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a.) Traced the historical background of Arabian Literature

b.)Summarized selected literary pieces.

c.) Articulated one's awareness of how Language works in literary text and authors style in a


-known with the collect of quran.

-it emerged in the 5th century and flourished during the islamic golden age (mid 7th century
through 13th century).

- the arabic word for "Literature" In the narrow of english sense is 'adab' best translated by the
french term belles- liettres ("Beautiful letter").

- the arabic in 17th century a.d with the spread of islamic faith into asia,africa and europe, the
arabian language soon became a major world language.

*the most famous example are the elaborated odes or qasdahs, of mu'-allagat ("The
suspended odes"), beginning with those imru alqais.


1.) Umayyad Period ( A.D 661-750)

2.) Abbasid Empire ( 750-1258 A.D)

3.) Modern Period

-Saj or "Rhyme Prose " is most striking characteristics feature of the Arabic prose.

- The Khutbah or "formal written in rhymes prose style" is of great antiquity.

Most Famous:

Ibn Nubatah at Fagiri

-Arabic Prose began in the latter days of the Ummayad empire.

-The Most celebrated work of Ibn Muquaffa "klila Wa Dimna" is translation from a Pahlavi
version of the Indian fable " PACHANTANTRA".


-is the earliest form of Arabic literature.

- Present knowledge of poetry in Arabic dates from the 6th century, but oral poetry is believed
to predate that.

Verses Decided in to two types

1.Occasional Poems - it consist of 2 to 20 lines whose themes are usually war and revenge and
praise of one's own tribe.

2. Collection o Anthologies

- is a collection of literary works chosen by the compiler; it may be a collection of plays,

poems, short stories, songs, plays or excerpts by different authors.

The Poet

He is a link between this and the coming world. He is

A pure spring from which all thirsty souls may drink.

He is a tree watered by the River of Beauty, bearing

Fruit which the hungry heart craves;

He is a nightingale, soothing the depressed

Spirit with his beautiful melodies;

He is a white cloud appearing over the horizon,

Ascending and growing until it fills the face of the sky.

Then it falls on the flows in the field of Life,

Opening their petals to admit the light.

He is an angel, send by the goddess to

Preach the Deity's gospel;

He is a brilliant lamp, unconquered by darkness

And inextinguishable by the wind. It is filled with

Oil by Istar of Love, and lighted by Apollon of Music.

He is a solitary figure, robed in simplicity and

Kindness; He sits upon the lap of Nature to draw his

Inspiration, and stays up in the silence of the night,

Awaiting the descending of the spirit.

He is a sower who sows the seeds of his heart in the

Prairies of affection, and humanity reaps the

Harvest for her nourishment.

This is the poet—whom the people ignore in this life,

And who is recognized only when he bids the earthly

World farewell and returns to his arbor in heaven.

This is the poet—who asks naught of

Humanity but a smile.

This is the poet—whose spirit ascends and

Fills the firmament with beautiful sayings;

Yet the people deny themselves his radiance.

Until when shall the people remain asleep?

Until when shall they continue to glorify those

Who attain greatness by moments of advantage?

How long shall they ignore those who enable

Them to see the beauty of their spirit,

Symbol of peace and love?

Until when shall human beings honor the dead

And forget the living, who spend their lives

Encircled in misery, and who consume themselves

Like burning candles to illuminate the way

For the ignorant and lead them into the path of light?

Poet, you are the life of this life, and you have

Triumphed over the ages of despite their severity.

Poet, you will one day rule the hearts, and

Therefore, your kingdom has no ending.

Poet, examine your crown of thorns; you will

Find concealed in it a budding wreath of laurel.


- The piece is entitled The poet, it is one of Khalil Gibran’s masterpieces. This piece is actually
not that popular unlike the prophet, but what I love about this poem is that it talks about

- The poem has 10 stanzas. The poem talks about religion. The first paragraph in the poem: it
is the introduction of the creator. Kahlil Gibran is a believer of Jesus, he is also an advocate of
all religion, so we'll use the word creator to be neutral.

- The second stanza, described the greatness of the creator. Kahlil used the words like, a
nightingale, soothing the depressed, He is a brilliant lamp, unconquered by darkness. The
creator is unconquered by darkness as He is the light.

- The 3rd stanza, described the creator’s kindness. The word kindness is actually mentioned in
the poem. - The 4th stanza, it described the creators love for humanity. Gibran used the words
prairies of affection. - The 5th one, the stanza describes how people seeks for the creator
during the hard times and ignores during the happy times. We all do and it's normal, as it’s
what makes us humans.

- The 6th: this stanza introduced the creator as a poet, who only wants humans to be happy,
but humans deny this. Gibran used the words, this poet- who asks naught of humanity but a
smile, and yet the people deny themselves his radiance. We were given life, but what did we do
in return? Did you do something in return? Or do we even have plans to do something in

- The 7th stanza which describes about the writers feeling towards people who constantly
denies the creator, and everything He gives. Gibran used the words, until when shall the people
remain asleep. We are all guilty for this, we rarely give thanks to our creator.

- The 8th stanza which describes how the creator gives life despite people's un kindness. This
remains true. Our creator has never forsaken us, despite being the worst people. That proves
how much our creator loves us.

- 9th, this stanza describes the writers outlook of the future, full of hope that the creator will
rule the hearts of many. Gibran used the words Poet, you will one day rule the hearts and
therefore, your kingdom has no ending. Is this possible? Yes! No doubt.

- The 10th the last stanza describes how the crown of thorn will eventually turn into a budding
wreath of laurel, which could mean victory.

- All in all, the poem describes the reality of people in the world. Despite the existence of the
creator, many are doubting, many are denying and is being led into the darkness. But Gibran is
hopeful, and he strongly believes that the greatness of the creator would eventually change

Language and literature depend on each other. We can say they are inseparable. Teaching
literature in foreign language and in indigenous language is not an easy task for most teachers.
The important thing to note is that language is very important in studying literature Language is
the medium of Literature (the road, carrier, or vehicle) through which literature is conveyed
either as oral or written one. Literature is created by language. without language there would
be no literature Literature also transforms and intensifies ordinary language into creative one.

( The use of imagery, figure of speech like metaphors are just some of the many ways on how
to make your piece a creative one, and it is one of those aspects that Mr.Khalil Gibran used in
his literary piece "The Poet" which made it more meaningful. In addition, Language is improved
when reading literature. (We tend to discover more words that widens our vocabulary, the
piece of Mr. Gibran is one of those literary pieces that does not use common or ordinary
words). Language helps students to develop textual analysis skills of various literary works. (By
reading literary texts, we were able to analyze what language has been used and what are the
elements that make it more interesting to read). Language in literature helps to expose
students to samples of real-life settings in various literary works.

( The Poet of Mr. Khalil Gibrans suggest that we must give attention to our dear poets as they
are the ones who make our life more wonderful, in his piece it somehow tells us that we only
see the importance of a person when they are already gone, like the poets we usually
memorized the title of our best poems but we tend to forget who the writer is). Language
increases cultural enrichment for students. ( Through language we are able to know where this
certain literary work originated and as well as we are able to grasp some new knowledge about
the authors cultural background by analyzing the language they used, how it is written and the
underlying message of the literary piece). So in Conclusion, we can say that language cannot be
separated from literature and literature too cannot be separated from language. They are like
two sides of the same coin.


Khalil Gibran was born in the town of Bsharri in modern-day Lebanon, where he is still
celebrated as a literary hero. His style broke away from the classical school, pioneering a new
Romantic movement in Arabic literature of poetic prose. This renaissance in modern Arabic
literature had at its foundation Gibran's writings.

Many Americans have a misconception that Gibran is Muslim because of his Arabic name, which
is a Christian-Arabic name. Much of Gibran’s writings deal with Christianity, most condemning
the corrupt practices of the Eastern churches and their clergies during that era.

Jesus Christ was an important influence in Gibran’s life, and he would often distinguish between
the teachings of Christ and the actions of the modern-day clerical establishment.

Contemporary Arabic literature is ever renewed and enriched by a dazzling array of splendid
new talents in all areas of literature, but much of its present achievement is indebted to the
pioneering work of Khalil Gibran.

Lenie Conde

Jerryl Cebalos

Jay Anne Daguplo

Ivy Grace Dela Cazada

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