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MM Blended


The Conditional Model of

Tengku Mohd Khairal Abdullah
Learning Objective
MM Blended

• Students should be able to explain Fiedler’s contingency model

of leadership
• Students should be able to explain Hersey & Blanchard’s
situational leadership
Fiedler’s Contingency Model of Leadership
MM Blended

• Reveals that your leadership style must match the situation in order
to produce the maximum results/ output.
• In this model, individual’s leadership style leans toward being task-
oriented or relationship-focused
• Leaders rated low on LPC (Least Preferred Coworker) are
considered to be task-oriented, while those rated high are
considered to be relationship-oriented.
• Achieving proper leadership fit depends on 3 variables:
• The level of trust and confidence followers have in their leaders
• The extent to which everyone understands the activity to be undertaken
• The leader’s ability to recognize and reward the followers
• This model still recognize the assumption of trait theory as individual
being categorized as either relationship or task oriented
Hersey & Blanchard’s Situational Leadership
MM Blended

• Leadership behavior is most effective when it matches the

• Instead of replacing the leader to match with the situation, this
theory suggests that the leaders can and should adapt.
• Your leadership style should be dynamic, adapt to the
combination of situational requirements, follower needs and
intended outcomes.
• This theory emphasizes on two factors:
• The amount of direction and support the leader provides
• The degree of competency and commitment the follower exhibits
MM Blended

• S1 Lacks competency and

unwilling to perform the task
• S2 Lacks of competency but
willing to perform the task
• S3 Competent but lacks of self-
• S4 Competent, self-confident
and capable of performing the
Important Contribution of the Theory
MM Blended

• It was the leader’s behavior an NOT the leader themselves that

needed to fit the situation
• The situation in which being face by the leaders is NOT static,
rather quite dynamic and constantly changes. Hence, a follower
who is confident, capable and willing to perform ONE task, may
not be so on the next one.
MM Blended

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