Pematik Analytical Exposition (FR Pasha Shapire B-XI TJKT 1-13)

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Nama: FR Pasha Shapire Bonaventura

Kelas: XI TJKT 1

No: 13

Pematik Analytical Expotion

Answer the following questions

1 How many hours a day do you log onto the Internet?

 7 hours or more.

2. Are you Familiar with online shop apps ? Explain!

 Yes of course very familiar. because the online shop is very easy to use, all you have to do is
select the goods, wait for the goods to come to the house and pay. You can also pay by transfer
or use funds from the online store application.
3.In your opinion ,why do people choose to shop online?

 Because it's easier and tastier, because people nowadays are too lazy to go to the shop directly.

4.Will on line shopping reshape the way we shop entirely? Give your reasons

 Yes, because in terms of buying it, it's very different from using a cellphone or laptop without
coming to the shop.

5.Do you think online shopping is reliable? Why ? Why not?

 You can, because you want to find anything in the online shop, you can buy goods from abroad.

6. What can you conclude about online shopping?

 Very easy and simple use.

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