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第 57 卷 第 3 期 Vol. 57 No. 3
2022 年 6 月

ISSN: 0258-2724 DOI:10.35741/issn.0258-2724.57.3.38

Research article

Social Sciences




Viverita Viverita *, Rifelly Dewi Astuti, Fanny Martdianty, Ratih Dyah Kusumastuti
Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia
Depok, Indonesia, vivеrita.d@ui.аc.id

Received: April 27 , 2022 ▪ Reviewed: June 3, 2022

▪ Accepted: June 20, 2022 ▪ Published: June 30, 2022

This article is an open-access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons
Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0)

There is an intense debate on the effectiveness of the village fund program initiated by the Indonesian
government. This paper examines the program's effectiveness in improving the quality of life and
community well-being in rural areas from the villagers' perspective. Few studies have investigated the
program's impacts from an individual perspective using primary data. Thus, this is the first study that
analyzes the influence of the perceived management of the village fund program and community trust on
community engagement and individuals' perceptions of the quality of life and community well-being.
This study collected primary data by surveying 200 households in four sub-districts of the Lebak Regency
in Banten Province in Indonesia. The survey data were analyzed using partial least squares structural
equation modeling (PLS-SEM) with SmartPLS software. Results show that the perceived management of
a village's funds directly affects the villagers' perception of quality of life and community well-being. The
perceived village fund management also provides a significant path to community engagement. The paper
concludes that the government should consider including the community in its village development
program, thus increasing the residents' perceived quality of life and ensuring the program's success. This
study contributes to the recent literature by providing new evidence about the impact of the village fund
program on quality of life and community well-being using primary data at the household level.

Keywords: Perceived Village Fund Management, Community Trust, Community Engagement, Quality of Life,
Community Wellbeing

摘要 关于印尼政府发起的乡村基金计划的有效性存在激烈的争论。本文从村民的角度检验了该计
Viverita et al. Village Fund Management, Quality of Life and Community Wellbeing: Evidence from Lebak Regency, Indonesia,
Vol. 57 No. 3 June 2022

的 200 户家庭收集了原始数据。使用“智能偏最小二乘”软件,使用偏最小二乘结构方程建模(

关键词: 感知村庄基金管理、社区信任、社区参与、生活质量、社区福祉

I. INTRODUCTION significant criticism because of its design and

In 2014, the Government of Indonesia issued implementation. For example, [3] posited that the
Law Number 6 regarding villages, addressing the village funds program tends to cause corruption
village funds program. According to the law, due to unclear assignments, relatively large
"village funds are funds allocated in the state budget funds, inadequate public financial
budget (APBN), which are intended for villages, management procedures, and control where the
and should be used to finance governance, accountability mechanism is still unclear. Since
development, community development, and the village fund program was launched, several
community empowerment." The program was issues related to the implementation have been in
implemented in 2015, and the number of village the public spotlight, especially acts of corruption
funds disbursed by the government increased by the leaders of villages. Sixty-one of these
significantly from 20.7 trillion IDR leaders were arrested in 2016 for misusing village
(approximately1.725 billion USD) in 2015 to 72 funds. The village fund involves many funds;
trillion IDR (approximately 4.965 billion USD) however, it is still unknown whether the program
in 2020. On average, each village received has positively contributed to improving the well-
funding of 280 million IDR in 2015 and 960 being of the residents of the various communities
million IDR in 2020. The increased funds were [4]. Thus, it is necessary to investigate whether
essential to improve the economy and the the program has indeed improved the conditions
community's welfare. In addition, the program of the villages.
results for the last three years have shown an Many studies have proved that various forms
increase in the construction of facilities and of assistance, when managed properly, positively
infrastructure in the villages [1]. impact communities. The impacts of these
Lebak Regency is one of the regencies in programs are measured by various methods and
Banten province. It contains 1,386,797 people, success standards, such as community welfare [5],
representing a population growth rate of 1.88% in [6], and economic impact [7], including
2021 from 0.52% in 2019. The population of the expenditures and consumption both at the
Lebak Regency is dominated by people of individual level and the village level as a
productive age (> 15 years). Unfortunately, this community. However, for the most part, the
demographic bonus has not contributed measurement of the impacts has been based on
significantly to the region's economy, given the secondary data (i.e., data taken through national
increasing unemployment rate. In 2020, 9.63% of surveys or censuses). Furthermore, using primary
the productive age population was unemployed, data, few studies have investigated the program's
compared to 8.05% in 2019. As a result, the impacts from an individual perspective.
percentage of people living in poverty also Therefore, this study aimed to analyze the
increased from 8.30% in 2019 to 9.24% in 2020. influence of the perceived management of the
However, with government assistance in the form village fund program on individuals' perceptions
of village funds, there was an increase in the of the quality of life and community well-being.
gross regional domestic product (GRDP) from The community's quality of life consists of
IDR 28,756.881 in 2019 to IDR 29,076.694 in various dimensions, such as income, work and
2020. An increase also occurred in the Human employment, education, health, housing, physical
Development Index from 63.88 in 2019 to 63.91 safety, and involvement [8]. Therefore, the
in 2020 [2]. perception of quality of life in this study is the
However, the village funds program receives quality of life that individuals feel in society

regarding affection, provision of daily life needs, the following research questions:
services, and the future of individuals in society RQ1: Does perceived village fund
[9]. This study also measures the perceived management affect the quality of life and
community well-being built based on community community well-being?
perceptions of the impact of community services RQ2: Does community trust affect the quality
and conditions in various life domains, including of life and community well-being?
the family, social, leisure, health, financial, RQ3: What is the role of community
cultural, consumer, work, spiritual, and engagement in improving quality of life and
environmental domains [10]. community well-being?
An aid program's effectiveness is also It is expected that this study will provide new
inseparable from various community insights into the impact of the village funds
engagements and participation. However, studies program on quality of life and community well-
of 100 projects in 20 countries have shown that being, as well as provide recommendations
community engagement may produce positive concerning implementing the programs.
and negative outcomes [11]. For example, The remainder of the paper is organized as
community engagement has proven to be follows. Relevant literature and the development
successful in infrastructure development but less of hypotheses are discussed in Section 2, the
useful in meeting the needs of the poor [12]. research methodology is discussed in Section 3,
Therefore, it is also necessary to measure the the findings and discussion are presented in
perception of community engagement in Section 4, and the conclusions are presented in
influencing the success of the village funds Section 5.
program in improving the quality of life and
community well-being of village communities. II. LITERATURE REVIEW AND
Ideally, the village fund program provides
opportunities for community involvement in
planning, implementing, and supervising the
A. Village Fund Program and Perceived
implementation of programs for the common
Village Fund Management
good. However, in practice, community
There are two types of village development
involvement is often neglected. Therefore, this
initiative models: 1) the model that originated
study elaborates on the community's perception
from the village (bottom-up) led by local village
of the impact of community involvement in
leaders, or the Community Based Model (CBM),
village fund programs on community well-being.
and 2) the model that was initiated by the central
Thus, this study offers new ideas regarding
government (top-down), or the Government-Led
community perceptions of their involvement in
Model (GLM) [17]. In addition, [17] introduced
village fund programs and their perceptions of
the Hybrid Governance Structure (HGS) model,
improving quality of life and well-being. To
which is a village development program that
achieve this objective, we include community
originates from the central government but
engagement variables in the model.
requires greater participation by volunteers from
To the best of our knowledge, no study has
the village community to improve program
examined the community has perceived village
performance by integrating community desires
funds management improves the quality of life
with government goals.
and the community's well-being. In general,
Governments have launched village-specific
previous studies were conducted by looking at
development programs in various countries.
the impact of the village funds program on the
Examples include village funds in the form of
reduction of poverty at the macro-level [13]; the
working capital in Thailand [18-20], rural
effect on financial access to finance [14], [15];
residential land circulation programs in China [5],
financial literacy [16]; and employment [16].
conservation incentives in Kenya [21],
However, studies have rarely been conducted at
microfinance in China [22], other infrastructures
the household level. Thus, the role of village
in Africa and India [23], [24], and prizes for
funds in improving the quality of life and
competitions in Denmark [25]. Meanwhile, in
community well-being at the household level has
Indonesia, the program known as the Village
not yet been examined. Based on the high
Fund program is listed in Village Law 6/2014
number of poor people in the Lebak Regency,
[13], [26], [27].
this study aimed to investigate whether village
A study by [13] that assessed the
funds can improve the quality of life and
government's programs to improve social welfare,
community well-being by using primary data
including the village funds program, found that
from households. Specifically, we aim to answer
the programs are insufficient to improve the
Viverita et al. Village Fund Management, Quality of Life and Community Wellbeing: Evidence from Lebak Regency, Indonesia,
Vol. 57 No. 3 June 2022
economy of the poor residents. results of development programs more effectively
However, according to [28], development [12]. [35] described the type of participation or
programs are successful if they satisfy the community involvement from the lowest level,
requirements of the targeted beneficiaries. Hence, namely participating in elections and passive
it is important to evaluate the program's impact participation, followed by participation by
[29], and such an evaluation can be conducted by conducting consultations, active participation,
investigating the villagers' perceptions and interactive participation until the community
concerning whether the village fund program is is mobilized to engage with various government
managed properly to enhance the village's programs at the highest level. In addition, [7]
condition (perceived management of village found that higher community participation in
funds). managing village funds through village-owned
enterprises may help improve BUM Desa.
B. Quality of Life
[30] concluded that there are several E. The Effects of Perceived Village Fund
indicators of a community's quality of life. For Management
example, individual goals in life, such as home, A study by [14] examines the impact of
education, work, owning a small business, having village funds in improving sustainable
money, and traveling, are categorized as communities, especially the direct impact of
indicators of one’s quality of life [31]. In addition, infrastructure development in the form of village
in the regional scope, the quality of life indicators roads on the economy of Cihideung Village in
include income, work and employment, the West Java Province. This study found that
education, health, housing, physical safety, and using village funds through infrastructure
bonds/ties [8]. In addition, [32] developed five development in the form of village roads could
domains of the quality of life: urban issues, improve the economy of rural communities
family and personal welfare, community welfare, through increased income per capita.
way of life, and community awareness and Furthermore, a study done by [36] in the Lebak
facilities. Likewise, from the government's District found that village funds significantly
perspective, it is hoped that they can create and reduced poverty and income inequality. Based on
implement a program that can provide the above explanations, we developed the
community welfare by improving the quality of following hypotheses:
life in the community. H1: Perceived village fund management
positively affects the perceived quality of life.
C. Community Wellbeing H2: Perceived village fund management
In order to improve people's well-being and positively affects perceived community well-
increase their quality of life, a good program being.
should be created and supported by society [33]. Community engagement contributes to the
Various terms describe improvements in the achievement of sustainable development goals
conditions of society related to welfare and well- [12], and communities are willing to be involved
being. The discussion of welfare is focused more in a government program (such as the village
on the past and present, whereas well-being also funds program) if they perceive that the program
focuses on the future. Using four comprehensive is transparent and properly managed [37]. Based
studies, [34] indicated seven dimensions of on this explanation, we developed the following
community well-being: services and facilities, hypothesis:
environmental, economic, social, political, health, H3: Perceived village fund management has a
and attachment (attachment to a place and a positive effect on community engagement.
F. Community Trust and Community
D. Community Engagement Engagement
Community engagement is the reciprocal Trust in government relates to various
communication and deliberation between the attitudes and behaviors at the individual level.
government and citizens, enabling citizens to For example, trust can encourage individuals to
participate together in formulating policies and pay taxes, have a positive attitude towards
providing government services [35]. In addition, government spending, and believe in the various
the interaction between the community and the roles undertaken by the government [38]. In
government is a two-way cycle with equal addition, previous studies have confirmed that
standing, shared commitment, and shared trust in the government will support various
responsibility. It is believed to maintain the programs, such as the development of health

technology, emergency programs, infrastructure, H. Quality of Life and Community Wellbeing

and welfare programs [38]. The concept of well-being has been used
Likewise, community involvement in interchangeably with quality of life, happiness,
government programs is driven by the knowledge and life satisfaction. Researchers have focused on
of the members of the community about a understanding and measuring well-being at the
program, positive relationships, and trust in the individual, community, regional, and national
government or its leaders. Hence, in the context levels [34]. At the community level, well-being
of the village fund program, community trust means the satisfaction of a group of people in
may enhance community involvement, leading to their residence related to the social and physical
an enhanced program outcome. [39] found that environment, services, and facilities [41].
community trust is associated significantly with Measurements related to community well-being
community engagement. Therefore, we commonly are built based on community
hypothesize: perceptions of the impact on individual quality of
H4: Community trust has a positive effect on life of community services and conditions in
community engagement. various life domains (e.g., family, social, leisure,
health, financial, cultural, consumer, work,
G. Community Engagement, Quality of Life, spiritual, and environmental domains) [10].
and Community Wellbeing Hence, we hypothesize as follows.
Regarding the village funds program, several H7: Individual quality of life has a positive
problems often occur at the implementation at the effect on community well-being.
village level, leading to misuse of the village’s
budget fund. For example, problems with the III. METHODS
implementation of village funds may occur due to
the lack of community participation in planning, A. Measurement and Survey Instruments
the monitoring process, the limited capacity of In this study, a quantitative method was used,
village leaders and village officials, suboptimal and surveys were used to collect data. First, the
village institutions, and the politicization of the survey questionnaire was developed based on
use of village funds as a means of getting votes previous studies (Table 1). Then, the items were
for a village leader [40]. translated into Bahasa Indonesia and double-
There is evidence that community checked by our fellow bilingual researchers to
engagement is key to improving the quality of ensure the validity of the overall translations.
life and the community's well-being [39]. Then, the questions were reviewed by field
Therefore, it can be concluded that the chances of researchers to determine whether the items would
the village's funds' success in improving the be understood easily by the villagers, who are the
community's quality of life and welfare will target respondents. According to the field
increase if the community participates or is researchers, the questionnaire has good
engaged in managing the village's funds. readability. Finally, field surveyors conducted the
Therefore, the following hypotheses were survey. It was stated in the questionnaire and by
formulated: the surveyors that the survey was voluntary, and
H5: Community engagement has a positive the respondents remained anonymous. It was also
effect on the quality of life. stated that the data would be kept confidential
H6: Community engagement has a positive and used only for academic purposes.
effect on the community's well-being.

Table 1.
Summary of items
Variables Code Item content References
Perceived VF1 Our village officials have used village funds for various development in the [42]
effectiveness of last three years
village fund VF2 Our village officials have provided information regarding village fund use
management in the last three years
VF3 Our village officials have managed the village fund for the community
VF4 Our village officials have a specific program for managing the village fund
VF5 In my opinion, the management of village funds where I live has been
carried out in the right and proper way
VF6 In my opinion, the management of village funds where I live has involved
the community well
Community CE1 Everything related to the village fund catches my eyes [25][41][43][44]
Viverita et al. Village Fund Management, Quality of Life and Community Wellbeing: Evidence from Lebak Regency, Indonesia,
Vol. 57 No. 3 June 2022
engagement Continuation of Table 1
CE2 I enjoy learning about village funds and their management
CE3 I am enthusiastic about being involved in managing village funds where I
CE4 I will devote my time to being involved in managing village funds where I
CE5 I am happy if I am involved in managing village funds where I live
CE6 I enjoy being involved in managing village funds and interacting with
village officials and village communities
CE7 Being involved in managing village funds is fun for me
Quality of life QOL2 I can fulfill my daily needs better after having village funds where I live [43]
QOL3 I get better community service after having village funds where I live
QOL4 Overall, I have a better quality of life after having village funds where I
QOL5 I can achieve a better future after having village funds where I live
Community CWB The village where I live now is improving after the village fund program [10]
well-being 2 was implemented.
CWB I feel satisfied living in this village after the village fund implemented
CWB My village has a better future after the village fund implemented
Community CT1 I believe in the management of village funds carried out by my village [45]
trust officials
CT2 I believe my village officials will keep their promise regarding the
management of village funds
CT3 I believe the programs that come from village funds are beneficial for the
village where I live

The study is cross-sectional, and the survey C. Data Analysis

data are analyzed using a partial least squares The profile of respondents is presented in
structural equation model (PLS-SEM) with Table 2. The majority of the respondents are
SmartPLS 3.0 software. PLS-SEM is suitable for female (68%), more than half of the respondents
a complex model with small sample size and are 36 years old, or older (56.5%), and the most
makes almost no assumptions concerning the common education level is primary/secondary
data [46]. Therefore, a two-step approach was school (54%). Regarding the occupation, 45.5%
used to analyze and interpret the results [47]. of the respondents are homemakers, and 72%
First, the outer (measurement) model was have less than 35 USD monthly income.
assessed, and then the inner structural model was
tested. Table 2.
Respondents’ characteristics
B. Participants and Procedures Characteristics n %
A sample of 200 villagers in the Lebak Gender
Male 63 32%
Regency was surveyed using the questionnaire Female 137 68%
that had been developed. In addition, the Age Range
prospective respondents were asked several 18-25 23 11.5%
26-35 64 32%
screening questions before they could continue 36-50 80 40%
participating. For example, whether they were at Over 50 33 16.5%
least 18 years old, whether they had a permanent Education
Basic (primary and secondary) 108 54%
residence in the village, and whether they had High school 89 44.5%
lived in the village prior to 2015 until the time of Diploma and bachelor’s degree 3 1.5%
the survey (2020); 2015 is the year the village Post-graduate degree 0 0%
funds program was implemented nationally. The Farmer/Breeder/Fisherman 38 19%
surveys were conducted at the respondents' Self-employed 26 13%
homes to ensure they were comfortable and Government officers and private sectors
10 5%
thoughtful when answering the questions. The employees
Unemployed 10 5%
data were collected by field researchers Homemaker 91 45.5%
experienced in collecting data in the Lebak area. Others 25 12.5%
They were adequately informed and briefed Monthly Income
Less than 500,000 IDR (around 35 USD) 144 72%
about the objective of the survey and the > 500,000 - 1,000,000 IDR (35-70 USD) 27 13.5%
questionnaire. > 1,000,000 - 3,000,000 IDR (70-210 USD) 25 12.5%
> 3,000,000 - 6,000,000 IDR (210-420 USD) 4 2%

We used two approaches to measure the

D. Measurement Model discriminant validity of the scales (Tables 3 and
The evaluation of the measurement model 4) as recommended by [47]. First, the cross-
ensured that the reliability and validity of loading of the indicators was examined, and the
measurement scales were confirmed. The results showed that one indicator (QOL1) had to
Cronbach’s alpha and composite reliability were be removed due to a discriminant validity
above the minimum values of 0.7 [47]. problem. Table 3 summarizes the validity and
Furthermore, the convergent validity of the scales reliability tests after the removal of QOL1.
was supported (Table 3) since the values of the Second, all variables were assessed based on the
average variance extracted (AVE) of all variables criterion proposed by [47], in which the square
were greater than 0.50, and all of the item root of each AVE is higher than its correlations
loadings were greater than 0.7. with other constructs (Table 4).

Table 3.
Measurement model
Constructs Items Outer loadings Cronbach’s alpha Composite AVE
Perceived effectiveness of village fund VF1 0.884 0.930 0.945 0.741
VF2 0.836
VF3 0.872
VF4 0.881
VF5 0.879
VF6 0.811
Community engagement CE1 0.753 0.889 0.913 0.599
CE2 0.719
CE3 0.790
CE4 0.793
CE5 0.801
CE6 0.800
CE7 0.759
Quality of life QOL2 0.804 0.851 0.899 0.691
QOL3 0.804
QOL4 0.881
QOL5 0.831
Community wellbeing CWB1 0.916 0.909 0.937 0.788
CWB2 0.919
CWB3 0.916
CWB4 0.792
Community trust CT1 0.907 0.880 0.926 0.807
CT2 0.919
CT3 0.869

Table 4. used to generate standard errors and t-values [47].

Discriminant validity The results showed that none of the VIF
CE CT CWB QOL VF values was below 0.2 or above 5; therefore, the
CE 0.774 predictor constructs are free from collinearity
CT 0.741 0.899 issues. The estimated path relationships between
CWB 0.525 0.473 0.887
QOL 0.654 0.583 0.738 0.775
the latent variables also were assessed by
VFM 0.612 0.570 0.546 0.498 0.861 evaluating the path
coefficients along with their signs and
E. Structural Model magnitudes. Figure 1 summarizes the results of
In this study, the structural model was the estimation for the proposed structural model.
evaluated using the approaches recommended by The coefficient of determination (R2) values
[48]: (1) assessing collinearity by checking the ranged from 0.381 to 0.622, and they were
variance inflation factor (VIF) values, (2) considered moderate in measuring the predictive
evaluating the coefficient of determination of accuracy of the model [47]. In addition, we used
latent variables, (3) calculating and evaluating the the blindfolding method to calculate the Q2
predictive relevance (Q2), and (4) assessing the values. All of the Q2 values were greater than
path coefficients and the size of the effect. In zero, ranging from 0.262 to 0.484, indicating a
addition, a resampling bootstrap method was medium to large predictive relevance for
Viverita et al. Village Fund Management, Quality of Life and Community Wellbeing: Evidence from Lebak Regency, Indonesia,
Vol. 57 No. 3 June 2022
endogenous constructs [47].

Figure 1. Results of the structural model

Table 5.
Path coefficient and the result of significance testing
Path Path coefficient T Value P-Value Notes
H1: VFMQOL 0.151 1.993 0.046 Supported
H2: VFMCWB 0.258 3.787 0.000 Supported
H3: VFMCE 0.281 4.391 0.000 Supported
H4: CTCE 0.581 10.133 0.000 Supported
H5: CEQOL 0.518 6.686 0.000 Supported
H6: CECWB -0.042 0.598 0.550 Not supported
H7: QOLCWB 0.667 11.396 0.000 Supported

The empirical evidence from this study shows Based on the endogenous variables, the results
that the perceived village fund management showed that community engagement is
(VFM) also positively affects the perceived influenced significantly by the perceived
community well-being (CWB) and community community trust (coefficient = 0.581) rather than
engagement (CE), so H2 and H3 are supported. the village fund's perceived management
This study also confirmed that the perceived trust (coefficient = 0.281). Therefore, to enhance the
of the villagers (CT) concerning their local people's engagement, the residents must perceive
leaders' management of their village fund that the village leader is trustworthy. The
positively influences community engagement perceived quality of life is affected significantly
(CE); thus, H4 is supported. Community by the residents' engagement (coefficient =
engagement (CE) also was found to have a 0.581) rather than whether the fund is managed
relationship with the villagers' perceived quality properly (coefficient = 0.151). This likely is
of life (QOL); thus, H5 is supported. However, because the residents are not directly involved in
there is no evidence that community engagement managing the funds. However, when the
(CE) is related directly to perceived community residents are actively involved, they will feel
well-being (CWB); thus, H6 is not supported. more connected with the programs and positively
Finally, having a good perception of quality of perceive their lives. Regarding the well-being of
life (QOL) leads to a positive perception of well- the community, the finding proves that the
being (CWB); thus, H7 is supported. In particular, perceived quality of life (coefficient = 0.667) is
the more the villagers feel that they have a good connected strongly with the community's well-
quality of life after their village receives the being compared to the perceived village fund
village fund, the stronger the effect will be on (coefficient = 0.258). However, the result also
their perception of the community's well-being. shows that community engagement cannot

directly involve the perceived well-being of the previous studies that found that the higher the
community. It means that the residents will level of the community's trust in an institution or
perceive greater well-being after they become a program, the higher their engagement will be in
actively engaged, and being engaged causes them government programs [38], [39], and in private
to perceive that they have a better quality of life. institutions [49]. It seems that the perceived trust
of the community that their local leader will
IV. DISCUSSION manage the village's funds appropriately has a
positive effect on the engagement of the members
A. The Effects of Village Fund Management of the community. This finding indicates that
As explained earlier, the perceived when people trust their local government, they
management of the village's funds directly and are willing to support and be involved in the
positively affects individuals' quality of life. development program because they believe the
These results are in agreement with the results of program will provide benefits for them. The
[36]. That means that when the community community trust concerning the village funds
members perceive that the village's funds are program can still be improved by showing that
being managed properly, they feel that they have the program has been implemented as promised
a better quality of life compared to their and by regularly providing adequate information
condition before the initiation of the village fund concerning how funds are being used.
program. As mentioned by [4], one of the
objectives of the village fund program was to C. The Role of Community Engagement
improve the development of the village (e.g., by This study found that community engagement
improving the village's facilities, infrastructure, directly affects the quality of life in the Lebak
and services). When the village is in good Regency, and the effect is positive and significant.
condition, the villagers can receive better services This finding indicates that involving the
(e.g., administrative and health services), and this community in managing the village's funds will
leads to a better quality of life. increase the individual quality of life of the
We also found that the perceived management residents. This finding is consistent with the
of the village's funds has a direct and positive findings [50] that the partnership between the
effect on the community's feeling of well-being. government and the community ensures the
These results are similar to the results of [48], sustainability of the health promotion program
and it seems that the better the community and increases the residents' quality of life [51].
perceives the management of the village's funds An intriguing result was found concerning the
to be, the better the community members feel effects of community engagement on the well-
about their well-being. Similar to previous being of the community. The negative impact
explanations, a village fund that is managed implies that the community's participation in
properly will result in better services, facilities, managing the village's funds worsens the
and infrastructure for the village, in turn leading community's prosperity. This finding is probably
to better living conditions and a better future for due to the implementation of a village fund
the villagers. program that has yet to reach all villagers, some
The results also indicated that the perceived of whom are not well-informed about the
management of the village’s funds positively program's benefits. This result is aligned with the
affects the engagement of the community in construal-level theory that suggests people will
managing the funds. These results are similar to behave according to their perception of what will
the results of [37]. It indicates that the happen in the future [52].
communities in the villages studied are willing to One interesting finding of this study is that
be engaged in managing the village's funds when community engagement partially mediates the
they perceive that the funds are managed relationship between the perceived village fund
properly by the officials of the village. The and quality of life. This result indicates that
sampled communities considered that ensuring community engagement is crucial in supporting
that the village's funds are used for various the village development program in enhancing
development activities is the most important part people's quality of life. Furthermore, this result
of managing the village's funds. strengthens the role of community engagement in
the program's success.
B. The Effects of Community Trust The results also showed that the community
We also found that community trust has positively perceives its involvement in the village
positive and significant effects on community funds program. Thus, due to the resident’s
engagement. The results support the results of interest in the program, they are willing to
Viverita et al. Village Fund Management, Quality of Life and Community Wellbeing: Evidence from Lebak Regency, Indonesia,
Vol. 57 No. 3 June 2022
allocate time to be involved. However, the data and quality of life. Since we found a significant
show that less than half of the respondents were role of community engagement as a mediator
involved in the village funds program in their between perceived village fund management and
villages (Table 6). quality of life and between community trust and
quality of life, we can conclude that the
Table 6. government should consider including the
Community member’s knowledge of and involvement in the community in its village development program.
village fund program
Doing so will increase the residents' perceived
Questions N % quality of life and ensure the program's success.
Do respondents know about the village fund?
Yes 183 91.5%
No 17 8.5% B. Strengths, Limitations, and
Do respondents know about the usage of village funds? Recommendations for Future Research
Yes 148 74%
No 52 26%
Two of the objectives of the village funds
Are respondents involved in managing the village fund? program are improving the public service and
Yes 84 42.5% improving the development of the village. In
No 116 57.5%
contrast to previous studies, which looked at the
impact of the village funds program on the
Hence, the village officials must engage the reduction of poverty at the macro level, the
community in managing the village funds household level was rarely considered. This study
program. Previous studies, such as [35], have offers a new approach by conducting a survey of
shown that five elements can improve individuals at the household level, which can
community engagement in government better reflect the community's perception of
programs: (1) a sincere motivation to encourage village fund program management, trust in
the involvement of the community, (2) trust and village government, involvement in the program,
the relationship that is built by communicating and its impact on quality of life and welfare. In
continuously and consistently, (3) collaborative addition, it can assist the government in
leadership supported by the leaders' good increasing the effectiveness of implementing the
attitudes and behaviors, (4) inclusive village fund program by embracing the
involvement of the community without any community.
discrimination, and (5) implementation of a The indicators in the village community
program that is transparent and accountable. reveal that the community members were happy
to be involved in managing village funds. Thus,
V. CONCLUSION community engagement can begin during village
fund management planning by providing
A. Main Findings of the Present Study opportunities for the community to provide input
This study examined the perceived on what is needed through various discussion
management of a village's funds on an forums with community representatives.
individual's quality of life and community well- Community engagement can also be carried out
being in the Lebak Regency. Also, we evaluated at the implementation stage through the "gotong
the effect of community trust on community royong" principle, which refers to working with
engagement in enhancing the quality of life and the community village to build physical facilities
community well-being and the role of community and infrastructure. The community could also act
engagement in improving quality of life and as a supervisor, providing suggestions and
community well-being. The findings of this study criticisms and reporting if things are not
revealed the critical role of perceived village fund following the mutual agreement through the
management in developing the community's community's representative who is part of the
quality of life and well-being. The results also committee. Direct participation and engagement
show that the perceived village fund management from the community is the most effective way to
provides a significant path to community increase the success of development programs,
engagement. Also, we found that community especially at the village level [53].
trust affects community engagement significantly, Several limitations of our study provide
and community engagement also provides a potential directions for future research. First, we
significant path to quality of life. Thus, it was included only four villages in the Lebak Regency
confirmed that community engagement partially area, whereas the village fund program applies to
mediates the relationship between the perceived every village in the country. Thus, future studies
management of the village's funds and quality of must be conducted to expand the available data to
life and the relationship between community trust reach a general conclusion. Second, this study is

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current effect, and such a program must be given
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adequate time to reach its goals. Thus, a
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