Damage Control Orthopaedics in Spinal Trauma JAAOS

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Review Article

Damage Control Orthopaedics in Spinal Trauma

Colby Oitment, MD, MSc(c),

Patrick Thornley, MD, FRCSC ABSTRACT
Thorsten Jentzsch, DrMed, There has been a shift in the management of the polytrauma patients
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from early total care to damage control orthopaedics (DCO), whereby

Mark Pahuta, MD, PhD, FRCSC
patients with borderline hemodynamic stability may be temporized with
the use of external fixators, traction, or splinting with delayed
osteosynthesis of fractures. Recently, there has been an increasing
trend toward a middle ground approach of Early Appropriate Care for
polytrauma patients. The concepts of DCO for the spine are less clear,
and the management of trauma patients with combined pelvic ring and
spinal fractures or patients with noncontiguous spinal injuries present
unique challenges to the surgeon in prioritization of patient needs. This
review outlines the concept of DCO and Early Appropriate Care in the
spine, prioritizing patient needs from the emergency department to the
operating room. Concepts include the timing of surgery, minimally
invasive versus open techniques, and the prioritization of spinal injuries
in the setting of other orthopaedic and nonorthopaedic injuries.
Contiguous and noncontiguous spinal injuries are considered in
construct planning, and the principles are discussed.

he term polytrauma primarily describes blunt trauma patients with
multiple injuries, which compromise a patient’s physiology by a high
From the Department of Orthopedic Surgery,
McMaster University, Hamilton General Hospital,
degree of inflammation (eg, systemic inflammatory response syn-
Hamilton, Ontario (Oitment, Thornley, and drome), potentially affecting even uninjured end organs.1 The optimal timing
Pahuta), the Division of Orthopaedic Surgery,
for surgical stabilization of extremity and spinal fractures in the polytrauma
Toronto Western Hospital, University Health
Network (Jentzsch) and Department of Surgery, patient has been the subject of much investigation and debate for over 4
University of Toronto (Jentzsch), Toronto, decades.2 The initial trauma is understood as the so-called “first hit.” Pa-
Ontario, Canada, and the Department of
Orthopaedics, Balgrist University Hospital, tients are predisposed to potential catastrophic decline if deemed inappro-
University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland priately stable for surgery, whereby definitive surgery may provide a “second
hit,” taxing a patient’s biological reserve.
None of the following authors or any immediate
family member has received anything of value
The term damage control subject was originally coined by the US Navy,
from or has stock or stock options held in a referring to the steps required to keep a badly damaged ship afloat and avoid
commercial company or institution related
the spread of catastrophic damage throughout the entire vessel.1 Damage
directly or indirectly to the subject of this article:
Oitment, Thornley, Jentzsch, and Pahuta. control subject as it relates to surgery was initially explored in general
J Am Acad Orthop Surg 2021;29:e1291-e1302 surgery, working to control subject catastrophic bleeding with abbreviated
DOI: 10.5435/JAAOS-D-21-00312 resuscitative laparotomy, restore compromised blood flow, and control
Copyright 2021 by the American Academy of
subject contamination.1 Secondarily, damage control subject focuses on
Orthopaedic Surgeons. intensive care treatment, targeting rewarming, acid-base imbalance



JAAOS® December 15, 2021, Vol 29, No 24 © American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Copyright © the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Damage Control Orthopaedics in Spinal Trauma

correction, and optimization of coagulopathy and attempting ETC to ensure resuscitation parameters
hemodynamic status.3 Regarding orthopaedics, damage remain unchanged.
control orthopaedics (DCO) was first introduced by The so-called “window of opportunity” for definitive
Scalea et al,4 in which relevant fractures were treated osteosynthesis is often pursued during postoperative day
with external fixators, primarily with delayed osteo- 5 to 10 because days 2 to 4 have been reported to be
synthesis on patient stabilization. With an increased unsuitable for definitive osteosynthesis, given sustained
understanding of the physiology of trauma, the work of inflammatory and fluid-shift changes at this stage.1
Scalea et al has become better understood and led to the Such DCO parameters, as it relates to combined
shift in orthopaedics from early total care (ETC) to extremity and spinal trauma, are less understood, and
DCO. The work of Pape et al5 described four patient clinical equipoise remains despite the frequency of this
conditions in polytrauma to inform stability for defin- clinical entity. Damage control subject, as it relates to the
itive orthopaedic management: stable, borderline, spine, encompasses multiple concepts including the tim-
unstable, and in extremis (Table 1). Through this ing of surgery, minimally invasive compared with open
algorithmic approach, patients can be stratified into techniques, and the concept of limiting the extent of
their appropriate injury category based on their degree surgery during periods of hemodynamic instability with
of shock, coagulation, temperature, and soft-tissue the goal of providing a stable construct that is least
injury (Table 2). Most importantly, borderline pa- traumatic to the patient—now better understood to refer
tients require constant reassessment during surgery if to Early Appropriate Care (EAC). Trauma patients with

Table 1. Assessment of the Four Different Clinical Grades and Ranges of Clinical Parameters Determining the
Different Grades of Hemodynamic Stability

Stable Borderline Unstable In Extremis

Parameter (Grade 1) (Grade II) (Grade III) (Grade IV)
Blood pressure (mmHg) 100 or more 80-100 60-90 ,50-60
Blood units (2 hr) 0-2 2-8 5-15 .15
Lactate levels Normal range Approximately 2.5 .2.5 Severe acidosis
Base deficit (mmol/L) Normal range No data No data .6-18
ATLS classification I II-III III-IV IV
Urine output (mL/hr) .150 50-150 ,100 ,50
Platelet count (mg/mL) .110,000 90,000-110,000 ,70,000-90,000 ,70,000
Factor II and V (%) 90-100 70-80 50-70 ,50
Fibrinogen (g/dL) .1 Approximately 1 ,1 DIC
D-Dimer Normal range Abnormal Abnormal DIC
Temperature — .34°C 33°C-35°C 30°C-32°C 30°C or less
Lung function; PaO2/FiO2 .350 300 200-300 ,200
Chest trauma scores; AIS AIS I or II AIS 2 or more AIS 2 or more AIS 3 or more
Soft-tissue Abdominal trauma (Moore) #II #III III III or . III
Pelvic trauma (AO class) A type (AO) B Or C C C (crush, rollover
Extremities AIS I-II AIS II-III AIS III-IV Crush, rollover ext
Surgical Damage control subject (DCO) ETC DCO if uncertain DCO DCO
strategy or definitive surgery (ETC) ETC if stable

AIS = abbreviated injury scale, ATLS = advanced trauma life support, DCO = damage control orthopaedics, DIC = disseminated intravascular,
ETC = early total care, TTS, thoracic trauma score
Reproduced with permission from Pape et al: Timing of fixation of major fractures in blunt polytrauma: role of conventional indicators in clinical
decision making. J Orthop Trauma 2005;19[8]:551-562.



JAAOS® December 15, 2021, Vol 29, No 24 © American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Copyright © the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Colby Oitment, MD, MSc(c), FRCSC, et al

Review Article
Table 2. Time Sequence of Parameters Indicative of the Four Pathophysiologic Cascades in Polytrauma
Parameter Indicative of Time to Normalization
High-Risk Patients in Case of an Parameter Indicative of High-Risk Patients
Pathophysiology Admission (day 1) Uneventful Course Clinical Course (.day 2) Comment
Shock BP , 90 mm ,1 d Catecholamine Irrelevant after
HG . 5 blood Units/2 hr dependency .2 d resuscitation
Lactate . 2.5 mmol/L
Base excess . 8 mmol/L
Coagulation Platelet count ,90,000 1-2 d .3 d below 100,000 or Simple parameter,
failure to increase good indicator
Core temperature ,33°C Hours Irrelevant after rewarming Irrelevant after
Soft-tissue injuries PaO2/FiO2 ,300 ,2-4 d PaO2/FiO2 ,300 for .2 d Lung function often
Lung contusions, AIS . 2 pathologic extravascular close to normal for
Chest trauma score; lung water (.10 mL/kg 2-3 d (PaO2/FiO2
TTS . II BW) .300)
Abdominal trauma (Moore .
Complex pelvic trauma

AIS = abbreviated injury scale, BP = blood pressure, BW, body weight, HG = hemoglobin, TTS = thoracic trauma score
Reproduced with permission from Pape et al: Timing of fixation of major fractures in blunt polytrauma: role of conventional indicators in clinical
decision making. J Orthop Trauma 2005;19[8]:551-562.
Arbitrary threshold values are documented that indicate a high-risk situation on admission and during further course in regard to the
development of organ dysfunction.

combined pelvic ring and spinal fractures or patients comfort.8 Although patients often already have rigid
with noncontiguous spinal injuries present unique cervical orthoses placed on their neck by emergency
challenges to the surgeon in prioritization of patient medical services, it should be recognized that their
needs. The following review will discuss the concepts application in these patients can worsen fracture
related to DCO/EAC of the spine, offering triaging and displacement.8
management strategies to safely address concurrent High tetraplegic cervical injuries require prompt air-
spine injuries in the polytraumatized patient. way support, and the treating team must identify com-
ponents of neurogenic shock and treat following the
published guidelines with a combination of fluids, blood
The Emergency Department products, and vasopressors.6 Initial cord perfusion
should be optimized with the use of supplemental
Prehospital emergency medical services triage should aim
oxygen, volume resuscitation, and mean arterial pres-
to identify patients with potential spinal cord injury for
sure targets . 85 mmHg, avoiding systolic hypotension
expeditious immobilization of the cervical spine and
transfer to a level one trauma centre.6 Any patient with below 90 mmHg.9 Although no high-quality evidence is
altered mental status, evidence of intoxication, dis- available to support hemoglobin thresholds in acute
tracting injuries, focal neurological deficits, or spinal spinal cord injury, the authors generally seek to main-
pain/tenderness may be presumed to have a potential tain a minimum hemoglobin over 80 g/L.
spinal injury.6 As a routine aspect of the ATLS protocol, a pan-CT
On arrival to the emergency department, standard scan including the spine is completed. Patients with “stiff
advanced trauma life support (ATLS) should be under- spines” from known or newly diagnosed ankylosing
taken with primary and secondary survey using appro- spondylitis or diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis
priate cervical immobilization and logroll precautions.7 should also have full spine magnetic resonance imaging
Any patient who is unable to lay flat on the spine board (MRI) to identify spinal fractures, given noncontiguous
with fixed positive sagittal balance or excessive thoracic vertebral injury rates up to 20% and an 11.4 times
kyphosis (Figure 1) should be presumed to have pre- increased risk of spinal cord injury in the setting of
existing spinal deformity and padded in a position of fracture in this patient cohort.6



JAAOS® December 15, 2021, Vol 29, No 24 © American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Copyright © the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Damage Control Orthopaedics in Spinal Trauma

Figure 1

Photograph showing elderly patients with fixed sagittal deformity, whose head does not lay flat on the spine board should be presumed
to have ankylosing spondylitis or another potentially stiff spine at risk for fracture and should be padded with the head taped in a
position of patient-directed comfort.

The Congress of Neurological Surgeons recom- seem to affect the outcome of closed reduction, drawing
mendations regarding closed reduction for fracture dis- into question the utility of prereduction MRI in
locations of the cervical spine indicate level 3 evidence for appropriately selected patients.9 Furthermore, the tim-
early closed reduction in awake cooperative patients, ing of preoperative MRI remains widely variable and
avoiding reductions in patients with altered mental status controversial among clinicians, although it is the au-
and additional ventral pathology (eg, disk herniation and thor’s preference to obtain preoperative MRI when
epidural hematoma).9 Prereduction MRI in these pa- timing to operating room access will not be delayed in
tients will demonstrate disrupted or herniated inter- acquiring such advanced imaging. Although the role of
vertebral discs in up to 50% of patients with facet closed reduction is controversial,10 a small series of 17
subluxation injuries; however, these findings do not patients from 2018 showed favorable neurologic out-
comes with immediate closed reduction.11 It is the
opinion of the authors that fracture dislocations (eg,
Figure 2
flexion teardrop in Figure 2) or comminuted cervical
burst fractures may benefit from gentle inline traction
with Gardner-Well’s tongs. All patients on admission to
hospital require a detailed American Spinal Injury
Association Impairment examination.12 These princi-
ples are listed in table 3.

The Concept of Damage Control in the

Anesthetic Considerations
The airway should be secured without mobilization of
the cervical spine in the setting of spinal cord injury,13
which may be accomplished with awake or asleep fi-
beroptic intubation13 with manual inline stabilization.
Laryngoscopy may induce extension in the subaxial
Radiograph showing C4 flexion teardrop and fracture- spine and flexion at the cervicothoracic junction.14 The
dislocation with active cord compression. This is an example blade of the laryngoscope may displace occipitocervical
of a fracture-dislocation with active cord compression in the
cervical spine, which may benefit from immediate inline injuries anteriorly.15 Gentle cricoid pressure is contro-
traction to reduce cord compression. versial but not believed to markedly affect fracture



JAAOS® December 15, 2021, Vol 29, No 24 © American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Copyright © the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Colby Oitment, MD, MSc(c), FRCSC, et al

Review Article
Table 3. Summary of Concepts of Acute Emergency Management of Spinal Cord Injuries
Principles of acute emergency management of spinal cord injuries
EMS may suspect SCI in patients with
1. Altered mental status
2. Intoxication
3. Distracting injuries
4. Neurological deficits
5. Spinal pain/tenderness
Primary and secondary survey completed with
1. Apply rigid cervical orthosis
If preexisting deformity or at extremes of age, position of comfort without collar
2. Airway support for high cervical injuries
3. Identify neurogenic shock and treat with a combination of fluids, blood products, and vasopressors following the ATLS protocols
4. Imaging: Pan-CT as part of the ATLS protocol
Additional full spine MRI for ankylosing spondylitis/DISH spine to rule out noncontiguous fractures and epidural hematoma
5. Detailed ASIA examination on admission to hospital for all SCIs
Reperfuse the spinal cord
1. Supplemental oxygen
2. Reperfuse to hemoglobin target . 80 g/L
3. MAP targets . 85 mmHg, avoid SBP , 90 mmHg
4. Consider inline traction/closed reduction

ASIA = American Spinal Injury Association, ATLS = advanced trauma life support, DISH = Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis, EMS =
Emergency Medical Services, MAP = mean arterial pressure, MRI = magnetic resonance imaging, SBP = systolic blood pressure

displacement in most cases.16 Chin lift and jaw trust Phenylephrine has alpha-1 dominant effects and is
should be avoided in the setting of cervical fracture.17 preferred for low thoracic and conus level injuries to
Awake intubation allows for neurological examination support peripheral vasoconstriction.20
after the airway is secured and the patient is positioned; In fluid management, blood loss should be minimized
however, this requires an awake, alert, and cooperative with appropriate positioning on the Jackson table,14 al-
patient.18 Succinylcholine should be avoided for lowing the abdomen to drift between the chest and hip
induction around the time of spinal cord injury because pads, limiting intra-abdominal pressure. Tranexamic
of a theoretical risk of succinylcholine-induced hyper- acid preoperatively or continuous infusion may be
kalemia from denervation hypersensitivity.19 used.14 It is the authors preference to start colloids or
Blood pressure should be maintained to optimize blood transfusion early to avoid dilutional coagulop-
spinal cord perfusion. Although evidence on long-term athy, which could lead to difficulties in intraoperative
outcomes are controversial, grade 3 recommendations hemostasis and postoperative hematoma. Principles of
from the American Association of Neurological Sur- anesthetic management are summarized in Table 4.
geons recommend avoidance of systolic blood pressure
below 90 mmHg and the mean arterial pressure main- Timing of Surgery
tenance between 85 and 90 mmHg during surgery and Nearly all recently published data support early decom-
for the first 5 to 7 postoperative days.20 Injuries above T6 pression for acute spinal cord injuries. The original sur-
typically require inotropic, chronotropic, and vasoactive gical timing in acute spinal cord injury study trial
agents with both alpha-1 and beta-1 effects, such as demonstrated 20% of patients undergoing early (,24
dopamine, epinephrine, and/or norepinephrine.20 hours) surgical decompression showed a greater than



JAAOS® December 15, 2021, Vol 29, No 24 © American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Copyright © the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Damage Control Orthopaedics in Spinal Trauma

Table 4. Summary of Anesthetic Considerations

Anesthetic Considerations Avoid
Induction Avoid succinylcholine in the setting of acute SCI
Airway/Breathing Manipulation of the cervical spine
Awake or asleep fiberoptic intubation Direct laryngoscopy
Chin lift/Jaw thrust
Circulation Hemodilution with excessive crystalloid transfusion
Preoperative tranexamic acid SBP , 90 mmHg
MAP target 85-90 mmHg
Injuries above T6: Alpha-1 and Beta-1 agonists
(norepinephrine, epinephrine, dopamine)
Injuries below T6: Alpha-1 agonist (phenylephrine)
Hemoglobin .80 g/L

MAP = mean arterial pressure, SBP = systolic blood pressure

two abbreviated injury scale grade improvement in Two randomized controlled trials have examined the
motor function at 6 months (compared with 9% in the effect of urgent (,8 hour) timing of surgical decom-
late [$24 hours] decompression group).21 More recent pression. Cengiz et al compared less than 8 hour to 3 to
studies have pooled prospective multicenter databases 15 days delays, and Chen et al compared less than 8
examining 1,031 patients and showed improved hour to greater than 8 hour decompression for acute
recovery in motor and sensory (light touch and pin traumatic spinal cord injury (SCI) with both studies
prick) function in patients receiving decompressive demonstrating benefit of early decompression for motor
surgery within 24 hours compared with patients and sensory recovery.25,26 Unless the patient is in
receiving decompression after 24 hours.22 In this study, hemodynamic extremis and unable to tolerate surgery,
after 36 hours, the potential for recovery plateaued. we recommend urgent decompression and stabilization.
The literature regarding the exact timing of surgical
decompression remains controversial. Meta-analyses Minimally Invasive Versus Open Surgery
have supported improved motor function with surgery In acute trauma patients, fixation may be placed
occurring within 8 hours compared with greater than 8 through a traditional open posterior approach or screws
hours from surgery.23 Most data included in this meta- may be placed percutaneously. Percutaneous pedicle
analysis are prospective and retrospective cohort data screw fixation is associated with shorter surgical time,
with a lack of overall high-quality evidence.23 In a meta- hospital stay, lower rates of infections, and improved
analysis conducted by Ma et al,24 the effects of early pain scores.27 Two randomized controlled trials have
decompression were particularly favorable for complete been conducted on this matter,28,29 both supporting
American Spinal Injury Association spinal cord injuries. percutaneous screw fixation for these reasons. They are

Table 5. Advantages of Open Posterior Versus Percutaneous Screw Placement

Technique Advantages
Open posterior approach 1. Allows the surgeon to correct traumatic deformity directly; more
appropriate for AO type B2 and C type injuries
2. Permits fusion techniques
3. Permits simultaneous open decompression; more appropriate
for patients with neurological deficit
4. May reduce long-term pseudarthrosis and hardware failure
with appropriate fusion
Percutaneous screw placement 1. Recommended for patients with AO type A2-4 axial loading (if
surgery is indicated) and B1 type flexion-distraction injuries
2. Reduced operative time
3. Reduced blood loss
4. Reduced surgical site infections
5. Safer in patients with borderline hemodynamic instability



JAAOS® December 15, 2021, Vol 29, No 24 © American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Copyright © the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Colby Oitment, MD, MSc(c), FRCSC, et al

Review Article
Figure 3

Chart showing the prioritization of spine procedures among other injuries. ATLS = advanced trauma life support, I & D = irrigation and

particularly attractive in the setting of polytrauma to that cannot be accomplished through positioning on the
reduce surgical morbidity and provide stability to spinal table, or decompression is required, then an open
fractures in patients with borderline hemodynamic approach is likely preferable. A treatment algorithm
stability. Of note, percutaneous facet fusion techniques proposed by Sebaaly et al recommends open decom-
described for degenerative lumbar spine conditions have pression and fusion for any patient requiring a
not currently been investigated in depth for the spine decompression, AO type B2 (mixed bony/soft tissue
trauma patient but may emerge as a potential technique flexion-distraction injuries) and AO type C fracture
adjunct in future. dislocations.30 The authors recommend percutaneous
Disadvantages of percutaneous fixation include fixation for AO type A2-4 axial loading injuries (if
increased radiation exposure, technical difficulties in surgery is indicated) and B1 (osseous flexion-
distraction) fractures.30 Advantages of each fixation
placing screws in traumatic deformity, and correcting
type are provided in Table 5.
traumatic deformity.30 Percutaneously placing screws
does not allow for posterior fusion, which may lead to
pseudarthrosis, hardware failure, and chronic back
pain. Although research has demonstrated no differ- Prioritizing the Surgical Plan
ences in kyphosis correction between open and percu- Life-threatening injuries should be treated before nonlife-
taneous techniques,30 if notable correction is required threatening injuries. As such, cranial pathology; thoracic



JAAOS® December 15, 2021, Vol 29, No 24 © American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Copyright © the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Damage Control Orthopaedics in Spinal Trauma

injuries including hemo/pneumothorax, cardiac injuries, reduced, and ETC for orthopaedic injuries may be con-
and aortic injuries requiring intervention, vascular in- sidered. Generally, we endorse the treatment of long
juries including visceral bleeding; and pelvic ring injuries bones and pelvis, followed by the spine and reassessing
should be prioritized above a spinal fracture.31 This the patient’s hemodynamic status for upper extremity/foot
general approach is provided in Figure 3. and ankle procedures. In the setting of neurologic def-
Hemodynamic status should be assessed after the icits, the spine again should be prioritized. These prin-
management of life-threatening injuries. Patients in ex- ciples are summarized in Figure 3.
tremis are too unstable for prone spine surgery. Femur,
tibia, and pelvic injuries may be placed under traction or
externally fixated, and the pelvis may be packed if nec- Contiguous and Noncontiguous Spinal
essary. The surgeon may consider closed reduction or Fractures
inline traction of cervical fracture dislocations, the use of
Contiguous injuries of the spine are generally incorpo-
rigid cervical orthoses, and ongoing use of logroll pre-
rated into the same construct.32 Noncontiguous injuries
cautions during ICU care and further management of life-
of the spine are fractures occurring at least three ver-
threatening injuries. Morbidity reducing orthopaedic
tebral levels apart. It is critical these injuries are rec-
procedures may be performed at bedside if appropriate,
ognized for appropriate surgical planning.33 Based on a
including irrigation and débridement of open wounds,
small series of 32 fractures in 15 patients, Secer et al32
compartment releases, reduction of joint dislocations,
recommended that when .5 intact vertebral levels
and splinting of upper extremity and foot and ankle
separate injured segments, two separate constructs
should be used, and in cases where four or less segments
In borderline and stable patients suitable for prone
separate the fractured segments, then they should be
surgery, the neurologic status of the patient must be con-
treated in the same construct. In our experience, if the
sidered. Borderline patients who are neurologically intact
two separate surgical constructs leave ,3 vertebral
should have the orthopaedic morbidity reduced through
levels between them, then they are incorporated into the
external fixation or traction of pelvic and long bone in-
same construct. Using a single construct in the thoracic
juries, release of compartments, irrigation and débride-
spine has likely less clinical relevance because this part of
ment of open injuries, reduction of dislocations, and
the spine is relatively immobile. In the cervical and
other injuries splinted. Complex acetabular fractures and
lumbar spine, sparing segments is more important to
periarticular fracture dislocations around the femoral
preserve motion. Figure 3 demonstrates noncontiguous
head may be managed in a case-by-case basis with dis-
fractures, whereby the cervical spine injuries were
cussion between the spine and trauma teams. Borderline
managed nonsurgically, whereas the noncontiguous
patients with progressive or notable neurologic injury
thoracic extension fractures were incorporated into the
should have the spine prioritized to reduce morbidity,
same construct with a long posterior thoracic fusion
and the surgeon should consider percutaneous fixation.
(Figure 4). In the setting of multiple constructs, the
Generally, at the authors institution, a level 1 trauma
surgeon should triage the importance of each
center, all procedures that can be performed supine are
construct/injury based on the patient’s ability to
performed at once and preferably simultaneously with a
potentially not tolerate the entire procedure.
dual surgeon approach to maximize surgical efficiency.
This may include femoral or tibial ex-fix of lower
extremity long bones, percutaneous SI screws, and
anterior pelvic plating. These procedures may proceed in Managing Intraoperative Hemodynamic
conjunction with anterior cervical plating and/or Instability
closed/open cervical reductions and fusions to reduce Preoperatively, as part of the standard ATLS protocol,
the overall surgical time length of anesthesia. Posterior the patient should have accurate crossmatch or blood
spinal procedures may occur in conjunction and with typing. It is important to have an accurate preoperative
some foot and ankle procedures. A collaborative and estimate of blood loss and communicate frequently with
multidisciplinary approach is required to develop the the anesthesiologist during the procedure.34 If resources
most efficient and least morbid approach to stabilization permit, intraoperative cell-saver may be considered.34
of the patient.31 Long constructs and contiguous fractures should esti-
Hemodynamically stable patients without neurologic mate a minimum of 1 L of blood loss and have blood in
compromise should have orthopaedic morbidity the room before starting the procedure.35 Tranexamic



JAAOS® December 15, 2021, Vol 29, No 24 © American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Copyright © the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Colby Oitment, MD, MSc(c), FRCSC, et al

Review Article
Figure 4

Radiograph showing an example of a patient with ankylosing spondylitis and noncontiguous spinal injuries. A and B, Sagittal
thoracolumbar CT cuts demonstrating noncontiguous extension fractures at T9/10 and T6, along with (C), a parasagittal CT of the
cervical spine demonstrating a unilateral superior facet of C7, and unilateral C2 pars injury. The patient’s thoracic injuries were treated in
a single construct (D), whereas the cervical spine was managed in a collar.

acid transfusion with a 10 mg/kg loading dose and ensuing National Acute Spinal Cord Injury Studies and the
10 mg/kg/hr continuous infusion should be considered. issues of improperly reported subgroup analyses that
Hypotensive anesthesia should be avoided in the setting overestimated the effects of steroid use in these patients in
of spinal cord injury. Surgical positioning in reverse this highly scrutinized three-study series.37 It remains the
Trendelenburg with proper positioning of the hip bol- author’s institutional practice of the authors to not use
sters to reduce intra-abdominal pressure, thereby high-dose steroids in this patient cohort. Of notable
reducing intraoperative blood loss should be used.36 concern in the polytrauma patient is the appropriate
Intraoperatively, the surgeon must take meticulous timing of thromboprophylaxis, given the elevated pro-
care to differentiate bleeding from muscle, bone, and pensity for venous thromboembolism weighed against
epidural vessels. Soft-tissue bleeding may be treated with increased bleeding risk in this cohort.6 The European
monopolar or bipolar cautery, whereas bone bleeding clinical practice guideline on managing major bleeding
may be treated with bone wax, and epidural bleeding and coagulopathy after trauma recently released their fifth
may be managed with bipolar cautery. Multiple topical edition evidence-based recommendation as part of the
synthetic agents are available, which promote clot for- “STOP the Bleeding Campaign.”6 Grade 1B recom-
mation using thrombin, collagen, gelatin, and/or cellu- mendations highlight the emphasis of a restricted volume
lose such as commercially available topical tranexamic replacement strategy to allow target blood pressure
acid, Gelfoam, FLOSEAL, and SURGIFLO.34 maintenance until bleeding can be controlled and
targeting a hemoglobin level of 70 to 90 g/L (grade 1C).6
The guidelines further recommend early mechanical
Postoperative Considerations thromboprophylaxis with intermittent pneumatic com-
A paucity of high-level evidence is available to guide the pression while the patient is immobile and has a bleeding
postoperative management of the polytrauma patient with risk and combined pharmacological and intermittent
associated spinal injuries after definitive osteosynthesis and pneumatic compression thromboprophylaxis within 24
spinal fixation. The use of perioperative high-dose steroids hours after bleeding has been controlled or the patient is
in the polytrauma patient with a spinal cord injury remains mobile. In addition, they recommend against the routing
highly controversial, stemming back to 1984, and the use of vena cava filters as thromboprophylaxis.6



JAAOS® December 15, 2021, Vol 29, No 24 © American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Copyright © the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Damage Control Orthopaedics in Spinal Trauma

Importantly, early chemical thromboprophylaxis in early mobilizing patients with associated decreased
has been shown to not markedly increase the rates rates of delirium and improved functional status at the
of bleeding complications in polytrauma patients, time of discharge.40 A lack of consensus exists on the
demonstrating a safe profile for early administration most appropriate modality for mobilization and timing
within 24 hours of bleeding control subject.38 No direct of such modalities in the polytrauma patient. Currently,
comparisons are available for early versus delayed there is much more focus being given to specific injury
thromboprophylaxis protocols in the polytrauma rehabilitation within the literature in the critical care
patient with associated spine trauma. Zeeshan et al39 setting.41 Surgical stabilization of unstable spine frac-
reported a propensity-matched analysis on the optimal tures can allow for earlier mobilization, and delayed
timing of thromboprophylaxis in postoperative spine clearance of spinal precautions is a barrier to patient
trauma patients. Matching 3,554 patients, patients mobilization and can cause notable morbidity.41 Part of
receiving early thromboprophylaxis (within 48 hours) the role of a comprehensive DCO approach to the
were less likely to develop deep vein thromboses (2.1% polytrauma patient’s spine care must ensure early sta-
versus 10.8%, P , 0.01) with no difference in post- bilization and clearance of spinal precautions when
prophylaxis autologous blood transfusion requirements appropriate in addition to close consultation with the
nor postprophylaxis decompressive procedures (P = intensivist team to ensure these parameters are conveyed
0.27) nor mortality (P = 0.53).38 Importantly, early in a clear and timely manner.40
thromboprophylaxis can be expected to mitigate the
associated risks of morbidity and mortality with venous
thromboembolism while likely imparting no increased
surgical complication risk profile for patients, although Summary
further investigations are ongoing. Damage control subject orthopaedics in the spine trauma
Polytrauma patients requiring intensive care unit ad- patient is a critical element for the orthopaedic surgeon to
missions are at an increased risk for immobility and be aware of and gain comfort with implementing in the
associated joint contracture, ventilator-associated polytrauma setting. More importantly, DCO as it per-
pneumonias, and thromboembolism.2 Early mobiliza- tains to the spine must follow a clinical pathway towards
tion in polytrauma patients has been shown to be a safe EAC. Table 6 provides the summary and take home
and effective strategy in minimizing the rates of deep points from the principles of DCO for spinal trauma.
vein thrombosis and ventilator-associated pneumo- Given the potential for a neurologic outcome,
nias.40 In addition, the time on ventilator and overall improvement with early recognition and management
length of hospital stay has been shown to be decreased throughout the entirety of the trauma resuscitation,

Table 6. Summary of Principles of DCO for Spine Trauma

Principles of DCO for Spine Trauma
1. Perform ATLS including primary and secondary survey with appropriate spinal precautions, identifying neurologic injuries.
2. Resuscitate patients with SCI to maintain cord perfusion using MAP targets, O2 saturation, and avoiding anemia, and these
should be continued for 5-7 d postoperatively.
3. Patients in hemodynamic extremis may receive either closed reduction or in-line traction of cervical fracture dislocations, with
frequent communications between ICU and spine teams, until patient is suitable for surgery.
4. Engage in multidisciplinary discussion to triage spinal injuries among the patient’s other injuries, given their hemodynamic and
neurologic status.
5. The surgeon should consider percutaneous fixation options, if appropriate fracture morphology, in patients with borderline
hemodynamic status.
6. Anesthetic induction must avoid cervical manipulation in the setting of cervical fractures.
7. Obtain stable spinal fixation with early decompression for all patients with spinal cord injury.
8. Contiguous spinal fractures should be incorporated in the same construct.
9. Noncontiguous injuries should be incorporated in the same construct if , 5 levels apart.

ATLS = advanced trauma life support, DCO = damage control orthopedics, MAP = mean arterial pressure



JAAOS® December 15, 2021, Vol 29, No 24 © American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Copyright © the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Colby Oitment, MD, MSc(c), FRCSC, et al

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Copyright © the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

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