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Eloisa Jane R.


12- Humss C

Hope Shape the Future

The year 2020 is the difficult and challenging year that I experience in my whole years of existance.
Earthquake, volcanic erruptions, typhoons, fire, killings and the worst is COVID-19. Covid-19 became
pandemic lockdowns are everywhere. Going out to buy your essentials are limited. Going out to work is
limited too. My mom is an Overseas Filipino Worker(OFW). April 1,2020 in that time I was very happy
because finally my mom can go home to have an 1 month vacation and THAT WAS THE TIME THAT I
wrong, covid -19 cases increases and many of country is banned to enter our country and sadly my mom
didn't make it. And MY RELATIONSHIP WITH MY DAD IS SLOWLY DYING. My dad drinks a lot and
everytime that he is drunk he always gets mad about the monthly allowance that my mom is giving.
Ofcourse me as a daughter i couldn't think of a plan how I can help and provide for or needs.Until one
day I decided and push my older sister and my cousin to enter in business industry and now we are
Baking sweet pastries and selling them. But time goes by the tiredness is sinking in my body and I
couldn't stop myself to think that we are very focused on baking and selling pastries and because of that
we are missing the happy moments in our lives.Like talking and telling stories with our friends and
saying EDI WOW!,CHARING!, CHAROT, WAPAKELS and etc. Having a bonding and time with family and
friends are the things that we are missing out.As time goes by so fast,I think MY TIME IS RUNNING and I
get so nervous,scared and confused until I get to the point that I got tired of thinking a lot and it feels
like I am an EMPTY INSIDE AND OUT LIKE AN EMPTY JAR.But I didn't gave up and I just close my eyes and
pray.Everytime that close my eyes and talk to god i feel like IM IN HEAVEN FLOATING IN THE CLOUDS
and makes my heart and mind peaceful,loved and accepted.And there was a time too that I dreamt,I
saw a VERY BRIGHT LIGHT CAME UP TO ME AND SAID SOMETHING.When you give up on life, never give
up on yourself, because there is so much for you to keep on giving!”.

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