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2/24/23, 7:06 PM MSc Cognitive Science - Programme Details


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MSc Cognitive Science

Graduate Taught (level 9 nfq, credits 90)

The MSc Cognitive Science suits those interested in issues relating to the rich questions about the human mind from philosophical, psychological, and
computational perspectives. Advanced computational skills are not a prerequisite. The course is designed as a suitable preparation for those wishing to
progress to research, e.g. at PhD level.

You will have the opportunity to be familiar with the problems associated with minds, brains, and behaviour and the theoretical approaches to them, know the
principal 20th Century philosophical approaches to mind, brain and body, understand the principal issues, models, and concepts used in cognitive psychology,
and develop an interdisciplinary perspective that links and integrates insights from multiple specialised domains.

Download the UCD Science Graduate Taught Course brochure ( (pdf)

 Unique taught offering providing advanced material in psychology, philosophy of mind, computational modeling, neuropsychology, and more
 Ideal preparation for future PhD studies tackling interdisciplinary topics
 Includes a substantial research project, conducted largely during the Summer months

Careers & Employability

This is not a vocational course. Over one year we cover a very broad range of material, thus greatly increasing the breadth of academic exposure of our
students. Historically, about half of the students go on to do PhD studies, and many others look for work in research. This course will not make a psychologist
out of a non-psychologist, or an IT specialist out of someone who is not an IT specialist upon entry. It will enable students to tackle research issues they might
not have been able to before, and to do PhDs in areas that would not have been possible before. Many students pursue this course because of a passionate
interest in our scientific understanding of what it is to be human. Please note that a cognitive science degree is not part of an accredited programme towards a
clinical degree, and it has minimal neuroscientific content.

Curricular information is subject to change

Open All 

Who should apply? 

Full Time option suitable for:

Domestic(EEA) applicants: Yes

International (Non EEA) applicants currently residing
( outside of the EEA Region. Yes

Part Time option suitable for:

Domestic(EEA) applicants: Yes

International (Non EEA) applicants currently residing
( outside of the EEA Region. No

Anyone interested in issues relating to the understanding of the human mind from philosophical, psychological, and computational perspectives would be
well suited to this degree.  A solid background in one contributing discipline is required.

Vision and Values Statement !W_HU_MENU.P_PUBLISH?p_tag=PROG&MAJR=T023 1/5

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