a focus of yours, though it s quite possible you still have
thousands of them.

8 to 13 Breeding: You have fertilised worlds, stars, and goddesses alike, and your offspring are
innumerable and varied, but universally wondrous and loyal to you.

14 to 20 Breeding: A noticeable fraction of the omniverse consists of your daughters, and many
universes, if not multiverses, themselves are your offspring, spreading your inherited light and will,
wherever they go.

21+ Breeding: Your fertility is so potent that, against all logic or prior reality, the entire
population of the omniverse is your daughters!

0 to 10 Devotion: Your lovers are devoted to you, but relatively few others are.

11 to 21 Devotion: You inspire worship among those you aid or spread your light to, and there are
many who will do whatever you ask.

22 to 27 Devotion: Your worship is widespread across the omniverse, and your mere presence
inspires awe and devotion.

28+ Devotion: The entire omniverse worships you with utmost devotion, and you are beloved
above all by all.

0 to 7 Light: You ve filled the omniverse with goodness and pleasure, but you did not rely on your
own Anael perks to do so. Or if you did, the process took far longer.

8 to 15 Light: Your joy a the Anael traveled at a healthy pace, but spreading it was not
your only priority.

16 to 24 Light: You spread your light across the omniverse in no time flat, bringing joy
to others in grand waves across creation.

25+ Light: Joy suffuses the omniverse entire, in all its infinity. It doesn t matter how long it took
you to achieve this, because you retroactively spread this eternal bliss through all time as well.

omniverse entire with your light and glory, though the particulars are based on your
desires. Now one purpose remains to you, and it is your first and truest purpose, which
your purpose for all eternity.


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