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MARCH 2018

Delivered in the periodical discussion of LPM of State Institute of Islamic Studies of Jember



Transformational leadership is a far more complex process, the realization

of which requires visionary and inspiring figures. Lewis asserted that the goal of a

transformational leader is to transform people and organizations: change minds and

hearts; enlarge vision, insight, and understanding; clarify purposes; make behavior

congruent with beliefs, principles, and values; and bring about changes that are

permanent, self-perpetuating, and momentum building. In 1995 Avolio and Bass

classified transformational leadership skills as the four as follows.

Idealized influence represents followers’ confidence and appreciation which

form the basis for accepting radical change in organizations. Leaders with idealized

influence are honored, appreciated, and trusted. Followers admire them, identify with

them, and try to imitate them. They do not use their position and abilities to achieve

personal interests, but they direct them to use the potentials of their followers to

achieve shared goals. Bass emphasized that transformational leadership does not stop

with the successful elevation of followers (from lower levels to higher levels). A

shared agreement is developed that bonds leader and followers in a moral

commitment to a cause that goes beyond their own self-interests.2

1) Charismatic Leadership In Transformational Leadership Style For Enhancing
The Quality
2) Inspirational motivation In Transformational Leadership Style For Enhancing
The Quality
3) Intellectual Stimulation In Transformational Leadership Style For Enhancing
The Quality Of Education
4) Individualized Consideration In Transformational Leadership Style For
Enhancing The Quality Of Education

Bass, B., Transformational Leadership: Industry, Military, and Educational Impact. (Mahwah, NJ:
Erlbaum Associates, 1998), 26


A. Concept of Transformational Leadership

Definition of Transformational Leadership

Transformational leadership is centered on the assumption that leaders can

change followers’ beliefs, assumptions, and behavior by appealing to the

importance of collective or organizational outcomes. Conceptually then,

transformational leadership was initially distinguished from models of transactional

leadership that rely on self-interest as the primary motivating factor among

followers (although in practice, successful leaders have applied both transactional

and transformational strategies.

The Philosophy Of Transformational Leadership

The origins of transformational leadership can be traced to seminal works of

Weber. Burns in his seminal work on political leadership connects to this

perspective and elaborates on leader- and followership its linkage. He defines

leadership as a process by which“…leaders induce followers to act for certain goals

that represent the values and the motivations-the wants and needs, the aspirations

and expectations-of both leaders and followers.3He underlines the interactive

perspective of leader and follower relations. There by leaders and followers are

characterized by differences in motivation, power and skill. Leaders and followers

engage and strive for a common goal. With transactional and transforming he

Burns, J. M. G. (1979). Leadership: Harper & Row, 19

introduces two distinct forms of interactions between leader and follower. In

transactional leadership, leaders and followers “bargain” on the exchange of

“valued things”.

The Components of Transformational Leadership

There are four components of transformational leadership , which are:

a. Idealized Influence: This is the degree to which the leader behaves in

admirable ways that cause followers to identify with the leader. Charismatic

leaders display convictions, take stands and appeal to followers on an

emotional level.

b. Inspirational Motivation: Transformational leaders have a clear vision that

they are able to articulate to followers. These leaders are also able to help

followers experience the same passion and motivation to fulfill the goals.4

c. Intellectual Stimulation: The degree to which the leader challenges

assumptions, takes risks and solicits followers' ideas. Leaders with this trait

stimulate and encourage creativity in their followers. The leader’s vision

provides the framework for followers to see how they connect to the leader,

the organization, each other, and the goal. Once they have this big picture

view and are allowed freedom from convention they can creatively overcome

any obstacles in the way of the mission.

d. Individualized Consideration Or Individualized Attention: The degree to

which the leader attends to each follower's needs, acts as a mentor or coach


to the follower and listens to the follower's concerns and needs. This also

encompasses the need to respect and celebrate the individual contribution

that each follower can make to the team (it is the diversity of the team that

gives it its true strength). This approach not only educates the next

generation of leaders, but also fulfils the individuals need for self-

actualization, self-fulfillment, and self-worth. It also naturally propels

followers to further achievement and growth.5

The Goal Of Transformational Leadership

"The goals of transformational leadership are to “transform” people and

organizations in a literal sense – to change them in mind and heart enlarge vision,

insight, and understanding; clarify purposes; make behavior congruent with beliefs,

principles, or values; and bring about changes that are permanent, self-perpetuating,

and momentum building.". 6

B. The Concept of Education Quality

Definition Of Education Quality

According to the Educational Dictionary, “the quality of education is the

evaluation of educational level and effect”, “the achievements in the quality of

education will definitely come from the quality of the persons who are educated”

and “there are two aims counting in the quality of education. One is the Aim of

Bass, B.M.. Leadership and Performance Beyond Expectations. (N.Y.: The Free Press ,1985)
Steven Covey, Author of 7 Habits of Highly Successful People, The Transformational Leadership Report
(The Transformational Leadership Report, 2007)

Education which is to train the persons to possess the basic qualities, while the

other one is the Training Aim of all kinds of schools at all levels, which is for the

educated to possess specific qualities and to check whether they are qualified”.7

Education Quality Philosophies

Several individuals made significant contributions to quality control and

improvement. We take a closer look at the approach and philosophies of W.

Edwards Deming, Joseph M. Juran, Philip B. Crosby, and Armand V. Feigenbaum

a. W. Edwards Deming: The Deming philosophy is summarized in the following

fourteenpoints,1 which were included in his monumental work Out of the Crisis.

The fourteen points apply to both small and large organizations, to the service

industry as well as to manufacturing. They also apply to a division within a

company. The thirteen points are presented here.

1. Create constancy of purpose for improvement of product and service.

2. Adopt the new philosophy.

3. Cease dependence on mass inspection.

4. End the practice of awarding business on the basis of price tag alone.

5. Improve constantly and forever the system of production and service.

6. Institute training.

7. Adopt and institute leadership.

8. Drive out fear.

Lin, Shi. The Construction of the Guarantee system of quality in Graduate Education.(China Electric
Power Edition, 2010),15, 34 -35.

9. Break down barriers between departments.

10 Eliminate slogans, exhortations, and targets for the work force.

11 Eliminate numerical quotas for the work force and eliminate numerical

goalsfor people in management.

12 Remove barriers that rob people of pride of workmanship.

13 Take action to accomplish the transformation.

b. Joseph M. Juran: Juran contributed to quality through his original ideas and

the vast amount of literature he developed on quality. He defined quality as

fitness for use. Juran proposed the quality trilogy: quality planning, quality

control, and quality improvement to develop a universal thought process for


c. Philip B. Crosby: In his book Quality Is Free, Crosby provides a detailed

quality management grid which provides various stages of management

understanding and attitude, quality organization status, problem handling,

cost of quality in relation to sales, quality improvement actions, and company

quality posture.

d. Armand V. Feigenbaum: His book influenced much of the early philosophy

of quality management in Japan in the early 1950s. He proposed a three-step

process for quality improvement: quality leadership, quality technology, and

organizational commitment. Total quality control is an effective system for

integrating the quality development, quality maintenance, and quality

improvement efforts of the various groups in an organization, enabling

production and service to operate at the most economical level to achieve full

customer satisfaction.

The Function of Education Quality

The OECD International Report on Schools and Quality presents the

following ten characteristics of effective schools (1989):

a. A commitment to clearly and commonly identified norms and goals

b. Collaborative planning, shared decision-making, and collegial work in frame

of experimentation and evaluation

c. Positive leadership in initiating and maintaining improvement

d. Staff stability

e. A strategy for continuing staff development related to each school’s

pedagogical and organizational needs

f. Working to a carefully planned and co-ordinate curriculum that ensures

sufficient place for each student to acquire essential knowledge and skills

g. A high level of parental involvement and support

h. The pursuit and recognition of school-wide values rather than individual ones

i. Maximum use of learning time

j. The active and substantial support of the responsible education authority

effective schools have different meanings to different people. What seems to

be a common belief is that local stakeholders need to participate in

constructing such definition. Achieving effectiveness in education is a hard

job and it requires comprehensive efforts.8

The Concept of Education National Standard

With such a vision of education, national education shall have missions

as follows:

1. To strive for the broadening and even distribution of opportunities for quality

education for all Indonesian citizens;

2. To assist and facilitate the development of their potentials, from early

childhood throughout life, in order to bring into being a learning society;

3. To improve quality of educational inputs and process to optimize the

formation of moral character building;

4. To enhance the professionalism and accountability of educational institutions

as centers for acculturation of sciences, skills, experiences, attitudes, and

values based on national and global standards; and

5. To empower community participation in the provision of education, based on

the principles of autonomy in the context of the unity of the Republic of


OECD. Schools and Quality An International Report, (1989).


Approach and Kind of Research

This research will use qualitative approach because this is often used by

researchers in designing grounded theory that includes in the discussion of

grounded research.9.

Qualitative research is one of research that products descriptive data from

somebody and attitude that can be observed 10. Approach being used is oriented to

theory resource about transformational leadership and education quality and data

being got in the location of research with improving field concepts. In general, a

researcher observes totally in researching from the first until finish. Kind of this

research is using descriptive-qualitative case study

(Key Word: Transformational Leadership, the Quality of Education)

Research Location

Location research can point where the research will be done. The location of

this research is in SD Lukman Hakim Jember. SD Integral Lukman Hakim is

located in Kaliurang street no.5 Sumbersari - Jember. Phone number 0331 –

7840281.NSS/NPSN: 20554126. The name of committee is Ad

Dzuha Islamic education committee. Committee address is located in Kaliurang

street no. 5 Sumbersari-Jember. The school is established in 2007.

Bogdan, R.C., and Biklen, S.K., Qualitative Research For Education: An Introduction To Theory And
Methods. (Needham Heights, MA: Allyn Bacon, 1995), 6
Moleong, Lexy, Qualitative Research Method, (Bandung: Rosdakarya, 2002), 103

Research Subject

Research subject about transformational leadership style for enhancing the

quality of education in SD Integral Lukman Hakim consists some following things,

such as: Principal or head master, teachers, students

Data Resource

Data resource in this research is devided in to two sides: primary data

collection and secondary data collection. The most suitable primary data collection

methodology depends on what kind of information is sought. A research is defined

as qualitative if “the purpose of the study is primarily to describe a situation,

phenomenon, problem or event and if analysis is done to establish the variation in

the situation, phenomenon or problem, without quantifying it. Secondary data is

data being described by nobody following experience in the direct phenomenon

time. Secondary data in this research is useful as comparer instrument to support

data in the field. Secondary data is got from documentation study to written

recourse, photos in the research location and another document out of research


Data Collection Procedure

Data for this study were generated from a variety of sources: interview,

observation, and document review.

Validity and Reliability

Construction of validity deals with the use of instruments and measures that

accurately operate the constructs of interest in a study. Because most instruments

and measures are not necessarily as accurate as desired, common strategy is to use

multiple measures of the same construct as part of the same study. 11

The insurance of dependable results or reliability was described by Merriam

(1988) in her reference to Lincoln and Guba (1985, p. 288) who suggest thinking

about dependability or consistency of results when considering reliability.

Data Analysis Technique

Qualitative Data analysis in bogdan and biklen (in moleong) view is

Effort which is done to work with data, organize data, classify it to

be integrated for being encouraged, analyze it, find set up of it, find
something important and being studied, and decide what can be told for
another people. 12

After collecting data, the data is processed and encourage. According to

Sukmadinata view, in qualitative research, data encouragement is data display

having been analyzed, that is being filtered, classified, correlated, and integrated

each other.13So that, data encouragement in this research consists activity in editing

for being known deeply about transformatonal leadership for enhancing the quality

of education in SD Lukman Hakim Jember using activity analysis

Data will be encouraged and analyzed by qualitative descriptive with

following inductive mind set method. Data analysis in this qualitative descriptive

Yin, R. K. Case study research: Design and methods. (Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications, 1989), 40
Ibid 248
Sukmadinata, N.S., Education Research Method, (Bandung: PT RemajaRosdakarya, 2007), 34

research is done continuously. In miles and Huberman clarify that the qualitative

data analysis method is qualitative data analysis being done continuously then

getting bored data. The standard of boring data is indicated with old data. The

activities in analysis can be passed through three activity steps such as data

collection or data reduction, data display, conclusion.14


Charismatic Leadership In Transformational Leadership Style For Enhancing

The Quality Of Education In SD Integral Lukman Hakim Jember

Focus Discovery Matrix I


Charismatic a. Giving vision and mission All program/agendas of school are focused
Leadership in of the school for reaching vision and mission. Each of
Transformational 1. Vision of the school is vision and mission have indicators.
Leadership Style “excellent with integral 1. Indicators of vision:
character” a) Excellent with integral character
based on religion spiritual (Have
strong belief, Have attitude based on
Al-Qur’an, Diligent devout, Active in
religious proselytizing)
b) Excellent in academic level
c) Excellent in mastering Al-Qur’an
d) Excellent in mastering Arabic and
e) Excellent in life skill level
f) Excellent in giving good service

2. The mission of the The goals of the vision and mission of

school as these following the school as these following things:

Sugiono, Quantitative and Qualitative and R & D Research Method, (Bandung: CV. Alfabeta: 2008),

things: a) Strong belief,
a) organizing integral b) Qur’anic attitude
basic education c) Worshipping diligently
institutions to d) Active preaching
professional, thus e) Excellence in the mastery of the
producing pious, Qur'an
intelligent, f) Excellence in the field of Arabic &
independent, English
generation and global g) Excellence in the academic field
perspective h) Excellence in the field of life skill
b) Preaching through
education. The programs:
c) Prioritize exemplary
and compassion in the Standard Operating Procedures Academic
educational process. Activities
d) Develop Islamic
educational I. as agent of change
environment, and for school by developing physical
natural science. school building facility and improving
e) Organizing the school human recourses
management and II. as advisor for students and teacher
service excellence.
f) Improving the quality
of teachers and the a. showing discipline and consistent
integral character performance or behavior
b. showing assertive and brave
b. Foster pride in the school performance or behavior

c. Respected and appreciated raising up principal motivation in

by followers. leading followers

d. The need to gain the

support and trusting of

Inspirational motivation In Transformational Leadership Style For Enhancing

The Quality Of Education In SD Integral Lukman Hakim Jember

Focus Discovery Matrix II

Focus II Components Discovery

Inspirational a) Able to communicate a. Define and deploy organizational

motivation In high expectations objectives school.
Transformational b. To develop plans to achieve them.
Leadership Style c. Organize teacher resources and other
resources to create the most effective
way and efficient.
d. Select, develop, and assess the
performance of teachers and
e. Directing, organizing, motivating, and
creating a climate in which the
community of teachers and employers
are willing to struggle for school
f. Controlling the action/
behavior/performance of teachers

a) Symbol 1: Syirk vs tauhid

b) Exploring symbols for Tauhid: integration
focusing the effort to b) Symbol II: Integration Of Belief,
explore the significance mind and behavior
of them simply. c) Symbol III: integration of learning
Environment (school,
family, resident)
d) Symbol IV: goal integration
(pious, smart and rich)
Intellectual Stimulation In Transformational Leadership Style For Enhancing The

Quality Of Education In SD Integral Lukman Hakim Jember

Focus Discovery Matrix III

Focus III Components Discovery

Intellectual a. Promote intelligent behavior 1) high-value discipline.
Stimulation In 2) Responsibility values
Transformational 3) value of gatherness

Leadership Style
b. building a learning organization. i. intra-curricular.
ii. The co-curricular.
iii. Educational garden Qur'an
iv. Study activities of the library.

4 components of character
c. sensitive in rationality
Can overcome problems:
d. able to provide solutions a. Recruitment of teachers
carefully b. Administrative reform.
c. Teacher quality needs to be
d. The physical building of the
school is limited, only class1, 2,
e. Lack of standard regulations for
both school teachers and
f. Program that the school is
ceremony, only oriented
learning in the classroom.

Individualized Consideration In Transformational Leadership Style For

Enhancing The Quality Of Education In SD Integral Lukman Hakim Jember

Focus Discovery Matrix IV

Focus iv Components Discovery

Individualized a. Provide Giving reward:
Consideration in personal a. Teacher award is given in incentives/allowances system
Transformational attention to b. Award to give outstanding students
Leadership Style teacher
1. To authorize any(individual) employers and teachers.
2. Develop personal employer and teacher discipline.
3. Maintain the correct relationship between the teacher sand
the employers personally.

b. Treating any Coaching and advising process can be done in two ways:
followers or a. Directly
colleagues b. Indirectly

c. Coaching
and advising
and co-



From the research result, this thesis content can be concluded as follows:

1) In general principal of SD Integral Lukman Hakim Jember in implementing

charismatic leadership in transformational leadership style for enhancing the

quality of education passed well. The principal implements charismatic

leadership through some ways as follows: first, Giving school vision and

mission clearly and they were formulated systematically in indicators, goals, and

programs of school. Second, foster pride in the school. This is done by being

problem solver. Giving guidance, encouragement, motivation, for followers.

Belonging to good quality as graduation of S2, etc. third, respected and

appreciated by followers (has good talent, being believed by Ad Duha

foundation, able to promote deliberation, able to receive aspiration, suggestion,

critics from followers). Forth, getting support and belief of teachers and

employers. The principal gets them because all decision of school are

determined in to meeting. Found some weakness in implementing charismatic

leadership as follows: First, description formula which is not describing the

indicators of mission, whereas mission must be described in the specific

operational technique. Second, giving too much pride to principal will appear

charismatic culture to principal figure. Step by step, followers will obey in over

attitude to the leadership

2) In giving inspirational motivation to the teachers and employers, the principal of

SD Integral Lukman Hakim Jember did two steps as follows: First,

communicating high expectation of school. That is done with following things;

First, Defining and deploying organizational objectives school. Second,

Developing plans to achieve them. Third, Organizing teacher resources and

other resources to create the most effective way and efficient. Forth, selecting,

developing, and assess the performance of teachers and employees. Fifth,

Directing, organizing, motivating, and creating a climate in which the

community of teachers and employers are willing to struggle for school. sixth,

Controlling the action/ behavior/performance of teachers and

employers.Second,The responsibility of principal is giving clarification of the

school symbols content simply, so that, the teachers, employers, and students

can understand at all. In this case found that to clarify the school symbol/motto

as being covered in to symbol I-IV, the weakness of school is not covered in to

specific programs/agendas. The principal should make specific clarification of

the symbols in to specific agendas of school.

3) To stimulate follower intellectuality, the principal of SD Integral Lukman Hakim

did these following things: First, promoting intelligent behavior. Second,

building learning organization. Third, sensitive in rationality, able to provide

solutions carefully. The three steps above were implemented by principal to

stimulate teachers, employers, students’ intellectuality. The destination of them

is to enhance the quality of education in the school. For this case, found the

difficulty for principal to make difference between teacher in the high level of

ability and teacher in the low level of ability, and this brings negative effects.

For smart followers, this way assumed as better decision. But for the low level

of teacher ability, this way will make them down

4) As implementation of giving individualized consideration in transformational

leadership style in SD Integral Lukman Hakim, the principal implemented some

following ways :First, provide personal attention to teachers and students. That

is done by giving reward for teachers or students who has good achievement in

finishing school duties. Second, treating any followers or colleagues individually

by applying these following things such as; authorizing individual employer and

teacher, developing personal employer and teacher discipline, maintaining the

correct relationship between the teachers and employers individually. Third,

coaching and advising followers and co-workers. First directly. In this way, the

principal every three days on a week usually guides, advises, evaluates teachers

and employers, for enhancing their motivation and spirit in teaching and

learning. Second is indirectly. Coaching and advising process are done directly

by the Principal of SD Integral Lukman Hakim they can be done while in a

meeting, individual teacher and employer guidance. While indirectly, being done

through the provision of activities such as training, seminars, by inviting

education elite, stakeholders, committee etc. for this case, found some weakness

of implementing the leadership style: first, not all the teachers and students can

get good achievement because their ability level is not same. Second, this will

stimulate good competition, they will try to be better in front of principal, but

will do nothing when principal is outside of school.

2. Suggestion

From research result about transformational leadership style for

enhancing the quality of education in SD Integral Lukman Hakim Jember, so that,

researcher suggests these following things:

a) The principal of SD Integral Lukman Hakim should read more and understand

the concept of leadership style deeply. By mastering the concept of

transformational leadership, he is going to be better in practicing

transformational leadership style for enhancing the quality of education in SD

Integral Lukman Hakim Jember.

b) The teachers and employers should understand about transformational

leadership as way to transform and enhance the quality of education in SD

Integral Lukman Hakim

c) The principal should often held seminar, training, for teachers and employers

about leadership and quality of human resources. So that they are really ready

to implement the transformational leadership style for enhancing the quality of

education in SD Integral Lukman Hakim

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