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Thoracolumbar Spine Trauma:

I. Evaluation and Classification

Jeffrey M. Spivak, MD, Alexander R. Vaccaro, MD, and Jerome M. Cotler, MD


A timely and thorough evaluation of thoracolumbar injuries and rational treat- fluid collection, crepitus, and in-
ment based on a complete understanding of the mechanism of bone, soft-tissue, creased interspinous distance, which
and nerve injury is essential for maximizing the patient’s neurologic and func- signal injury to the posterior ele-
tional recovery and minimizing associated complications, the time to recovery, ments. Areas of localized tenderness
and the problems of long-term pain and deformity. The initial evaluation includes noted in the awake patient should be
both clinical and radiologic assessment. Clinical evaluation includes the general remembered for later scrutiny on
trauma examination as well as a detailed spinal and neurologic examination to de- radiographic examination.
termine the level (or levels) of spinal injury. Radiologic evaluation includes both
plain radiography and the appropriate use of advanced imaging modalities. A re- Neurologic Evaluation
view of the evolution of thoracolumbar injury classifications is presented. The neurologic examination for
J Am Acad Orthop Surg 1995;3:345-352 thoracolumbar trauma includes der-
matomal sensory testing, assessment
of lumbar- and sacral-root motor
function, and a detailed reflex exami-
Proper management of thoracolum- ing, circulation) evaluation that is nation (Table 1). “Spinal shock”
bar spine injuries is predicated on a standard for all trauma patients. refers to flaccid paralysis due to a
thorough understanding of the in- The spinal examination includes in- physiologic disruption of all spinal
volvement of the structural and spection and palpation of the spine cord function. This occurs commonly
neural tissues. Initial evaluation in- and a careful and complete neuro- below the anatomic level of an injury
cludes a complete and thorough logic evaluation. A high degree of to the cord. Sensory and motor func-
clinical examination. Appropriate suspicion of other injuries fre-
use of radiologic modalities pro- quently associated with thoracolum-
vides additional information, allow- bar trauma, including chest injury Dr. Spivak is Associate Chief of Spine Surgery,
ing classification of the spinal injury, and intra-abdominal injury, should Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Hospital
assessment of spinal stability, and prompt serial chest and abdominal for Joint Diseases Orthopaedic Institute, New
York, and Assistant Professor of Orthopaedic
prognosis of recovery of neurologic examinations when significant
Surgery, New York University School of Medi-
deficits. This comprehensive initial spinal trauma is diagnosed. cine, New York. Dr. Vaccaro is Assistant Pro-
evaluation facilitates selection With a cervical collar in place and fessor, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery,
among the various surgical and non- extremity injuries splinted, the pa- Jefferson Medical College of Thomas Jefferson
surgical management options avail- tient is carefully log-rolled onto his University, Philadelphia. Dr. Cotler is Everett J.
and Marian Gordon Professor of Orthopaedic
able. or her side as a physician stabilizes
Surgery, Jefferson Medical College of Thomas Jef-
the neck in a neutral position. Abra- ferson University.
sions and deep lacerations are sug-
Initial Evaluation gestive of underlying spinal column Reprint requests: Dr. Spivak, Department of Or-
injury. Open spinal injuries are in- thopaedic Surgery, Hospital for Joint Diseases
Clinical Examination frequent but do occur, and failure to Orthopaedic Institute, 301 East 17th Street, New
York, NY 10003.
The specific directed examination diagnose an open injury due to an in-
of a patient with suspected thora- complete examination must be
Copyright 1995 by the American Academy of Or-
columbar injury begins only after avoided. Palpation of all spinous thopaedic Surgeons.
the typical “ABC” (airway, breath- processes is done, feeling for areas of

Vol 3, No 6, November/December 1995 345

Thoracolumbar Spine Trauma: I. Evaluation and Classification

common type of incomplete neuro-

Table 1 logic injury associated with injury at
Reflex Testing in Thoracolumbar Injuries the thoracolumbar junction.
An incomplete spinal cord lesion
Reflex Level Tested can be confirmed only on the basis of
sensory or voluntary motor function
Superficial abdominal (above umbilicus) T7-T10 emanating from a cord segment be-
Superficial abdominal (below umbilicus) T11-L1 low the anatomic level of injury; as
Cremasteric reflex T12-L1 defined by the American Spinal In-
Knee jerk L3-L4
jury Association, this must include
Ankle jerk S1
Anal wink S2-S4
the lowest sacral segments.1 Low
Bulbocavernosus reflex S3-S4 sacral sensation includes perianal
Plantar response Brain/cord continuity and deep anal sensation, and motor
function is tested by voluntary con-
traction of the external anal sphincter
on digital examination. For injuries
tion are absent, as are all reflexes me- reflex is the lowest cord-mediated re- at L2 and below, sacral sensory or
diated by the spinal cord levels in- flex and is therefore the first to return. motor function reflects lower motor
volved (Fig. 1). An accurate A “complete” neurologic injury is integrity, as the spinal cord termi-
assessment of the patient’s neuro- marked by a total absence of sensory nates above that anatomic level.
logic status can be made only when and motor function below the An incomplete spinal cord lesion
the patient has recovered from spinal anatomic level of injury in the ab- may follow one of four described
shock, which resolves within 48 sence of spinal shock. In an incom- classic patterns, or syndromes,
hours in more than 99% of cases. The plete neurologic lesion, residual based on the location of neural dam-
absence of spinal shock is confirmed spinal cord and/or nerve root func- age within the spinal cord (Fig. 2).
by the presence or return of cord- tion exists below the anatomic level The central cord syndrome is the
mediated reflexes below the anatomic of injury. A complete cord lesion most common incomplete spinal
area of injury. The bulbocavernosus with lumbar-root sparing is the most cord injury pattern. Since the spatial
orientation of the long tracts in the
spinal cord maintains lumbar func-
tion more centrally and sacral func-
Ascending Posterior Descending
tion more peripherally, a central
(Sensory) (Motor)
Tracts Tracts cord syndrome of the thoracolumbar
spine results in greater loss in upper
Dorsal column Lateral corticospinal lumbar motor functions (hip flexion
(position, vibration tract (voluntary and adduction and knee extension),
sense; light touch motor) with relative sparing of lower sacral
motor functions. Functional motor
recovery can be expected in 75% of
cases. In the anterior cord syn-
drome, only the dorsal columns re-
main intact, with preservation of
Lateral spinothalamic proprioception, vibration, and light
tract (pain, temperature) touch and complete loss of motor
Anterior corticospinal
function and deep pain and temper-
Anterior spinothalamic tract
ature sensation. Unfortunately, in
tract (pain, temperature)
this relatively common injury pat-
tern, functional recovery is seen in
Anterior only 10% of cases. The posterior
cord syndrome is very uncommon,
Fig. 1 Schematic drawing of a transverse section of the spinal cord at the thoracic level,
showing the anatomic organization of the corticospinal tract and the posterior column (L = with isolated loss of vibration, pro-
lumbar, S = sacral, T = thoracic). prioception, and light-touch sensa-
tion. A unilateral hemi–spinal cord

346 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Jeffrey M. Spivak, MD, et al

genic shock or hypovolemia due to

chest, abdominal, or extremity in-
jury with local hemorrhage. In one
series,3 neurogenic shock was the
cause of hypotension in 69% of pa-
tients with cervical spine injury. The
percentage is probably similar in pa-
tients with upper thoracic injuries.
In patients with thoracolumbar junc-
tion and lumbar injuries, however,
A B sympathetic tone is maintained to a
Ipsilateral large extent, and neurogenic shock is
Ipsilateral less common.

Radiologic Evaluation

The radiologic evaluation of the
patient with suspected thoracolum-
Contralateral bar spine trauma begins with plain-
radiographic examination of each
vertebral level (both anteroposterior
Fig. 2 Types of spinal cord injury (shaded zones) that produce the four main incomplete in- and lateral views). This complete
jury patterns seen clinically. A, Central cord syndrome. B, Anterior cord syndrome. C, Pos-
terior cord syndrome. D, Brown-Séquard syndrome.
evaluation is particularly important
in patients who cannot communi-
cate about areas of pain or who are
uncooperative because of head
injury is responsible for the Brown- upper urinary tract, and hepatic, trauma, cervical trauma with neuro-
Séquard syndrome, an uncommon splenic, and pancreatic lacerations, logic deficit, or alcohol or drug in-
injury pattern characterized by ipsi- is frequently associated with flexion- toxication.
lateral loss of motor function, light distraction injuries and fracture-dis- The chest radiograph, part of the
touch, proprioception, and vibration locations of the thoracolumbar standard trauma series, must be
sense and contralateral loss of deep junction and lumbar spine. carefully examined for evidence of
pain and temperature sense. Func- mediastinal widening. Suspicion of
tional motor recovery is seen in over Vital Signs fullness in the mediastinum must be
90% of patients with this injury pat- Hypotension in patients with evaluated with computed tomogra-
tern. multiple trauma and thoracolumbar phy (CT). An aortogram may be in-
spinal injuries is commonly due to dicated to rule out a traumatic aortic
Chest and Abdominal Examination “neurogenic shock,” a state of rela- dissection, even if thoracic spinal
The final aspect of the clinical tive hypovolemia due to a sudden trauma and paraspinal hematoma
evaluation of the thoracolumbar increase in the available circulatory are clearly visible.
trauma patient involves the exami- space caused by a loss of sympa-
nation for and recognition of associ- thetic tone in the thoracolumbar Plain Tomography and CT
ated internal injuries in the chest and region with unopposed vagal para- Computed tomography has
abdomen. Significant intrathoracic sympathetic vasodilatation. Neuro- proved invaluable in the evaluation
trauma, including hemopneumo- genic shock is characterized by of thoracolumbar injuries, especially
thorax, major vessel injury, and dia- bradycardia despite the hypoten- in assessing the integrity of the pos-
phragmatic rupture, may be seen in sion, which is also the result of un- terior aspect of the vertebral body
more than a third of patients with opposed vagal output. In patients and posterior osseous elements (Fig.
thoracic spine fractures and a neu- with hypotension and tachycardia, 3). Computed tomography is indi-
rologic deficit. 2 Intra-abdominal the physical examination should cated in all cases of suspected injury
trauma, including bowel rupture, seek another cause for the circula- to the posterior elements and poste-
major vessel injury, injuries to the tory compromise, such as cardio- rior vertebral body. Retropulsion of

Vol 3, No 6, November/December 1995 347

Thoracolumbar Spine Trauma: I. Evaluation and Classification

quent transection. Edema is seen as myelogram CT scanning is also use-

fusiform enlargement of the spinal ful in the postoperative evaluation of
cord with increased signal intensity possible persistent spinal cord com-
on T2-weighted images. Hematoma pression, especially when ferromag-
is characterized by decreased signal netic instrumentation has been used
intensity on T2 images acutely, and is posteriorly for the indirect reduction
often surrounded by a halo of T2 en- of intracanal bone fragments.
hancement from adjacent edema.
Edema extending more than two ver- Noncontiguous Spinal Injuries
tebral levels and the presence of It must be reemphasized that the
hematoma within the spinal cord are entire spine must be imaged in any
considered poor prognostic signs for patient with blunt trauma to rule out
functional motor recovery. Extrinsic additional spinal injuries that might
cord compression secondary to be unstable and that, if missed, could
Fig. 3 Transverse CT section shows bone
spinal canal compromise by osseous lead to the development or progres-
retropulsion from the posterior vertebral elements, soft tissue, or fluid collec- sion of neurologic injury. Multilevel
body of L5 into the spinal canal and a frac- tion is readily identified with MR noncontiguous spinal injuries have
ture of the lamina on the right.
imaging (Fig. 4). been reported in up to 16.7% of
Magnetic resonance imaging is cases.4-6
also useful in the evaluation of In the series of Calenoff et al,4
bone fragments into the spinal canal “spinal cord injury without radio- noncontiguous multilevel injuries
can be clearly seen on transverse sec- graphic abnormalities,” which is were found in 4.5% of cases. These
tions. Sagittal and coronal recon- more commonly seen in children. In injuries were originally missed in
structions can be very helpful in patients with this entity, as well as in 50% of those cases, with the delay in
evaluating the alignment of the patients with significant bone injury,
spinal canal. Both CT and plain to- MR imaging can be used to evaluate
mography are useful for imaging ar- the extent of intradiskal injury and
eas of suspected injury seen on plain posterior ligamentous injury. In our
films and areas not well visualized experience, true acute disk hernia-
by plain radiography, such as the tions are much less common in tho-
cervicothoracic junction. Tomogra- racolumbar injuries than in cervical
phy offers the benefit of direct imag- injuries, but are occasionally found.
ing in the sagittal and coronal The use of MR imaging for diagnosis
planes, but is becoming less and less of acute soft-tissue injury may have
available as an imaging modality. a significant impact on the decision
to perform early surgical stabiliza-
Magnetic Resonance Imaging tion. Magnetic resonance imaging
Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging may also be useful in the postinjury
provides direct visualization of the period in cases of late development
spinal cord and allows evaluation of or worsening of a preexisting neuro-
intervertebral disk trauma. It is indi- logic injury. In these clinical situa-
cated in all cases with neurologic tions, a treatable posttraumatic cyst
deficit to assess for both intrinsic and or syrinx can often be diagnosed.
extrinsic cord injuries. We also use
MR imaging for a more thorough pre- Myelography
operative evaluation of the spinal Myelography may be used for
canal in all cases in which surgical many of the same indications as MR
treatment is planned (even those in imaging, but it is invasive and does
which there is no neurologic deficit). not depict the intrinsic anatomy of Fig. 4 T2-weighted MR image demon-
strates a vertical compression injury at T8
Magnetic resonance imaging can dif- the spinal cord. It is indicated in with bone retropulsion resulting in spinal
ferentiate among the various types of cases of progressive neurologic canal compromise and spinal cord edema
intrinsic cord injuries, such as edema, deficit when MR imaging is not and compression.
hematoma, and the much less fre- available. Myelography with post-

348 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Jeffrey M. Spivak, MD, et al

diagnosis averaging more than 52 be in need of temporary external sta- are defined as a compression failure
days. Three common injury patterns bilization. Dislocations were also con- of the anterior column with an intact
and one subpattern were described, sidered unstable, but the ligamentous middle column and a posterior col-
which accounted for 77% of the disruption was thought to require op- umn that is intact or disrupted in
cases. Upper thoracic injuries were erative fusion for stabilization. tension. Failure of the posterior col-
found to be common among patients In 1968, Kelly and Whitesides8 umn occurs when there is more than
with multilevel noncontiguous in- put forth a two-column theory of 40% to 50% loss of anterior vertebral-
juries, occurring in 46.7% of cases. spinal stability, believing that the an- body height. In burst fractures,
In a more recent series,6 noncon- terior vertebral column provided a compression failure occurs in the an-
tiguous injuries were found in 10% of primary weight-bearing function, terior and middle columns, often
cases of spinal column injury, with while the posterior neural arch col- with retropulsion of middle-column
only 25.6% falling into the injury pat- umn primarily resisted tension (Fig. bone into the spinal canal. Seat-belt
terns described by Calenoff et al.4 5). Stability was considered to be injuries are flexion injuries about an
This series also documented a con- based on the intactness of the poste- axis near the anterior longitudinal
tinuing problem with failure of diag- rior column, which they felt was ligament, with tension failure of the
nosis of noncontiguous injuries; in strong enough to bear weight if the posterior and middle columns
31% of patients, the secondary injury anterior column was compromised. through bone or soft tissue. The an-
was missed initially, with an average terior longitudinal ligament remains
delay in diagnosis of 7.1 days. In 25% The Spine as Three Columns intact, but there may be compression
of these missed injuries, a neurologic In 1983, Denis9,10 devised a new failure of the anterior column. Frac-
deficit developed or progressed due classification of thoracolumbar in- ture-dislocations include flexion-ro-
to improper initial immobilization. juries based on a three-column the- tation, shear, and flexion-distraction
ory of spinal stability (Fig. 5). The subtypes. In each type, all three
anatomic spine was divided into columns fail in compression, ten-
Classification Schemes three sections, or columns, with sion, rotation, or shear. Vertebral
radiographs and CT scans being translation causes narrowing of the
Most patients with thoracolumbar used to assess the integrity of each. spinal canal at the site of injury and
injuries are still treated nonopera- The anterior column consists of the a high incidence of neurologic
tively with cast or brace immobiliza- anterior longitudinal ligament and deficits.
tion and early ambulation. More the anterior two thirds of the annu- Also in 1983, McAfee et al11 de-
aggressive treatment is guided by lus and vertebral body. The middle scribed a classification of six fracture
the use of classification systems that column consists of the posterior types based on the failure mode of the
detail the mechanisms of injury, the third of the vertebral body and an- middle column. Compression frac-
effects on compromised spinal struc- nulus and the posterior longitudinal tures have only anterior column com-
tures, and the potential for late me- ligament. The posterior column con- pression failure, while stable burst
chanical instability or neural injury. sists of the osseous neural arch, the fractures have both anterior- and
interspinous and supraspinous liga- middle-column compression failure.
The Spine as Two Columns ments, and the ligamentum flavum. In the unstable burst fracture, ante-
In 1963, Holdsworth7 described a On the basis of a radiographic re- rior- and middle-column compres-
mechanistic classification of thora- view, 412 thoracolumbar injuries sion failure occurs along with failure
columbar fractures, including flexion, were divided into minor and major of the posterior column, either in
flexion-rotation, extension, and com- injuries. Minor injuries, which ac- compression, lateral flexion, or rota-
pression injuries. He felt that stability counted for over 15% of fractures, in- tion. Factors such as a progressive
was based on the intactness of the cluded fractures of the spinous and neurologic deficit, progression of
“posterior ligament complex” (the transverse processes, the pars inter- kyphosis by more than 20 degrees,
supraspinous and interspinous liga- articularis, and the facet articula- more than 50% loss of vertebral body
ments, the facet joint capsule, and the tions. Major spinal injuries were height, and free bone fragments
ligamentum flavum). Wedge com- divided into compression fractures, within the spinal canal are indicative
pression fractures and compression burst fractures, seat-belt injuries, of instability in compression burst
burst fractures were considered stable and fracture-dislocations. fractures. The Chance fractures de-
injuries. Extension injuries and rota- Compression fractures repre- scribed in this system resemble the
tional fracture-dislocations were con- sented 47.8% of all thoracolumbar flexion-distraction injuries of Denis,
sidered unstable until healed and to spinal injuries in Denis’ series. They and the flexion-distraction injuries

Vol 3, No 6, November/December 1995 349

Thoracolumbar Spine Trauma: I. Evaluation and Classification

Lateral Views
Anterior Posterior Anterior Middle Posterior
column column column column column

Anterior longitudinal Ligamentum

ligament flavum

Facet joint
Intervertebral disk

Posterior longitudinal ligament

Transverse Views

Anterior longitudinal Posterior longitudinal

ligament ligament Anterior column

Middle column
Anterior column
Posterior column
Posterior column

Facet joint

Supraspinous ligament

Fig. 5 Left, The two columns of the spine, as described by Kelly and Whitesides.8 Right, The three columns of the spine, as described by

are similar to Denis’ seat-belt injuries, In compressive flexion injuries, one series of surgically treated tho-
with compression failure of the ante- three types are described, all having racolumbar fractures, this injury
rior column and distraction failure of in common compression failure of mechanism was most common, seen
the middle and posterior columns. the anterior column. Type I injuries in 48% of cases.13
Translational injuries are failures in involve only anterior column failure Distractive flexion injuries repre-
shear or rotation, which primarily oc- in compression. Type II compres- sent tension failure of all three
cur in combination with the other in- sive flexion injuries involve com- columns due to flexion about an
jury types. pression failure of the anterior axis at or anterior to the anterior
column combined with tension fail- longitudinal ligament. This cate-
Mechanistic Classification ure of the posterior column, with the gory includes flexion-distraction
In 1984, Ferguson and Allen12 pre- axis of rotation being within the fracture-dislocations and the seat-
sented a mechanistic classification of middle column. In type III injuries, belt injuries described by Denis
thoracolumbar injuries, describing the middle column fails as well, ro- (Fig. 6, B).
seven injury patterns. This system tating back into the spinal canal due Lateral flexion injuries are seen in
categorizes injuries by the forces that to either tension or “hydraulic two patterns, the first being unilat-
create them and is therefore useful in blowout” (Fig. 6, A). With this eral compression failure of the ante-
guiding nonoperative and operative mechanism, the middle-column rior and middle elements. In the
stabilization. height is maintained or increased. In second pattern, the posterior ele-

350 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Jeffrey M. Spivak, MD, et al


Fig. 6 Lateral injury radiographs. A, Ferguson-Allen type III compressive flexion injury. B, Distractive flexion injury. C, Translational in-
jury (primarily anteroposterior translation in combination with

ments are disrupted as well, with ip- bony elements may also fail in com- mal canal compromise at the level of
silateral compression failure and pression. the bony posterior neural arch.
contralateral tension failure, includ- Distractive extension, the final in-
ing unilateral facet dislocations. jury mechanism, is rare in the thora-
Translational injuries are the re- columbar spine. This mechanism is Summary
sult of anterior-posterior or lateral characterized by tension failure of
shear forces. They are uncommon as the anterior column and compres- Successful management of thora-
isolated injuries but are often associ- sion failure of the posterior elements. columbar spine injuries depends on a
ated with other injury mechanisms thorough knowledge of spinal anat-
(Fig. 6, C). In torsional flexion in- Neurologic Injury and Recovery omy and an understanding of the in-
juries, the anterior column fails in In 1988, Dall and Stauffer14 classi- jury mechanism and the resultant
compression and rotation, and the fied burst fractures of the thora- compromise of bone and soft-tissue
posterior elements fail in tension columbar junction by the degree of structures. A complete classification
and rotation, commonly with mid- regional kyphosis and the location of scheme for thoracolumbar fractures
dle-column involvement as well. maximal canal compromise in order that incorporates the mechanism of
These and translational injuries are to correlate fracture pattern with injury, a description of osseous and
the most unstable thoracolumbar in- neurologic injury and recovery. The ligamentous destruction, and the de-
juries and have the highest propen- severity of neurologic injury did not gree of neurologic damage is still
sity to cause paraplegia. correlate with the fracture pattern or lacking. Such a classification system
Vertical compression injuries are the amount of spinal canal compro- would enable the treating physician
characterized by anterior- and mid- mise. Neurologic recovery was to identify an unstable thoracolum-
dle-column compression failure greatest in patients with more than bar injury, make a prognosis as to
with vertebral-body shortening. 15 degrees of initial kyphosis and neurologic recovery, and direct the
Middle-column failure is osseous, least in patients with less than 15 de- choice of nonoperative or operative
not ligamentous, and the posterior grees of initial kyphosis and maxi- management.

Vol 3, No 6, November/December 1995 351

Thoracolumbar Spine Trauma: I. Evaluation and Classification

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352 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

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