TASK 6 Module 3 Final Activity

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Task 6- Module 3 Final Activity (revised instructions}

Things to do for the task:

1. Exercise presentation should have a beginning, middle and end. Enhance your
Task 5 (resistance routine) come up with a Circuit Training.
2. Execute exercise positions for the following muscle groups:
 Chest Muscles - 2 variations of exercise
 Back Muscles – 2 variations of exercise
 Arm and Shoulder Muscles – 2 variations of exercise
 Abdominal Muscles – 3variations of exercise
 Legs and Buttocks Muscles – 3 variations of exercise
3. Execute your simple workout routine (Circuit Training) with aerobics and variety
of strengthening exercise.
4. Focus on body weight exercise for a given period of 30 minutes duration with (3
mins. Warmup, 25 mins. functional exercises, 2 mins cooldown).
5. Final presentation of your Instructional Video (30 minutes video presentation
for the whole group).
6. Submit your 30 minutes circuit training routine with the group compiled video
via email at aartazo@xu.edu.ph/ elearn.

IV. Procedure:
1. Compute personal THR and interpret the result of HRR for
cardiorespiratory fitness.
2. Explore and create routine that will target the 5 major muscle groups.
 Execute exercise positions for the following muscle

 Chest Muscles - 2 variations of exercise

 Back Muscles – 2 variations of exercise
 Arm and Shoulder Muscles – 2 variations of exercise
 Abdominal Muscles – 3 variations of exercise
 Legs and Buttocks Muscles – 3 variations of exercise

3. Execute your simple workout routine (Circuit Training) with aerobics

and variety of strengthening exercise, focus on body weight exercise
for a given period of 30 minutes duration with (5 mins. Warmup, 15
mins. muscular strength and endurance, 5 mins cooldown).
4. Enhance your Task 5 routine to come up with final exercise routine
for the group.
5. Compile your videos with your groupmate’s full participation.
6. Submit your compiled video via email at aartazo@xu.edu.ph


 How did you feel about the activity? Why?

 How does resistance training apply in your simple workout
 When is the most probable time for you to engage in your own
personal workout?
 Everyone is unique and everyone has his own personal physical
threshold. Given the same activity, each person has different exertion
and pacing levels, to maximize the benefit of exercise without going
beyond one’s limit, one must first know how to find his limit. One must
know how to determine his maximum heart rate and what percent of
heart rate would work for him. He might be overexerting in exercise or
may not be exerting enough.

 You can develop your own simple workout routine (circuit training
routine) which you can perform in a limited or small space only. This
routine must consist
different variations of exercise for large muscle groups, focus on body
weight exercises.

 Being physically fit demands that you can design and implement an
exercise program based on sound training principles to ensure that it
is safe and effective.

1. Design a circuit training comprised of five stations and identify
the muscle group or body parts that corresponds to each
exercise. Each exercise station must contain functional
2. Identify each station with the following exercise:(two-three
exercise each muscle groups).
1st station exercise for the chest muscle
2nd station Back muscles
3rd station for the arms and shoulder muscle
4th station for the abdominal muscle
5th legs and buttocks muscle.
3. Execute with accompaniment of music(optional).
4. Give instructions what specific muscle groups for each
exercise, number of repetitions and no. of sets with rest in
between sets.
5. Prepare your Circuit Training routine based from the analytical

V. Evaluation: Practical Exam

Rubric for Instructional Video of Circuit Training
Rubric is in Separate Document-Analytical Rubric

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