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What will happen to Afghanistan after the

U.S withdrawal
August 30 marks one year since the U.S withdrew from
Afghanistan. The Taliban took over Afghan government
only a few weeks after the U.S departure. The Taliban is
currently trying to set up a government but it has been
nothing but a disaster. It is currently going through an
economic crisis and is on the brink of one off the
biggest famine since china’s great famine.

The afghan military surrendered when the us left and

the Taliban were advancing .When the Taliban came
close to Kabul(Afghanistan’s capital) the president fled
the capital mere days after stating he would rather die
than leave ,it just shows how corrupt the afghan
government really is .When the Taliban came to power
it was left with a broken country demolished by : a 20
year war, a pandemic, hunger crisis , an economic crisis
and was left in state dependent on global aid more
than 43% of its GDP was from foreign aid (~8 billion
dollars).February 2022 Biben issued an executive order
freezing all the assets of the afghan central banks on
American soil (~10 billion dollars ) because of U.S
sanctions . Biden administration stated that it will
create a fund out of the frozen assets to help afghan
people going through the humanitarian crisis.
Washington as stated that they will release the funds
but hasn’t done it yet. The un predicts that 97% of all
afghans will be living in poverty and according to the
IMF Afghanistan’s GDP will shrink by 30% The economic
crash would be even worse than the great depression.
On top of all of that it is predicted that 23 million
afghans won’t have in off food for this winter. All this is
also starting an opioid addiction, all this chaos caused
by U.S sanctions will cause the creation of more
terrorist organization or people growing up to join the
Taliban or al Qaeda. Afghanistan also produces 80% of
all the opium poppy cultivation in the world which
grossed billions of dollars but the Taliban banned
growing it but it still goes on. A positive side to all this is
the Taliban making diplomatic advance with its
neighboring countries (China, Iraq, Pakistan, Russia and
Turkmenistan) which may save thousands of life as
they could provide aid and help afghan to get through
this crisis

In conclusion Afghanistan is going through multiple

humanitarian crisis and will need a lot of global aid but
the Taliban may not accept it which may lead to
thousands of deaths. In this article I haven’t covered
everything going on in Afghanistan and its future if you
want to learn more on the situation you can read the
article below

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