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3 social problem in Viet Nam Evidence solution

Corruption in Vietnam 1. Reform public

administration and
Corruption is not news in finance management
Vietnam. According to the 2. Promote transparency
Transparency International in and access to
2017, the country was among information
the poorest performing 3. End punishment of
countries in terms of high-ranking officials
transparency, ranking 107 4. Get incentives right
among 180 nations with a score 5. Build capacity for those
of 35 out of 100. According to who need it most
the 2017 Provincial
Competitiveness Index
compiled by VCCI Vietnam in
collaboration with USAID, 53%
of companies surveyed stated
that they had to make unofficial
payments for customs

According to the CIA World 1. encouraging older

Factbook, in 2017, the workers to remain
Aging Population population age 55 and above in longer in the labor force
Vietnam accounted for nearly 2. shifting disease burden,
15% of the total population. In increased expenditure
addition, similar to other on health and long-term
advanced countries, the care, labor-force
country’s birth rate continually shortages, dissaving,
declined, standing at less than and potential problems
2%. On the other hand, thanks with old-age income
to progress in healthcare and security.
living conditions, Vietnamese 3. consider a broader
people now lived much longer; approach to thinking
the people’s life expectancy about ageing.
increased from 59 years in 1950 4. involve participants in
to 76 years in 2017. planning and
1. Reduce the number
of trips you take in
Pollution in April 2016, the central coastal
area of Vietnam was hit with
your car.
the gravest water crisis in 2. Reduce or eliminate
decades, killing hundreds of fireplace and wood
tonnes of fish and causing stove use.
extensive damages to the 3. Avoid burning leaves,
trash, and other
marine life and ecosystem. After
months of investigation, the
4. Avoid using gas-
culprit was determined to be powered lawn and
Formosa Corporation, a garden equipment.
Taiwanese steel-making
company, which was accused of
discharging highly untreated
contaminated waste into the

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