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Planning Of The Alternative Way Lingkar Gentong District Tasikmalaya

is one of the solution to reduce the density of the volume traffic that cause
congestion at the current homecoming eid. This is the main road access to the
people of West Java to East Java or otherwise and used to traffic from the
direction of Bandung and Jakarta heading into Central Java which through
Tasikmalaya and Ciamis.
The purpose of the research is planning form of geometric and thickness
of pavement the appropriate class and function is to produce geometric the give
smooth, safety and comfort for the wearer. A method in use for planning
geometric is a method Bina Marga No. 038 T/BM/1997 and to amplification
using flexible pavement using component analyse methods (Bina Marga ).
The results of planning geometric the road with a long way 7,258 km, the
classification of terrain is on the plan of the hills with the speed of the plan 40
km/h and 60 km/h as well as the length of the road planned 12 m, there are 3
bend Full Circle and 11 bend Spiral-Circle-Spiral, to aligment verticals planned
4 aligment verticals convave and 4 aligment verticals convex. The results of
planning thickness of pavement based on LHR and the life of the plan obtained
surface layer use Laston MS774 thick 7,5 cm, crushed stone base course with
CBR 100% thick 20 cm and a foundation layer under with sand and gravel CBR
70% thick 22 cm.

Key words: The Road, Geometric Design, Thickness Of Pavement.

Sekolah Tinggi Sains Dan Teknologi Indonesia

ST-INTEN Bandung

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