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Name: Yeremia Gerry Gibran Wibowo

NIM: 220211010033


1. Gerry is a great chess player. (Proper noun)

2. The flower looks beautiful. (Common noun)

3. Mr. Samuel loves to teach student. (Proper noun) - (Common noun)

4. The cake taste very bad. (Common noun)

5. Jakarta is the capital city of Indonesia. (Proper noun)

6. Green is my favorite colour. (Proper noun) - (Common noun)

7. Rani walked across the Mackinaw Bridge. (Proper noun)

8. Mom cooked a noodle recently. (Proper noun)

9. The ball fell from my hand two seconds ago. (Common noun)

10. Tommorow, the weather will be sunny. (Common noun)


1. He is a great chess player.

2. Your face looks beautiful.

3. Mr. Samuel loves our assigment.

4. My cake taste very bad.

5. Somoene stole my wallet.

6. Green is a favorite colour of mine.

7. She walked across the Suramadu Bridge.

8. We cooked a noodle recently.

9. Rani write a song by herself.

10. Tommorow, the weather will be sunny in my city.


1. Gerry is a great chess player.

2. Your face looks beautiful.

3. Mr. Samuel loves our paper assigment.

4. My cake taste very bad.

5. Somoene stole my luxury wallet.

6. The bike is crushed by a yellow car this morning.

7. She walked across the long of Suramadu Bridge.

8. We cooked an instant noodle recently.

9. Rani write a good song by herself.

10. Tommorow, the weather will be sunny in my city.


1. Gerry play a chess board.

2. I look at your beautiful face.

3. Mr. Samuel loves our paper assigment.

4. She tastes a piece of cake.

5. Somoene stole my luxury wallet.

6. The bike is crushed by a yellow car this morning.

7. She walked across the Suramadu Bridge yesterday.

8. We cooked an instant noodle recently.

9. Rani writes a good song by herself.

10. The plane lands in 5 minutes.


1. Gerry usually play a chess board.

2. I look at your totally beautiful face.

3. Perhaps Mr. Samuel loves our assigment.

4. She tastes a piece of cake nearby.

5. Somoene slowly stole my luxury wallet.

6. The bike is crushed by a yellow car this morning.

7. She walked across the Suramadu Bridge yesterday.

8. We cooked an instant noodle recently.

9. Rani only writes a good song.

10. The plane lands in 5 minutes.


1. Gerry and I play a chess board.

2. I look at your totally beautiful face.

3. Mr. Samuel didn’t like my assigment but still give me a good grade.

4. She also tastes a piece of cake.

5. I don’t know if its Rani or Gerry who stole my wallet.

6. Althought the bike is crush by a car, it still useable.

7. She never walked across the Suramadu Bridge yet.

8. Either we can cook an instant noodle or an egg for breakfast.

9. Rani neither likes a shoes nor a glasses.

10. The plane not even land yet.


1. Gerry play a chess board after school.

2. I look towards you beautiful face.

3. Mr. Samuel didn’t sign my assigment until I change a view of mistakes.

4. She tastes a piece of cake from my cake store.

5. I think its between Rani and Gerry who stole my wallet.

6. The bike is crush by a car.

7. She out of his mind.

8. We cook put a noodle into boiling water.

9. Rani likes a shoes under the table.

10. The plane arrive after sun down.

1. Wow! Do you learn chess by yourself?

2. Ouch! I accidentally look your face!

3. Hooray! Mr. Samuel sign my assigment!

4. Thank God! This cake taste good!

5. Ugh! Your Halloween costume looks scary.

6. Huh! She is annoying as always!

7. Whoa, you made a beautiful song!

8. Yay! They just released their new album today, I can’t wait to see their concert!

9. Ah! Can you turn down the music? I can’t focus on my study!

10. Bravo! You've done great!

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