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1. Choose the correct options.

Hi Tessa,
I am finally in England. At the moment, (1) live / lives / am living with my friends in a small
apartment in London. It's so nice here! We (2) get up / gets up / getting up very early in the
morning and we (3) are going / can go / go for a walk. Jane (4) study / studies/ is studying at
university, but today she (5) stays / stay / is staying home because it is a holiday here in London.
She (6) is going / goes / go to university in the morning and in the afternoon she (7) studying / is
studying / studies. She (8) doesn't go out / don't go out / is not going out in the evenings. She
stays at home and chats with her friends. I can write again tomorrow.
Love, Liti
2. Complete the sentences with the present simple or present continuous form of the
verbs in brackets.
a. I can’t talk now, I ___________________ (have) my tango class at the sports center.
b. Julian and Leo ___________________ (travel) to Buenos Aires today.
c. You ___________________ (not like) this restaurant. Let’s go somewhere else.
d. She ___________________ (love) vanilla ice cream.
e. A: ___________________ (Dalia / take) dance classes once a week?
B: No, she ___________. It’s twice a week.
f. I can come to the party later. Right now, I ___________ (work) on my project for school.
g. A: ___________________ (you / enjoy) watching films?
B: Yes, I ___________!

3. Complete the questions with the present simple or present continuous form of the
verbs in brackets.
a. (you/come) tonight?
b. (he/run) in the park every day?
c. (he/come) to London often?
d. (you/play) tennis now?
e. (you/study) every night?
f. (they/work) late usually?
g. (she/work) at the moment?
h. (she/sleep) now?
4. Choose the correct options to complete the sentences.
a. Alex and I watch / watched a great series on TV last night.
b. I won / winned a competition yesterday and I’m going to an ice concert in Italy!
c. My sister became / becomed a doctor last week!
d. You didn’t go / didn’t went to the party last night. Why not?
e. Tim is in trouble because he didn’t did / didn’t do his homework yesterday.
f. They didn’t have / hadn’t had the money to pay for a new mobile phone last month.
g. Her band played / plays an amazing song at the concert last night.
5. Complete the sentences with the correct the past simple form of the verbs in
a. Celina ___________________ (not have) any money to buy tickets for the ice concert.
b. My football team ___________________ (win) the cup last night! I am so happy!
c. Shawn and Camila ___________________ (eat) breakfast in the same café every morning.
d. I ___________________ (not go) to the party last night.
e. The drummer ___________________ (play) brilliantly last night! He was ace!
f. Let’s play football! I just ___________________ (finish) my homework!
g. No, I ___________________ (not see) the news last night. What happened?

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