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5 marks – 1 page – 0.5 for added diagram.

10 marks – 2.5 pages

Mention keywords or diagram – Draw a circle for parts – Steps for hierarchy.
Long Questions (10 marks)
1. Functions of Management
 POSCORB – Planning, Organization, Staffing, Direction, Controlling, Coordination,
Reporting, Budgeting
2. Principles of Management Control (13-14)
 Assurance of Objective
 Efficiency of Control
 Responsibility
 Future Control
 Direct Control
 Reflection of Plan
 Organization Stability
 Individuality of Control
 Standards of Controls
 Controlling strategic points
 Exceptions
 Flexibility
 Review
 Action
3. Techniques of Management Control
 Balance
 TQM – Total Quality Management
 Kazam (continuous change)
 Activity Based Costing
 Target costing
 Benchmarking
 Just in Time
 Budgeting
 Capital Budgeting
4. Management Control in Function
 Production
 Inventory
 Marketing
 Personal
 Information & Technology
 Finance
5. Importance/Meaning/Definition Marketing Control
- Controlling wasteful marketing expenses
- Connecting marketing to finances
- Directing
- Detecting deviation in business
- Improving Sales force productivity
- Improving marketing performance
- Motivating
- Measuring effectiveness of marketing strategy
- Practically controlling the management activities
- Revising marketing plan
- Reform marketing strategy
- Return on every market investment.
- Resources rightly allocated.

6. Techniques for marketing control

- Annual Plan Control
o Sales Analysis
o Marketing
o Sales v/s market
o Financial Analysis
o Tracking Customer habit
- Efficiency control
o Advertising
o Distribution
- Profitability Control
o Identity functional exp
o Assign functional expenses to marketing!
o P&L account
- Strategic Control
o Marketing Audit

7. Resistance to Control/Why resist

 Rational
 Emotional
 Personal
 Sociological – Against group interest/ethics/norms
 Psychological - Feelings
 Logical – change not needed now, no visibility, changes at a higher cost.
8. Characteristics of IT
- Accuracy
- Appropriateness
- Concise
- Complete
- Current
- Continuous
- Economic
- Objective/Purpose
- Relevant
- Timeline/frequency
- Understanding/Easy to understand

9. Structured & unstructed Decisions

 Point of difference
- Nature
- Context
- Alternating
- Implication
- Criteria for selection
- Specific knowledge
- Reliable on
- Aspects of
- Validity
- Parameter
- Taken at/by

10. Concepts/ Elements of Computer System – Characteristic Feature

Input Processing
11. Characteristics/Features of Project (Short notes each)
 Features ISTV
- Interrelated Activities
- Specific Goal
- Specific Time
- Sequence of Activities
- Transcend
- Uniqueness
 Objectives
- Performance
- Cost Time
- (16 Points)
 Aspects
- Scope
- Time
- Cost
- Quality
- Risk
- Benefit

12. Define Project Planning and its objectives.

 Objectives – ACIS
- Anticipating
- Analyzing
- Controlling
- Coordinating
- Information flow
- Scheduling

13. Meaning, Definition and Features of project control

 Features - Scope Change, Quality control, schedule control, cost control

14. Meaning, Definition and Objectives of project audit

- Identifying factors affecting the project & quality
- Identifying various risk & impacts of project
- Identifying different training needs to the people
- Keep control over cost, control line
- Creates awareness about types of problems
- Controls over the magnitude of the problem
- Establishing Appropriate standards
- Providing clear pictures of things timely
- Providing Information how risk shall be mitigated.

15. Process of project audit

 Auditing
 Familiarization with project
 Designing audit program & document
 Conduct Audit
 Audit report
 Distributing Audit report

16. Methodology in implementing Business Management Control (Short notes also)

 Organize the company.
 Craft an executive strategy.
 Monitoring review improving performance.

Balance Score Card - Draw

Short Questions
1. Characteristic of Management
 - Both Scene & arts, Continuous Activity, Dynamic, Net disciplinary, Social, Goal,
Probability, Universal Nature, Professional approach

2. Structured, Semi, Unstructured Decision
 Draw a diagram

3. Types of Control
3 types
 Feed forward
 Concurrent Control
 Feedback control

4. Features/Aspects/Elements of Management control

 Process & Structure
 Manager
 Strategy
 Assurance by Manager
 Effectively
 Efficiently

5. Types of Management Control

 Strategic Control
 Operational Control
 Annual Plan Control
 Profitability Control

Primary management Control

6. Designing Management Control

Hierarchy, process and procedure, Link change, Information flow
designing the control system, Implementing the control system (how to be implemented)

7. Factors affecting the management control.

8. Factors Affecting
 Nature of production process
 Nature of Operational Activities
 Magnitude of the operations
 Volume of production

9. Production Management
- Planning
- Production
- Control
- Quantity
Raw Material
Time & Machine state

10. Production planning

- Action
- Activity
- Information
- Organization
- Efficiency
- Process
- Quantity
- Quality
- Resources
- Raw material
- Space

11. Objective of Production planning

- Labor productivity
- Market growth
- Quantity
- Customer satisfaction
- Resource estimation
- Coordination
(Remain same)
- Use of resources
- Flow of product
- Inventory
- Working environment
- Production Cost
- Distribution Cost
- Inventory cost
- Acquisition
- Rejection
- Damage

12. PPC
Production Planning PC - PRSL
- Planning
- Routine
- Scheduling
- Loading

Production Control PC
- Dispatching
- Follow up
- inspection
- Correction

13. Elements of Inventory or types

Types of Inventory (Elements and purpose + Speculative)
- RM
- WiP
- Consumable
- Finished Goods
- Spares
- Transactable movement
- Buffer
- Moving
- Anticipating
- Decoupling
- Cycle
- Lot size
- Maintenance
- Safety
- Bulk purchase
- City
- Anticipatory
- Fluctuation

14. Different Stock Levels

 Maximum Stock
 Reorder Level
 Average Level
 Minimum Level
 Safety Level
 Danger Level

15. Purpose/Goal of Inventory

- Avoiding loss of Sales
- Achieving efficiency & productivity
- Gaining Quantity Discounts
- Reducing Ordering cost
- Reducing Production Shortage

16. Inventory Control System

 Q system (with diagram) – Quality & consumption
 P system – Period of Inventory Maintenance

17. Techniques of Inventory Management (10 marks also)

 Stock level
 ABC Analysis
 VED – Vital Essential & Desirable
 SDE – Scare Difficult Easily
 FSL – Fast Slow Low
 HMLI - high medium low no impactful
 GOLF – Gov Ordinary Local Foreign
 SOS – Seasonal Off seasonal
 XYZ – Based on Consumption. Closing
 JIT – Just in Time
 Safety
 VMI – Vendor Managed Inventory
18. Inventory Replenishment System
 Periodic Reorder
 Periodic Review

19. Economic Order Quantity (Formula + Diagram)

20. Ordering Costing and Carrying Cost

 OC – Price Comparison, Order of placing, receiving & inspection, storing, admin
expenses, Transport.
 CC – Warehousing, Material Handling, insurance, Deterioration/Spoilage, obscene,
Admin expense, Interest paid of capital invested.

21. ABC Analysis (Table + Type)

22. Factors affecting inventory control. (Positive + Negative)

 Manufacturing
 Storage
 Market
 Others

23. Process of marketing control

 Establishes the performance standards.
 Evaluate the performance according to standard.
 Corrective Action

24. Steps/Process of marketing control

 Objective/Standard
 Monitoring performance
 Compare
 Improve

25. 5 Ps of M
 Product, Price, Promotion, Place, People

26. Controls In Personal areas ADOT

 Appraisal of employees
 Disciplines policies
 Observation
 Training

27. Reasons for resistance/How to overcome Resistance to control.

28. Correlation between management level – decision – IT

Strategic op stricture different It system
29. Purpose of MIS
30. Difference between MIS (Management Information system) & DSS (Decision Support
31. Management and Import System
32. Types of Projects (National, international, Industrial, Project based on Tech, Ownership,
Size, Infrastructure- Need based project)
33. Factors affecting project.
34. Project Life cycle (Draw)
35. Dimensions & Scope of project management
 Dimensions: Cost – Time – Quality
 Scope – Scope, Management plan, work breakdown
36. Process of project planning (Circle)
Steps: Identification – Formulation – Appraisal - Selection
37. Objectives of Project Control
 Primary
 Secondary
 Tertiary
38. Types of Project Control
 Feed forward
 Continuous
 Post control
39. Objectives of project audit

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