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1. The elderly are at the highest risk of the most severe outcomes of COVID-19.

Seven out of 10 COVID-19 deaths in the Philippines are from this group. Despite
improving vaccination rates in other priority groups, vaccination of the elderly –
the A2 population – lags, with only about 25% fully vaccinated and about 35%
having received their first dose.

“We are very concerned that most of our older, more vulnerable people are still
missing out on essential, life-saving vaccines against COVID-19. Not vaccinating
most of our elderly now means more of them will suffer from severe illness and
death. This is unacceptable when we already have adequate vaccine stocks to
protect them,” (Abeyasinghe, 2021)

2. For 104-year-old Lualhati Masanga, being fully vaccinated against COVID-19

means something more than being protected from severe illness. It has brought
her closer to doing what she values most — finally spending time again with her
family. Before the pandemic Lualhati, her siblings, and the rest of the family used
to enjoy weekly family gatherings. Lualhati smiled when Rosalie explained that
the centenarian can now spend more time with loved ones, while still keeping a
safe distance.

Lualhati is one of around 45,000 senior citizens living in Pasig City. By late July,
all these seniors, the A2 priority group, had received at least one dose of the
COVID-19 vaccine. Pasig City was the first Local Government Unit (LGU) to
achieve this important public health milestone for its seniors. By mid-August
nearly 100% in Pasig City have been completely vaccinated. (“Pasig City: A
COVID-19 Vaccination Successes Story”, 2021)
3. According to health undersecretary Vergeire, 2021 "Get vaccinated to enjoy the
incentive of going out to exercise and chat with your fellow senior citizen,"

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