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Animal research has been used for several centuries as part of efforts to

better understand the world around us. Almost all states actively research on
animals at present. The total scale of all research on vertebrates is hard to
measure, but according to some estimates it could be as high as 115,000,000
animals per year, with the vast majority of these being euthanized at the end
of the period of experimentation.
Medical research is the hardest case for proposition in this debate to prove,
since it has previously yielded substantial benefits for humanity, while
contemporary animal research continues to contribute demonstrably to the
speed and efficiency with which new scientific breakthroughs are achieved.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

Over past few decades, experiments are being conducted on the animals all
over the world for better understanding of nature around us. It is being argued
that while these experiments have proven results and are extremely beneficial
for new scientific developments, animals, which are used for research purpose
are put to death after completion of investigation. This essay agrees with the
notion that scientists should continue to conduct research on animals as it
helps them to invent new drugs to cure many diseases without endangering a
human life.

Firstly, using animals for the drug testing procedures by researchers can have
proven outcomes as because many living species share the similar DNA as of
humans. This is advantageous because human beings can be saved from any
possible side effects during testing process. Moreover, if a person’s life is
affected, it can affect the sentiments of entire family. Clearly, this is not the
case with animals. For instance, a virus called “Ebola” have taken lives of many
individuals and the entire world had been affected. Medical scientists have
experimented on animals before finding the appropriate antinode for this
illness. If humans were part of this research, many people would have died.

Secondly, animal life span is less when compared to us, humans.

Approximately, animals will live for 10 – 15 years whereas a person can lead a
healthy life up to 80-90 years. Moreover, while it takes nine month to produce
a baby, animals can produce at faster rate and in more numbers. Therefore,
there is no harm in using them as part of experiment. To illustrate, it is
observed that when rats are used to test for a certain virus, the number of rats
reproduced the following year were doubled the number that were died.

In conclusion, although animals are being killed at the end of experimentation,

the contribution is highly profiting as many new medical advancements are
witnessed every passing day which are helpful in curing people across the

Time taken : 50 min

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