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1. Two cell phone towers are on the same horizontal plane, Tower A and Tower B.

The angle of elevation of the top of tower B from

the top of Tower A is 300. The angle of depression of the foot of tower B from the top of Tower A is 60 0. The height of tower B is 100
m. Find the height of tower A.

2. Evelyn and Betty’s buildings are of the same height and facing each other. Evelyn’s window is 20 m above the ground. Across the
street Betty’s window is 25 m above the ground. The angle of elevation from Evelyn’s window to Betty’s window is 15 0 and the angle
of depression from the top of Evelyn’s building to Betty’s window is 30 0.
a. How far is Evelyn’s building from Betty’s building?
b. How tall are the buildings?

3. John wants to measure the height of a tree. He walks exactly 100 feet from the base of the tree and looks up. The angle from the
ground to the top of the tree is 150. This particular tree grows at an angle of 75 0 with respect to the ground rather than vertically
(900). How tall is the tree?
4. A tree grows vertically on the side of a hill that slopes upward from the horizontal by 15 0. When the angle of elevation of the sun
relative to the top of the tree measures 30 0, the shadow of the tree falls 44 ft down the hill. How tall is the tree?

5. A tower 40 m tall is on top of a hill. A straight cable 50 m long runs from the top of the tower to a point 20 m down the hill. Find
the angle the hillside forms with the horizontal?

6. A ship, at position P, observes a lighthouse at position Q on a bearing of 045°. The ship travels 30 km on a bearing of 120° to
position R. From position R, the ship observes the lighthouse on a bearing of 315°.
a. Find the bearing of R from the lighthouse.
b. Calculate the distance from R to the lighthouse
7. Two boats leave the same port at the same time. Boat 1 travels at a speed of 30 mi/h in the direction N 45 0 E and the other travels
at a speed of 26 mi/h in a direction S 750 E.
a. How far apart are the two boats after two and a half hour?
b. Find the bearing of Boat 1 form Boat 2.

8. Hikers Rica and Enzo leave point P at the same time. Rica walks 4km on a bearing of 45 0, then a further 6kmon a bearing of 1500.

Enzo hikes directly from P to the camp site.

a. How far does Enzo hike?

b. In what direction does Enzo hike?

c. Rica hikes at 10 km/h and Enzo hikes at 6 km/h.

i. Who will arrive at the camp site first?

ii. How long will this person need to wait before the other person arrives?

d. On what bearing should the hikers walk from the camp site to return to P?
9. An MNR Conservation Officer in a helicopter is hovering 40 m above the ground. He sees a hunter and a deer some distance apart.
He determines the angle of depression to the hunter and deer to be 15 0 and 300 respectively and the angle between them on the
ground is 1200. The Conservation Officer wishes to find the distance between the hunter and the deer.

10. Three cars A, B and C are parked on a horizontal plane. M is the peak of a totempole standing at A. The bearing of car B from car
A is 1500, the bearing of car C from car A is 2400 and the bearing of car C from car B is 2700. If the distance between car B and car C is
65 m and the angle of elevation of M from car A is 30 0, calculate the height of the totempole and the angle of elevation of M from
car C.

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